
Randa Reslan

Overall Ratings
Based on 50 Users
Easiness 3.6 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 4.2 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 3.8 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.5 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (50)

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June 13, 2024
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A+

Professor Randa Reslan is the best choice for taking 14A with. Her lecture was thrice a week MWF, but attendance isn't mandatory and I'd honestly recommend just rewatching the lectures back at 2x speed. We had "weekly" problem sets on Achieve that kept getting extended that were anywhere from 8-20+ problems that were based on the textbook and lectures. The grading scheme is as follows.
10% Homework
5% discussion section worksheets (you just show up for attendance)
35% midterm exam
50% final exam
There was a bonus LA survey that added 0.5% to your final grade. For the exams, I would recommend going back through the problem sets and making sure that you understand each problem and how to get the correct solution. She records decently long review sessions (two 2 hour review sessions for the midterm and four 2 hour review sessions for the final) and also uploads practice exams that are similar to the actual tests. She is a very accommodating and nice professor (during the midterm, because of the unrest going on on campus, she decided to curve the midterm). Reslan added 6 bonus points on the final (126/120). She truly cares about her students and is an amazing professor, and I would never have taken 14A with anyone else.


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March 28, 2024
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A

Professor Reslan is an awesome professor who truly cares about her students. The review sessions she hosted were very helpful. Tough material but Professor Reslan's teaching makes it bearable and easily understandable.Cannot recommend this class enough!


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Aug. 13, 2023
Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A+

When I took 14A with Reslan, it was her first time teaching at ucla. So of course, she's not gonna be perfect, and at times she was a bit disorganized and made few errors since it was her first time teaching the quarter system. Many students would hate on her and wouldn't appreciate what she did for the class which pissed me off. However, from her growth and quality as a professor, I would say she is an amazing professor and the majority of the students with a brain would agree. If she is teaching this class again, take it with her! After the first few weeks, she assimilated into the class, became way more organized, and more helpful in our learning. The exams were so fair and similar to the practice in the class. She provides so many practice problems and wanted us to get an A. She tried her best to simplify complex topics and would try to answer as many questions as possible. She was also extremely nice and accommodating (even though she had to deal with some annoying ungrateful students so I felt bad for her throughout the quarter). She might have changed her class structure from when I took it, but overall, she is goated, so take the class with her!


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Feb. 19, 2023
Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A+

I loved this class. I am not a chemistry person in the slightest and have always detested it in the past, and by no means did she dumb the class down, but she made it very approachable and frequently said she wanted everyone to succeed. She is a good, clear lecturer, and provides very good practice exams. She provides outlines for her lectures printed to write on, and would provide a filled version later so you could make sure you had the math worked out right. The content on the exams was never a surprise and never a trick, and matched the difficulty of the practice problems very well. The exams are forgiving in that there were sometimes two long questions worth the same amount where you needed only to choose whichever one you preferred to answer. The final was all multiple choice so did not have that, but it did have extra credit questions to pad the grade. I don't think I've ever learned more from a chemistry course, nor have I ever taken one so low stress.


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Feb. 17, 2023
Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A

I am not a fan of chemistry, but if you have to take 14A, I recommend professor Reslan. She was slightly disorganized at the beginning of the quarter, but everything was running smoothly by the end. She is very caring, will always admit to and remedy her mistakes, and often sides with students' wishes. I struggled initially, but she took time to hold helpful office hours, which I highly recommended attending. She also curved the final grades, which I believe helped many people.


