Stanley Wolpert
Department of History
Overall Rating
Based on 5 Users
Easiness 1.0 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Clarity 2.2 / 5 How clear the class is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Workload 1.5 / 5 How much workload the class is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Helpfulness 2.5 / 5 How helpful the class is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.


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Reviews (1)

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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
March 24, 2015

Don't get tricked into thinking this is an easy class. The class consists of one paper that is 50% of your grade and the rest of the grade is split between class participation and a presentation. He may seem nice but he isn't an easy grader. He dropped me to a B because I forgot two commas in a sample paper that would be part of our class participation grade, not even a B+. 5 units and a B or C will hurt your GPA. Think twice before taking his class. I took his Indian Pakistani conflict class. Wish I took another honors class.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
March 24, 2015

Don't get tricked into thinking this is an easy class. The class consists of one paper that is 50% of your grade and the rest of the grade is split between class participation and a presentation. He may seem nice but he isn't an easy grader. He dropped me to a B because I forgot two commas in a sample paper that would be part of our class participation grade, not even a B+. 5 units and a B or C will hurt your GPA. Think twice before taking his class. I took his Indian Pakistani conflict class. Wish I took another honors class.


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1 of 1
Overall Rating
Based on 5 Users
Easiness 1.0 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Clarity 2.2 / 5 How clear the class is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Workload 1.5 / 5 How much workload the class is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Helpfulness 2.5 / 5 How helpful the class is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.


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