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- Russell Jacoby
- HIST 97C
Based on 7 Users
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- Winter 2017
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
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I took his 97 History of Modern Tolerance and 121E. His lectures can be entertaining, but his grading is rough. I have NEVER before, and never since, questioned a professor about my grade, but I had to question him on every test and paper. Comments would be made claiming I had not mentioned this or that, but sure enough I had. He blamed the bad grading in his 121E class on his readers and changed the grade, but it was an annoying process. Because I did sort of enjoy his lectures, and I was a new transfer student, I decided to take his 97 class (big mistake). Our syllabus stated that 50% of our grade would be based on attendance/participation and turning in a weekly paper (not graded), and the other half of our grade was our final paper. I did not miss one class and turned in EVERY paper and still received a B- in the class (I'm an honor student and this is the lowest grade I've ever received). That would have meant that he had given me a D on my final paper, which none of us ever got back. Most of our class (about 13 of us) received B's and B-'s and many challenged it. He is willing to re-read the paper and change your grade if you can get a hold of him and remain persistent. I just really don't think he's worth the hassle.
I took his 97 History of Modern Tolerance and 121E. His lectures can be entertaining, but his grading is rough. I have NEVER before, and never since, questioned a professor about my grade, but I had to question him on every test and paper. Comments would be made claiming I had not mentioned this or that, but sure enough I had. He blamed the bad grading in his 121E class on his readers and changed the grade, but it was an annoying process. Because I did sort of enjoy his lectures, and I was a new transfer student, I decided to take his 97 class (big mistake). Our syllabus stated that 50% of our grade would be based on attendance/participation and turning in a weekly paper (not graded), and the other half of our grade was our final paper. I did not miss one class and turned in EVERY paper and still received a B- in the class (I'm an honor student and this is the lowest grade I've ever received). That would have meant that he had given me a D on my final paper, which none of us ever got back. Most of our class (about 13 of us) received B's and B-'s and many challenged it. He is willing to re-read the paper and change your grade if you can get a hold of him and remain persistent. I just really don't think he's worth the hassle.
Based on 7 Users
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