
Tommaso Treu

Overall Ratings
Based on 37 Users
Easiness 3.4 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 3.2 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 2.8 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 3.4 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (37)

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April 5, 2023
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A

To review Professor Treu himself: Great guy! He was very motivated to help students learn. At times it felt like his lectures were often too dense for an introductory course, and it felt as though he was rushing/unprepared to be able to cover all of the relevant information for the class. He would frequently skip over slides or gloss over convoluted concepts as if they did not need to be explained thoroughly. He was incredibly passionate about teaching and seemed invested in making sure that we were not only understanding but enjoying the material; I am not at all saying he is a bad lecturer. I think he just struggled to manage the sheer volume of the material being presented, and struggled to convey the basic fundamentals of certain physical and astronomical concepts that incoming non-astronomy majors might not already know. He's very smart, maybe too smart to teach intro. I very much like the class though. Do all of the work and you should be fine; he curves the tests to save everyone's grade. Solid 7.5/10


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March 30, 2023
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A

Prof. Treu is actually a very sweet and nice person. However, I did not have a good experience in the class. He moves too quickly through his lectures, often ending class early. His exams weren't super difficult, but they were a lot more challenging than I expected for a GE. His exams were very math heavy, so I'd reccomend studying the formulas mostly. I'd also reccomend going to lecture even if it isn't the most interesting, because he will go over problems using the formulas in the same way they would appear in exams. The slides were also pretty unclear to me. The kudu textbooks and homework had no relevance to the exams. It felt as if the labs were also not super relevant.


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March 8, 2023
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: NR

This class made me rethink the reviews on Bruinwalk. The professor did not effectivly lecture about the topics clearly resulting in many of the students to not pass the midterms. We had a substitute professor one day and he lectured the topic of "stars" very clearly and much better than the current professor. Furthermore, the labs did not transition to our lecture well. The labs take a long time to do and it has a lot of calculation and physics heavily involve. There are other easy science GEs that can be fulfilled


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June 3, 2020
Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: B+

This class was easy enough but, I had more trouble with the tests than understanding the information... if that makes sense. Lectures were easy enough to understand and discussions were very helpful but when it came to the exams I felt they were harder and included things we didn't learn directly in class.


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March 30, 2020
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A+

Super sweet guy. I honestly don't recommend going to all the lectures because the slides are posted online and he doesn't cover a lot on the tests. GO TO DISCUSSION! It's optional but will basically teach you everything you need for the tests. An easy GE


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Oct. 30, 2020
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: I

writing this during my discussion class right now with Gibbs because with all due respect this is the worst GE I've taken at UCLA. the lecture slides' audio has TONS of background noise that drown out the professor's voice, but even if audio were clear the complex concepts of this class are glossed over and understated. The exam asked like 5 vague, broad questions that we needed to answer in about 200 words, and when it was graded on gradescope we got points off for things like "did not say that Planet X did Y". It was ridiculous. Although I've tried to ask questions to get deeper understanding, the TA does not know how to answer adequately most of the time. There ARE EASIER GEs that you should take. AVOID this one. Too much work than it is worth. You won't learn much at all.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
March 16, 2021
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A+

This class was super fun. I really recommend taking this class with Treu. Sometimes I feel like profs here don't really like having to teach classes. However, Treu was always so enthusiastic about astronomy. You could tell that he was a prof who really liked teaching and working with students. As for the class, the grading scheme was 20% Labs, 20% homework on kudu (the online textbook), 20% for midterm 1, 20% for midterm 2, and 20% for the final. Labs were fairly straightforward. Ask for help from your TA and work with your group mates and you should get close to 100% on the labs. Homework was super easy too. All of the tests were pretty difficult. HOWEVER, the class was curved to compensate for the tricky tests. First of all, the grading scale was generous. 95% is an A+, 90% is an A, 85% is an A- etc. You could also earn up to 5% extra credit by participating on campuswire. Just answer student questions and you'll get the extra credit. Overall, the course was extremely interesting. His slides had a lot of pictures and it was cool to see some of the awesome celestial phenomena. If you have an interest in astronomy, I highly recommend taking this class. Treu was awesome, and it's a fairly easy GE.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
March 17, 2021
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A

