
Philip Kellman

Overall Ratings
Based on 67 Users
Easiness 2.5 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 2.5 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 3.4 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.1 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (67)

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March 31, 2020
Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A

This was my first seminar class, and I want to let ppl know that this class is very different from other lecture classes. The general structure is mostly to do readings at home, come to class to discuss it, and the professor would lead the discussion& clarify important things. We are not informed of the participation grade/ paper grade but only know a final letter grade, but here are a few things that I think are important
1. Participation matters. In the syllabus, participation takes 30 percent of the grade!
2. The workload is HEAVY. For each lecture, we need to read 1-3 papers (30-100 pages). In order to do well in participation, you need to be prepared, which means to do the readings. The professor may also call people's names to ask questions if he thinks those people are not active in discussions.
3. Papers are long. We wrote an annotated bibliography (~15 sources) and a final paper. The final paper was 6-10 pages single spaced
4. BUT, you will find the lectures very interesting if you do the readings. Professor Kellman is very knowledgeable& esteemed in this field, and I really did learn a lot in this class


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Jan. 4, 2018
Quarter: Fall 2017
Grade: A

Really solid class and good professor, but you have to do the readings because they are the only class material. Selling course reader from Fall 2017, light highlighting/notes. Text ********** if interested


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Dec. 29, 2020
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A

Selling my Paperback Course Reader. It has some light underlining in it, but other than that is in really good condition. I took this class in Fall of 2020, but used a Course Reader from 2018- which Kellman said was totally fine. He's swapped out some of the readings, so note that this reader might not have ALL of the readings you need for your quarter, but when I took this course, my class mates were kind enough to send me PDF's of the articles I was missing. The readings are DENSE and your grade is based entirely on discussion of the readings, so it was definitely helpful for me to have a hard copy as opposed to the online PDF version. $40 (includes shipping). Email ************* if you want it.


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Dec. 22, 2023
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: N/A

I liked the content despite the long readings we were assigned. The class was made up of 15% participation, 30% midterm, 30% final, 25% 1-page reaction papers. The reaction papers were based off of the readings and were due right before lecture. That means there were two per week and they had to be at least 250 words. These are very open-ended. I would turn in a page of notes of of the readings and they were accepted. One complaint I have of this class with this professor are the lectures and readings. The readings were SO LONG and I had no idea what to focus on. I didn't like the lecture style because I felt like it was executed very poorly. They had potential to be super helpful but they fell flat in my opinion. I would be so bored trying not to fall asleep. The midterm and final were alright but I still feel like I could have done much better if the class was more straightforward. I would retake this class with a different professor. Don't get me wrong, this class with Professor Kellman was not terrible, just average. I would take this class with someone else if someone better was offered. To end on a good note, all you need to do in the class to pass is to tae really good notes and try to find key terms you think are important. Take notes during lecture and review everything was discussed in the readings later in the day. I think if you keep up with the readings and review possible key terms, you'll do great!


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Dec. 7, 2023
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: N/A

Professor Kellman is so intelligent and personable! I really enjoyed this class and found it to be a great overall intro to my intended major of study. I thought his lectures were interesting and I always learned something new from them, however, as other people pointed out sometimes they were not conducive to prepping for a regular exam, as there were no slides or summaries of exactly what we needed to know. Lots of reading each week from the course reader, but I found the assignments to be engaging most of the time. Do the reading!! That's literally the entire basis of the class, you will be lost without it. One crazy easy "reaction page" each week is the only other assignment. Easy way to take notes to study later for the exam. Overall, I really like Professor Kellman and would recommend this class, you just need to be ready to put in the time and effort!


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Feb. 1, 2019
Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: B

I'm selling my course reader for discounted price! Lightly used, has some highlighted sections. Email me: *************


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April 8, 2019
Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: A

Really enjoyed professor Kellman's lectures! They were completely discussion based and focused on the readings that he assigned every week. For some of the weeks, there was a lot of reading to do and less on other weeks. Kellman was very interesting and had quirky humor.

There were response papers that were super easy and a midterm and final.

