
Scott Johnson

Overall Ratings
Based on 71 Users
Easiness 3.7 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 3.5 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.6 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.4 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (71)

4 of 4
4 of 4
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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
June 22, 2021
Quarter: Spring 2021
Grade: A+

A majority of your grade comes from groupwork which you change group members 3-4 times a quarter. He lectures for about 30-45 minutes and you spend the rest of the time answering questions with your group. There is 3 extra credits from SONA and also an optional paper that you have to do to get an A in the class. Pretty easy class overall.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
June 23, 2021
Quarter: Spring 2021
Grade: A+

This class was a lovely addition to my courseload last quarter. There are no exams which gave me more time to study for my other classes. However, each class requires a group response to questions on the assigned readings. After a while I got used to it but sometimes it was hard to understand why people rated you the way they did. But overall, the peer ratings were averaged and it was fine. I did the optional paper at the end which I recommend doing. I also did the SONA extra credit. Overall I would highly recommend this fun class if you don't mind group work!


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Dec. 22, 2021
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: A+

Assessment: A total of 103 points is possible—up to 90 points from class activity (attendance, peer review, and small group answers), up to 10 points from the (optional) paper, and up to 3 points from (optional) extra credit.

Wow, this class was easy. No exams or homework!

For this class you need to:
1. Read two research periods per class period (…. or don’t, you don’t really NEED to read them)
2. Complete the in-class group assignment (the worksheet has 5 questions that can be split among the ~5 group members)
3. Rate your group members’ contributions

The optional research paper (which isn’t really optional if you want an A or A+) isn’t that hard and only took me 2 days to do.

I’d do this class again in a heartbeat. It’s interesting and easy. Do it!


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Dec. 28, 2021
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: A

super easy class. no textbook, he tells you the name of the articles to read (most of the studies are actually done by him which is super cool). Honestly, I don't think I looked up a single article because people always sent it in the group me. I also never read the articles either. Pretty much you don't have to listen or watch the lecture portion, he will literally tell you NOT to take notes and just "enjoy the lecture". There are NO tests, NO quizzes, NO homework either. technically your homework is to read the articles but honestly you don't even have to do that. What you are graded on is the questions you will answer at the end of the class that are related to the articles you read. But if you just make the article a PDF and look up words from the question you will find the answer written in the article (this is why I never read them lol).

THE ONLY BAD THING: if your group sucks at answering questions you are penalized for it too because it is a group graded assignment, secondly you can miss two classes without penalty but say you go to class and forget to do a peer review by the end of the day technically you missed a day there (this hurt my grade a little), and lastly the HIGHEST GRADE YOU CAN GET IS AN A-!!!! the only way you can get an A is if you do all of the extra credit assignments which are SONA and then writing a research paper. I wrote literally the worst research paper imaginable, it sounded like a 8th grader wrote it, and got a 100 on it so you will be fine here.



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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Jan. 2, 2022
Quarter: Spring 2021
Grade: A+

Dr. Johnson is a great professor! He is very friendly and has a wonderful personality. I took this course during Spring 2021 and it was one of my favorite courses throughout my college experience. The class is straightforward and has minimal workload. Participation is required and all you have to do is some short readings followed by easy groupwork assignments during class. I highly recommend this class!


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Feb. 25, 2023
Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A+

Honestly of the best professors I took at UCLA. Very chill and makes students wanna come to class. He really cares about a student's success. He is always willing to help out and clarify any questions we have.
There are no quizzes nor exams! The course consisted of reading two papers per class and you answer questions with your assigned group towards the end of each class. He goes through a thorough lecture for each paper a few days before we are assigned to answer the questions. This was done to ensure that we have an understanding of the papers assigned to read. Also, he offered extra credit opportunities such as SONA credit and writing an optional paper which he tells you about from the start of the quarter, so you have plenty of time to write and prepare it (very doable)! If I had the option of taking another course with him I will! If any of you have the option of taking a class w/ him, DO IT!!!!!


