
Nathan Wilson

Overall Ratings
Based on 43 Users
Easiness 2.2 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 2.3 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 2.8 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 2.6 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (43)

4 of 4
4 of 4
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Dec. 9, 2022
Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A

I'm currently still taking this class so I do not know my final grade but I have enjoyed it very much so! I have had Professor Wilson for three entrepreneurship classes and he's been stellar. I had to miss a class because of a religious exception and he was super understanding. He also educated me on the stock market and we talked a lot about real estate during his office hours. I do not usually leave reviews for classes but honestly I have seen some of the one's about Professor and in my experience they are not accurate at all. He is a great guy and while the classes can be challenging, if you put the effort in you will get the grade you deserve. This class was mainly weekly presentations plus a 10 page paper at the end and it is super manageable. Highly recommend it!


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June 23, 2022
Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: A

This is a very fun class that teaches hands-on business venture analysis. In week 1, you make a group of five and you stick with them the whole quarter, so choose wisely. The next week, your group decides on a UCLA patented technology that was recently created. The next 8 weeks are spent researching and creating reports about different aspects of the technology to see if it should/shouldn't be commercialized. The main topics are on market sizing and patentability. The main portion of your grade comes from your team final presentation and Due Diligence Report. This class boils down to if you have a group that actually cares. I was fortunate to have a great group, so by delegation we all got A's with not too much work associated with it. Others were not so fortunate. Moral of the class: it is very interesting and is an easy A as long as you have a good group.


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MGMT 162
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
June 20, 2022
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: A-

I am in physical pain from how much time I wasted doing the assignments for this class. Nathan himself is a clown, there is no other way to put it. He did not upload the class syllabus until 5 weeks into the quarter since he was "busy". Busy doing what you ask? Probably crying about how his former teams have become great successes in his absence and how he got cheated out of it. This bowling pin of a man's class is 3 hours long and feels like an eternity.

If I was on my death bed at Reagan, I would ask them to relocate me into his class in Anderson so I could live three more lifetimes before I pass away. The guy is also a broken record player, all he ever discusses is either Elon Musk, Tesla or Uber. He is literally a dog with three tricks, it is almost like he does not know anything else besides those three companies. As the other review said, Nathan is a half-ass Professor and a pretty much a loser on every level imaginable.

Whoever wrote the one positive review is a retard or Nathan himself, who is also a retard. This class is a tremendous waste of time and there is no way that that one dumbass justified it by saying it was "fun" to go the business school for class. That guy definitely watches paint dry if he thinks this class was fun / useful in any capacity.


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Dec. 12, 2018
Quarter: Winter 2018
Grade: B+

They structure the entrepreneurship courses like they're regular courses for the business school, so it was pretty fun to get to go to Anderson for a class on bringing new tech to market. Very interesting class that revolves around group work and culminates in a team presentation/report on a new technology that you choose, research for most of the quarter, and evaluate whether or not it should be taken to market. Workload was pretty manageable, completing weekly group case studies and researching till the end of the quarter when you definitely have to spend a bit of time getting ready for the presentation. Definitely recommend if you're into the tech industries.


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March 29, 2016
Quarter: Winter 2016
Grade: A

The first half of this class you learn about the Business Model Canvas. Within the first week, you split up into groups of roughly 4 people. You create a startup idea and just run with it for the full 10 weeks. During that time, you try to create your business's version of the Business Model Canvas. During the last week of the course, you present it to the other students and to the professors. This term-long project is the focus of your discussion sections (which are mandatory).

During the second half of the class (while you're working on the BMC for your startup idea) they bring in some guest lecturers and talk about other aspects of creating a startup (corporations v partnerships, term sheets, IP, patents, etc.).

The readings give more detail on these projects. All of the readings are fair games for the exams. The final is cumulative. They post a review of the important slides, which you should definitely look over and memorize. Some of the short answers will ask you to draw the important diagrams from the review slides. If you skim through the readings and look over the slides, the exams are straightforward (a mixture of multiple choice and short answer).

Overall: an interesting class, cool to run with a startup idea and see how it evolves while engaging in the lean startup process.


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Oct. 26, 2016
Quarter: Fall 2016
Grade: NR

Basically I agree with the comment above. The only key thing you get an A in this class is you know in advance that the midterm will be EXACTLY THE SAME as the practice midterm, and the final will also have about 1/3 of the SAME problems from the midterm. As a result, if you can memorize everything from the practice midterm, do the writings on time, and attend every class (he takes attendance), you are guaranteed an A- at least. But if you don't know that piece of information from midterm, well, the class average is 92%, and you know what you will end up with.

You do learn some from the class, but in my opinion, not a lot compared to other classes with similar topics. In general, I won't recommend him at all.


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Dec. 20, 2016
Quarter: Fall 2016
Grade: B

MGMT 160

The lectures are alright. The reading content (aka the stuff that determines your grade) is really really dry. You have to read a bunch of stuff about the frameworks and strategies and the exams expect you to memorize it all. The midterm is the same as the practice midterm. If you memorize it you get an A. I wanted to put that information out here because knowing that was the only way people got A's in the class. The median for the midterm was a 92%. The median for the final was 42%. the questions are all about defining, listing, mentioning what you read in the readings , so this change in the curve was caused just by the fact that you can memorize the midterm but not the final.

I did learn some interesting things about entrepreneurship in the discussion. However, the readings and testing procedure was so frustrating that it makes it hard to focus on the good stuff.


