Stephanie White
Most Helpful Review
Fall 2020 - I just made a bruinwalk account because I feel the need to inform others of this issue. You might be thinking "if you take such issue with this class, why not complain to the head of the department?". This would be the best recourse if Dr. White herself wasn't the head of the department. Heretofore I find myself writing this review. As others have said, never in my four years of higher education have I been so let down by a class. I've earned bad grades in classes that were totally justified. Either I didn't work hard enough, or I didn't have a good grasp of the material. However, this is the first time that I felt like I was GIVEN a grade rather than earned it. This class, minus the Dr. White module, was pretty much okay. However, the whole experience has been completely soured for me. Going into it I was super excited to finally dive into the world of neuroscience and coming out of this class I feel like the next two classes in the series are just a burden. This is mostly due to Dr. White's module. The material of the module isn't too shocking by any means. It's a bit tough, but nothing I wouldn't expect from a class like this. We've all taken way harder classes than this. Even the quizzes were a bit easier for this module than they had been in Dr. Chandler's module. However, the exam for this module is a slap in the face as a student. The questions seemed okay and I came out of it feeling completely neutral. This is because of the fact that prior to the exam, Dr. White lulled us into a sense of security saying we wouldn't need to worry, and we should be concise and brief on the exam. Then, the exams are returned to us, and the scores are far lower than the previous module. The comments left by the graders were extremely confusing, and we were essentially expected to write essays for each of the nine questions in an hour. If the exam was as Dr. White had described, the scores would have been better. Her solution is to give everyone ten points, which are forfeited if a regrade is requested. Another reviewer has said that the points were forfeited if the regrade was more than ten points, which is false. It was forfeited period. Clearly she cares more about the average rather than actually assessing our learning. The Machiavellian style of grading by the TA's isn't helpful at all. If you're reading this prior to taking this class and Dr. White is still teaching it, then get the heck out of this major and study something that will treat you fairly rather than just see you as a number on the registrar. If you decide to stick around, then I would recommend brushing up on your AP english stuff prior to the exam if you want to do well. Good luck.
Fall 2020 - I just made a bruinwalk account because I feel the need to inform others of this issue. You might be thinking "if you take such issue with this class, why not complain to the head of the department?". This would be the best recourse if Dr. White herself wasn't the head of the department. Heretofore I find myself writing this review. As others have said, never in my four years of higher education have I been so let down by a class. I've earned bad grades in classes that were totally justified. Either I didn't work hard enough, or I didn't have a good grasp of the material. However, this is the first time that I felt like I was GIVEN a grade rather than earned it. This class, minus the Dr. White module, was pretty much okay. However, the whole experience has been completely soured for me. Going into it I was super excited to finally dive into the world of neuroscience and coming out of this class I feel like the next two classes in the series are just a burden. This is mostly due to Dr. White's module. The material of the module isn't too shocking by any means. It's a bit tough, but nothing I wouldn't expect from a class like this. We've all taken way harder classes than this. Even the quizzes were a bit easier for this module than they had been in Dr. Chandler's module. However, the exam for this module is a slap in the face as a student. The questions seemed okay and I came out of it feeling completely neutral. This is because of the fact that prior to the exam, Dr. White lulled us into a sense of security saying we wouldn't need to worry, and we should be concise and brief on the exam. Then, the exams are returned to us, and the scores are far lower than the previous module. The comments left by the graders were extremely confusing, and we were essentially expected to write essays for each of the nine questions in an hour. If the exam was as Dr. White had described, the scores would have been better. Her solution is to give everyone ten points, which are forfeited if a regrade is requested. Another reviewer has said that the points were forfeited if the regrade was more than ten points, which is false. It was forfeited period. Clearly she cares more about the average rather than actually assessing our learning. The Machiavellian style of grading by the TA's isn't helpful at all. If you're reading this prior to taking this class and Dr. White is still teaching it, then get the heck out of this major and study something that will treat you fairly rather than just see you as a number on the registrar. If you decide to stick around, then I would recommend brushing up on your AP english stuff prior to the exam if you want to do well. Good luck.
Most Helpful Review
Professor White is an average professor. Her lectures pretty much goes with the book so if you study and know every concepts she tells you, you are guaranteed a B on her test. The extra points will be based on how well you take the test, such as answering her multiple choice questions and you paying attention to the articles and the readings. Mean on my test was around 80%.
Professor White is an average professor. Her lectures pretty much goes with the book so if you study and know every concepts she tells you, you are guaranteed a B on her test. The extra points will be based on how well you take the test, such as answering her multiple choice questions and you paying attention to the articles and the readings. Mean on my test was around 80%.
Most Helpful Review
Winter 2023 - Overall, I had really high expectations going into this class as it was one of the most interesting sounding electives. I won't say it let me down, but it was not as great as I wanted it to be. The material was not too difficult, but I was just surprised at how the field of linguistics and physiology merge, and there isn't too much empirical data. On top of that, the professor was fine but her powerpoints were a little all over the place, not well made and material didn't integrate well together. That being said, the class is graded on participation, three quizzes, a midterm and a non-cumulative final. There is also a "Mythbusters" presentation that you do one in discussion that is pretty fun. They are recorded for other discussion sections to view as a question from them will be on the midterms. As long as you do the few readings there are, review slides and put effort into your presentation (follow the guidelines they post) you will be fine. I messed up on one quiz, and even just that small mistake jeopardized my grade but I was able to recover by doing well on the final.
Winter 2023 - Overall, I had really high expectations going into this class as it was one of the most interesting sounding electives. I won't say it let me down, but it was not as great as I wanted it to be. The material was not too difficult, but I was just surprised at how the field of linguistics and physiology merge, and there isn't too much empirical data. On top of that, the professor was fine but her powerpoints were a little all over the place, not well made and material didn't integrate well together. That being said, the class is graded on participation, three quizzes, a midterm and a non-cumulative final. There is also a "Mythbusters" presentation that you do one in discussion that is pretty fun. They are recorded for other discussion sections to view as a question from them will be on the midterms. As long as you do the few readings there are, review slides and put effort into your presentation (follow the guidelines they post) you will be fine. I messed up on one quiz, and even just that small mistake jeopardized my grade but I was able to recover by doing well on the final.
Most Helpful Review
I took Dr. White for NS m101a, and I thought she was a fine lecturer, albeit not the most organized one. I kind of thought she lectured all over the place, and when it came time for the exam, she had very poorly written test questions. I actually did a lot better on her test than I had thought. I think your best bet for test studying is read the book, and make sure to memorize every pathway she talks about during lecture.
I took Dr. White for NS m101a, and I thought she was a fine lecturer, albeit not the most organized one. I kind of thought she lectured all over the place, and when it came time for the exam, she had very poorly written test questions. I actually did a lot better on her test than I had thought. I think your best bet for test studying is read the book, and make sure to memorize every pathway she talks about during lecture.