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- Natasha Quadlin
Based on 19 Users
- Would Take Again
- Uses Slides
- Engaging Lectures
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
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A lot of other people already put their thoughts on Quadlin, but I just want to say she IS ACTUALLY AMAZING.
She is nice, outgoing, and does not let lecture become dull or boring. I learned so much from this course and you're guaranteed an A as long as you do your readings and watch the lectures.
Professor Quadlin is such a sweetheart she really cares about the success of her students and made the class interesting and fun!
Breakdown of the course
- 2 midterms (30% each)
- Final Essay (30%)
- Submit evaluation for the course (10%)
This class is 5 units, you will need to do the readings and know how to connect them to the theories and concepts you will learn throughout the course. Overall, fantastic professor. I wish I could take this class in-person with her.
Professor Quadlin is AMAZING! I absolutely loved taking her class. She truly cares for her student and loves teaching this topic. Although her lectures weren't live, they were really engaging. I found myself enjoying her lectures because I felt like I was in her class live.
- 2 midterms (30% each)
- Final Essay (30%)
- Submit evaluation for the course (10%)
This class requires you to keep up with the material because your grade depends on your exam scores. This is a 5-unit course so expect to do the readings and weekly lectures as there are no discussion sections that will do recaps for you.
The midterms were timed (90 minutes) but you were able to do them whenever you wanted to within a 24-hour window. Study guides were proved a week before the exam and the professor hosted a review session the day before the exam. She was helpful and wanted the exam to be clear to everyone. Many expressed that the exams were too hard because it was too many questions with little time. However, I would disagree. If you kept up with the readings, lectures, and reviewed the study guide then you were fine. The final was an easy paper. Given the world circumstances, the professor gave us the option to change the scaling of the final. This meant we were able to choose the weight of the final paper towards our final grade as: 30% (the original), 50%, or 100%. This helped students who were struggling. She provided easy extra credit opportunities throughout the quarter.
I definitely recommend taking Quadlin! She's a wonderful addition to the Soc department.
Coming from a senior, Professor Quadlin was one of the best sociology professors I have ever taken at UCLA. Although it was asynchronous, she uploaded lectures in a timely manner and she tried her best in making sure her lectures didn't become redundant and boring. (With online learning, this is near impossible, however she did very good) She explained everything in great detail and she even gives a study guide so you know exactly what to study/expect on exams. There's 2 exams and a final paper and you get a free 10% from just filling out course evals. She tells you exactly what to expect on the exams/final paper and overall she is a very sweet and considerate professor. I highly recommend taking her class!!
Professor Quadlin is amazing. Her class is lectures, followed by 2 midterms, and 1 final paper. She offers extra credit too. However be weary this is a heavy course. Her exams are very heavy filled with a lot of filled-in response/essay questions, and short answers. Her first midterm had like 20 MC, and then like 15 short response questions where we had to match readings to theories and concepts. A lot of paper were unable to finish her first midterm (I was one) and we were upset because it was too much information and not enough time (an extra 10 minutes would of been helpful). The 2nd midterm had less MC and more fill in short answers, that you related to concepts and readings. So her test are pretty dense and heavy just be aware of time. Her final research paper is based on a film of your choice and you must realte the film to 7 concepts, 6 theories, and 5 readings (also a lot for a 4-5 paper). Overall she's not a tough grader, offers 3 EXC opportunities, and really does care.
