
Nathan Wilson

Overall Ratings
Based on 46 Users
Easiness 2.2 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 2.2 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 2.7 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 2.5 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (46)

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MGMT 160
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
June 16, 2022
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: A


I have completed the minor and graduated, here is what I wish I knew. MGMT 160 is actually one of the easier if not the easiest MGMT class you will take. Yes, it is a weeder course but the bulk of your grade is determined by your scores on the exams, and the exams are identical to the weekly study lists questions that Nathan hands out. And the exams are open note so you can bring as many notes as you want to the class. All the other MGMT classes determine your grade based off the group project, which takes way more time than preparing for 160's exams. The group projects are shit shows and usually 2/3 people will have to do the heavy lifting for the group of 5/6, it's a disaster.

Now the Entrepreneurship minor as a whole is the biggest waste of time, do not enroll in this minor. You will literally learn nothing about Entrepreneurship. For starters half of the Professors themselves are failed Entrepreneurs with not a single successful venture to their name, the other half of them that were successful have courses that demand too much and are assholes. Back to the main issue, none of these classes teach you HOW to do Entrepreneurship, they teach you what it is but not HOW to do it. Most of the time this is common sense. Like for instance, we were taught about the two types of revenue streams (recurring and one time) and the advantages of each. Well congrats if you have more than three braincells you already knew this or could easily find out what the two revenue streams are and why one is better than the other. Another example of this is the Value Proposition Canvas that says that your product / service has to either solve a pain for the customer or create them some sort of gains. Do you see my point about this, this is literally information for retards of course your stupid fucking product has to solve some sort of issue otherwise it won't be successful.
These are not isolated incidents, everything you learn in this minor is complete bullshit. Instead of wasting your time listening to all these failures of Entrepreneurs, go out and try some ventures on your own. Enrolling in this minor was the worst decision that I ever made. I knew that I was not going to learn anything of value within the minor I just did not know that it was going to be THIS time consuming.


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MGMT 160
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
June 10, 2020
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: NR

Man where do I start. Professor Wilson is probably one of the worst professors I have ever had, and this course will probably be the most weeder course you will ever take if you decide to do the Entrepreneurship Minor. Theres a reason the minor pushes you to take this class ASAP before taking any other courses. Anyways, lets start from the beginning(P.S. i took this class during quarantine 2020). Straight off the bat, in the first lecture this guy was already a complete insensitive asshole. He basically told us that he did not care that there was a goddamn PANDEMIC going on and that he was not going to make any adjustments to the course and expected us to all put in the same amount of effort and work, which was super unrealistic. Later, a few kids had problems with taking quizzes due to internet problems and etc. and he basically told the kid “not my problem get over it” which really sucked and was hard to sit through and listen to. So the quarter goes on and he Starts to speak on the COVID situation and its effects on business and stuff. The first/second times he brought it up was sort of interesting, but it slowly devolved into his shitty takes and opinions on the matter which basically began taking up almost half of our lectures. He basically would tell us “stop worrying and being scared you wont die so stop complaining.” He was just so completely out of touch. Towards the last few weeks EVERYONE hated him. However, once protests and demonstrations began after the horrendous murder of george floyd, this guy proved himself to be the worst person possible. As students tried juggling a pandemic and standing in solidarity with fellow black bruins, this guy was absolutely tone deaf and refused to show any empathy or compassion towards his obviously struggling students. To sum it up, in an email to the class regarding the events and calls from students to adjust the course to be fair given the extreme circumstances, he basically said “life happens, get over it.” Every body in the class was appalled. It took countless emails and complaints from multiple students in the class to have him “adjust” the course, Which was just to have our final grades calculated two different ways and take the highest one of the two. The final was still fucking bad. 165 questions, 122 Multiple choice And 43 short answers. One of the most brutal final exams I have ever taken. I don’t know what my final grade is but I dont think I failed the course. However, if I would have taken this course in person I probably would have dropped it.

To sum things up, Professor Wilson expects unbelievable things from his students, even during extraordinary circumstances. That alone should be enough to tell you the type of person he is. He expects you to do well on a final that he in no way prepares you for. Weekly quizzes are awful. The grading scheme is awful. The teaching style is awful. The final presentations are awful. The Group work is awful. This class needs a totally new professor and needs to be completely restructured, because as it is now, its a useless class that you get nothing out of. HOWEVER. If you are planning to do the entrepreneurship minor DO NOT take this class first. Do not let this class discourage you from pursuing it.