This class if very fun if you enjoy astronomy. If you don't, don't take this class as an easy A unless you're good at math/physics. Overall I really liked Treu and he way really helpful. Tests are pretty tough but he ends up giving extra credit and he rounds up your grade, so if you get an 85% in the class, you can get an A if you do the 5% extra credit.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
March 19, 2021
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A+

Honestly, I liked the content of this class and found astronomy super interesting. As someone who took AP Physics C in HS but did terribly in bio/chem, astronomy was pretty intriguing. The 2 timed, open note midterms were kinda stressful for me. I felt like there weren't enough practice/application problems (he gave out a practice midterm of 20 questions after the first midterm because of some requests) but even those weren't as difficult as the mathematical applications in the actual test. Did decently on both. Didn't study too much for the final but it was a lot easier in my opinion, and with the extra 5% Campuswire EC i got a good grade.
However, I found his lectures to be fairly boring. It just was not engaging, and his slides were organized in a brutally painful way so that they were hard to follow, and the important information wasn't really there 1/4 of the time. Again, just imo. He also didn't explain things too well in my opinion. Of course, super amazing, bright, talented guy but I did not enjoy his lectures at all and ended up watching them recorded and pausing to take notes (you can't really take notes during the lecture because he speeds through the slides).
Also, KUDU is really just watching a PBS video of a guy talking SUPER quickly for 10 minutes (so you have to take notes and process it all). And then reading a ton of stuff that is basically a repeat of lecture, but occasionally there's more you just don't know when it's comin for ya.
Labs are super easy IMO but I know other people struggled. I had Nick F and I loved him.
Again, love Treu but I just felt like this class wasn't worth it. I ended with a good grade so it's not really worth stressing over because of the EC & grade curve, but i personally thought it was mediocre. Learned some INSANE COOL THINGS THOUGH!


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Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A
April 5, 2023

To review Professor Treu himself: Great guy! He was very motivated to help students learn. At times it felt like his lectures were often too dense for an introductory course, and it felt as though he was rushing/unprepared to be able to cover all of the relevant information for the class. He would frequently skip over slides or gloss over convoluted concepts as if they did not need to be explained thoroughly. He was incredibly passionate about teaching and seemed invested in making sure that we were not only understanding but enjoying the material; I am not at all saying he is a bad lecturer. I think he just struggled to manage the sheer volume of the material being presented, and struggled to convey the basic fundamentals of certain physical and astronomical concepts that incoming non-astronomy majors might not already know. He's very smart, maybe too smart to teach intro. I very much like the class though. Do all of the work and you should be fine; he curves the tests to save everyone's grade. Solid 7.5/10


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Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A
March 30, 2023

Prof. Treu is actually a very sweet and nice person. However, I did not have a good experience in the class. He moves too quickly through his lectures, often ending class early. His exams weren't super difficult, but they were a lot more challenging than I expected for a GE. His exams were very math heavy, so I'd reccomend studying the formulas mostly. I'd also reccomend going to lecture even if it isn't the most interesting, because he will go over problems using the formulas in the same way they would appear in exams. The slides were also pretty unclear to me. The kudu textbooks and homework had no relevance to the exams. It felt as if the labs were also not super relevant.


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Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: NR
March 8, 2023

This class made me rethink the reviews on Bruinwalk. The professor did not effectivly lecture about the topics clearly resulting in many of the students to not pass the midterms. We had a substitute professor one day and he lectured the topic of "stars" very clearly and much better than the current professor. Furthermore, the labs did not transition to our lecture well. The labs take a long time to do and it has a lot of calculation and physics heavily involve. There are other easy science GEs that can be fulfilled


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Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: B+
June 3, 2020

This class was easy enough but, I had more trouble with the tests than understanding the information... if that makes sense. Lectures were easy enough to understand and discussions were very helpful but when it came to the exams I felt they were harder and included things we didn't learn directly in class.