This class had asynchronous lectures that did not feel alienating at all, unlike some other classes I've taken during the pandemic. She had such a fun attitude during the recorded lectures that it felt as if I was there in person and was engaged throughout the whole quarter. Professor Quadlin also hosted Q&As before tests that were very helpful. Students could ask many questions and she had helpful answers. The tests and other assignments in this class were very fair. I loved how the tests had a range of different types of questions, including multiple-choice, matching, and short answers. It made me feel like we were really being tested on the material and not how well of a test taker we were. In addition to that, Professor Quadlin provided very helpful study guides and reading questions that could guide us through understanding the material and properly preparing for the tests. Many students were very concerned about the assessments but never did the readings or watched the recorded lectures. If you do what is assigned to read and watch (which is honestly minimal), this class is very fair. This class is one of the best courses I've taken at UCLA! I love Professor Quadlin. Her lectures were so consistent, organized, and engaging! I wish I had the opportunity to be in her class in-person and take more of her classes during my time at UCLA! There was oddly no discussion section attached to this course, but I would highly recommend adding the Sociology 189 Honors Seminar option for this class, it was a highlight! Would definitely recommend this class to fellow UCLA students.
I love Professor Quadlin so much! Her class was great. This quarter was online asynchronous but her lectures were so great and engaging I preferred to listen at regular speed rather than 2x speed (and I wished I could've had her in person). No textbook was required and she gave all the readings in PDFs online. I did great on the tests and that was probably thanks to her extensive review videos. Make sure to get in the groupme so you can have others to ask questions to, though she does respond to emails fairly quick and has lectures that are clear and helpful. I 100% recommend her as a professor and I hope to take another class of hers soon...ACTUALLY I MEAN SHE'S NOT A GOOD PROFESSOR AND TESTS ARE VERY DIFFICULT NOT WORTH THE TIME (I don't want her classes to fill up fast).
This woman is an actual angel!!! I can not say enough good things about her. if you have the chance to take her please do!! I've taken a million sociology classes at this point in my life and she made me fall back in love with my major. her class is so interesting and engaging I would look forward to her lectures every week. the class has 2 midterms each about 30-40 questions (which are not hard at all if you do your part and study and do the readings) she assigns about 3-4 readings a week which are all super short (about 10-15 pages max). she gives you the option to not turn in the final essay if you are happy with the grade you have in the class in week 10. I didn't do the final essay since I had an A but the essay is about a film of your choice where you will need to use theories discussed in class to support your argument (4-7 pages). if I could retake this course with her every quarter i would.
She is THE BEST! First, the class material is super interesting and she gives so many great examples during her lectures. She really knows her stuff and knows how to make the class material easily understood. (Advice: don't wait till the last minute to do all the readings.)
I read all the articles and completed the study guides so I did not find her midterms too difficult. Also they were open-book, so take good notes. As long as you complete her study guides and go to/ watch review sessions, you should be fine. She offered an extra credit opportunity which was a survey/questionnaire. The final essay was made optional. She also rounded up the final grade.
Overall, it was 2 midterms and the final essay. She is so kind, funny, and helpful. If you have the chance to take this class with her teaching it, DO IT! I'm still in shock at how great this class was and how amazing she is.
THIS CLASS IS AMAZING! Prof. Quadlin was a fantastic lecturer. The lectures are podcasted so you would never need to come to class if you didn't want to but in my opinion the lecture was 10 x better in person + she always takes questions in the middle of lecture if you want to ask her anything. The course material was so interesting and every thing we learned about was so applicable to daily life. This class felt so important to me going forward because there are so many gendered behaviors I previously participated in that were subliminal and societally engrained but I loved that this class brought attention to things you wouldn't even have realized you were doing. There is no discussion section for the class so you only have the lecture slots (and those are recorded anyway). Your grade is made up of 2 in class midterms and an in class final. The exams are pretty lengthy but it is all straight forward, questions entirely comprised of content straight from lecture and the readings. She also gives study guides for all of the exams & holds review sessions and tells you which readings will be on the exams. I will say, if you are not good at memorizing info, this class is not for you (the exams require you to review/memorize the course content, but they don't require any sort of analysis at all). If you do not do well on the exams, she will help you out in a MYRIAD of ways, she really does not want people to fail her course and really cares about her students. 10/10 would take again, I think it is a super important course for everyone to take! I am not a gender studies or sociology major, took this for my global studies minor and loved it :)
A lot of other people already put their thoughts on Quadlin, but I just want to say she IS ACTUALLY AMAZING.
