
Rana Khankan

Overall Ratings
Based on 161 Users
Easiness 2.6 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 2.9 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.2 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.3 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (161)

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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
May 20, 2021
Quarter: Spring 2021
Grade: N/A

This is more of a review for the class than Khankan, but this is one of the most poorly structured classes I've taken. LS 7B and A were annoying but doable, but the first two exams have been my worst two in my life. The resources (especially launchpad) really don't help and they are not very accommadating, hopefully it gets better when its back in person or they change the course structure


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March 30, 2020
Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A

While the whole LS7 series is not structured really well, Professor Khankan makes the best out of it. By always being engaging, funny, and very informative of the material, she makes this series not so bad after all. In all honesty, she is the best professor for LS7A!


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
June 13, 2021
Quarter: Spring 2021
Grade: N/A

Take Khankan (or Esdin, honestly both great professors; you shouldn't worry about this aspect). She is really clear in her explanations and is able to connect ideas from previous weeks to what we learn later in the course (which I really appreciate).
But as for the course, easily the worst of the LS7 series. Take it from someone who loved Anatomy&Physiology in high school and is a PhySci major, this class ruined a lot for me. OK that may be a bit overdramatic but still, this class was something else. LS7A and 7B were doable as the material was easy to learn and exams were predictable. Nothing against Prof. Khankan, but the terribly worded and confusing tests and utter uselessness of the textbook made this class too stressful and unnecessarily difficult.
The class is structured similarly to the two previous courses, so theres not much to add on. Do the extra credit (it can really help your grade) and utilize Campuswire. Also, shoutout to Kevin, my favorite TA ever.
And one more thing...big thumbs down to the series because it takes so damn long to release test scores. Should take two days MAX.


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March 27, 2020
Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: N/A

I honestly LOVE Khankan. She is really good at explaining concepts and clarifies any questions you have. Before each exam she held on the hill office hours at like 10pm which I appreciated very much. The class itself is a lot of work depending on the type of student you are. For me, I need to read and review everything because I won't get it on the first try. I took a fair amount of notes on launchpad, reviewed clicker questions, went to PLF sessions and CLC sessions which made me succeed in the class. Exams are all application type questions so when she tells you to understand the concepts instead of memorizing small details, she means it. Would take her again.


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March 14, 2020
Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A

Professor Khankan is incredible and teaching and really cares for her students. She made biology (a subject I hated in high school) interesting and exciting and her class made me excited to work hard because it would always show on the exams. I really appreciate this professor and for sure take her if you have the chance.


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March 29, 2020
Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: B-

Professor Khankan makes a boring class unboring. Took it with Pires the first time, BIGGEST MISTAKE I'VE MADE AT UCLA. If you are bored with Khankan, oof, try taking 7A with Pires, you will die of boredom (quite literally). But with Khankan, man, she actually makes me want to pay attention, she is extremely helpful and quite funny at times. She brings so many positive vibes to the classroom and tries to work with what she has. The class is not as easy as others but that is simply due to the LS department itself, which professor Khankan has no power over. Professor Khankan makes it so that you are not afraid of questioning things and making your own questions, to her every question is a great question. I would definitely take a class with her again.

Aside from the professor, the class itself is structured in a way that makes you struggle. There is no practice exam questions or anything that is LIKE the exam. The launchpad questions are a breeze compared to the exam itself. The exams are more structured as a "What IF?" and not a "What is" type. You really need to analyze all possible scenarios that could happen if things are missing in a certain part of a process. Some questions are really confusing because they are given as statements rather than as questions.


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March 29, 2020
Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A

Prof Khankan was seriously a lifesaver for 7A. The material through launchpad is super dense and sometimes difficult to understand and apply, but Dr. Khankan does a great job explaining the topics and applying them in clicker questions. She's super funny and comes up with relateable examples to demonstrate and remember certain things. I honestly don't think I would have had such a good experience (considering the course) with any other professor, and I wish she taught 7B as well. To do well in the class in general:

DO ALL THE EXTRA CREDIT YOU CAN. The extra credit points throughout the quarter let me prorate the final, which I was definitely not in the correct mindset to take with everything else going on this quarter.

Do the launchpad. Some people can get away with not really reading through it, but for me, I read the text and took good notes every week, and it honestly helped me learn a lot.

For exams: all you need for prep is to go through the learning objectives (I like to write them) and the clicker questions again. If I have time, I like to go through the lecture slides too since sometimes there's some niche topics that'll pop up on the midterms.


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June 19, 2023
Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A

Dr. Khankan is an extremely energetic, helpful, and engaging professor. Her lectures are extremely interesting, as she explains clearly and always finds time to answer student questions and offer help. LS 7C was by far my favorite class within the LS 7 series, as it covered human physiology.
Dr. Khankan hosted review sessions before each exam, in which she would address student questions for multiple hours, which was extremely helpful. I would highly recommend taking LS 7C with Dr. K!

