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- Paige Greene
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Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
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Professor Greene is a very helpful and nice professor. Her lectures are not the most engaging, but you will learn all the material if you go to the lectures. She offers office hours after almost every lecture (3 times a week).
The class is structured into homework grades, 2 midterms and a final. The homework is either online (in which you have multiple attempts per question) and or on paper, with both of them graded or accuracy. The midterms were very manageable for me and I got an A+ on both. I would highly recommend this course for life science majors hoping to meet the math requirements!
I love professor Greene. I think she is the best and is my favorite at UCLA. She is super understanding and flexible. Her homework assignments do take time but are pretty helpful for understanding the content. She drops the lowest 2 homework assignments which is nice. Her 2 midterms and final were fairly easy, and I don't know anyone who did poorly or thought they were unfair.
I definitely recommend taking her class!
Professor Greene is amazing and is very accommodating with assignments. She drops two of your lowest written exam grades and even your lowest midterm (one of the grading schemes). The written homework was very time-consuming weekly but the mypearson lab was straightforward and gives you multiple tties and you can submit it late but with point deductions. Great professor.
Grading Distribution: 20% weekly written homework, 20% online MyLab Pearson homework, 20% midterm 1, 20% midterm 2, 20% final (second grading scheme: lowest midterm grade gets dropped and the final is 40% instead)
What I liked: The class is not extremely difficult, and if you’ve taken AP Calc in high school, a lot of the concepts are review. Having some background also helped with the pace of the class since we could spend anywhere from one to three lectures learning a concept. Lectures are not that engaging, but copying down the notes will help you with the homework. The problems on the midterms and final are extremely similar to assigned problems from the written homework so make sure you do the written homework and understand how to solve the problems (MyLab Pearson does not help at all with studying so don’t waste more time than it takes to complete all the problems). The midterms and final were open notes/open book and 48 hours long, but no more than a few hours total are needed to finish the tests. Attending discussion is optional, but Jerry would sometimes use homework problems as examples so it was a good way to make sure you understood the steps needed to complete a problem.
What I disliked: Based on the other reviews, this is an unpopular opinion but Professor Greene was not that helpful. She has office hours after each lecture, but if people do not stay, she’ll leave the zoom call instead of allowing us to just work on problems and unmute whenever we need help. Also, if your wifi cuts out after the lecture, you can’t re-enter the zoom and attend office hours. Sometimes, when asking about a concept, she’d respond with something along the lines of “we learned this in math 3A” even though there are a few people who skipped out of or didn’t take 3A. While she’ll still answer the question if you ask her to, I’d end up just searching the concept up online or asking the TA. Professor Greene also scheduled lectures during the two holidays, saying that since we’re all at home, we don’t have anything else to do, and if we were in person, she wouldn’t “dream of stealing our holiday.” While attending these lectures (and all) was optional, she often left problems half-solved at the end of one lecture and said she’d finish it in the next lecture, making watching the previous lecture before attending the next one necessary. Near the end of the quarter, she also started putting the Gradescope assignment up a day or two before it was due rather than how she used to put it up almost a week before the due date.
Professor Greene is probably the best professor for the entire Math 3 series. She is very engaging and clear and her exams are very doable. If you do all of your work and attend the lectures, you will probably do very well in this class.
As for the class, there are usually two assignments due every week: 1 written assignment turned into Gradescope and one MyLab assignment. The MyLab assignment takes an hour max, but the written assignments can be quite challenging sometimes. I would recommend starting on the written assignment earlier in the week so you can get help during office hours if needed.
Professor Greene always has her students' best interests at heart. I would 100% recommend taking the Math 3 series with her!
From what I have heard, Professor Greene is the best professor for any course in the Math 3 Series. In my experience, she lives up to her reputation pretty well. She drops your lowest homework and quiz score, and also has two different grading schemes that give you even more opportunity to do well in the class. She also provides you with practice exams, which are very reflective of the material she puts on her actual tests. That being said, her tests don't give much room for failure (a loss of one point has a pretty substantial affect on your grade), and her office hours weren't well-structured, which made getting your questions answered difficult. As somebody who did well in AP Calculus, I found this class to be mostly of a review of high school material. My TA was Louis, and he was such a gem! Overall, I would definitely recommend Professor Greene to anyone needing to take this course.
Paige is amazing! Definitely go to her office hours. They're like six hours a week, and you can just hang out and do hw with the LAs and she comes over to help you when you need it. She makes sure you understand. Her tests are almost exact replicas of the practice exams, but she does like to throw in little tricks to make you think (shouldn't be too hard though). Honestly an easier route than LS30, especially if you had AP in high school. Take this class!
This class was very straightforward as it’s comprised of just two midterms and a final. She’s a very nice professor and provides study guides that ACTUALLY reflect the material covered in class. I’d recommend this class for sure.