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Jan. 7, 2022
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: A

TAKE THIS CLASS. Professor Johnson structured this class so it super low stress, all you have to do is complete the readings which are often times pretty long, attend live Zoom lecture because after the lecture you will go to breakout rooms to discuss and answer some group questions which were sometimes challenging but doable and submit the answers by the end of class time. NO EXAMS, as long as you do what I mentioned and do well on the questions then you are guaranteed an A-. You also rate your classmates on their effort and contribution during breakout sessions but I was lucky to get the best groups who gave full points as long as you contributed to the questions. If you want to get an A or A+ you will have to write up your own research proposal which I actually enjoyed doing. Mine was only about 6-7 pages long and was able to get an A in the class. 100000/10 recommend to take this class with any other more challenging courses since it is very stress free. Professor Johnson is super approachable and it was a pleasure to take his course.


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Dec. 14, 2022
Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A+

AMAZING Professor. Really enjoyed all his lectures. He is very interesting. I liked the format of the class where we do group work for assignments. It was good being able to discuss the material with other students. I feel like that helped me understand everything more. The optional paper is not optional though! You have to do it if you want an A in the class. You could get an A- without it, but honestly just do the paper. It’s not bad.


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Dec. 9, 2022
Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: N/A

Dr. Johnson has made this class thoroughly enjoyable and I know a lot of other students feel the same. In order to get an A in the course, you do need to do EC but the paper is flexible and allows students an opportunity to explore an aspect of perceptual development that they personally care about. If you’re happy with a B, then all you really need to do is show up for lecture and read the articles. Would recommend!


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June 15, 2022
Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: NR

I learned more in this class than almost any other class I’ve taken in the three quarters here so far. Yes, the reviews are correct in that it’s an easy course load compared to others, but you get out what you put in. I care less about grades than I do making sure I’m learning, and that is def what happened in this class. As an added bonus, it is super feasible to get an A and learn too!

The material was interesting, sometimes challenging to grasp, but the professor and TA were super helpful in explaining anything I asked.
I must admit, working with groups was not my favorite but would take that over homework and assignments any day.

I recommend taking this class, the professor is A1! Stay up with the readings. The way he structures lecture is brilliant, perhaps that’s why I retained so much. He lectures and then you read the material he primed you on.

The optional research proposal was cool and I was glad to have an outlet for some of the creative research ideas that came up during the lectures and readings. Grades aren’t out yet but know it will at least be an A- if not an A+.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2021
Grade: A+
June 22, 2021

A majority of your grade comes from groupwork which you change group members 3-4 times a quarter. He lectures for about 30-45 minutes and you spend the rest of the time answering questions with your group. There is 3 extra credits from SONA and also an optional paper that you have to do to get an A in the class. Pretty easy class overall.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2021
Grade: A+
June 23, 2021

This class was a lovely addition to my courseload last quarter. There are no exams which gave me more time to study for my other classes. However, each class requires a group response to questions on the assigned readings. After a while I got used to it but sometimes it was hard to understand why people rated you the way they did. But overall, the peer ratings were averaged and it was fine. I did the optional paper at the end which I recommend doing. I also did the SONA extra credit. Overall I would highly recommend this fun class if you don't mind group work!


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: A+
Dec. 22, 2021

Assessment: A total of 103 points is possible—up to 90 points from class activity (attendance, peer review, and small group answers), up to 10 points from the (optional) paper, and up to 3 points from (optional) extra credit.

Wow, this class was easy. No exams or homework!

For this class you need to:
1. Read two research periods per class period (…. or don’t, you don’t really NEED to read them)
2. Complete the in-class group assignment (the worksheet has 5 questions that can be split among the ~5 group members)
3. Rate your group members’ contributions

The optional research paper (which isn’t really optional if you want an A or A+) isn’t that hard and only took me 2 days to do.

I’d do this class again in a heartbeat. It’s interesting and easy. Do it!


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: A
Dec. 28, 2021

super easy class. no textbook, he tells you the name of the articles to read (most of the studies are actually done by him which is super cool). Honestly, I don't think I looked up a single article because people always sent it in the group me. I also never read the articles either. Pretty much you don't have to listen or watch the lecture portion, he will literally tell you NOT to take notes and just "enjoy the lecture". There are NO tests, NO quizzes, NO homework either. technically your homework is to read the articles but honestly you don't even have to do that. What you are graded on is the questions you will answer at the end of the class that are related to the articles you read. But if you just make the article a PDF and look up words from the question you will find the answer written in the article (this is why I never read them lol).