All in all, fuck this class, and I hope to NEVER see professor Wilson EVER again.
(I only mentioned Probably HALF of the things that made this course And professor wilson so shitty)


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MGMT 162
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
June 16, 2022
Quarter: Spring 2021
Grade: A+

I would never ever take this class or another class with Wilson ever again. The entrepreneurship minor is a complete joke, they do not teach you anything relevant about how to be an entrepreneur: they just assign busy work assignments and slap on convoluted labels and definitions to business world stuff that is common sense. Wilson in particular is a horrible teacher, the guy took 6 weeks to upload a syllabus to the class page, grades hard for no reason and is very unclear. You can follow his directions exactly as he says them, mind you he is too stupid to upload them on canvas and only tells you about your assignments verbally, and then he’ll give you an 82% with no feedback, wondering what you messed up on.

But guess what, he does not grade anything till midway through the quarter where you have already submitted a series of assignments. The group projects are disasters as well because at least 1 member of the team will not do anything which makes it much more difficult to compete with the rest of the class since you are graded on a curve. Nathan's solution to this is to mark the non-contributing group members down but if your team is getting B to begin with since it is hard for 3/5 of the members to compete and get A's, then who cares about the participators being marked down, you still get a bad grade.

Horrible class, horrible teacher. I could have done way more useful things with my time then listen to Nathans tirades about how life is unfair and how he lost out millions from his failed business ventures. The only thing Nathan should be teaching is how NOT to do entrepreneurship. The guy has failed in every single one of his entrepreneurial endeavors until he got to UCLA. His only successful endeavor was becoming a professor, where he gets paid 300k a year to vent to a bunch of college students about how he was robbed back in his startup days.


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MGMT 160
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
June 7, 2020
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: N/A

So this may be an outlier because of quarantine an all that. However, past reviews do reflect the class accurately as of Spring 2020. Professor Wilson is a boomer that thinks he's funny but comes off as trying to hard with his sarcasm and interrupting students to tell a stupid joke that all you can do is smile awkwardly at. This guy probably isn't going to go away any time soon because he's head of the Entrepreneurship minor, so expect him to teach MGMT 160 the next quarter. This quarter especially, I don't know what has gotten into him, but EVERY live lecture, each were mandatory, he talked about the unemployment rate for an hour. EVERY SINGLE LECTURE. It was interesting the first time, but the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh time it was like dude WE GET IT, UNEMPLOYMENT IS UNPRECEDENTED THESE ARE UNCERTAIN TIMES. The actual content of the class is 90 percent in the readings, not case studies. The recorded lectures he gave were supplementary to the readings, but I don't know why he wouldn't just talk about that content instead in the actual live lectures, you know, THE ONES I'M MANDATED TO GO TO. Anyways, the way he formats learning in terms of exams are shit. Every weekly quiz, it's specific bullshit directly from the readings that sometimes aren't even that relevant to be worth any points. And you better be using answers that ARE IN VERBATIM with the readings, because oh boy, either the TA's or Wilson himself will deduct even .25 OF A POINT for no fucking reason. So his lectures were ultimately a waste of time, his quizzes are dogshit, what's left? Well the case studies are interesting, and some of the in-class exercises were cool. The final presentation was hit or miss, mainly because some of the groups ideas were downright fucking lame. By the way, a lot of the work is group based, so if you're assigned a crappy team, like I was, it will not be pleasant. Overall, you learn some interesting stuff, but personally this class and the experience made me lose my interest in pursuing the minor. I learnt some valuable things, don't get me wrong, but I cannot stomach another two years of this stuff. In conclusion, Wilson is an ok professor personality wise, dogshit professor logistics wise, and the way the class is graded will irritate you plenty.


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Aug. 5, 2020
Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A-

Okay... so initially I wanted to not write a review on this class because some of my group mates seemed to like Wilson and I felt like I was the only one in my assignment group who really hated him. BUT after reading the reviews here, man they are so accurate. So I took this class in the Winter quarter when it was still in person and only in week 10 was it shifted online. Bruh this guy is an absolute a-hole. So I'm going to get into why i hate him first then Imma talk 'bout the class. So I had gotten 96+ in every quiz except for one which he said he'd drop anyways. My group and I had gotten all As (94%+) for the case studies except for 1 B. By my "logic" I should have gotten a clear A. BUT NO. GUESS WHY. Even though I "won" my class's simulation I argued with Wilson on what he called a class debate. Long story short the class agreed with me on the vote to see which point "won" and I didn't think too much into it and that its not that bad right, its just a discussion/debate.....


