Terri L Anderson
Department of Sociology
Overall Rating
Based on 100 Users
Easiness 2.7 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Clarity 3.8 / 5 How clear the class is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Workload 2.4 / 5 How much workload the class is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Helpfulness 3.4 / 5 How helpful the class is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.


  • Needs Textbook
  • Participation Matters

Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.

Clear marks

Sorry, no enrollment data is available.


Reviews (85)

6 of 9
6 of 9
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Quarter: Fall 2015
Grade: A
Feb. 11, 2016

I took Soc 1 with Prof. Anderson in fall of 2015 and I loved it! It was my favorite class.
She isn't the most engaging professor because she usually just stands up at her podium and talks for 75 minutes straight, but because the material is really interesting it's not hard to stay focused if you try. There are two papers, a midterm and a final, and both were pretty straightforward to write. If you get a good TA, this class will be very straightforward and pretty easy to get a good grade in. Oh and she also gives 5 pop quizzes worth alot, and I was pretty worried about it, but I did pretty well on all of them without reading everything in detail. I'd recommend taking her!


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Jan. 2, 2016

Text me at ********** if you need the entire required books necessary for Terri Anderson, Intro to Socio 1 course! I took this course in 2015 Fall so it's all up to date. I will also answer any questions.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Dec. 7, 2015

AVOID THIS CLASS IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR AN EASY A IN A GE! She changed the structure of the glass so that there are reading quizzes that straight up ruin your grade. There is an absurd amount of reading considering almost everyone takes this class as a GE, as the course reader is over 1200 pages, in conjunction with two other textbooks, including a bs one thats a ridiculous "guide to life" in college that she wrote herself. I spent as much time on this class as I did for my other two classes combined. Even if you do all the readings, the quizzes are so tedious and specific that getting 3/5 is an accomplishment. The quizzes are also 20% of your final grade, which can really drag you down since only 4 go into the gradebook.

The only thing worse than her wardrobe is her teaching style. No lecture notes, no powerpoint, no nothing. She is also basically a socialist, so if you even if you are pretty middle of the road in your political beliefs like I am, you'll get tired of hearing her praise Karl Marx and bash capitalism for three weeks. I didn't really learn a lot about sociology either, as the latter part of the class is essentially pushing for social change and equality and expressing incredibly leftist views about society.

Bottom line, if you're looking for an easy GE, avoid this class.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Dec. 3, 2015

This class has been largely restructured. The pop quizzes WRECKED me and all of my friends. It's not impossible if you have time to do the readings but if you take this class with a bunch of other hard classes thinking that this one will be an easy GE and allow you to breathe for a little, you are dead wrong. The grade distribution is no longer accurate (40% As lol what a dream).

I've done well for the most part. Submitted all my journals, participated in discussion, got an A on the experiment. But your grade is also highly dependent on your TA. I've been good at writing all my life but got an abysmal score from my TA. Because of this midpaper score, combined with my quiz scores (they're all 4 out of 5 points), I can barely manage a B in the class. lol ridiculous for a supposedly GE. be warned.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Sept. 25, 2015


I came into this class with an open mind, did all the reading, attended every lecture, etc. I really thought I'd do great in this class, but NO. -_-

She is an unfair grader. When people would ask questions during lecture, she would be rude and arrogant. She DOES NOT care about her students.

I regret ever signing up for this class with her...


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
June 16, 2015

Selling all course materials needed for this class for a very low price and am willing to negotiate. These materials include the Newman Textbook, the course reader, and This Book Is Not Required. **********


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
June 12, 2015

- Spring 2015 Course Reader



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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
June 11, 2015

Hands down, this is the worst class I have ever taken at UCLA. If you care about real education, do yourself a favor and don't take this class. You learn literal "BS". I'm not kidding, the concepts in this class are not applicable anywhere and every day you wonder to yourself, "what the hell are we talking about". We once spent an entire week discussing the difference between the "Me", the "Self", and the "I".

If you don't care about what you learn and want an easy A, well this is ALSO the wrong class. This class is no longer an easy A. She switched up the grading scheme from one easy test, to 5 very hard, very specific, very trivial pop quizzes that a lot of people did bad on, (EVEN IF YOU DID THE READING). Worth 5% each. The questions asked can span from the beginning of the quarter even if you're in 7th week.