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June 7, 2024
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: C

I want to preface that the finals really screwed my grades this quarter, but that I was doing relatively well before. I think a lot of positive reviews on Reslan stem from the fact that she genuinely cares about her students and their success. She is also witty and kind which not all teachers are. However, Reslan's lectures can be very confusing. She often is disorganized not knowing where she left off or how to refollow her work. She is also sometimes very slow in explaining content. This was really nice because she ended up knocking off a lot of content that we didn't have time to cover from midterms and the final. Also she often gave extensions on the homework, so that was never too overwhelming to complete. That being said it also made for extremely long review sessions. I remember she had more than 10 hours of review sessions for the final which was great but a little excessive. I really do think her review sessions are helpful in succeeding in her class, but I think she could find ways to make them more concise. I also found her tests to be a time crunch. Especially our second midterm. Overall I would say Reslan is a pretty professor (especially compared to Scerri who I had last quarter), but I would definitely watch out for the disorganized and somewhat confusing lecturing style.


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April 25, 2024
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A

Reslan is really nice and cares about her students. The pros end there. She is not clear in lecture, and isn't really a good teacher. It's hard to understand what she is teaching and her lectures are very disjointed. To be honest, lecture is a waste of time, and you would be better off learning on your own. Good luck gang.


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April 17, 2024
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: B+

For students who don't have a strong background in chem, this class can be very difficult. I was only able to follow along in Reslan's lectures because I took AP Chem in high school. The discussions sections were not that helpful especially for the second midterm. The first midterm was pretty fair but the second midterm was unreasonable and almost nobody finished on time. Her TAs and her were never on the same page and would tell us different things about what tests would entail. The tests had a lot more conceptual concepts rather computational questions that are usually on 20 series tests.


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April 2, 2024
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A-

I decided to format my reviews a little differently from now on, I’ll have a short summary/justification of the numbers for each of the criteria and below Ill have a more extensive review:

-The content is alot more challenging compared to CHEM 20A and its requires alot of practice
-She was not very clear as a professor, it was hard to understand her teaching and when she was teaching it felt as if she was lost while trying to explain everything
- She only gives one homework assignment per chapter and they are about 10-14 questions about, you also have alot of time to do them so compared to CHEM 20A the workload is alot less
- She was very helpful, she held alot of office hours and encourages students to come to office hours, she held alot of review sessions for the final and the two midterms.
-She was a really nice professor and tried really hard to help us its just that sometimes her lectures were not clear. It was still one of my favorite classes because I enjoy chemistry but if you don't enjoy chem this class will be your worst nightmare
Professor Reslan was a super nice person. She is really funny she tries to be as helpful as possible and wants you to understand the content. However, she is not great at explaining alot of the concepts, she often seems like she is a little lost when she is explaining things. She is very fair and will curve the exams if the class average is not high enough, she will also remove chapters from exams or from the course all together (because of bad time management). She holds alot of review sessions but they are often just a brief skim over the content and extremely long and slow. She does record them so I suggest saving your time and just watching the recording. She expects you to read the textbook before class and usually with most professors even if they say that, its not necessary because they cover the content in class, however with Dr. Reslan, it is absolutely necessary because she often does not explain the concept very well or at all.
The class is annoying because there is only 1 grading scheme. I'm not 100% sure about the scheme but if i remember correctly, Homework = 8%, Discussion = 7%, Final = 35%, Midterms= 25% (x2) The discussions had us doing a worksheet during the time and submitting them during the time period, but they were very useless, I could have skipped discussion and felt the same about the content. I was 6 points off on my final from getting an A which was a lesson for me to have prepared more for the midterms because I did not do as well as I could have for the midterms. Since there is no other grading scheme in the class, there is no chance for you to slip up, like me. So for the midterms really study for those and practice because you have such little time. The final was easier than the midterms but the midterms are fair but challenging. The content is pretty cool and overall the class is alright if you like chemistry. However if you don't like chemistry I can see this class being miserable for you.


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April 2, 2024
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A+

I often felt bored during lectures (I have AP knowledge), although Professor Reslan's humor helped make them more enjoyable. My main issue was that she tended to spend too much time on basic concepts and rushed through important topics. Exams were not easy, but they were fair. For me, midterm 1 and the final were easy. Although all the concepts for Midterm 2 were covered in class, I believe the time-consuming nature of the questions led to the dissatisfaction of many students.
All in all, I recommend taking this class with Reslan; she was very nice and helpful.