he proceeded to then tell the class next week that "well guys I was going to tell you more about amazon this week, but since your classmate clearly shot me down last week, we won't have to" Thank you for sparing me the details of your one sided opinion rant, but he was seriously mad at me, just because I had a valid point. BUT IT GETS WORSE OH YEAH. after calculating my grade, of which had a 30% participation weighting and optional-covid final which I did not take, I realised I got almost 50% participation when I went to every class, and discussed all that's bid. So from a 96%+ I ended up with an A- . WTF I guess he got really annoyed at me for my amazon debate and he made that clear. If you're a professor and stages a debate, and a student gives you an argument that goes against your own and you can't take it, then don't organize a debate!!! period.

Now why do I hate the class?>>> its all memorisation and the course materials are expensive AF. Plus "I can see if everyone has purchased it, and there will be a small penalty for not purchasing the course material" OKAY since when do I get a penalty for not paying $65 for PDFs from Harvard Business School and another $25 for a simulation that we used a grand total of TWO times. Bro.... and don't get me started on the quizzes. They were just throwing up information and writing it all as fast as possible. Not to mention that hate graders and Wilson were anal AF and took off 0.25 marks for every word not in the correct order as the textbook. Like why the F am I paying to plagiarise the textbook on a quiz? And the case studies... man he was so opinionated that the scores were so whack.

Can I also add that my team and I spent a grand total of 2 hours talking to Wilson about our final project idea since he pretty much shot down every idea we had until we decided to do one he proposed cuz seriously this guy is wayyyy tooo egotistic to listen to anyone else.

I took this class since I wanted a taste of the entrepreneurship minor before starting it but boyyyyyyyyy this guy is a prick.

tl;dr if you just want a taste of a class and are not in the minor, don't take this class. that's all.


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MGMT 160
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
June 23, 2020
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A-

I've been itching to write a review throughout the class because there were SOO many things I took issue with but I waited to see what grade I got. This was way higher than I thought I would get. The grade is curved so this REALLY helps seeing as I got around a 60% in my finals (which did make me sad because I studied really hard. I just didn't have a good memory and wasn't good at regurgitating information). As mentioned in the previous reviews, professor Wilson expects you to memorize as much as possible and write the answers word for word. The quizzes are based off of previous quizzes so you can use Quizlet of previous quizzes and their answers to study. But when prof Wilson realized we were doing better in the quizzes HE SAID HE'LL MAKE IT MORE DIFFICULT WTF! I thought he was joking, but HE REALLY DID MAKE IT HARDER. I have never met a teacher who wanted to see his students fail so badly. There were also very insensitive things prof Wilson said saying we shouldn't panic because of COVID because we're young and aren't effected which is totally out of line for immunocompromized students and students who live with older people. As a true capitalist, he basically said we should get over this so businesses wouldn't suffer. We're in a pandemic with no vaccine?? He also seems quite ignorant to PoCs, immigration, and is generally conservative even though he tries not to get political. There were multiple times that I had to bite my tongue to stop myself from arguing with him. Really surprised I got the grade I did, but at least it's over.


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MGMT 160
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
June 23, 2020
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: NR

Professor Wilson has the mother of all savior and superiority complexes. Every class, for his "current event", we were constantly bombarded with coronavirus statistics used solely to tell us that we didn't have it bad and that it could be way worse. In addition, he told us that we shouldn't be worried at all since it didn't really affect our age demographic, completely ignoring the fact that some of us might have either immunocompromised or older relatives, or even just basic fucking empathy. To be fair, I'd like to believe it was a somewhat well-intentioned attempt to calm us down, but all it really did was demonstrate his complete inability to read the room and total lack of situational awareness. His transition to online teaching was the worst out of all my classes by far. He basically just took everything on paper and put it on respondus, with no regard to the technological or time-zone disadvantages that his students faced. In addition to my agreement with previous reviews about the worthlessness of the quizzes, I have to add that after learning more about entrepreneurship, they miss the mark by a mile. If entrepreneurship was developed by memorizing hyper-specific facts about business model structures and customer development, then it would've been/would be taught as an academic subject everywhere for much longer than it has been. The whole nature of entrepreneurship should be to take the applicable aspects of business and distill them holistically, in order to prepare future entrepreneurs for the diverse variety of challenges they may face in the future. Instead, we were left with a bunch of memorized factoids, the sheer volume of which causes them to be quickly and inevitably forgotten. To be completely fair, the case studies, in-class work, and group project did a better job at letting us apply our knowledge in a relevant manner, but unfortunately, we received little to no feedback on our work, and his coverage of each was shallow beyond belief (keep in mind that both quizzes and current events took over an hour of our class time each). Professor Wilson is not a horrible person and even has a halfway decent sense of humor, but this pandemic brought out the worst in him as a teacher, in addition to previous complaints about the class. The highlight of the quarter to me personally, was when, in the middle of the climax of the George Floyd / BLM protests, after countless classmates had emailed him begging to take Black Bruins and those supporting/affected into consideration, his response was "Simply put, life happens," and only when they started contacting the department and those above him did he then decide to make the Super Helpful Choice of providing an optional grading structure with a slightly reduced Final weight. Do not take this class if you are in a situation that might need even the smallest amount of consideration, if you are in a state other than one of perfect mental health, or if you want a somewhat decent professor that will teach you comprehensive knowledge and practical application of entrepreneurship.


