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- Steven G Clarke
- CHEM C150
Based on 1 User
- Uses Slides
- Often Funny
- Participation Matters
- Would Take Again
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Sorry, no enrollment data is available.
Highly recommend this course for an easy upperdiv CHEM elective. Attendance is mandatory and is a strong majority of your grade. 1 Midterm, based heavily on the slides. 2 Homework assignments which were very manageable, and 1 (20 minute) presentation on a research-ethics related topic. Dr. Clarke makes lecture enjoyable and was genuinely one of my favorite courses I've taken at UCLA
Highly recommend this course for an easy upperdiv CHEM elective. Attendance is mandatory and is a strong majority of your grade. 1 Midterm, based heavily on the slides. 2 Homework assignments which were very manageable, and 1 (20 minute) presentation on a research-ethics related topic. Dr. Clarke makes lecture enjoyable and was genuinely one of my favorite courses I've taken at UCLA
Based on 1 User
- Uses Slides (1)
- Often Funny (1)
- Participation Matters (1)
- Would Take Again (1)