Peter Stacey
Most Helpful Review
Winter 2023 - TL/DR: Fantastic Class. Highly recommend if he offers it again, especially for history majors looking for their 94/96/97. Really interesting subject and Stacey is great at asking some really interesting questions. For more on the class, grade breakdowns, structure, etc., see this doc (didn't want to paste everything on Bwalk) https://docs.google.com/document/d/15vILblHwWrnV7KnB-sOFzTRnQE2QPA7nmHxj4gdNKBU/edit?usp=sharing
Winter 2023 - TL/DR: Fantastic Class. Highly recommend if he offers it again, especially for history majors looking for their 94/96/97. Really interesting subject and Stacey is great at asking some really interesting questions. For more on the class, grade breakdowns, structure, etc., see this doc (didn't want to paste everything on Bwalk) https://docs.google.com/document/d/15vILblHwWrnV7KnB-sOFzTRnQE2QPA7nmHxj4gdNKBU/edit?usp=sharing
Most Helpful Review
Pete is a good professor. His class is pretty straight forward. He tends to "leave planet Earth" and talk entire class nonstop on philosophical matters, which was putting me to sleep. But he shows that he cares about the subject and the students, and also grades everything himself - which is a great plus!
Pete is a good professor. His class is pretty straight forward. He tends to "leave planet Earth" and talk entire class nonstop on philosophical matters, which was putting me to sleep. But he shows that he cares about the subject and the students, and also grades everything himself - which is a great plus!
Most Helpful Review
Winter 2023 - Professor Stacey was fantastic in all ways. He had very engaging lectures as was always very helpful if I had any questions. The class is comprised of two papers with several prompts to choose from and I would say it was graded not too harshly for most. If you do the readings each week, you will absolutely do well. Overall great class!
Winter 2023 - Professor Stacey was fantastic in all ways. He had very engaging lectures as was always very helpful if I had any questions. The class is comprised of two papers with several prompts to choose from and I would say it was graded not too harshly for most. If you do the readings each week, you will absolutely do well. Overall great class!
Most Helpful Review
Spring 2023 - The reviews from other students from past quarters makes this class sound like a total breeze. However, (in my experience) this class was the diametric opposite. Stacey graded the midterms exceptionally harshly which caused many of us to drop the class. This class is not an easy A. If that's why you're taking it find something else.
Spring 2023 - The reviews from other students from past quarters makes this class sound like a total breeze. However, (in my experience) this class was the diametric opposite. Stacey graded the midterms exceptionally harshly which caused many of us to drop the class. This class is not an easy A. If that's why you're taking it find something else.
Most Helpful Review
Professor Stacey is amazing. I took History 191C with him, and enjoyed both the course material and the discussions. The class is basically made up of one presentation which is 30% of the grade, and 15-20 page paper which is 70% of the grade. I thought his grading was fair, not tough at all. Overall, highly recommended professor.
Professor Stacey is amazing. I took History 191C with him, and enjoyed both the course material and the discussions. The class is basically made up of one presentation which is 30% of the grade, and 15-20 page paper which is 70% of the grade. I thought his grading was fair, not tough at all. Overall, highly recommended professor.