Robert Borg
Most Helpful Review
Fall 2024 - This review is for Justin Paul. Incredibly easy class by all metrics, but just regurgitated content from 10A with an insufferable tone. This class is 3 hours long and Justin spends most of it rambling and talking about himself. It would be a no brainer to show up for the first lecture and then never ever show up again, but for some reason this guy takes mandatory, insanely weighted attendance and your grade can drop an entire letter grade just by missing a lecture or two. What a nightmare
Fall 2024 - This review is for Justin Paul. Incredibly easy class by all metrics, but just regurgitated content from 10A with an insufferable tone. This class is 3 hours long and Justin spends most of it rambling and talking about himself. It would be a no brainer to show up for the first lecture and then never ever show up again, but for some reason this guy takes mandatory, insanely weighted attendance and your grade can drop an entire letter grade just by missing a lecture or two. What a nightmare