
Munia Bhaumik

Overall Ratings
Based on 4 Users
Easiness 4.5 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 5.0 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.0 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 5.0 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (4)

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Dec. 18, 2024
Quarter: Fall 2024
Grade: A

The DJS cluster is phenomenal, and I would highly highly recommend it to anyone interested in the humanities or social issues. It does NOT require any knowledge/interest in data science or statistics. Every single lecture I'm left in awe of the discussions and examples in class. For example, felt like I learned more about the horrors of slavery in 1 lecture than in my entire 12 years of school.

Workload-wise it was my easiest class by far; there is no homework or tests aside from a short discussion post each week and 3-4 writing assignments each quarter.

Prof Bhaumik also is an incredible instructor! Her enthusiasm and immense knowledge of the topic definitely comes across in class, and I appreciate that she is very passionate about her research interests and the class content. Dr. Bhaumik listens to student ideas and truly seems to value student feedback and insight. Sometimes, she does make complex and high-level points with a lot of rhetorical jargon, but these instances are rare.


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Quarter: Fall 2024
Grade: A
Dec. 18, 2024

The DJS cluster is phenomenal, and I would highly highly recommend it to anyone interested in the humanities or social issues. It does NOT require any knowledge/interest in data science or statistics. Every single lecture I'm left in awe of the discussions and examples in class. For example, felt like I learned more about the horrors of slavery in 1 lecture than in my entire 12 years of school.

Workload-wise it was my easiest class by far; there is no homework or tests aside from a short discussion post each week and 3-4 writing assignments each quarter.

Prof Bhaumik also is an incredible instructor! Her enthusiasm and immense knowledge of the topic definitely comes across in class, and I appreciate that she is very passionate about her research interests and the class content. Dr. Bhaumik listens to student ideas and truly seems to value student feedback and insight. Sometimes, she does make complex and high-level points with a lot of rhetorical jargon, but these instances are rare.


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