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Scott Brandenberg
Based on 13 Users
Lectures are sometimes hard to follow because he doesn't give many good examples. The topics are also just confusing and unintuitive sometimes. The homeworks can also be tricky (because of the lack of examples), so I recommend finding someone who took the class before to share their homeworks with you so you can follow along. The tests are also straightforward as long as you know how to do the homework problems and you get the main ideas from lecture. He also has prerecorded videos/notes posted on his website, which are helpful for studying.
Brandenberg is amazing! Very caring professor who clearly cares about his students -- he was kind enough to move our midterm back a week when a fire started near campus a couple days before the midterm, even though campus never closed and we ended up having lecture that day.
He is very approachable and receptive to questions and suggestions, always willing to take the time to break down a concept further and provide more examples if we were having trouble grasping it. Not to mention, he loves to sprinkle in dad jokes to keep you on your toes.
The homework could be kind of tricky or tedious at times, but it gave solid practice for each of the concepts and was good preparation for the exams. The exams themselves were about what you might expect, a step above in that they challenged your understanding but were well within reason given the difficulty of the homework. No real surprises.
I found 120 to be a pretty tough class. Challenging material, time-consuming homework, and time-crunch exams. Brandenburg is a great guy and an overall good professor, but he sometimes doesn't explain things fully. This quarter, he did a "flipped" classroom where he uploaded the lecture videos ahead of time and went over example problems during lecture. I personally stopped attending later in the quarter because I fell behind on the lecture videos, but it seemed like a good way to get practice. If you're into geotech then this class will be enjoyable; otherwise, you'll probably be happy to get it over with like I was.
Professor was nice and it was decent sailing for most of the course, homework and midterm were alright while prerecorded lecture videos were choppy at times from technical difficulties but watchable, but the final was absolutely killer.
Brandenberg is a nice guy and for the most part this class wasn't that bad. Midterm was reasonable, HW's can be a little tricky but if you go to OH the TA and professor were very helpful. The final was just horrible though. Totally out of left field. I went over all the materials he had provided for us multiple times and was completely unprepared. He did grade very generously though, so just make sure you attempt problems. We did a flipped classroom, so we watched lectures beforehand and did example problems in class. The pre-recorded lecture videos were dull and hard to pay attention to. This is one of those classes where the professor wants to build his own course and his own problems, which is great until the most important part of your grade is built out of things you've never seen before on the final. Overall, not that bad though.
Lectures are sometimes hard to follow because he doesn't give many good examples. The topics are also just confusing and unintuitive sometimes. The homeworks can also be tricky (because of the lack of examples), so I recommend finding someone who took the class before to share their homeworks with you so you can follow along. The tests are also straightforward as long as you know how to do the homework problems and you get the main ideas from lecture. He also has prerecorded videos/notes posted on his website, which are helpful for studying.
Brandenberg is amazing! Very caring professor who clearly cares about his students -- he was kind enough to move our midterm back a week when a fire started near campus a couple days before the midterm, even though campus never closed and we ended up having lecture that day.
He is very approachable and receptive to questions and suggestions, always willing to take the time to break down a concept further and provide more examples if we were having trouble grasping it. Not to mention, he loves to sprinkle in dad jokes to keep you on your toes.
The homework could be kind of tricky or tedious at times, but it gave solid practice for each of the concepts and was good preparation for the exams. The exams themselves were about what you might expect, a step above in that they challenged your understanding but were well within reason given the difficulty of the homework. No real surprises.
I found 120 to be a pretty tough class. Challenging material, time-consuming homework, and time-crunch exams. Brandenburg is a great guy and an overall good professor, but he sometimes doesn't explain things fully. This quarter, he did a "flipped" classroom where he uploaded the lecture videos ahead of time and went over example problems during lecture. I personally stopped attending later in the quarter because I fell behind on the lecture videos, but it seemed like a good way to get practice. If you're into geotech then this class will be enjoyable; otherwise, you'll probably be happy to get it over with like I was.
Professor was nice and it was decent sailing for most of the course, homework and midterm were alright while prerecorded lecture videos were choppy at times from technical difficulties but watchable, but the final was absolutely killer.
Brandenberg is a nice guy and for the most part this class wasn't that bad. Midterm was reasonable, HW's can be a little tricky but if you go to OH the TA and professor were very helpful. The final was just horrible though. Totally out of left field. I went over all the materials he had provided for us multiple times and was completely unprepared. He did grade very generously though, so just make sure you attempt problems. We did a flipped classroom, so we watched lectures beforehand and did example problems in class. The pre-recorded lecture videos were dull and hard to pay attention to. This is one of those classes where the professor wants to build his own course and his own problems, which is great until the most important part of your grade is built out of things you've never seen before on the final. Overall, not that bad though.