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Tamar Christensen
Based on 55 Users
I would highly recommend Tamar for English Composition 3. She holds all of her students to a high standard, but not unreasonably so, and she is very willing to work with you to improve your work. Overall, this class betters your writing and let's you do so while exploring topics that interest you.
Tamar was a very nice and approachable professor and her lectures were pretty engaging. She always brought up interesting points about pieces of writing and I liked her essay formats, especially Grammar B. You write three essays overall, submit two six-page essays and turn in one three-page essay for credit.
However, I thought she graded a bit unfairly. Although she was very open to different ideas, it was quite hard to answer some of her questions. She often tried to help us further our writing with questions but didn't like it when we put questions into the writing or wrote like how she spoke during class.
Overall she was a decent professor.
This teacher seemed great until I got my grade. She hosted one on one debriefs on our two writing pieces, which I thought was cool for a college prof. She gave me positive feedback and gave me a couple tweaks to take my work from a B+/A- paper to an A. I did all of those edits and more. And still end up with an A-. She heavily incorporated her personal beliefs into everything she did, and would often overshare about her personal life in a way that made the class uncomfortable. Her estimates for homework load were always far lower than they actually were. For example she would say "I did this in 20 minutes" and it would take 1.5 hours. In talking to other classmates this was a shared experience. She also used her own textbook for the class that she had written, and seemed very self-righteous.
Tamar is a pretty good professor. You write three papers overall, but only 2 are counted for a grade. One of them has to be your grammar b essay, which feels more like a collection of pages than an essay. You're basically using fonts, word art, and format to get across the significance of something you feel ambivalent about. You have to publish one of your essays, which means the entire class reads your paper and gives you feedback. When you don't publish you meet with her in her office for feedback. If you make improvements based on the feedback you get you'll do ok. I definitely became a better writer over the quarter and I'm glad I took this class.
It was pretty difficult to get help on my essays outside of class, especially for grammar b. There's not much information about grammar b anywhere besides the class materials, so I was never really sure if I was doing it right. But if you're a more responsible student than I am you can get more help during office hours.
I don't know how there are good ratings for this professor, I took her class winter 2017 and I cant emphasize this enough, this class is useless. You'll be made to write 'alternate form' essays which are basically 3rd grade essays but you'll have to spend 10+ hours just designing your essay instead of writing it. If you want to spend countless hours wasting time writing stuff which wont help you in your college career, then you should definitely take this class.
Tamar is an amazing professor! She is super friendly and tries to keep the atmosphere casual. In my opinion, she is really concerned about your class and will try her best to help you with your doubts.
The coursework itself is easy and you just have to write 3 compositions based on any movie, song, advertisement, etc. The best part is that all 3 compositions are due on the last day of class and she helps you with the editing from a 3-page draft to a 6-page final essay. Another cool thing about her class is this special type of composition called "grammar-b" which allows you to be very creative and artistic with your thoughts.
Tip if you take her class: Change a lot of things from your 3-page to the 6-page essay and make noticeable improvements including everything she asks you to do during your one-on-one session with her. She can easily tell who put how much effort in class and will keep that mind while giving the final grades.
For this Prof, you either love her or hate her. For me, I actually really loved the class. She helped improve my writing skill unimaginably. I actually got A papers in my other classes that required writing this quarter because of how much her class improved my writing.
This quarter she assigned 3 writing projects. There are 2 conventional essays(1st analyzing a music piece or an advertisement, 2nd about analyzing a movie), and 1 unconventional essay( grammar B). For the final, we are required to hand in two 6 page polished papers and one 3page draft. All three papers are required 3 page drafts and for the final we can choose 2 out of the 3 papers to bring to the 6 page length.
So if your not comfortable with unconventional, you are not required to hand in a polished 6 page essay.
With that being said, she does challenge how you think independently and she has been very helpful in her OH and her classes. If you want to succeed in her class, communication with her is key. she will tell you exactly where your problems are but she will not spoon feed you answers.
This class was super hard but I honestly believe I came out as a better writer. Getting an A is hard work but doable if you put the time and effort in and edit your essays according to her suggestions.