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Jan. 6, 2020
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: N/A

Professor Wilson has a fun energy and knows his stuff. However, the way he teaches is HORRIBLE! He focuses the classes total learning goal to memorize everything, like literally expects word by word answers. There are weekly quizzes that are 5-9 pages and he gives you about 15 mins. He will give you sample quizzes that are literally the same as the quiz you will take and you need to answer these quizzes word by word from the readings. So, basically memorize and then throw the information away. Same goes for your final exam that is half multiple choice and half short answer that is over 200 something questions. Unfortunately, he is the only professor that teaches 160 as of now so good luck.
His good points are that he does keep the class engaged by creating class discussions and mini group projects in class that are fun! But Wilson truly ruins the class by being a typical old school professor who wants you to throw up and forget information on paper. Rather than using that information we will forget and applying it in a better and more useful way that we students could better learn from and actually retain the information that we are being "taught"


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Jan. 6, 2020
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: N/A

His teaching methods is just to memorize everything word by word good luck because there’s a lot of it!


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MGMT 160
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Jan. 3, 2022
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: A

This class is the first class you need to take for the entrepreneurship minor, so unless you're interested in doing the minor don't take this class. If you're interested in entrepreneurship you can take other classes with a more specific focus, since this class covers a bunch of topics on a very surface level. The concepts themselves are interesting and the class style is very discussion based. It's modeled after business school classes where students get name tags and many times it's more a back and forth with the professor than a straight up lecture.

Participation is crucial in this class, and it seemed like the TA would just mark you a point if you spoke in a class so you have to remember to speak in enough class times to get full participation. One super easy way to talk in class is to just read a news article or two beforehand and talk about what you read, since usually every class the professor opens up the floor for like 5 minutes for people to share what they've been reading on the news lately.

Another portion of the class is the case studies, one which is done solo and the rest are done in a group. You're put in a group early on in the quarter and you stay with the same group for the entire class. You also need to submit a business plan and present it to the entire class with your group at the end of the quarter, which sounds daunting but is really only like 5% of your grade so don't stress about it too hard. Nevertheless, make sure your group is talking and easy to work with. Luckily, my group was all super chill and while we didn't get the highest grades with all our assignments, I had fun with our group.

There are two midterms and one final. The midterms were open note and you were allowed to bring as many notes as you want, and you absolutely need those notes. It's a mix of MC and short answer. Many questions on the midterms were exactly the same as the study lists the professor assigns so make sure to do those. I would say to go above and beyond answering the study list questions not because the TA really cares (it's graded on completion) but because that information will help you in the exams. If the question asks something like list 4 out of the 12 accounting concepts, write down all 12 and one sentence explaining what each one is, because the test will ask you to list 5 accounting concepts and explain each in a sentence.

The final is half open note half closed book. The open half is MC questions, which is exactly similar to the first two midterms, so you'll be used to it. The closed book is application questions usually focused on a business plan. Questions will be like Joe Bruin wants to open a business, what kind of funding should Joe look into? It's better to explain your answers but all the exams are a time crunch so choose the right questions to answer first. Questions don't really build off of each other so pick the ones that are weighted more.

THE EXAMS ARE A TIME CRUNCH. Multiple people I talked to said they couldn't answer all the questions for the midterms, so get ready to do typeracer or something to work on your wpm for the exams.