Selling course reader! email me at *************


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Jan. 3, 2014
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

The class is challenging, but meanwhile, very rewarding if you do all the required readings. The lecture is mainly discussion-based and extra credit is given. Also, TAs did very good job in summarizing materials. Overall, recommend the class! Also, sell the required course reader for $50, but the price is negotiable. Email me at ************* if you are interested.


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March 16, 2019
Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A

The course reader is usually $$$$, I'm selling mine very gently used for cheap! Text **********.

Absolutely love taking classes with Kellman. I also had him for Psych 85, which made this class 100% better because there is some content overlap and the teaching style is the same. In the gradebook there are two papers, as well as some short responses to the readings. There are a lot of readings, but all very comprehensible - if they're hard, he knows it and will go over them sufficiently in class. He's a great professor and very helpful, and definitely makes it easy to get a good grade if you make it clear you are trying/doing the readings.


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June 16, 2011
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

I enrolled into Psychology 85 in the Spring of 2011 and was a little intimidated by Kellman at first. The man is truly a very intellectual being. For every class, there are readings assigned. The readings are a lot of pages and quite complex to understand, but Kellman and Everett (TA) have done an excellent job in summarizing it during class and getting to the key points.

At times you will feel lost, and you may think you are destined to fail in this class as I have. However after reaching Kellman about my concerns, he personally told me that his intentional goals was not to harm your transcript... so I continued to do my best, show up to office hours, spend diligent time reading the material, and participate. On a scale of 1-10, the difficulty of his exams are a 7-8. Thankfully, he allows you to gain points back on the midterm and the curve is set extremely high. Tests usually consisted of multiple choice and essay format. Oh yes, there are reaction papers due for every class: a one page single-spaced summary of the readings. If you do them, you get credit. Simple as that. I strongly encourage those who take his class to do them because they really boost your grade and help you understand the material.

Overall, this class made me worry and sweat, but the material was very interesting. I got an A in the class, but I worked hard for it. I would not have thought about taking this class with any other professor. From what I've heard amongst my peers, many people got As. Apparently the curve was set EXTREMELY high. wink wink.

I am selling the course reader that is required for this course at 65$, which is much cheaper than the reader store (95$). The textbook is also for sale. Please e-mail me if you are interested at *************


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Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A
March 31, 2020

This was my first seminar class, and I want to let ppl know that this class is very different from other lecture classes. The general structure is mostly to do readings at home, come to class to discuss it, and the professor would lead the discussion& clarify important things. We are not informed of the participation grade/ paper grade but only know a final letter grade, but here are a few things that I think are important
1. Participation matters. In the syllabus, participation takes 30 percent of the grade!
2. The workload is HEAVY. For each lecture, we need to read 1-3 papers (30-100 pages). In order to do well in participation, you need to be prepared, which means to do the readings. The professor may also call people's names to ask questions if he thinks those people are not active in discussions.
3. Papers are long. We wrote an annotated bibliography (~15 sources) and a final paper. The final paper was 6-10 pages single spaced
4. BUT, you will find the lectures very interesting if you do the readings. Professor Kellman is very knowledgeable& esteemed in this field, and I really did learn a lot in this class


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Quarter: Fall 2017
Grade: A
Jan. 4, 2018

Really solid class and good professor, but you have to do the readings because they are the only class material. Selling course reader from Fall 2017, light highlighting/notes. Text ********** if interested


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A
Dec. 29, 2020

Selling my Paperback Course Reader. It has some light underlining in it, but other than that is in really good condition. I took this class in Fall of 2020, but used a Course Reader from 2018- which Kellman said was totally fine. He's swapped out some of the readings, so note that this reader might not have ALL of the readings you need for your quarter, but when I took this course, my class mates were kind enough to send me PDF's of the articles I was missing. The readings are DENSE and your grade is based entirely on discussion of the readings, so it was definitely helpful for me to have a hard copy as opposed to the online PDF version. $40 (includes shipping). Email ************* if you want it.