THE ONLY BAD THING: if your group sucks at answering questions you are penalized for it too because it is a group graded assignment, secondly you can miss two classes without penalty but say you go to class and forget to do a peer review by the end of the day technically you missed a day there (this hurt my grade a little), and lastly the HIGHEST GRADE YOU CAN GET IS AN A-!!!! the only way you can get an A is if you do all of the extra credit assignments which are SONA and then writing a research paper. I wrote literally the worst research paper imaginable, it sounded like a 8th grader wrote it, and got a 100 on it so you will be fine here.



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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2021
Grade: A+
Jan. 2, 2022

Dr. Johnson is a great professor! He is very friendly and has a wonderful personality. I took this course during Spring 2021 and it was one of my favorite courses throughout my college experience. The class is straightforward and has minimal workload. Participation is required and all you have to do is some short readings followed by easy groupwork assignments during class. I highly recommend this class!


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Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A+
Feb. 25, 2023

Honestly of the best professors I took at UCLA. Very chill and makes students wanna come to class. He really cares about a student's success. He is always willing to help out and clarify any questions we have.
There are no quizzes nor exams! The course consisted of reading two papers per class and you answer questions with your assigned group towards the end of each class. He goes through a thorough lecture for each paper a few days before we are assigned to answer the questions. This was done to ensure that we have an understanding of the papers assigned to read. Also, he offered extra credit opportunities such as SONA credit and writing an optional paper which he tells you about from the start of the quarter, so you have plenty of time to write and prepare it (very doable)! If I had the option of taking another course with him I will! If any of you have the option of taking a class w/ him, DO IT!!!!!


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: A
Jan. 7, 2022

TAKE THIS CLASS. Professor Johnson structured this class so it super low stress, all you have to do is complete the readings which are often times pretty long, attend live Zoom lecture because after the lecture you will go to breakout rooms to discuss and answer some group questions which were sometimes challenging but doable and submit the answers by the end of class time. NO EXAMS, as long as you do what I mentioned and do well on the questions then you are guaranteed an A-. You also rate your classmates on their effort and contribution during breakout sessions but I was lucky to get the best groups who gave full points as long as you contributed to the questions. If you want to get an A or A+ you will have to write up your own research proposal which I actually enjoyed doing. Mine was only about 6-7 pages long and was able to get an A in the class. 100000/10 recommend to take this class with any other more challenging courses since it is very stress free. Professor Johnson is super approachable and it was a pleasure to take his course.


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Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A+
Dec. 14, 2022

AMAZING Professor. Really enjoyed all his lectures. He is very interesting. I liked the format of the class where we do group work for assignments. It was good being able to discuss the material with other students. I feel like that helped me understand everything more. The optional paper is not optional though! You have to do it if you want an A in the class. You could get an A- without it, but honestly just do the paper. It’s not bad.


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Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: N/A
Dec. 9, 2022

Dr. Johnson has made this class thoroughly enjoyable and I know a lot of other students feel the same. In order to get an A in the course, you do need to do EC but the paper is flexible and allows students an opportunity to explore an aspect of perceptual development that they personally care about. If you’re happy with a B, then all you really need to do is show up for lecture and read the articles. Would recommend!


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Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: NR
June 15, 2022

I learned more in this class than almost any other class I’ve taken in the three quarters here so far. Yes, the reviews are correct in that it’s an easy course load compared to others, but you get out what you put in. I care less about grades than I do making sure I’m learning, and that is def what happened in this class. As an added bonus, it is super feasible to get an A and learn too!

The material was interesting, sometimes challenging to grasp, but the professor and TA were super helpful in explaining anything I asked.
I must admit, working with groups was not my favorite but would take that over homework and assignments any day.

I recommend taking this class, the professor is A1! Stay up with the readings. The way he structures lecture is brilliant, perhaps that’s why I retained so much. He lectures and then you read the material he primed you on.

The optional research proposal was cool and I was glad to have an outlet for some of the creative research ideas that came up during the lectures and readings. Grades aren’t out yet but know it will at least be an A- if not an A+.


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