Professor Greene is a very helpful and nice professor. Her lectures are not the most engaging, but you will learn all the material if you go to the lectures. She offers office hours after almost every lecture (3 times a week).
The class is structured into homework grades, 2 midterms and a final. The homework is either online (in which you have multiple attempts per question) and or on paper, with both of them graded or accuracy. The midterms were very manageable for me and I got an A+ on both. I would highly recommend this course for life science majors hoping to meet the math requirements!
I love professor Greene. I think she is the best and is my favorite at UCLA. She is super understanding and flexible. Her homework assignments do take time but are pretty helpful for understanding the content. She drops the lowest 2 homework assignments which is nice. Her 2 midterms and final were fairly easy, and I don't know anyone who did poorly or thought they were unfair.
I definitely recommend taking her class!
Professor Greene is amazing and is very accommodating with assignments. She drops two of your lowest written exam grades and even your lowest midterm (one of the grading schemes). The written homework was very time-consuming weekly but the mypearson lab was straightforward and gives you multiple tties and you can submit it late but with point deductions. Great professor.
Grading Distribution: 20% weekly written homework, 20% online MyLab Pearson homework, 20% midterm 1, 20% midterm 2, 20% final (second grading scheme: lowest midterm grade gets dropped and the final is 40% instead)
What I liked: The class is not extremely difficult, and if you’ve taken AP Calc in high school, a lot of the concepts are review. Having some background also helped with the pace of the class since we could spend anywhere from one to three lectures learning a concept. Lectures are not that engaging, but copying down the notes will help you with the homework. The problems on the midterms and final are extremely similar to assigned problems from the written homework so make sure you do the written homework and understand how to solve the problems (MyLab Pearson does not help at all with studying so don’t waste more time than it takes to complete all the problems). The midterms and final were open notes/open book and 48 hours long, but no more than a few hours total are needed to finish the tests. Attending discussion is optional, but Jerry would sometimes use homework problems as examples so it was a good way to make sure you understood the steps needed to complete a problem.
What I disliked: Based on the other reviews, this is an unpopular opinion but Professor Greene was not that helpful. She has office hours after each lecture, but if people do not stay, she’ll leave the zoom call instead of allowing us to just work on problems and unmute whenever we need help. Also, if your wifi cuts out after the lecture, you can’t re-enter the zoom and attend office hours. Sometimes, when asking about a concept, she’d respond with something along the lines of “we learned this in math 3A” even though there are a few people who skipped out of or didn’t take 3A. While she’ll still answer the question if you ask her to, I’d end up just searching the concept up online or asking the TA. Professor Greene also scheduled lectures during the two holidays, saying that since we’re all at home, we don’t have anything else to do, and if we were in person, she wouldn’t “dream of stealing our holiday.” While attending these lectures (and all) was optional, she often left problems half-solved at the end of one lecture and said she’d finish it in the next lecture, making watching the previous lecture before attending the next one necessary. Near the end of the quarter, she also started putting the Gradescope assignment up a day or two before it was due rather than how she used to put it up almost a week before the due date.
Professor Greene is probably the best professor for the entire Math 3 series. She is very engaging and clear and her exams are very doable. If you do all of your work and attend the lectures, you will probably do very well in this class.
As for the class, there are usually two assignments due every week: 1 written assignment turned into Gradescope and one MyLab assignment. The MyLab assignment takes an hour max, but the written assignments can be quite challenging sometimes. I would recommend starting on the written assignment earlier in the week so you can get help during office hours if needed.
Professor Greene always has her students' best interests at heart. I would 100% recommend taking the Math 3 series with her!
From what I have heard, Professor Greene is the best professor for any course in the Math 3 Series. In my experience, she lives up to her reputation pretty well. She drops your lowest homework and quiz score, and also has two different grading schemes that give you even more opportunity to do well in the class. She also provides you with practice exams, which are very reflective of the material she puts on her actual tests. That being said, her tests don't give much room for failure (a loss of one point has a pretty substantial affect on your grade), and her office hours weren't well-structured, which made getting your questions answered difficult. As somebody who did well in AP Calculus, I found this class to be mostly of a review of high school material. My TA was Louis, and he was such a gem! Overall, I would definitely recommend Professor Greene to anyone needing to take this course.
Paige is amazing! Definitely go to her office hours. They're like six hours a week, and you can just hang out and do hw with the LAs and she comes over to help you when you need it. She makes sure you understand. Her tests are almost exact replicas of the practice exams, but she does like to throw in little tricks to make you think (shouldn't be too hard though). Honestly an easier route than LS30, especially if you had AP in high school. Take this class!
This class was very straightforward as it’s comprised of just two midterms and a final. She’s a very nice professor and provides study guides that ACTUALLY reflect the material covered in class. I’d recommend this class for sure.
Based on 35 Users
- Would Take Again (11)
- Needs Textbook (10)
- Engaging Lectures (8)
- Useful Textbooks (8)
- Appropriately Priced Materials (8)