
Tyson Roberts

Overall Ratings
Based on 95 Users
Easiness 2.6 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 2.3 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 2.5 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 2.6 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (95)

4 of 5
4 of 5
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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
March 26, 2022
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: A-

This class is pretty interesting and Roberts is a really nice and funny dude. I definitely wouldn't recommend this class if you don't have a basic understanding of economics though (think Macro and/or Micro). My problem with this class is the amount of work Roberts assigns, and it's mostly busy work in my opinion. He assigns two reading quizzes per week and either a homework assignment or research report every week. The quizzes are online and open notes/book and untimed, so they are relatively easy but it can be time consuming. The research assignments were pretty easy in my opinion and graded fairly. The homework assignments are the most challenging and can vary in difficulty with some being pretty simple and some more complex.

As far as lectures go, Roberts uses PollEverywhere to grade participation, which is a really fair way to do it because a lot of people don't feel comfortable speaking in front of the class. But Roberts talks FAST. And he covers a LOT of material each lecture. I'm a transfer coming from a semester system and I feel like this class would be much better suited to that. Roberts often ran out of time and rushed through things so that I was pretty confused about the material. Also, the midterm was pretty difficult and the class average was a C. However, Roberts took the class feedback and curved it GENEROUSLY and made our final a bit easier. He's a really nice dude and if you stay on top of the homework, take good notes, and go to office hours, it's not impossible to do well in the class. I did well on all of the quizzes and homework, but the midterm and final got me an A- in the end.


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April 7, 2024
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: N/A

Worst class and professor I have ever taken. DO NOT TAKE TYSON ROBERTS. He does not care about his students or the quality of education he is giving them. He miscalculated my attendance grade which dropped my overall grade by 10% at the end of the quarter. When I reached out to fix it, he never responded to me and never fixed my grade. Started the final exam by prefacing he would have to curve the test because he had written it poorly. The class following the midterm began with "what happened guys" because the average grade was so low as a direct result of poor teaching and exam writing. DO NOT TAKE THIS CLASS OR PROFESSOR.


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Feb. 17, 2016
Quarter: Fall 2015
Grade: B+

Compared to the other Stats 10 Professors his grading is really easy. The Ta´s aren´t really helpfull because they barely speak english and aren´t familiar with the required software. Don´t go to the discussion! Just the Lab
He is really concerned about his students and wants everyone to understand the material.
I would definetely recommend him.


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March 16, 2024
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: N/A

While the professor had an attitude of genuine caring and encouragement of student learning, the course structure relied heavily on self-directed learning, utilizing an online textbook and homework assignments as the primary means of instruction. While the content itself was comprehensive, there was a noticeable lack of organization and clarity in how it was presented in lectures. Students often found themselves navigating the material independently, with limited guidance from the professor. However, the course was overall manageable, and the content was accessible and relevant to the subject matter. The assessment and coursework were also self-directed but allowed for a large amount of flexibility and was considerate of students. Overall, doable and a very reasonable option to satisfy the quant requirement - just expect it to be the type of class where you do most of your learning by yourself and only go to class/discussion if you need help or participation credit.


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Feb. 1, 2024
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A-

Class had a good weekly layout and I could easily navigate the materials through canvas. Class wasn't difficult, just time consuming, as long as you did readings and wrote good notes during the class lecture, you would be able to easily follow along with the topics and complete the assignments/quizzes. Professor also is very forgiving with the grading, he would drop the lowest grades in each category, quizzes, assignments, and problem sets. Midterms and final were multiple choice and were almost identical in terms of questions to the previous weekly quizzes/problem sets if you did them.


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March 21, 2023
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: B

I tried to drop this class in the first week but I couldn't get off the waitlist anywhere else so unfortunately I had to take this class for the entire quarter.

Roberts absolutely sucks as a lecturer. He just kind of reads off of the slides, and when he does go on tangents they offer nothing of value to the class. I'm not even sure he actually knows the material. He was also supposed to be broadcasting the lectures on Zoom but he sometimes forgot and then still marked down people for not "participating" in lecture (when many couldn't participate because he didn't even start the Zoom).

