Ni Ni
Based on 43 Users
Professor Ni is one of the most disorganized professors I have had at UCLA. On our midterm, she forgot to include the right answers on the multiple choice and stopped us every 5 minutes to say that there was a typo on her free response. When students say they are confused, she openly doesn't explain it and just moves on and sees no issue. She is a nice person, but a terrible teacher. The TAs often didnt know anything about the class because it wasn't communicated to them and what we did in discussions were completely different than lectures because our TAs said they weren't told what was going on in lecture. Professor Ni is the kind of professor who still gives a midterm even when classes are cancelled due to fire warnings (this happened). She also doesn't post the lecture notes until ~2 days before the exam for you to study. This class is basically "how well can you teach yourself physics". Take another physics professor if you can.
Prof Ni is the sweetest person. Physics 17 is kind of a boring/shallow class on its own since it is sort of just an introductory dabble in quantum/stat mech, but she explained the concepts very clearly and the workload is light. The exams are long but not hard. I don't really care for the class itself as it is mostly just taking textbook formulas and applying them without derivation, but Prof Ni is like a mother to us, her kindness brings me joy in the dark times of COVID.
Ni is super nice and was one of the highlights of my quarter. The material taught wasn't anything super crazy or difficult but I feel that's to be expected with a class like 17. In any case, it was all taught rather clearly. The midterm and final aren't anything too hard but they are really long. I also found that it was pretty easy to lose points on them since about a third of the tests were always multiple choice. So, if you got a multiple choice question wrong you could lose a sizable number of points on the test.
I loved this class. Would take again.
She is the best. I felt as though she was very caring.
Her grading is pretty nice. I would have gotten a B+ with other professor, but I received an A+ with her.
Let's run over the grading scheme really quick:
Homework: Mastering Physics, 17%
Quiz (given in discussion section): 3%. So basically attendance.
Midterm: 40%
Final: 40%
Overall experience: horrific.
I feel really bad for Professor Ni as she really cares about her students and tries really hard to teach, but there is a big difference between having the skills and trying hard.
She is an Assistant Professor, to my surprise, as barely anyone show up to her lectures.
The book does a much better than she does.
She does not give out minuses, so 30% A (A and A+), 30% B (B and B+), 30% C (C and C+). Nice grading scheme as it looks like, but her tests are really hard with the average on the midterms are, in order, 31% and 41%. She drop the lower curved score, but that is still a really low average.
I will have no problem with hard tests only if she teaches well, which is not the case here.
Her lectures are sometimes disorganized and incomprehensible. Her notes are illegible. She tries really hard to become better, but it just does not work.
She also put up videos and expect us to watch those before class, and I am pretty sure rarely anyone did that. The conceptual questions in class are interesting, but are not necessary.
In addition, Mastering Physics takes little time, and there is a problem with that because we are not given enough practice for her hard tests.
Overall, avoid taking her if you can. I just feel like her brilliance is only suitable for lab works rather than teaching.
This was one of the worst, if not the worst, experience with a professor ever. It was impossible to understand her during lectures. And I mean impossible. Her accent is pretty heavy, so it wasn't her fault, but lectures were useless. She used another professor's powerpoints and reads off them. Her lectures got so bad that before the second midterm only around 30 students showed up out of a class of 200. What was even worse is that it was a 2 hour lecture twice a week.
The midterms were hard, to say the least. She allows an index card for the first one and two for the second one but they didn't help much. The averages were about 60% for both maybe slightly lower for the second one. The final was also ridiculously hard. She allowed three index cards for this one. About an hour in some people just gave up and turned in their exams early.
I know she tried her best and I think it was her first time teaching but avoid taking her like the plague. You won't be doing yourself any favors by choosing her over professors like Corbin or anyone else.
Do not take this class with this professor. She is hard to understand and follow in class and does not do a good job explaining the material. The tests are horrible and the curve not helpful. For the midterms you had to get 16/100 points to pass the exam and it was rare that that happened. Do not take this class with this professor.
