Nasr Ghoniem
Most Helpful Review
this guy is pretty cool. I don't have strong feelings about him one way or another. since this was a lab class I didn't find out about his lecturing prowess. this is all irrelevant anyway. this one time we were doing the data acquisition lab and he kept coming and asking us if we finished it and we would be like "...just one more to go" but he kept doing it every 15 minutes and we were like whatever so then we finally finish it and we left and went downstairs and exited the E-IV building and we see this guy coming out the parking lot swerving and shit. he saw us too. turns out that there was a jamba juice promotion that ran until 5PM where they gave free jamba-juice with a coupon that you had to print (they sent an email to everyone) and he didn't want to miss it so he ran to his car as soon as we finished and raced out the parking lot. [unlikely but the first part is true] he gave me an A though so I like him but not as much as I would have if he had gave me an A+.
this guy is pretty cool. I don't have strong feelings about him one way or another. since this was a lab class I didn't find out about his lecturing prowess. this is all irrelevant anyway. this one time we were doing the data acquisition lab and he kept coming and asking us if we finished it and we would be like "...just one more to go" but he kept doing it every 15 minutes and we were like whatever so then we finally finish it and we left and went downstairs and exited the E-IV building and we see this guy coming out the parking lot swerving and shit. he saw us too. turns out that there was a jamba juice promotion that ran until 5PM where they gave free jamba-juice with a coupon that you had to print (they sent an email to everyone) and he didn't want to miss it so he ran to his car as soon as we finished and raced out the parking lot. [unlikely but the first part is true] he gave me an A though so I like him but not as much as I would have if he had gave me an A+.