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MGMT 195
Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A
Dec. 9, 2022

I'm currently still taking this class so I do not know my final grade but I have enjoyed it very much so! I have had Professor Wilson for three entrepreneurship classes and he's been stellar. I had to miss a class because of a religious exception and he was super understanding. He also educated me on the stock market and we talked a lot about real estate during his office hours. I do not usually leave reviews for classes but honestly I have seen some of the one's about Professor and in my experience they are not accurate at all. He is a great guy and while the classes can be challenging, if you put the effort in you will get the grade you deserve. This class was mainly weekly presentations plus a 10 page paper at the end and it is super manageable. Highly recommend it!


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MGMT 162
Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: A
June 23, 2022

This is a very fun class that teaches hands-on business venture analysis. In week 1, you make a group of five and you stick with them the whole quarter, so choose wisely. The next week, your group decides on a UCLA patented technology that was recently created. The next 8 weeks are spent researching and creating reports about different aspects of the technology to see if it should/shouldn't be commercialized. The main topics are on market sizing and patentability. The main portion of your grade comes from your team final presentation and Due Diligence Report. This class boils down to if you have a group that actually cares. I was fortunate to have a great group, so by delegation we all got A's with not too much work associated with it. Others were not so fortunate. Moral of the class: it is very interesting and is an easy A as long as you have a good group.


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MGMT 162
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: A-
June 20, 2022

I am in physical pain from how much time I wasted doing the assignments for this class. Nathan himself is a clown, there is no other way to put it. He did not upload the class syllabus until 5 weeks into the quarter since he was "busy". Busy doing what you ask? Probably crying about how his former teams have become great successes in his absence and how he got cheated out of it. This bowling pin of a man's class is 3 hours long and feels like an eternity.

If I was on my death bed at Reagan, I would ask them to relocate me into his class in Anderson so I could live three more lifetimes before I pass away. The guy is also a broken record player, all he ever discusses is either Elon Musk, Tesla or Uber. He is literally a dog with three tricks, it is almost like he does not know anything else besides those three companies. As the other review said, Nathan is a half-ass Professor and a pretty much a loser on every level imaginable.

Whoever wrote the one positive review is a retard or Nathan himself, who is also a retard. This class is a tremendous waste of time and there is no way that that one dumbass justified it by saying it was "fun" to go the business school for class. That guy definitely watches paint dry if he thinks this class was fun / useful in any capacity.


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MGMT 162
Quarter: Winter 2018
Grade: B+
Dec. 12, 2018

They structure the entrepreneurship courses like they're regular courses for the business school, so it was pretty fun to get to go to Anderson for a class on bringing new tech to market. Very interesting class that revolves around group work and culminates in a team presentation/report on a new technology that you choose, research for most of the quarter, and evaluate whether or not it should be taken to market. Workload was pretty manageable, completing weekly group case studies and researching till the end of the quarter when you definitely have to spend a bit of time getting ready for the presentation. Definitely recommend if you're into the tech industries.


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ENGR 112
Quarter: Winter 2016
Grade: A
March 29, 2016

The first half of this class you learn about the Business Model Canvas. Within the first week, you split up into groups of roughly 4 people. You create a startup idea and just run with it for the full 10 weeks. During that time, you try to create your business's version of the Business Model Canvas. During the last week of the course, you present it to the other students and to the professors. This term-long project is the focus of your discussion sections (which are mandatory).

During the second half of the class (while you're working on the BMC for your startup idea) they bring in some guest lecturers and talk about other aspects of creating a startup (corporations v partnerships, term sheets, IP, patents, etc.).

The readings give more detail on these projects. All of the readings are fair games for the exams. The final is cumulative. They post a review of the important slides, which you should definitely look over and memorize. Some of the short answers will ask you to draw the important diagrams from the review slides. If you skim through the readings and look over the slides, the exams are straightforward (a mixture of multiple choice and short answer).

Overall: an interesting class, cool to run with a startup idea and see how it evolves while engaging in the lean startup process.


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MGMT 160
Quarter: Fall 2016
Grade: NR
Oct. 26, 2016

Basically I agree with the comment above. The only key thing you get an A in this class is you know in advance that the midterm will be EXACTLY THE SAME as the practice midterm, and the final will also have about 1/3 of the SAME problems from the midterm. As a result, if you can memorize everything from the practice midterm, do the writings on time, and attend every class (he takes attendance), you are guaranteed an A- at least. But if you don't know that piece of information from midterm, well, the class average is 92%, and you know what you will end up with.

You do learn some from the class, but in my opinion, not a lot compared to other classes with similar topics. In general, I won't recommend him at all.


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MGMT 160
Quarter: Fall 2016
Grade: B
Dec. 20, 2016

MGMT 160

The lectures are alright. The reading content (aka the stuff that determines your grade) is really really dry. You have to read a bunch of stuff about the frameworks and strategies and the exams expect you to memorize it all. The midterm is the same as the practice midterm. If you memorize it you get an A. I wanted to put that information out here because knowing that was the only way people got A's in the class. The median for the midterm was a 92%. The median for the final was 42%. the questions are all about defining, listing, mentioning what you read in the readings , so this change in the curve was caused just by the fact that you can memorize the midterm but not the final.

I did learn some interesting things about entrepreneurship in the discussion. However, the readings and testing procedure was so frustrating that it makes it hard to focus on the good stuff.


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