Her demonstration is not that bad but the exams are extremely hard (class average ~40). HOWEVER she gives 30% A and 30% B which is very generous. Everything about her will be forgiven because of that fact. I like her.
She is awesome!
Professor Ni is one of the most disorganized professors I have had at UCLA. On our midterm, she forgot to include the right answers on the multiple choice and stopped us every 5 minutes to say that there was a typo on her free response. When students say they are confused, she openly doesn't explain it and just moves on and sees no issue. She is a nice person, but a terrible teacher. The TAs often didnt know anything about the class because it wasn't communicated to them and what we did in discussions were completely different than lectures because our TAs said they weren't told what was going on in lecture. Professor Ni is the kind of professor who still gives a midterm even when classes are cancelled due to fire warnings (this happened). She also doesn't post the lecture notes until ~2 days before the exam for you to study. This class is basically "how well can you teach yourself physics". Take another physics professor if you can.
Prof Ni is the sweetest person. Physics 17 is kind of a boring/shallow class on its own since it is sort of just an introductory dabble in quantum/stat mech, but she explained the concepts very clearly and the workload is light. The exams are long but not hard. I don't really care for the class itself as it is mostly just taking textbook formulas and applying them without derivation, but Prof Ni is like a mother to us, her kindness brings me joy in the dark times of COVID.
Ni is super nice and was one of the highlights of my quarter. The material taught wasn't anything super crazy or difficult but I feel that's to be expected with a class like 17. In any case, it was all taught rather clearly. The midterm and final aren't anything too hard but they are really long. I also found that it was pretty easy to lose points on them since about a third of the tests were always multiple choice. So, if you got a multiple choice question wrong you could lose a sizable number of points on the test.
Let's run over the grading scheme really quick:
Homework: Mastering Physics, 17%
Quiz (given in discussion section): 3%. So basically attendance.
Midterm: 40%
Final: 40%
Overall experience: horrific.
I feel really bad for Professor Ni as she really cares about her students and tries really hard to teach, but there is a big difference between having the skills and trying hard.
She is an Assistant Professor, to my surprise, as barely anyone show up to her lectures.
The book does a much better than she does.
She does not give out minuses, so 30% A (A and A+), 30% B (B and B+), 30% C (C and C+). Nice grading scheme as it looks like, but her tests are really hard with the average on the midterms are, in order, 31% and 41%. She drop the lower curved score, but that is still a really low average.
I will have no problem with hard tests only if she teaches well, which is not the case here.
Her lectures are sometimes disorganized and incomprehensible. Her notes are illegible. She tries really hard to become better, but it just does not work.
She also put up videos and expect us to watch those before class, and I am pretty sure rarely anyone did that. The conceptual questions in class are interesting, but are not necessary.
In addition, Mastering Physics takes little time, and there is a problem with that because we are not given enough practice for her hard tests.
Overall, avoid taking her if you can. I just feel like her brilliance is only suitable for lab works rather than teaching.
This was one of the worst, if not the worst, experience with a professor ever. It was impossible to understand her during lectures. And I mean impossible. Her accent is pretty heavy, so it wasn't her fault, but lectures were useless. She used another professor's powerpoints and reads off them. Her lectures got so bad that before the second midterm only around 30 students showed up out of a class of 200. What was even worse is that it was a 2 hour lecture twice a week.
The midterms were hard, to say the least. She allows an index card for the first one and two for the second one but they didn't help much. The averages were about 60% for both maybe slightly lower for the second one. The final was also ridiculously hard. She allowed three index cards for this one. About an hour in some people just gave up and turned in their exams early.
I know she tried her best and I think it was her first time teaching but avoid taking her like the plague. You won't be doing yourself any favors by choosing her over professors like Corbin or anyone else.
Do not take this class with this professor. She is hard to understand and follow in class and does not do a good job explaining the material. The tests are horrible and the curve not helpful. For the midterms you had to get 16/100 points to pass the exam and it was rare that that happened. Do not take this class with this professor.
Her demonstration is not that bad but the exams are extremely hard (class average ~40). HOWEVER she gives 30% A and 30% B which is very generous. Everything about her will be forgiven because of that fact. I like her.