The readings necessary to perform on the quizzes are extremely long, boring, and repetitive. Anderson literally thinks her class is the most important class every student is taking and assigns TONS of reading that you need to also do your essays. She also expects you to watch a 2 and a half hour documentary on your own time.

This class depends all on your TA and how they grade your work. Avoid Justin Kumar, he was a harsh grader.

Aside: If you are not extremely liberal, or you swing right even just a little bit, you will absolutely despise this class. It is essentially how much LIBERAL PROPAGANDA you can fit into a class. The professor literally spends 2 weeks worshipping Karl Marx and socialism. Are you kidding? The rest of the class is her trying to be a social justice warrior and a white apologist. We get it, your trying to make up for your "privilege".

Overall, try to avoid this class at all costs. It may have been an easy A before, not anymore unless you have photographic memory of bullshit readings.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
June 11, 2015

Don't be fooled by the past grades and distributions for this class. Anderson changed up the class to include 5 pop quizzes that, whether you studied for or not, will detrimentally affect your grade. The distribution that shows that 35% of the class got A's will no longer apply. I got an A on the midterm paper, above average grades on the quizzes, and expected at least a B+ in the class. I find it ironic how a professor who makes you read an article about how grades should not matter in education ends up screwing everyone over. Out of all the GE's I've ever taken (this one being the last), Sociology 1 was the only B I've ever gotten. For all incoming prospects who believe that Sociology 1 will be a manageable GE, DO NOT TAKE THIS COURSE. GO SIGN UP FOR JAPAN 50 OR SOMETHING. OR ANY ASIAN AM COURSES. Halfway through this course, one of my roommates noted that he found me investing more time in this course than in my major courses (Econ). Big mistake. Also, because this is Sociology, Anderson and the TAs take themselves and the subject way too seriously. If you get tired of that easily, don't take this class. You will definitely regret investing even the bare minimum. All in all, the class was a big waste of my time. Don't take it. Unless you're an actual sociology major, you should not be taking this class no matter what. It'll ruin your GPA harder than a South Campus course.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
May 30, 2015

I loved all the readings and class lectures, but the readings got to be a bit much and started piling up.
Other than that, great perspectives on life, and theories that applied in all my other classes, too!


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Quarter: Fall 2015
Grade: A
Feb. 11, 2016

I took Soc 1 with Prof. Anderson in fall of 2015 and I loved it! It was my favorite class.
She isn't the most engaging professor because she usually just stands up at her podium and talks for 75 minutes straight, but because the material is really interesting it's not hard to stay focused if you try. There are two papers, a midterm and a final, and both were pretty straightforward to write. If you get a good TA, this class will be very straightforward and pretty easy to get a good grade in. Oh and she also gives 5 pop quizzes worth alot, and I was pretty worried about it, but I did pretty well on all of them without reading everything in detail. I'd recommend taking her!


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Jan. 2, 2016

Text me at ********** if you need the entire required books necessary for Terri Anderson, Intro to Socio 1 course! I took this course in 2015 Fall so it's all up to date. I will also answer any questions.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Dec. 7, 2015

AVOID THIS CLASS IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR AN EASY A IN A GE! She changed the structure of the glass so that there are reading quizzes that straight up ruin your grade. There is an absurd amount of reading considering almost everyone takes this class as a GE, as the course reader is over 1200 pages, in conjunction with two other textbooks, including a bs one thats a ridiculous "guide to life" in college that she wrote herself. I spent as much time on this class as I did for my other two classes combined. Even if you do all the readings, the quizzes are so tedious and specific that getting 3/5 is an accomplishment. The quizzes are also 20% of your final grade, which can really drag you down since only 4 go into the gradebook.

The only thing worse than her wardrobe is her teaching style. No lecture notes, no powerpoint, no nothing. She is also basically a socialist, so if you even if you are pretty middle of the road in your political beliefs like I am, you'll get tired of hearing her praise Karl Marx and bash capitalism for three weeks. I didn't really learn a lot about sociology either, as the latter part of the class is essentially pushing for social change and equality and expressing incredibly leftist views about society.

Bottom line, if you're looking for an easy GE, avoid this class.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Dec. 3, 2015

This class has been largely restructured. The pop quizzes WRECKED me and all of my friends. It's not impossible if you have time to do the readings but if you take this class with a bunch of other hard classes thinking that this one will be an easy GE and allow you to breathe for a little, you are dead wrong. The grade distribution is no longer accurate (40% As lol what a dream).

