Richard Weiss
Most Helpful Review
Wow could Weiss be any more boring? His lectures were extremely dull and he focused on the most mundane topics of history. He assigns a lot of reading for the class, but don't think it will help you. I did most of the reading until I realized it was absolutely pointless, so I started skimming the books instead. The class was based soley on the final exam. That's right. No papers, no midterms, no projects. Which for some people might be ok, but it had me freaking out about the final. A week before the final, he gave us 10 prompts that could appear on the final. He chose 4 and we had to write on 2. The prompts weren't very good so I felt like it was kind of hard to write a really good essay, but I ended up with an A- in the class. I didn't learn anything, so if you want to learn, take a different professor!
Wow could Weiss be any more boring? His lectures were extremely dull and he focused on the most mundane topics of history. He assigns a lot of reading for the class, but don't think it will help you. I did most of the reading until I realized it was absolutely pointless, so I started skimming the books instead. The class was based soley on the final exam. That's right. No papers, no midterms, no projects. Which for some people might be ok, but it had me freaking out about the final. A week before the final, he gave us 10 prompts that could appear on the final. He chose 4 and we had to write on 2. The prompts weren't very good so I felt like it was kind of hard to write a really good essay, but I ended up with an A- in the class. I didn't learn anything, so if you want to learn, take a different professor!
Most Helpful Review
Fall 2019 - This man is 75 and a retired professor who only comes to teach when they need an extra section. I took this class last quarter and it was at 8am, four days a week (so already awful off the bat). Luckily it was bruincasted, his attendance was in the 20-30% every single lecture, which he was mad about (dont teach an 8 am then). His voice and lectures are not engaging whatsoever and the class is based almost entirely on two midterms (which are 50 min during class) and a final, all which was so hard. His TAs grade and look for verbatim words and phrases that he uses in lecture, and if you paraphrase, its wrong, and partial credit is rare. I shouldve taken Awad but both of her sections were full when I registered and I thought taking Weiss would be fine. Sike i was wrong. I would recommend waiting for a better professor if this is your only option. I am now paying the price and am going to have to retake the course.
Fall 2019 - This man is 75 and a retired professor who only comes to teach when they need an extra section. I took this class last quarter and it was at 8am, four days a week (so already awful off the bat). Luckily it was bruincasted, his attendance was in the 20-30% every single lecture, which he was mad about (dont teach an 8 am then). His voice and lectures are not engaging whatsoever and the class is based almost entirely on two midterms (which are 50 min during class) and a final, all which was so hard. His TAs grade and look for verbatim words and phrases that he uses in lecture, and if you paraphrase, its wrong, and partial credit is rare. I shouldve taken Awad but both of her sections were full when I registered and I thought taking Weiss would be fine. Sike i was wrong. I would recommend waiting for a better professor if this is your only option. I am now paying the price and am going to have to retake the course.