As for the LS 7C class itself, it was structured very similarly to the rest of the LS 7 series. Two midterms and one final exam, all on Canvas. The first midterm seemed quite difficult compared to the second midterm and the final exam. LS 7C is definitely the most difficult class in the LS 7 series, but I also found the content to be the most interesting and engaging. There is quite a lot of pre-class work in this class, as you are required to submit a reading guide before the first lecture of each week and answer various Achieve pre-class reading MCQs. These pre-class assignments tend to be quite tedious and long, and do not always seem particularly relevant to succeeding in the class itself.
Much like the rest of the LS 7 series, the exams test a deeper understanding of the concepts, rather than rote memorization. The best way to prepare is probably to understand all the diagrams/feedback loops in detail and review past PEQ/iClicker questions.

Overall, Dr. Khankan is a fantastic and engaging professor for LS 7C! The content of the LS 7C class itself is also very interesting, but the class is definitely challenging.


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March 12, 2020
Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: N/A

Dr. Khankan is a great teacher. She's very knowledgeable, clear, and helpful during her lectures and office hours. I would highly recommend taking LS 7A with her. She's also very good at explaining clicker questions. For me, I would take notes for every launchpad but some students don't and just click through. I'm not sure how you can retain information without taking notes. Also, the CLC sessions are pretty helpful so try to go to those. Discussion sections are just worksheets but help you master the content. Honestly, everything designed in the LS series curriculum is pretty well done except for the fact that there is a lack of practice exams and problems. I know that there are clicker questions but it would help if they gave everyone a practice exam so students know what the format of the exam is going to be like because you kind of feel blindsided your first midterm. Just know that it is more application than memorization in the course and that this is a weeder class so some of the questions aren't even testing your knowledge but just whether or not you see what they are trying to test. So don't be discouraged even if your first midterm grade is low. And also, don't go to the TA Sean's office hours - his attitude is super standoffish and asking him for explanations of midterm problems made it seem like him doing the students a favor. He literally told me, "I don't know. I didn't look at the midterm beforehand. I don't know" and also, "if it's a true false question, then why are you asking me, you already have the answer". He was jsut not helpful at all and instead made the review process that much more negative. Sorry if you have him as a TA


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March 28, 2020
Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A

Really easy class. Khankan is super clear about everything and if you use the resources she gives you you’ll easily get an A. I didn’t do any launchpad readings or go to any extra office hours. All you do is the day before the final, review all the clicker questions discussion sheets and the practice exam questions. Understand exactly why the answer is the best choice and none of the other answers are correct and you should be good to go.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2021
Grade: N/A
May 20, 2021

This is more of a review for the class than Khankan, but this is one of the most poorly structured classes I've taken. LS 7B and A were annoying but doable, but the first two exams have been my worst two in my life. The resources (especially launchpad) really don't help and they are not very accommadating, hopefully it gets better when its back in person or they change the course structure


15 0 Please log in to provide feedback.
Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A
March 30, 2020

While the whole LS7 series is not structured really well, Professor Khankan makes the best out of it. By always being engaging, funny, and very informative of the material, she makes this series not so bad after all. In all honesty, she is the best professor for LS7A!


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2021
Grade: N/A
June 13, 2021

Take Khankan (or Esdin, honestly both great professors; you shouldn't worry about this aspect). She is really clear in her explanations and is able to connect ideas from previous weeks to what we learn later in the course (which I really appreciate).
But as for the course, easily the worst of the LS7 series. Take it from someone who loved Anatomy&Physiology in high school and is a PhySci major, this class ruined a lot for me. OK that may be a bit overdramatic but still, this class was something else. LS7A and 7B were doable as the material was easy to learn and exams were predictable. Nothing against Prof. Khankan, but the terribly worded and confusing tests and utter uselessness of the textbook made this class too stressful and unnecessarily difficult.
The class is structured similarly to the two previous courses, so theres not much to add on. Do the extra credit (it can really help your grade) and utilize Campuswire. Also, shoutout to Kevin, my favorite TA ever.
And one more thing...big thumbs down to the series because it takes so damn long to release test scores. Should take two days MAX.


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Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: N/A
March 27, 2020

I honestly LOVE Khankan. She is really good at explaining concepts and clarifies any questions you have. Before each exam she held on the hill office hours at like 10pm which I appreciated very much. The class itself is a lot of work depending on the type of student you are. For me, I need to read and review everything because I won't get it on the first try. I took a fair amount of notes on launchpad, reviewed clicker questions, went to PLF sessions and CLC sessions which made me succeed in the class. Exams are all application type questions so when she tells you to understand the concepts instead of memorizing small details, she means it. Would take her again.


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Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A
March 14, 2020

Professor Khankan is incredible and teaching and really cares for her students. She made biology (a subject I hated in high school) interesting and exciting and her class made me excited to work hard because it would always show on the exams. I really appreciate this professor and for sure take her if you have the chance.


