Tsu-chin Tsao
Most Helpful Review
Winter 2019 - This class was ok. Apparently TC is a much easier professor for 107 than the other profs. This showed as the average for the first midterm was an 87, which was quite high according to him. This class is quite complicated and can get very difficult fast. When he starts to introduce convolution is when things hit the fan and get hard. The subsequent topics are ridiculously hard. Fourier series, Fourier transforms, Laplace transforms are so hard. I personally did not learn much in lecture and did all the learning outside class with the TAs help. The textbook is quite convoluted so there is no point relying on that. His homework is quite easy and the lab reports are the same for every year so just get old ones. His final quite difficult but if you memorize the main results, you should be able to scrape by with a decent grade in the class. In all honesty, memorize the main results, which is just a summary of his main points itemized on a few slides. The main results in and of themselves account for 24% of your final grade. The quizzes are stressful but they are based entirely on the homeworks. The midterm is also mainly based on the homeworks and lecture slides. On the exams he tested us on circuit questions so make sure you know your EE100.
Winter 2019 - This class was ok. Apparently TC is a much easier professor for 107 than the other profs. This showed as the average for the first midterm was an 87, which was quite high according to him. This class is quite complicated and can get very difficult fast. When he starts to introduce convolution is when things hit the fan and get hard. The subsequent topics are ridiculously hard. Fourier series, Fourier transforms, Laplace transforms are so hard. I personally did not learn much in lecture and did all the learning outside class with the TAs help. The textbook is quite convoluted so there is no point relying on that. His homework is quite easy and the lab reports are the same for every year so just get old ones. His final quite difficult but if you memorize the main results, you should be able to scrape by with a decent grade in the class. In all honesty, memorize the main results, which is just a summary of his main points itemized on a few slides. The main results in and of themselves account for 24% of your final grade. The quizzes are stressful but they are based entirely on the homeworks. The midterm is also mainly based on the homeworks and lecture slides. On the exams he tested us on circuit questions so make sure you know your EE100.
Most Helpful Review
Fall 2020 - TC is the worst professor ever. He's like the one who guarantees to give you $2000 stimulus check but ended up not even giving $1400. He doesn't even write anything during a 2-hour long class and only expects you to watch 4 hours of his boring, low resolution past lecture videos and they just keep coming(20 hours worth of videos in one week). May the God bless your soul when you are trying to understand him answering your questions. He'll always say everything is easy while skipping 200 steps. Honestly you will learn better and more in 171A than his garbage. Pray to have a god-tier TAs(Stephen and Tyler) to help you if you are lucky or you'll end up more confused.
Fall 2020 - TC is the worst professor ever. He's like the one who guarantees to give you $2000 stimulus check but ended up not even giving $1400. He doesn't even write anything during a 2-hour long class and only expects you to watch 4 hours of his boring, low resolution past lecture videos and they just keep coming(20 hours worth of videos in one week). May the God bless your soul when you are trying to understand him answering your questions. He'll always say everything is easy while skipping 200 steps. Honestly you will learn better and more in 171A than his garbage. Pray to have a god-tier TAs(Stephen and Tyler) to help you if you are lucky or you'll end up more confused.