> Two 6 Page essays with one 3 page essay for credit – 80%
>Participation - 20 %
> Everyone has to meet with her at least once to discuss a 3 page draft of the two essays and publish ( read out and discuss) the third essay draft in class
>You get an entire week for these 3 pages and then get a one week break before the next assignment is handed out. You're only supposed to complete the drafts of two essays and I would really recommend using this breather week to complete your essay and show it to her in her OH. You'll get a good idea of how she feels about the essay and this way you won't be running around in week 10 to complete your assignments.
> She only tells you the tentative grade you're going to get in Week 9 but that's fair because you get an entire week to tweak your essay.She told me that both my essays were in a range of a B in the conference and I ended up getting an A in the class
> Going to office hours helps A LOT. A large part of your essay grade depends on how much it has improved since the first draft and going to office hours with progressive drafts shows her the work you're putting in.
> One of the essays is in Grammar B style. DO NOT use this essay as one of your 6 page assignments. It sounds easy but it is VERY time consuming. I made this mistake and I did not study for any other subject come week 10.
Ultimately this class is what you make of it. It's a great course and will leave you a better writer but only if you put in the work. I would definitely take this course again if I could.
Dear Tamar,
You were the professor I needed not the one I wanted. Your class was WAY more difficult than it seemed on the outset (and the grade distribution). I spent way more time, especially in the final weeks of this class, working on your papers than I did for other classes. Why in the hell am I recommending you then? Because you taught me a lot: you helped me actually nail down how to create significance in my writing, be willing to make my writing malleable to constructive criticism, and helped me think more analytically. Also your 50's look is dope.
Tamar is a great professor for ENGCOMP 3. Not only is she super funny, but she gives insightful suggestions for your papers. The class was graded on participation, and two papers. The first was a research paper on an episode of your choice from the Netflix series "Black Mirror." The second was a Grammar B paper, which is basically just using word art to get your message across. I enjoyed going to lecture, and since the papers aren't due for a grade until Week 10, there's plenty of time to revise and edit your papers for the best grade possible.
I would highly recommend Tamar for English Composition 3. She holds all of her students to a high standard, but not unreasonably so, and she is very willing to work with you to improve your work. Overall, this class betters your writing and let's you do so while exploring topics that interest you.
Tamar was a very nice and approachable professor and her lectures were pretty engaging. She always brought up interesting points about pieces of writing and I liked her essay formats, especially Grammar B. You write three essays overall, submit two six-page essays and turn in one three-page essay for credit.
However, I thought she graded a bit unfairly. Although she was very open to different ideas, it was quite hard to answer some of her questions. She often tried to help us further our writing with questions but didn't like it when we put questions into the writing or wrote like how she spoke during class.
Overall she was a decent professor.
This teacher seemed great until I got my grade. She hosted one on one debriefs on our two writing pieces, which I thought was cool for a college prof. She gave me positive feedback and gave me a couple tweaks to take my work from a B+/A- paper to an A. I did all of those edits and more. And still end up with an A-. She heavily incorporated her personal beliefs into everything she did, and would often overshare about her personal life in a way that made the class uncomfortable. Her estimates for homework load were always far lower than they actually were. For example she would say "I did this in 20 minutes" and it would take 1.5 hours. In talking to other classmates this was a shared experience. She also used her own textbook for the class that she had written, and seemed very self-righteous.
Tamar is a pretty good professor. You write three papers overall, but only 2 are counted for a grade. One of them has to be your grammar b essay, which feels more like a collection of pages than an essay. You're basically using fonts, word art, and format to get across the significance of something you feel ambivalent about. You have to publish one of your essays, which means the entire class reads your paper and gives you feedback. When you don't publish you meet with her in her office for feedback. If you make improvements based on the feedback you get you'll do ok. I definitely became a better writer over the quarter and I'm glad I took this class.
It was pretty difficult to get help on my essays outside of class, especially for grammar b. There's not much information about grammar b anywhere besides the class materials, so I was never really sure if I was doing it right. But if you're a more responsible student than I am you can get more help during office hours.