One last thing, the textbooks for the class can be found online for free so don't pay, but the course reader with the case studies must be purchased.


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MGMT 160
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: A
June 16, 2022


I have completed the minor and graduated, here is what I wish I knew. MGMT 160 is actually one of the easier if not the easiest MGMT class you will take. Yes, it is a weeder course but the bulk of your grade is determined by your scores on the exams, and the exams are identical to the weekly study lists questions that Nathan hands out. And the exams are open note so you can bring as many notes as you want to the class. All the other MGMT classes determine your grade based off the group project, which takes way more time than preparing for 160's exams. The group projects are shit shows and usually 2/3 people will have to do the heavy lifting for the group of 5/6, it's a disaster.

Now the Entrepreneurship minor as a whole is the biggest waste of time, do not enroll in this minor. You will literally learn nothing about Entrepreneurship. For starters half of the Professors themselves are failed Entrepreneurs with not a single successful venture to their name, the other half of them that were successful have courses that demand too much and are assholes. Back to the main issue, none of these classes teach you HOW to do Entrepreneurship, they teach you what it is but not HOW to do it. Most of the time this is common sense. Like for instance, we were taught about the two types of revenue streams (recurring and one time) and the advantages of each. Well congrats if you have more than three braincells you already knew this or could easily find out what the two revenue streams are and why one is better than the other. Another example of this is the Value Proposition Canvas that says that your product / service has to either solve a pain for the customer or create them some sort of gains. Do you see my point about this, this is literally information for retards of course your stupid fucking product has to solve some sort of issue otherwise it won't be successful.
These are not isolated incidents, everything you learn in this minor is complete bullshit. Instead of wasting your time listening to all these failures of Entrepreneurs, go out and try some ventures on your own. Enrolling in this minor was the worst decision that I ever made. I knew that I was not going to learn anything of value within the minor I just did not know that it was going to be THIS time consuming.


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MGMT 160
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: NR
June 10, 2020

Man where do I start. Professor Wilson is probably one of the worst professors I have ever had, and this course will probably be the most weeder course you will ever take if you decide to do the Entrepreneurship Minor. Theres a reason the minor pushes you to take this class ASAP before taking any other courses. Anyways, lets start from the beginning(P.S. i took this class during quarantine 2020). Straight off the bat, in the first lecture this guy was already a complete insensitive asshole. He basically told us that he did not care that there was a goddamn PANDEMIC going on and that he was not going to make any adjustments to the course and expected us to all put in the same amount of effort and work, which was super unrealistic. Later, a few kids had problems with taking quizzes due to internet problems and etc. and he basically told the kid “not my problem get over it” which really sucked and was hard to sit through and listen to. So the quarter goes on and he Starts to speak on the COVID situation and its effects on business and stuff. The first/second times he brought it up was sort of interesting, but it slowly devolved into his shitty takes and opinions on the matter which basically began taking up almost half of our lectures. He basically would tell us “stop worrying and being scared you wont die so stop complaining.” He was just so completely out of touch. Towards the last few weeks EVERYONE hated him. However, once protests and demonstrations began after the horrendous murder of george floyd, this guy proved himself to be the worst person possible. As students tried juggling a pandemic and standing in solidarity with fellow black bruins, this guy was absolutely tone deaf and refused to show any empathy or compassion towards his obviously struggling students. To sum it up, in an email to the class regarding the events and calls from students to adjust the course to be fair given the extreme circumstances, he basically said “life happens, get over it.” Every body in the class was appalled. It took countless emails and complaints from multiple students in the class to have him “adjust” the course, Which was just to have our final grades calculated two different ways and take the highest one of the two. The final was still fucking bad. 165 questions, 122 Multiple choice And 43 short answers. One of the most brutal final exams I have ever taken. I don’t know what my final grade is but I dont think I failed the course. However, if I would have taken this course in person I probably would have dropped it.

To sum things up, Professor Wilson expects unbelievable things from his students, even during extraordinary circumstances. That alone should be enough to tell you the type of person he is. He expects you to do well on a final that he in no way prepares you for. Weekly quizzes are awful. The grading scheme is awful. The teaching style is awful. The final presentations are awful. The Group work is awful. This class needs a totally new professor and needs to be completely restructured, because as it is now, its a useless class that you get nothing out of. HOWEVER. If you are planning to do the entrepreneurship minor DO NOT take this class first. Do not let this class discourage you from pursuing it.