For the midterm, he gave us a list of things to study, but then it felt like half of the things on the test weren't on the study guide. For the final, he didn't even bother and just said "study the entire course", which is completely useless.

The only positive thing I can say about this class is that the weekly workload, for the most part, isn't too bad. The readings are long but the actual weekly assignments are pretty brief.

The weekly assignments are short little research projects that only take around 30 minutes to complete every week. This builds up to a final research paper that was one of the most frustrating assignments I've ever had to take at UCLA. I came up to him multiple times to workshop my essay and get his input on things. He often offer suggestions that were either A) not actually mentioned in the course readings, or B) were completely counterfactual to the evidence presented in the course material. Every time I went to his office hours I ended up leaving more confused than when I originally went in.

If you can, do whatever you can to stay away from this class. I promise it's not worth your time.


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Nov. 10, 2023
Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A+

This class gets bad reviews for no reason! Professor Roberts was awesome and I would 100% take this class again or one of his classes in the future. I actually did not know this was a programming class until the first day lol but it all worked out. It's a flipped classroom so you learn the concepts for homework using an interactive textbook embedded in BruinLearn (for free) and then in class Prof Roberts uses poli sci data sets so that we can apply the concepts. All of the quizzes/tests are open note and often offer extra credit questions. Also, if you go to the discussion section the TA does a "quiz review" that is legit the same questions as the quiz just with a different data set. It is 100% your fault if you do poorly on the quizzes because you can literally copy and paste the code from the review for every question. 10/10 take this class because it is a great way to learn R!!!


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June 28, 2023
Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A

This class is not as bad as most of the other reviews claim it is. Maybe the course has changed over some time? Or the people that took this class just had a difficult time managing the workload in conjunction with their other classes? Regardless, the workload is just quite a bit of reading + reading quizzes, research projects, and problem sets. There is also a midterm and a final, both of which you get a cheat sheet for. I think this class might be time-consuming, but the readings/podcasts are decently interesting and the reading quizzes are straightforward. Roberts is a funny guy (he is late pretty often though) and you can tell he is trying to teach. However, he will go through the powerpoints kind of quickly, and sometimes it's difficult for him to explain some concepts. Both the research projects and the problem sets are also pretty easy (he goes over them both in class and during lab time). Overall, if you have time in your week to do these kinds of long readings, I would take the class, but if you are time-pressed and have trouble understanding some concepts by yourself, I would maybe consider it for a different quarter. I had fun - I guess.


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June 9, 2023
Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: NR

Honestly, this class was definitely manageable and Prof Roberts did a great job of helping his students out. He has "labs" now, which are essentially office hours except he goes over practice problems and reviews material and any questions that students may have. Yes, he is a fast talker, but honestly it was better for me since I absolutely dislike when a professor has disengaging and slow lectures. His assignments consisted of bi-weekly problem sets and bi-weekly papers that are 2 pages (double spaced). I wouldn't call this class super easy, but definitely easy enough especially because he makes it interesting and relevant to today's economy. I enjoyed it, definitely a 10/10.


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May 24, 2023
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A

Honestly, it makes me kind of sad that Tyson gets such poor reviews. YES he is an incredibly disorganized professor and really struggles with class structure, BUT he is a really genuine guy who does care about what he is teaching. I think his lack of organization makes approaching him seem really scary, but Tyson was really eager to help when I asked questions. NO ONE WENT TO HIS OFFICE HOURS

I will admit, the homework for this class was a lot. Required about 2 hours per night to get through the required textbook excersises. I did not really need to study for the quizzes or tests as I felt like we practiced the material a lot in class and in homework + ALL TESTS ARE OPEN NOTE.

Ultimately, this class did stress me out. But I feel like a lot of the moaning and groaning about roberts comes from freshmen who won't go to office hours and expect these entry level courses.

OVERALL - probably not the best professor for this class. but its doable


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: A-
March 26, 2022

This class is pretty interesting and Roberts is a really nice and funny dude. I definitely wouldn't recommend this class if you don't have a basic understanding of economics though (think Macro and/or Micro). My problem with this class is the amount of work Roberts assigns, and it's mostly busy work in my opinion. He assigns two reading quizzes per week and either a homework assignment or research report every week. The quizzes are online and open notes/book and untimed, so they are relatively easy but it can be time consuming. The research assignments were pretty easy in my opinion and graded fairly. The homework assignments are the most challenging and can vary in difficulty with some being pretty simple and some more complex.