She is nice, outgoing, and does not let lecture become dull or boring. I learned so much from this course and you're guaranteed an A as long as you do your readings and watch the lectures.
Professor Quadlin is such a sweetheart she really cares about the success of her students and made the class interesting and fun!
Breakdown of the course
- 2 midterms (30% each)
- Final Essay (30%)
- Submit evaluation for the course (10%)
This class is 5 units, you will need to do the readings and know how to connect them to the theories and concepts you will learn throughout the course. Overall, fantastic professor. I wish I could take this class in-person with her.
Professor Quadlin is AMAZING! I absolutely loved taking her class. She truly cares for her student and loves teaching this topic. Although her lectures weren't live, they were really engaging. I found myself enjoying her lectures because I felt like I was in her class live.
- 2 midterms (30% each)
- Final Essay (30%)
- Submit evaluation for the course (10%)
This class requires you to keep up with the material because your grade depends on your exam scores. This is a 5-unit course so expect to do the readings and weekly lectures as there are no discussion sections that will do recaps for you.
The midterms were timed (90 minutes) but you were able to do them whenever you wanted to within a 24-hour window. Study guides were proved a week before the exam and the professor hosted a review session the day before the exam. She was helpful and wanted the exam to be clear to everyone. Many expressed that the exams were too hard because it was too many questions with little time. However, I would disagree. If you kept up with the readings, lectures, and reviewed the study guide then you were fine. The final was an easy paper. Given the world circumstances, the professor gave us the option to change the scaling of the final. This meant we were able to choose the weight of the final paper towards our final grade as: 30% (the original), 50%, or 100%. This helped students who were struggling. She provided easy extra credit opportunities throughout the quarter.
I definitely recommend taking Quadlin! She's a wonderful addition to the Soc department.
Coming from a senior, Professor Quadlin was one of the best sociology professors I have ever taken at UCLA. Although it was asynchronous, she uploaded lectures in a timely manner and she tried her best in making sure her lectures didn't become redundant and boring. (With online learning, this is near impossible, however she did very good) She explained everything in great detail and she even gives a study guide so you know exactly what to study/expect on exams. There's 2 exams and a final paper and you get a free 10% from just filling out course evals. She tells you exactly what to expect on the exams/final paper and overall she is a very sweet and considerate professor. I highly recommend taking her class!!
Professor Quadlin is amazing. Her class is lectures, followed by 2 midterms, and 1 final paper. She offers extra credit too. However be weary this is a heavy course. Her exams are very heavy filled with a lot of filled-in response/essay questions, and short answers. Her first midterm had like 20 MC, and then like 15 short response questions where we had to match readings to theories and concepts. A lot of paper were unable to finish her first midterm (I was one) and we were upset because it was too much information and not enough time (an extra 10 minutes would of been helpful). The 2nd midterm had less MC and more fill in short answers, that you related to concepts and readings. So her test are pretty dense and heavy just be aware of time. Her final research paper is based on a film of your choice and you must realte the film to 7 concepts, 6 theories, and 5 readings (also a lot for a 4-5 paper). Overall she's not a tough grader, offers 3 EXC opportunities, and really does care.
This class had asynchronous lectures that did not feel alienating at all, unlike some other classes I've taken during the pandemic. She had such a fun attitude during the recorded lectures that it felt as if I was there in person and was engaged throughout the whole quarter. Professor Quadlin also hosted Q&As before tests that were very helpful. Students could ask many questions and she had helpful answers. The tests and other assignments in this class were very fair. I loved how the tests had a range of different types of questions, including multiple-choice, matching, and short answers. It made me feel like we were really being tested on the material and not how well of a test taker we were. In addition to that, Professor Quadlin provided very helpful study guides and reading questions that could guide us through understanding the material and properly preparing for the tests. Many students were very concerned about the assessments but never did the readings or watched the recorded lectures. If you do what is assigned to read and watch (which is honestly minimal), this class is very fair. This class is one of the best courses I've taken at UCLA! I love Professor Quadlin. Her lectures were so consistent, organized, and engaging! I wish I had the opportunity to be in her class in-person and take more of her classes during my time at UCLA! There was oddly no discussion section attached to this course, but I would highly recommend adding the Sociology 189 Honors Seminar option for this class, it was a highlight! Would definitely recommend this class to fellow UCLA students.