All in all, fuck this class, and I hope to NEVER see professor Wilson EVER again.
(I only mentioned Probably HALF of the things that made this course And professor wilson so shitty)


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MGMT 162
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2021
Grade: A+
June 16, 2022

I would never ever take this class or another class with Wilson ever again. The entrepreneurship minor is a complete joke, they do not teach you anything relevant about how to be an entrepreneur: they just assign busy work assignments and slap on convoluted labels and definitions to business world stuff that is common sense. Wilson in particular is a horrible teacher, the guy took 6 weeks to upload a syllabus to the class page, grades hard for no reason and is very unclear. You can follow his directions exactly as he says them, mind you he is too stupid to upload them on canvas and only tells you about your assignments verbally, and then he’ll give you an 82% with no feedback, wondering what you messed up on.

But guess what, he does not grade anything till midway through the quarter where you have already submitted a series of assignments. The group projects are disasters as well because at least 1 member of the team will not do anything which makes it much more difficult to compete with the rest of the class since you are graded on a curve. Nathan's solution to this is to mark the non-contributing group members down but if your team is getting B to begin with since it is hard for 3/5 of the members to compete and get A's, then who cares about the participators being marked down, you still get a bad grade.

Horrible class, horrible teacher. I could have done way more useful things with my time then listen to Nathans tirades about how life is unfair and how he lost out millions from his failed business ventures. The only thing Nathan should be teaching is how NOT to do entrepreneurship. The guy has failed in every single one of his entrepreneurial endeavors until he got to UCLA. His only successful endeavor was becoming a professor, where he gets paid 300k a year to vent to a bunch of college students about how he was robbed back in his startup days.


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MGMT 160
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: N/A
June 7, 2020

So this may be an outlier because of quarantine an all that. However, past reviews do reflect the class accurately as of Spring 2020. Professor Wilson is a boomer that thinks he's funny but comes off as trying to hard with his sarcasm and interrupting students to tell a stupid joke that all you can do is smile awkwardly at. This guy probably isn't going to go away any time soon because he's head of the Entrepreneurship minor, so expect him to teach MGMT 160 the next quarter. This quarter especially, I don't know what has gotten into him, but EVERY live lecture, each were mandatory, he talked about the unemployment rate for an hour. EVERY SINGLE LECTURE. It was interesting the first time, but the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh time it was like dude WE GET IT, UNEMPLOYMENT IS UNPRECEDENTED THESE ARE UNCERTAIN TIMES. The actual content of the class is 90 percent in the readings, not case studies. The recorded lectures he gave were supplementary to the readings, but I don't know why he wouldn't just talk about that content instead in the actual live lectures, you know, THE ONES I'M MANDATED TO GO TO. Anyways, the way he formats learning in terms of exams are shit. Every weekly quiz, it's specific bullshit directly from the readings that sometimes aren't even that relevant to be worth any points. And you better be using answers that ARE IN VERBATIM with the readings, because oh boy, either the TA's or Wilson himself will deduct even .25 OF A POINT for no fucking reason. So his lectures were ultimately a waste of time, his quizzes are dogshit, what's left? Well the case studies are interesting, and some of the in-class exercises were cool. The final presentation was hit or miss, mainly because some of the groups ideas were downright fucking lame. By the way, a lot of the work is group based, so if you're assigned a crappy team, like I was, it will not be pleasant. Overall, you learn some interesting stuff, but personally this class and the experience made me lose my interest in pursuing the minor. I learnt some valuable things, don't get me wrong, but I cannot stomach another two years of this stuff. In conclusion, Wilson is an ok professor personality wise, dogshit professor logistics wise, and the way the class is graded will irritate you plenty.


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MGMT 160
Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A-
Aug. 5, 2020

Okay... so initially I wanted to not write a review on this class because some of my group mates seemed to like Wilson and I felt like I was the only one in my assignment group who really hated him. BUT after reading the reviews here, man they are so accurate. So I took this class in the Winter quarter when it was still in person and only in week 10 was it shifted online. Bruh this guy is an absolute a-hole. So I'm going to get into why i hate him first then Imma talk 'bout the class. So I had gotten 96+ in every quiz except for one which he said he'd drop anyways. My group and I had gotten all As (94%+) for the case studies except for 1 B. By my "logic" I should have gotten a clear A. BUT NO. GUESS WHY. Even though I "won" my class's simulation I argued with Wilson on what he called a class debate. Long story short the class agreed with me on the vote to see which point "won" and I didn't think too much into it and that its not that bad right, its just a discussion/debate.....