I've done well for the most part. Submitted all my journals, participated in discussion, got an A on the experiment. But your grade is also highly dependent on your TA. I've been good at writing all my life but got an abysmal score from my TA. Because of this midpaper score, combined with my quiz scores (they're all 4 out of 5 points), I can barely manage a B in the class. lol ridiculous for a supposedly GE. be warned.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Sept. 25, 2015


I came into this class with an open mind, did all the reading, attended every lecture, etc. I really thought I'd do great in this class, but NO. -_-

She is an unfair grader. When people would ask questions during lecture, she would be rude and arrogant. She DOES NOT care about her students.

I regret ever signing up for this class with her...


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
June 16, 2015

Selling all course materials needed for this class for a very low price and am willing to negotiate. These materials include the Newman Textbook, the course reader, and This Book Is Not Required. **********


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
June 12, 2015

- Spring 2015 Course Reader



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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
June 11, 2015

Hands down, this is the worst class I have ever taken at UCLA. If you care about real education, do yourself a favor and don't take this class. You learn literal "BS". I'm not kidding, the concepts in this class are not applicable anywhere and every day you wonder to yourself, "what the hell are we talking about". We once spent an entire week discussing the difference between the "Me", the "Self", and the "I".

If you don't care about what you learn and want an easy A, well this is ALSO the wrong class. This class is no longer an easy A. She switched up the grading scheme from one easy test, to 5 very hard, very specific, very trivial pop quizzes that a lot of people did bad on, (EVEN IF YOU DID THE READING). Worth 5% each. The questions asked can span from the beginning of the quarter even if you're in 7th week.

The readings necessary to perform on the quizzes are extremely long, boring, and repetitive. Anderson literally thinks her class is the most important class every student is taking and assigns TONS of reading that you need to also do your essays. She also expects you to watch a 2 and a half hour documentary on your own time.

This class depends all on your TA and how they grade your work. Avoid Justin Kumar, he was a harsh grader.

Aside: If you are not extremely liberal, or you swing right even just a little bit, you will absolutely despise this class. It is essentially how much LIBERAL PROPAGANDA you can fit into a class. The professor literally spends 2 weeks worshipping Karl Marx and socialism. Are you kidding? The rest of the class is her trying to be a social justice warrior and a white apologist. We get it, your trying to make up for your "privilege".

Overall, try to avoid this class at all costs. It may have been an easy A before, not anymore unless you have photographic memory of bullshit readings.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
June 11, 2015

Don't be fooled by the past grades and distributions for this class. Anderson changed up the class to include 5 pop quizzes that, whether you studied for or not, will detrimentally affect your grade. The distribution that shows that 35% of the class got A's will no longer apply. I got an A on the midterm paper, above average grades on the quizzes, and expected at least a B+ in the class. I find it ironic how a professor who makes you read an article about how grades should not matter in education ends up screwing everyone over. Out of all the GE's I've ever taken (this one being the last), Sociology 1 was the only B I've ever gotten. For all incoming prospects who believe that Sociology 1 will be a manageable GE, DO NOT TAKE THIS COURSE. GO SIGN UP FOR JAPAN 50 OR SOMETHING. OR ANY ASIAN AM COURSES. Halfway through this course, one of my roommates noted that he found me investing more time in this course than in my major courses (Econ). Big mistake. Also, because this is Sociology, Anderson and the TAs take themselves and the subject way too seriously. If you get tired of that easily, don't take this class. You will definitely regret investing even the bare minimum. All in all, the class was a big waste of my time. Don't take it. Unless you're an actual sociology major, you should not be taking this class no matter what. It'll ruin your GPA harder than a South Campus course.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
May 30, 2015

I loved all the readings and class lectures, but the readings got to be a bit much and started piling up.
Other than that, great perspectives on life, and theories that applied in all my other classes, too!


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6 of 9
Overall Rating
Based on 100 Users
Easiness 2.7 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Clarity 3.8 / 5 How clear the class is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Workload 2.4 / 5 How much workload the class is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Helpfulness 3.4 / 5 How helpful the class is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.


  • Needs Textbook
  • Participation Matters

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