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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: N/A
Dec. 22, 2023

I liked the content despite the long readings we were assigned. The class was made up of 15% participation, 30% midterm, 30% final, 25% 1-page reaction papers. The reaction papers were based off of the readings and were due right before lecture. That means there were two per week and they had to be at least 250 words. These are very open-ended. I would turn in a page of notes of of the readings and they were accepted. One complaint I have of this class with this professor are the lectures and readings. The readings were SO LONG and I had no idea what to focus on. I didn't like the lecture style because I felt like it was executed very poorly. They had potential to be super helpful but they fell flat in my opinion. I would be so bored trying not to fall asleep. The midterm and final were alright but I still feel like I could have done much better if the class was more straightforward. I would retake this class with a different professor. Don't get me wrong, this class with Professor Kellman was not terrible, just average. I would take this class with someone else if someone better was offered. To end on a good note, all you need to do in the class to pass is to tae really good notes and try to find key terms you think are important. Take notes during lecture and review everything was discussed in the readings later in the day. I think if you keep up with the readings and review possible key terms, you'll do great!


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Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: N/A
Dec. 7, 2023

Professor Kellman is so intelligent and personable! I really enjoyed this class and found it to be a great overall intro to my intended major of study. I thought his lectures were interesting and I always learned something new from them, however, as other people pointed out sometimes they were not conducive to prepping for a regular exam, as there were no slides or summaries of exactly what we needed to know. Lots of reading each week from the course reader, but I found the assignments to be engaging most of the time. Do the reading!! That's literally the entire basis of the class, you will be lost without it. One crazy easy "reaction page" each week is the only other assignment. Easy way to take notes to study later for the exam. Overall, I really like Professor Kellman and would recommend this class, you just need to be ready to put in the time and effort!


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Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: B
Feb. 1, 2019

I'm selling my course reader for discounted price! Lightly used, has some highlighted sections. Email me: *************


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Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: A
April 8, 2019

Really enjoyed professor Kellman's lectures! They were completely discussion based and focused on the readings that he assigned every week. For some of the weeks, there was a lot of reading to do and less on other weeks. Kellman was very interesting and had quirky humor.

There were response papers that were super easy and a midterm and final.

Selling course reader! email me at *************


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Jan. 3, 2014

The class is challenging, but meanwhile, very rewarding if you do all the required readings. The lecture is mainly discussion-based and extra credit is given. Also, TAs did very good job in summarizing materials. Overall, recommend the class! Also, sell the required course reader for $50, but the price is negotiable. Email me at ************* if you are interested.


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Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A
March 16, 2019

The course reader is usually $$$$, I'm selling mine very gently used for cheap! Text **********.

Absolutely love taking classes with Kellman. I also had him for Psych 85, which made this class 100% better because there is some content overlap and the teaching style is the same. In the gradebook there are two papers, as well as some short responses to the readings. There are a lot of readings, but all very comprehensible - if they're hard, he knows it and will go over them sufficiently in class. He's a great professor and very helpful, and definitely makes it easy to get a good grade if you make it clear you are trying/doing the readings.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
June 16, 2011

I enrolled into Psychology 85 in the Spring of 2011 and was a little intimidated by Kellman at first. The man is truly a very intellectual being. For every class, there are readings assigned. The readings are a lot of pages and quite complex to understand, but Kellman and Everett (TA) have done an excellent job in summarizing it during class and getting to the key points.

At times you will feel lost, and you may think you are destined to fail in this class as I have. However after reaching Kellman about my concerns, he personally told me that his intentional goals was not to harm your transcript... so I continued to do my best, show up to office hours, spend diligent time reading the material, and participate. On a scale of 1-10, the difficulty of his exams are a 7-8. Thankfully, he allows you to gain points back on the midterm and the curve is set extremely high. Tests usually consisted of multiple choice and essay format. Oh yes, there are reaction papers due for every class: a one page single-spaced summary of the readings. If you do them, you get credit. Simple as that. I strongly encourage those who take his class to do them because they really boost your grade and help you understand the material.

Overall, this class made me worry and sweat, but the material was very interesting. I got an A in the class, but I worked hard for it. I would not have thought about taking this class with any other professor. From what I've heard amongst my peers, many people got As. Apparently the curve was set EXTREMELY high. wink wink.

I am selling the course reader that is required for this course at 65$, which is much cheaper than the reader store (95$). The textbook is also for sale. Please e-mail me if you are interested at *************


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