Namhee Lee
Most Helpful Review
Winter 2016 - I really enjoyed this class! I took it because I might be majoring in Korean and this would be a lower div required class, but it's a good GE to take if you don't mind history. I didn't always pay attention for the entirety of the class, but Professor Lee doesn't have dry lectures and her voice is pleasant/not monotonous and it's pretty easy to stay focused. There was a lot of content on modern (20th century) Korean history that I found really fascinating. The workload is just readings before lectures and a ~300 word response paper for discussion every week. Discussion was actually really helpful for this class (like it's supposed to be!) because we not only went over the events discussed in lecture but also analyzed them. My TA Sungha Yun was really enthusiastic and knowledgeable and I always looked forward to discussion because of her. Most of your grade for this class is based on exams (30% midterm 40% final 30% discussion/participation) but the exams aren't hard as long as you actually know the material and can say why certain events/people are relevant in history. You do have to work for this class but it doesn't require really hard work and in my opinion it's pretty interesting. Definitely would recommend this class!
Winter 2016 - I really enjoyed this class! I took it because I might be majoring in Korean and this would be a lower div required class, but it's a good GE to take if you don't mind history. I didn't always pay attention for the entirety of the class, but Professor Lee doesn't have dry lectures and her voice is pleasant/not monotonous and it's pretty easy to stay focused. There was a lot of content on modern (20th century) Korean history that I found really fascinating. The workload is just readings before lectures and a ~300 word response paper for discussion every week. Discussion was actually really helpful for this class (like it's supposed to be!) because we not only went over the events discussed in lecture but also analyzed them. My TA Sungha Yun was really enthusiastic and knowledgeable and I always looked forward to discussion because of her. Most of your grade for this class is based on exams (30% midterm 40% final 30% discussion/participation) but the exams aren't hard as long as you actually know the material and can say why certain events/people are relevant in history. You do have to work for this class but it doesn't require really hard work and in my opinion it's pretty interesting. Definitely would recommend this class!
Most Helpful Review
Fall 2021 - Started off really rough because I didn't even know the basic timeline of the last century of history, didn't know that there was colonialism, or anything about the Korean War. Because Professor Lee kind of jumped into describing all the details and lecture content without contextualizing the basic major events, I was kind of lost at first. But as it went along, it slowly got better. Professor Lee's lectures can be difficult to follow at times, but if you ask questions she'll always answer and help you out. Overall, I liked Professor Lee when I got to know her and ask her more questions. The midterm paper really wacked me out of nowhere, a lot of us had trouble with the way it was assigned for about 5 days over a weekend, for probably 12 pages double-spaced? In my opinion, considering other classes and life, pretty unfair. She made up(?) for this by giving us 11 or 12 days for the final paper, which came out to 15 or 16 pages double-spaced. In both cases you needed to have read the readings to support your paper. Overall, for a typical reading-heavy class it was a reasonable amount of reading but I was always very behind because I took too many classes. So stay on top of it to not be cramming like me. Other than that, there were weekly perusall assignments (I guess pretty good, since it kept me doing at least one reading a week), a couple movies to watch and a 1/2 page paper to prove you watched them (pretty good), and a creative project which was pretty fun (and really inspiring to see what my classmates did! yo classmates your projects were awesome!!!).
Fall 2021 - Started off really rough because I didn't even know the basic timeline of the last century of history, didn't know that there was colonialism, or anything about the Korean War. Because Professor Lee kind of jumped into describing all the details and lecture content without contextualizing the basic major events, I was kind of lost at first. But as it went along, it slowly got better. Professor Lee's lectures can be difficult to follow at times, but if you ask questions she'll always answer and help you out. Overall, I liked Professor Lee when I got to know her and ask her more questions. The midterm paper really wacked me out of nowhere, a lot of us had trouble with the way it was assigned for about 5 days over a weekend, for probably 12 pages double-spaced? In my opinion, considering other classes and life, pretty unfair. She made up(?) for this by giving us 11 or 12 days for the final paper, which came out to 15 or 16 pages double-spaced. In both cases you needed to have read the readings to support your paper. Overall, for a typical reading-heavy class it was a reasonable amount of reading but I was always very behind because I took too many classes. So stay on top of it to not be cramming like me. Other than that, there were weekly perusall assignments (I guess pretty good, since it kept me doing at least one reading a week), a couple movies to watch and a 1/2 page paper to prove you watched them (pretty good), and a creative project which was pretty fun (and really inspiring to see what my classmates did! yo classmates your projects were awesome!!!).