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Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A+
June 13, 2024

Professor Randa Reslan is the best choice for taking 14A with. Her lecture was thrice a week MWF, but attendance isn't mandatory and I'd honestly recommend just rewatching the lectures back at 2x speed. We had "weekly" problem sets on Achieve that kept getting extended that were anywhere from 8-20+ problems that were based on the textbook and lectures. The grading scheme is as follows.
10% Homework
5% discussion section worksheets (you just show up for attendance)
35% midterm exam
50% final exam
There was a bonus LA survey that added 0.5% to your final grade. For the exams, I would recommend going back through the problem sets and making sure that you understand each problem and how to get the correct solution. She records decently long review sessions (two 2 hour review sessions for the midterm and four 2 hour review sessions for the final) and also uploads practice exams that are similar to the actual tests. She is a very accommodating and nice professor (during the midterm, because of the unrest going on on campus, she decided to curve the midterm). Reslan added 6 bonus points on the final (126/120). She truly cares about her students and is an amazing professor, and I would never have taken 14A with anyone else.


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A
March 28, 2024

Professor Reslan is an awesome professor who truly cares about her students. The review sessions she hosted were very helpful. Tough material but Professor Reslan's teaching makes it bearable and easily understandable.Cannot recommend this class enough!


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Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A+
Aug. 13, 2023

When I took 14A with Reslan, it was her first time teaching at ucla. So of course, she's not gonna be perfect, and at times she was a bit disorganized and made few errors since it was her first time teaching the quarter system. Many students would hate on her and wouldn't appreciate what she did for the class which pissed me off. However, from her growth and quality as a professor, I would say she is an amazing professor and the majority of the students with a brain would agree. If she is teaching this class again, take it with her! After the first few weeks, she assimilated into the class, became way more organized, and more helpful in our learning. The exams were so fair and similar to the practice in the class. She provides so many practice problems and wanted us to get an A. She tried her best to simplify complex topics and would try to answer as many questions as possible. She was also extremely nice and accommodating (even though she had to deal with some annoying ungrateful students so I felt bad for her throughout the quarter). She might have changed her class structure from when I took it, but overall, she is goated, so take the class with her!


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Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A+
Feb. 19, 2023

I loved this class. I am not a chemistry person in the slightest and have always detested it in the past, and by no means did she dumb the class down, but she made it very approachable and frequently said she wanted everyone to succeed. She is a good, clear lecturer, and provides very good practice exams. She provides outlines for her lectures printed to write on, and would provide a filled version later so you could make sure you had the math worked out right. The content on the exams was never a surprise and never a trick, and matched the difficulty of the practice problems very well. The exams are forgiving in that there were sometimes two long questions worth the same amount where you needed only to choose whichever one you preferred to answer. The final was all multiple choice so did not have that, but it did have extra credit questions to pad the grade. I don't think I've ever learned more from a chemistry course, nor have I ever taken one so low stress.


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Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A
Feb. 17, 2023

I am not a fan of chemistry, but if you have to take 14A, I recommend professor Reslan. She was slightly disorganized at the beginning of the quarter, but everything was running smoothly by the end. She is very caring, will always admit to and remedy her mistakes, and often sides with students' wishes. I struggled initially, but she took time to hold helpful office hours, which I highly recommended attending. She also curved the final grades, which I believe helped many people.


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: C
June 7, 2024

I want to preface that the finals really screwed my grades this quarter, but that I was doing relatively well before. I think a lot of positive reviews on Reslan stem from the fact that she genuinely cares about her students and their success. She is also witty and kind which not all teachers are. However, Reslan's lectures can be very confusing. She often is disorganized not knowing where she left off or how to refollow her work. She is also sometimes very slow in explaining content. This was really nice because she ended up knocking off a lot of content that we didn't have time to cover from midterms and the final. Also she often gave extensions on the homework, so that was never too overwhelming to complete. That being said it also made for extremely long review sessions. I remember she had more than 10 hours of review sessions for the final which was great but a little excessive. I really do think her review sessions are helpful in succeeding in her class, but I think she could find ways to make them more concise. I also found her tests to be a time crunch. Especially our second midterm. Overall I would say Reslan is a pretty professor (especially compared to Scerri who I had last quarter), but I would definitely watch out for the disorganized and somewhat confusing lecturing style.