I don't know how there are good ratings for this professor, I took her class winter 2017 and I cant emphasize this enough, this class is useless. You'll be made to write 'alternate form' essays which are basically 3rd grade essays but you'll have to spend 10+ hours just designing your essay instead of writing it. If you want to spend countless hours wasting time writing stuff which wont help you in your college career, then you should definitely take this class.
Tamar is an amazing professor! She is super friendly and tries to keep the atmosphere casual. In my opinion, she is really concerned about your class and will try her best to help you with your doubts.
The coursework itself is easy and you just have to write 3 compositions based on any movie, song, advertisement, etc. The best part is that all 3 compositions are due on the last day of class and she helps you with the editing from a 3-page draft to a 6-page final essay. Another cool thing about her class is this special type of composition called "grammar-b" which allows you to be very creative and artistic with your thoughts.
Tip if you take her class: Change a lot of things from your 3-page to the 6-page essay and make noticeable improvements including everything she asks you to do during your one-on-one session with her. She can easily tell who put how much effort in class and will keep that mind while giving the final grades.
For this Prof, you either love her or hate her. For me, I actually really loved the class. She helped improve my writing skill unimaginably. I actually got A papers in my other classes that required writing this quarter because of how much her class improved my writing.
This quarter she assigned 3 writing projects. There are 2 conventional essays(1st analyzing a music piece or an advertisement, 2nd about analyzing a movie), and 1 unconventional essay( grammar B). For the final, we are required to hand in two 6 page polished papers and one 3page draft. All three papers are required 3 page drafts and for the final we can choose 2 out of the 3 papers to bring to the 6 page length.
So if your not comfortable with unconventional, you are not required to hand in a polished 6 page essay.
With that being said, she does challenge how you think independently and she has been very helpful in her OH and her classes. If you want to succeed in her class, communication with her is key. she will tell you exactly where your problems are but she will not spoon feed you answers.
This class was super hard but I honestly believe I came out as a better writer. Getting an A is hard work but doable if you put the time and effort in and edit your essays according to her suggestions.
> Two 6 Page essays with one 3 page essay for credit – 80%
>Participation - 20 %
> Everyone has to meet with her at least once to discuss a 3 page draft of the two essays and publish ( read out and discuss) the third essay draft in class
>You get an entire week for these 3 pages and then get a one week break before the next assignment is handed out. You're only supposed to complete the drafts of two essays and I would really recommend using this breather week to complete your essay and show it to her in her OH. You'll get a good idea of how she feels about the essay and this way you won't be running around in week 10 to complete your assignments.
> She only tells you the tentative grade you're going to get in Week 9 but that's fair because you get an entire week to tweak your essay.She told me that both my essays were in a range of a B in the conference and I ended up getting an A in the class
> Going to office hours helps A LOT. A large part of your essay grade depends on how much it has improved since the first draft and going to office hours with progressive drafts shows her the work you're putting in.
> One of the essays is in Grammar B style. DO NOT use this essay as one of your 6 page assignments. It sounds easy but it is VERY time consuming. I made this mistake and I did not study for any other subject come week 10.
Ultimately this class is what you make of it. It's a great course and will leave you a better writer but only if you put in the work. I would definitely take this course again if I could.
Dear Tamar,
You were the professor I needed not the one I wanted. Your class was WAY more difficult than it seemed on the outset (and the grade distribution). I spent way more time, especially in the final weeks of this class, working on your papers than I did for other classes. Why in the hell am I recommending you then? Because you taught me a lot: you helped me actually nail down how to create significance in my writing, be willing to make my writing malleable to constructive criticism, and helped me think more analytically. Also your 50's look is dope.
Tamar is a great professor for ENGCOMP 3. Not only is she super funny, but she gives insightful suggestions for your papers. The class was graded on participation, and two papers. The first was a research paper on an episode of your choice from the Netflix series "Black Mirror." The second was a Grammar B paper, which is basically just using word art to get your message across. I enjoyed going to lecture, and since the papers aren't due for a grade until Week 10, there's plenty of time to revise and edit your papers for the best grade possible.