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A+
March 30, 2020

Super sweet guy. I honestly don't recommend going to all the lectures because the slides are posted online and he doesn't cover a lot on the tests. GO TO DISCUSSION! It's optional but will basically teach you everything you need for the tests. An easy GE


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: I
Oct. 30, 2020

writing this during my discussion class right now with Gibbs because with all due respect this is the worst GE I've taken at UCLA. the lecture slides' audio has TONS of background noise that drown out the professor's voice, but even if audio were clear the complex concepts of this class are glossed over and understated. The exam asked like 5 vague, broad questions that we needed to answer in about 200 words, and when it was graded on gradescope we got points off for things like "did not say that Planet X did Y". It was ridiculous. Although I've tried to ask questions to get deeper understanding, the TA does not know how to answer adequately most of the time. There ARE EASIER GEs that you should take. AVOID this one. Too much work than it is worth. You won't learn much at all.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A+
March 16, 2021

This class was super fun. I really recommend taking this class with Treu. Sometimes I feel like profs here don't really like having to teach classes. However, Treu was always so enthusiastic about astronomy. You could tell that he was a prof who really liked teaching and working with students. As for the class, the grading scheme was 20% Labs, 20% homework on kudu (the online textbook), 20% for midterm 1, 20% for midterm 2, and 20% for the final. Labs were fairly straightforward. Ask for help from your TA and work with your group mates and you should get close to 100% on the labs. Homework was super easy too. All of the tests were pretty difficult. HOWEVER, the class was curved to compensate for the tricky tests. First of all, the grading scale was generous. 95% is an A+, 90% is an A, 85% is an A- etc. You could also earn up to 5% extra credit by participating on campuswire. Just answer student questions and you'll get the extra credit. Overall, the course was extremely interesting. His slides had a lot of pictures and it was cool to see some of the awesome celestial phenomena. If you have an interest in astronomy, I highly recommend taking this class. Treu was awesome, and it's a fairly easy GE.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A
March 17, 2021

This class if very fun if you enjoy astronomy. If you don't, don't take this class as an easy A unless you're good at math/physics. Overall I really liked Treu and he way really helpful. Tests are pretty tough but he ends up giving extra credit and he rounds up your grade, so if you get an 85% in the class, you can get an A if you do the 5% extra credit.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A+
March 19, 2021

Honestly, I liked the content of this class and found astronomy super interesting. As someone who took AP Physics C in HS but did terribly in bio/chem, astronomy was pretty intriguing. The 2 timed, open note midterms were kinda stressful for me. I felt like there weren't enough practice/application problems (he gave out a practice midterm of 20 questions after the first midterm because of some requests) but even those weren't as difficult as the mathematical applications in the actual test. Did decently on both. Didn't study too much for the final but it was a lot easier in my opinion, and with the extra 5% Campuswire EC i got a good grade.
However, I found his lectures to be fairly boring. It just was not engaging, and his slides were organized in a brutally painful way so that they were hard to follow, and the important information wasn't really there 1/4 of the time. Again, just imo. He also didn't explain things too well in my opinion. Of course, super amazing, bright, talented guy but I did not enjoy his lectures at all and ended up watching them recorded and pausing to take notes (you can't really take notes during the lecture because he speeds through the slides).
Also, KUDU is really just watching a PBS video of a guy talking SUPER quickly for 10 minutes (so you have to take notes and process it all). And then reading a ton of stuff that is basically a repeat of lecture, but occasionally there's more you just don't know when it's comin for ya.
Labs are super easy IMO but I know other people struggled. I had Nick F and I loved him.
Again, love Treu but I just felt like this class wasn't worth it. I ended with a good grade so it's not really worth stressing over because of the EC & grade curve, but i personally thought it was mediocre. Learned some INSANE COOL THINGS THOUGH!


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