he proceeded to then tell the class next week that "well guys I was going to tell you more about amazon this week, but since your classmate clearly shot me down last week, we won't have to" Thank you for sparing me the details of your one sided opinion rant, but he was seriously mad at me, just because I had a valid point. BUT IT GETS WORSE OH YEAH. after calculating my grade, of which had a 30% participation weighting and optional-covid final which I did not take, I realised I got almost 50% participation when I went to every class, and discussed all that's bid. So from a 96%+ I ended up with an A- . WTF I guess he got really annoyed at me for my amazon debate and he made that clear. If you're a professor and stages a debate, and a student gives you an argument that goes against your own and you can't take it, then don't organize a debate!!! period.

Now why do I hate the class?>>> its all memorisation and the course materials are expensive AF. Plus "I can see if everyone has purchased it, and there will be a small penalty for not purchasing the course material" OKAY since when do I get a penalty for not paying $65 for PDFs from Harvard Business School and another $25 for a simulation that we used a grand total of TWO times. Bro.... and don't get me started on the quizzes. They were just throwing up information and writing it all as fast as possible. Not to mention that hate graders and Wilson were anal AF and took off 0.25 marks for every word not in the correct order as the textbook. Like why the F am I paying to plagiarise the textbook on a quiz? And the case studies... man he was so opinionated that the scores were so whack.

Can I also add that my team and I spent a grand total of 2 hours talking to Wilson about our final project idea since he pretty much shot down every idea we had until we decided to do one he proposed cuz seriously this guy is wayyyy tooo egotistic to listen to anyone else.

I took this class since I wanted a taste of the entrepreneurship minor before starting it but boyyyyyyyyy this guy is a prick.

tl;dr if you just want a taste of a class and are not in the minor, don't take this class. that's all.


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MGMT 160
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A-
June 23, 2020

I've been itching to write a review throughout the class because there were SOO many things I took issue with but I waited to see what grade I got. This was way higher than I thought I would get. The grade is curved so this REALLY helps seeing as I got around a 60% in my finals (which did make me sad because I studied really hard. I just didn't have a good memory and wasn't good at regurgitating information). As mentioned in the previous reviews, professor Wilson expects you to memorize as much as possible and write the answers word for word. The quizzes are based off of previous quizzes so you can use Quizlet of previous quizzes and their answers to study. But when prof Wilson realized we were doing better in the quizzes HE SAID HE'LL MAKE IT MORE DIFFICULT WTF! I thought he was joking, but HE REALLY DID MAKE IT HARDER. I have never met a teacher who wanted to see his students fail so badly. There were also very insensitive things prof Wilson said saying we shouldn't panic because of COVID because we're young and aren't effected which is totally out of line for immunocompromized students and students who live with older people. As a true capitalist, he basically said we should get over this so businesses wouldn't suffer. We're in a pandemic with no vaccine?? He also seems quite ignorant to PoCs, immigration, and is generally conservative even though he tries not to get political. There were multiple times that I had to bite my tongue to stop myself from arguing with him. Really surprised I got the grade I did, but at least it's over.


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MGMT 160
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: NR
June 23, 2020

Professor Wilson has the mother of all savior and superiority complexes. Every class, for his "current event", we were constantly bombarded with coronavirus statistics used solely to tell us that we didn't have it bad and that it could be way worse. In addition, he told us that we shouldn't be worried at all since it didn't really affect our age demographic, completely ignoring the fact that some of us might have either immunocompromised or older relatives, or even just basic fucking empathy. To be fair, I'd like to believe it was a somewhat well-intentioned attempt to calm us down, but all it really did was demonstrate his complete inability to read the room and total lack of situational awareness. His transition to online teaching was the worst out of all my classes by far. He basically just took everything on paper and put it on respondus, with no regard to the technological or time-zone disadvantages that his students faced. In addition to my agreement with previous reviews about the worthlessness of the quizzes, I have to add that after learning more about entrepreneurship, they miss the mark by a mile. If entrepreneurship was developed by memorizing hyper-specific facts about business model structures and customer development, then it would've been/would be taught as an academic subject everywhere for much longer than it has been. The whole nature of entrepreneurship should be to take the applicable aspects of business and distill them holistically, in order to prepare future entrepreneurs for the diverse variety of challenges they may face in the future. Instead, we were left with a bunch of memorized factoids, the sheer volume of which causes them to be quickly and inevitably forgotten. To be completely fair, the case studies, in-class work, and group project did a better job at letting us apply our knowledge in a relevant manner, but unfortunately, we received little to no feedback on our work, and his coverage of each was shallow beyond belief (keep in mind that both quizzes and current events took over an hour of our class time each). Professor Wilson is not a horrible person and even has a halfway decent sense of humor, but this pandemic brought out the worst in him as a teacher, in addition to previous complaints about the class. The highlight of the quarter to me personally, was when, in the middle of the climax of the George Floyd / BLM protests, after countless classmates had emailed him begging to take Black Bruins and those supporting/affected into consideration, his response was "Simply put, life happens," and only when they started contacting the department and those above him did he then decide to make the Super Helpful Choice of providing an optional grading structure with a slightly reduced Final weight. Do not take this class if you are in a situation that might need even the smallest amount of consideration, if you are in a state other than one of perfect mental health, or if you want a somewhat decent professor that will teach you comprehensive knowledge and practical application of entrepreneurship.