I love Professor Quadlin so much! Her class was great. This quarter was online asynchronous but her lectures were so great and engaging I preferred to listen at regular speed rather than 2x speed (and I wished I could've had her in person). No textbook was required and she gave all the readings in PDFs online. I did great on the tests and that was probably thanks to her extensive review videos. Make sure to get in the groupme so you can have others to ask questions to, though she does respond to emails fairly quick and has lectures that are clear and helpful. I 100% recommend her as a professor and I hope to take another class of hers soon...ACTUALLY I MEAN SHE'S NOT A GOOD PROFESSOR AND TESTS ARE VERY DIFFICULT NOT WORTH THE TIME (I don't want her classes to fill up fast).
This woman is an actual angel!!! I can not say enough good things about her. if you have the chance to take her please do!! I've taken a million sociology classes at this point in my life and she made me fall back in love with my major. her class is so interesting and engaging I would look forward to her lectures every week. the class has 2 midterms each about 30-40 questions (which are not hard at all if you do your part and study and do the readings) she assigns about 3-4 readings a week which are all super short (about 10-15 pages max). she gives you the option to not turn in the final essay if you are happy with the grade you have in the class in week 10. I didn't do the final essay since I had an A but the essay is about a film of your choice where you will need to use theories discussed in class to support your argument (4-7 pages). if I could retake this course with her every quarter i would.
She is THE BEST! First, the class material is super interesting and she gives so many great examples during her lectures. She really knows her stuff and knows how to make the class material easily understood. (Advice: don't wait till the last minute to do all the readings.)
I read all the articles and completed the study guides so I did not find her midterms too difficult. Also they were open-book, so take good notes. As long as you complete her study guides and go to/ watch review sessions, you should be fine. She offered an extra credit opportunity which was a survey/questionnaire. The final essay was made optional. She also rounded up the final grade.
Overall, it was 2 midterms and the final essay. She is so kind, funny, and helpful. If you have the chance to take this class with her teaching it, DO IT! I'm still in shock at how great this class was and how amazing she is.
THIS CLASS IS AMAZING! Prof. Quadlin was a fantastic lecturer. The lectures are podcasted so you would never need to come to class if you didn't want to but in my opinion the lecture was 10 x better in person + she always takes questions in the middle of lecture if you want to ask her anything. The course material was so interesting and every thing we learned about was so applicable to daily life. This class felt so important to me going forward because there are so many gendered behaviors I previously participated in that were subliminal and societally engrained but I loved that this class brought attention to things you wouldn't even have realized you were doing. There is no discussion section for the class so you only have the lecture slots (and those are recorded anyway). Your grade is made up of 2 in class midterms and an in class final. The exams are pretty lengthy but it is all straight forward, questions entirely comprised of content straight from lecture and the readings. She also gives study guides for all of the exams & holds review sessions and tells you which readings will be on the exams. I will say, if you are not good at memorizing info, this class is not for you (the exams require you to review/memorize the course content, but they don't require any sort of analysis at all). If you do not do well on the exams, she will help you out in a MYRIAD of ways, she really does not want people to fail her course and really cares about her students. 10/10 would take again, I think it is a super important course for everyone to take! I am not a gender studies or sociology major, took this for my global studies minor and loved it :)
Based on 19 Users
- Would Take Again (14)
- Uses Slides (14)
- Engaging Lectures (12)