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Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: B-
March 29, 2020

Professor Khankan makes a boring class unboring. Took it with Pires the first time, BIGGEST MISTAKE I'VE MADE AT UCLA. If you are bored with Khankan, oof, try taking 7A with Pires, you will die of boredom (quite literally). But with Khankan, man, she actually makes me want to pay attention, she is extremely helpful and quite funny at times. She brings so many positive vibes to the classroom and tries to work with what she has. The class is not as easy as others but that is simply due to the LS department itself, which professor Khankan has no power over. Professor Khankan makes it so that you are not afraid of questioning things and making your own questions, to her every question is a great question. I would definitely take a class with her again.

Aside from the professor, the class itself is structured in a way that makes you struggle. There is no practice exam questions or anything that is LIKE the exam. The launchpad questions are a breeze compared to the exam itself. The exams are more structured as a "What IF?" and not a "What is" type. You really need to analyze all possible scenarios that could happen if things are missing in a certain part of a process. Some questions are really confusing because they are given as statements rather than as questions.


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Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A
March 29, 2020

Prof Khankan was seriously a lifesaver for 7A. The material through launchpad is super dense and sometimes difficult to understand and apply, but Dr. Khankan does a great job explaining the topics and applying them in clicker questions. She's super funny and comes up with relateable examples to demonstrate and remember certain things. I honestly don't think I would have had such a good experience (considering the course) with any other professor, and I wish she taught 7B as well. To do well in the class in general:

DO ALL THE EXTRA CREDIT YOU CAN. The extra credit points throughout the quarter let me prorate the final, which I was definitely not in the correct mindset to take with everything else going on this quarter.

Do the launchpad. Some people can get away with not really reading through it, but for me, I read the text and took good notes every week, and it honestly helped me learn a lot.

For exams: all you need for prep is to go through the learning objectives (I like to write them) and the clicker questions again. If I have time, I like to go through the lecture slides too since sometimes there's some niche topics that'll pop up on the midterms.


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Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A
June 19, 2023

Dr. Khankan is an extremely energetic, helpful, and engaging professor. Her lectures are extremely interesting, as she explains clearly and always finds time to answer student questions and offer help. LS 7C was by far my favorite class within the LS 7 series, as it covered human physiology.
Dr. Khankan hosted review sessions before each exam, in which she would address student questions for multiple hours, which was extremely helpful. I would highly recommend taking LS 7C with Dr. K!

As for the LS 7C class itself, it was structured very similarly to the rest of the LS 7 series. Two midterms and one final exam, all on Canvas. The first midterm seemed quite difficult compared to the second midterm and the final exam. LS 7C is definitely the most difficult class in the LS 7 series, but I also found the content to be the most interesting and engaging. There is quite a lot of pre-class work in this class, as you are required to submit a reading guide before the first lecture of each week and answer various Achieve pre-class reading MCQs. These pre-class assignments tend to be quite tedious and long, and do not always seem particularly relevant to succeeding in the class itself.
Much like the rest of the LS 7 series, the exams test a deeper understanding of the concepts, rather than rote memorization. The best way to prepare is probably to understand all the diagrams/feedback loops in detail and review past PEQ/iClicker questions.

Overall, Dr. Khankan is a fantastic and engaging professor for LS 7C! The content of the LS 7C class itself is also very interesting, but the class is definitely challenging.


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Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: N/A
March 12, 2020

Dr. Khankan is a great teacher. She's very knowledgeable, clear, and helpful during her lectures and office hours. I would highly recommend taking LS 7A with her. She's also very good at explaining clicker questions. For me, I would take notes for every launchpad but some students don't and just click through. I'm not sure how you can retain information without taking notes. Also, the CLC sessions are pretty helpful so try to go to those. Discussion sections are just worksheets but help you master the content. Honestly, everything designed in the LS series curriculum is pretty well done except for the fact that there is a lack of practice exams and problems. I know that there are clicker questions but it would help if they gave everyone a practice exam so students know what the format of the exam is going to be like because you kind of feel blindsided your first midterm. Just know that it is more application than memorization in the course and that this is a weeder class so some of the questions aren't even testing your knowledge but just whether or not you see what they are trying to test. So don't be discouraged even if your first midterm grade is low. And also, don't go to the TA Sean's office hours - his attitude is super standoffish and asking him for explanations of midterm problems made it seem like him doing the students a favor. He literally told me, "I don't know. I didn't look at the midterm beforehand. I don't know" and also, "if it's a true false question, then why are you asking me, you already have the answer". He was jsut not helpful at all and instead made the review process that much more negative. Sorry if you have him as a TA


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Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A
March 28, 2020

Really easy class. Khankan is super clear about everything and if you use the resources she gives you you’ll easily get an A. I didn’t do any launchpad readings or go to any extra office hours. All you do is the day before the final, review all the clicker questions discussion sheets and the practice exam questions. Understand exactly why the answer is the best choice and none of the other answers are correct and you should be good to go.


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