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Olivia Osei Twumasi
Based on 27 Users
I enjoyed this class overall. The professor is a clear and engaging lecturer. My issues with this class are that the student presentations got very repetitive (the same question was answered twice by two different groups) and the grading was very arbitrary. The quizzes and final exam had written portions which, in my opinion, were graded hastily and inconsistently. Since, they're a big part of the grade, this made it hard to do well, especially since we weren't given any feedback. The group presentations (20% of the grade) weren't graded until many weeks later and the grades were arbitrary with only 1 sentence of feedback. For those reasons, I wouldn't take the class again, even though I enjoyed the content.
Although the course material was relevant, the way the professor conducted lectures was so confusing and unorganized - she made the material sound honestly frivolous. Questions during and after lectures received confusing answers, and I honestly feel like the professor didn't understand what the students were asking and would give a random response. However, you can tell that she does really care about the students and is genuinely a nice, laid back, and funny professor. She held a lecture just to review content just in case we didn't understand, which shows that she cares. Personally, I only went to lecture the week before the midterm and the final, and I mostly used the slides and the textbook to study. The final was not that bad, but surprisingly the average was a 72%. There were some oddly specific unintuitive topics on there that were not on the slide, but as long as you have that on your cheat sheet, you're good. My TA Antonio Martner is the GOAT and explained everything in an intuitive way. Overall, I recommend taking this class with her.
While Osei is clear and a good lecturer, the past two reviews of her W22 class are highly accurate. The class was graded very flippantly and the fact that student presentations took up half the quarter, while a novelty, made for redundant lectures. The final was also surprisingly hard compared to her weekly quizzes and also graded without much clear feedback. Honestly, I'm a little bummed because I really enjoyed the class and the content, but the way it was graded and the feedback I garnered was not worth the effort I put in.
Super kind woman. The whole class is basically the final (50%), midterm, one project, and section participation. Excel project and participation is an easy 100. Midterm is online, but really study for the final. She doesn't throw curveballs and everything is very straightforward but it's easy to slip as there's no homework and lecture is pretty useless. If you want to succeed, read the textbook and do the practice multiple choice questions.
Strengths: I believe that the instructor did a good job explaining complicated topics, and dumbing it down for us.
Weaknesses: there wasn't many opportunities to actually practice what we learned in class, and the reading was pretty useless. i wish there was homework and no reading
The instructor made sure to cover every portion and topic that was covered and discussed throughout the class. The exams tend to be tricky, but are straight forward. However, it does take a lot more studying than expected for this class, especially since for 4 straight weeks the only interaction you get with the class is just lectures, would recommend the teacher since the resources are there. Strengths: resources, punctual, knowledgable Weakness: boring, class itself, little revision
I enjoyed this class overall. The professor is a clear and engaging lecturer. My issues with this class are that the student presentations got very repetitive (the same question was answered twice by two different groups) and the grading was very arbitrary. The quizzes and final exam had written portions which, in my opinion, were graded hastily and inconsistently. Since, they're a big part of the grade, this made it hard to do well, especially since we weren't given any feedback. The group presentations (20% of the grade) weren't graded until many weeks later and the grades were arbitrary with only 1 sentence of feedback. For those reasons, I wouldn't take the class again, even though I enjoyed the content.
Although the course material was relevant, the way the professor conducted lectures was so confusing and unorganized - she made the material sound honestly frivolous. Questions during and after lectures received confusing answers, and I honestly feel like the professor didn't understand what the students were asking and would give a random response. However, you can tell that she does really care about the students and is genuinely a nice, laid back, and funny professor. She held a lecture just to review content just in case we didn't understand, which shows that she cares. Personally, I only went to lecture the week before the midterm and the final, and I mostly used the slides and the textbook to study. The final was not that bad, but surprisingly the average was a 72%. There were some oddly specific unintuitive topics on there that were not on the slide, but as long as you have that on your cheat sheet, you're good. My TA Antonio Martner is the GOAT and explained everything in an intuitive way. Overall, I recommend taking this class with her.
While Osei is clear and a good lecturer, the past two reviews of her W22 class are highly accurate. The class was graded very flippantly and the fact that student presentations took up half the quarter, while a novelty, made for redundant lectures. The final was also surprisingly hard compared to her weekly quizzes and also graded without much clear feedback. Honestly, I'm a little bummed because I really enjoyed the class and the content, but the way it was graded and the feedback I garnered was not worth the effort I put in.
Super kind woman. The whole class is basically the final (50%), midterm, one project, and section participation. Excel project and participation is an easy 100. Midterm is online, but really study for the final. She doesn't throw curveballs and everything is very straightforward but it's easy to slip as there's no homework and lecture is pretty useless. If you want to succeed, read the textbook and do the practice multiple choice questions.
Strengths: I believe that the instructor did a good job explaining complicated topics, and dumbing it down for us.
Weaknesses: there wasn't many opportunities to actually practice what we learned in class, and the reading was pretty useless. i wish there was homework and no reading
The instructor made sure to cover every portion and topic that was covered and discussed throughout the class. The exams tend to be tricky, but are straight forward. However, it does take a lot more studying than expected for this class, especially since for 4 straight weeks the only interaction you get with the class is just lectures, would recommend the teacher since the resources are there. Strengths: resources, punctual, knowledgable Weakness: boring, class itself, little revision