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A
April 25, 2024

Reslan is really nice and cares about her students. The pros end there. She is not clear in lecture, and isn't really a good teacher. It's hard to understand what she is teaching and her lectures are very disjointed. To be honest, lecture is a waste of time, and you would be better off learning on your own. Good luck gang.


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: B+
April 17, 2024

For students who don't have a strong background in chem, this class can be very difficult. I was only able to follow along in Reslan's lectures because I took AP Chem in high school. The discussions sections were not that helpful especially for the second midterm. The first midterm was pretty fair but the second midterm was unreasonable and almost nobody finished on time. Her TAs and her were never on the same page and would tell us different things about what tests would entail. The tests had a lot more conceptual concepts rather computational questions that are usually on 20 series tests.


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A-
April 2, 2024

I decided to format my reviews a little differently from now on, I’ll have a short summary/justification of the numbers for each of the criteria and below Ill have a more extensive review:

-The content is alot more challenging compared to CHEM 20A and its requires alot of practice
-She was not very clear as a professor, it was hard to understand her teaching and when she was teaching it felt as if she was lost while trying to explain everything
- She only gives one homework assignment per chapter and they are about 10-14 questions about, you also have alot of time to do them so compared to CHEM 20A the workload is alot less
- She was very helpful, she held alot of office hours and encourages students to come to office hours, she held alot of review sessions for the final and the two midterms.
-She was a really nice professor and tried really hard to help us its just that sometimes her lectures were not clear. It was still one of my favorite classes because I enjoy chemistry but if you don't enjoy chem this class will be your worst nightmare
Professor Reslan was a super nice person. She is really funny she tries to be as helpful as possible and wants you to understand the content. However, she is not great at explaining alot of the concepts, she often seems like she is a little lost when she is explaining things. She is very fair and will curve the exams if the class average is not high enough, she will also remove chapters from exams or from the course all together (because of bad time management). She holds alot of review sessions but they are often just a brief skim over the content and extremely long and slow. She does record them so I suggest saving your time and just watching the recording. She expects you to read the textbook before class and usually with most professors even if they say that, its not necessary because they cover the content in class, however with Dr. Reslan, it is absolutely necessary because she often does not explain the concept very well or at all.
The class is annoying because there is only 1 grading scheme. I'm not 100% sure about the scheme but if i remember correctly, Homework = 8%, Discussion = 7%, Final = 35%, Midterms= 25% (x2) The discussions had us doing a worksheet during the time and submitting them during the time period, but they were very useless, I could have skipped discussion and felt the same about the content. I was 6 points off on my final from getting an A which was a lesson for me to have prepared more for the midterms because I did not do as well as I could have for the midterms. Since there is no other grading scheme in the class, there is no chance for you to slip up, like me. So for the midterms really study for those and practice because you have such little time. The final was easier than the midterms but the midterms are fair but challenging. The content is pretty cool and overall the class is alright if you like chemistry. However if you don't like chemistry I can see this class being miserable for you.


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A+
April 2, 2024

I often felt bored during lectures (I have AP knowledge), although Professor Reslan's humor helped make them more enjoyable. My main issue was that she tended to spend too much time on basic concepts and rushed through important topics. Exams were not easy, but they were fair. For me, midterm 1 and the final were easy. Although all the concepts for Midterm 2 were covered in class, I believe the time-consuming nature of the questions led to the dissatisfaction of many students.
All in all, I recommend taking this class with Reslan; she was very nice and helpful.


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