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MGMT 160
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: N/A
Jan. 6, 2020

Professor Wilson has a fun energy and knows his stuff. However, the way he teaches is HORRIBLE! He focuses the classes total learning goal to memorize everything, like literally expects word by word answers. There are weekly quizzes that are 5-9 pages and he gives you about 15 mins. He will give you sample quizzes that are literally the same as the quiz you will take and you need to answer these quizzes word by word from the readings. So, basically memorize and then throw the information away. Same goes for your final exam that is half multiple choice and half short answer that is over 200 something questions. Unfortunately, he is the only professor that teaches 160 as of now so good luck.
His good points are that he does keep the class engaged by creating class discussions and mini group projects in class that are fun! But Wilson truly ruins the class by being a typical old school professor who wants you to throw up and forget information on paper. Rather than using that information we will forget and applying it in a better and more useful way that we students could better learn from and actually retain the information that we are being "taught"


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MGMT 160
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: N/A
Jan. 6, 2020

His teaching methods is just to memorize everything word by word good luck because there’s a lot of it!


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MGMT 160
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: A
Jan. 3, 2022

This class is the first class you need to take for the entrepreneurship minor, so unless you're interested in doing the minor don't take this class. If you're interested in entrepreneurship you can take other classes with a more specific focus, since this class covers a bunch of topics on a very surface level. The concepts themselves are interesting and the class style is very discussion based. It's modeled after business school classes where students get name tags and many times it's more a back and forth with the professor than a straight up lecture.

Participation is crucial in this class, and it seemed like the TA would just mark you a point if you spoke in a class so you have to remember to speak in enough class times to get full participation. One super easy way to talk in class is to just read a news article or two beforehand and talk about what you read, since usually every class the professor opens up the floor for like 5 minutes for people to share what they've been reading on the news lately.

Another portion of the class is the case studies, one which is done solo and the rest are done in a group. You're put in a group early on in the quarter and you stay with the same group for the entire class. You also need to submit a business plan and present it to the entire class with your group at the end of the quarter, which sounds daunting but is really only like 5% of your grade so don't stress about it too hard. Nevertheless, make sure your group is talking and easy to work with. Luckily, my group was all super chill and while we didn't get the highest grades with all our assignments, I had fun with our group.

There are two midterms and one final. The midterms were open note and you were allowed to bring as many notes as you want, and you absolutely need those notes. It's a mix of MC and short answer. Many questions on the midterms were exactly the same as the study lists the professor assigns so make sure to do those. I would say to go above and beyond answering the study list questions not because the TA really cares (it's graded on completion) but because that information will help you in the exams. If the question asks something like list 4 out of the 12 accounting concepts, write down all 12 and one sentence explaining what each one is, because the test will ask you to list 5 accounting concepts and explain each in a sentence.

The final is half open note half closed book. The open half is MC questions, which is exactly similar to the first two midterms, so you'll be used to it. The closed book is application questions usually focused on a business plan. Questions will be like Joe Bruin wants to open a business, what kind of funding should Joe look into? It's better to explain your answers but all the exams are a time crunch so choose the right questions to answer first. Questions don't really build off of each other so pick the ones that are weighted more.

THE EXAMS ARE A TIME CRUNCH. Multiple people I talked to said they couldn't answer all the questions for the midterms, so get ready to do typeracer or something to work on your wpm for the exams.

One last thing, the textbooks for the class can be found online for free so don't pay, but the course reader with the case studies must be purchased.


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