As far as lectures go, Roberts uses PollEverywhere to grade participation, which is a really fair way to do it because a lot of people don't feel comfortable speaking in front of the class. But Roberts talks FAST. And he covers a LOT of material each lecture. I'm a transfer coming from a semester system and I feel like this class would be much better suited to that. Roberts often ran out of time and rushed through things so that I was pretty confused about the material. Also, the midterm was pretty difficult and the class average was a C. However, Roberts took the class feedback and curved it GENEROUSLY and made our final a bit easier. He's a really nice dude and if you stay on top of the homework, take good notes, and go to office hours, it's not impossible to do well in the class. I did well on all of the quizzes and homework, but the midterm and final got me an A- in the end.


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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: N/A
April 7, 2024

Worst class and professor I have ever taken. DO NOT TAKE TYSON ROBERTS. He does not care about his students or the quality of education he is giving them. He miscalculated my attendance grade which dropped my overall grade by 10% at the end of the quarter. When I reached out to fix it, he never responded to me and never fixed my grade. Started the final exam by prefacing he would have to curve the test because he had written it poorly. The class following the midterm began with "what happened guys" because the average grade was so low as a direct result of poor teaching and exam writing. DO NOT TAKE THIS CLASS OR PROFESSOR.


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Quarter: Fall 2015
Grade: B+
Feb. 17, 2016

Compared to the other Stats 10 Professors his grading is really easy. The Ta´s aren´t really helpfull because they barely speak english and aren´t familiar with the required software. Don´t go to the discussion! Just the Lab
He is really concerned about his students and wants everyone to understand the material.
I would definetely recommend him.


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: N/A
March 16, 2024

While the professor had an attitude of genuine caring and encouragement of student learning, the course structure relied heavily on self-directed learning, utilizing an online textbook and homework assignments as the primary means of instruction. While the content itself was comprehensive, there was a noticeable lack of organization and clarity in how it was presented in lectures. Students often found themselves navigating the material independently, with limited guidance from the professor. However, the course was overall manageable, and the content was accessible and relevant to the subject matter. The assessment and coursework were also self-directed but allowed for a large amount of flexibility and was considerate of students. Overall, doable and a very reasonable option to satisfy the quant requirement - just expect it to be the type of class where you do most of your learning by yourself and only go to class/discussion if you need help or participation credit.


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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A-
Feb. 1, 2024

Class had a good weekly layout and I could easily navigate the materials through canvas. Class wasn't difficult, just time consuming, as long as you did readings and wrote good notes during the class lecture, you would be able to easily follow along with the topics and complete the assignments/quizzes. Professor also is very forgiving with the grading, he would drop the lowest grades in each category, quizzes, assignments, and problem sets. Midterms and final were multiple choice and were almost identical in terms of questions to the previous weekly quizzes/problem sets if you did them.


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Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: B
March 21, 2023

I tried to drop this class in the first week but I couldn't get off the waitlist anywhere else so unfortunately I had to take this class for the entire quarter.

Roberts absolutely sucks as a lecturer. He just kind of reads off of the slides, and when he does go on tangents they offer nothing of value to the class. I'm not even sure he actually knows the material. He was also supposed to be broadcasting the lectures on Zoom but he sometimes forgot and then still marked down people for not "participating" in lecture (when many couldn't participate because he didn't even start the Zoom).

For the midterm, he gave us a list of things to study, but then it felt like half of the things on the test weren't on the study guide. For the final, he didn't even bother and just said "study the entire course", which is completely useless.

The only positive thing I can say about this class is that the weekly workload, for the most part, isn't too bad. The readings are long but the actual weekly assignments are pretty brief.

The weekly assignments are short little research projects that only take around 30 minutes to complete every week. This builds up to a final research paper that was one of the most frustrating assignments I've ever had to take at UCLA. I came up to him multiple times to workshop my essay and get his input on things. He often offer suggestions that were either A) not actually mentioned in the course readings, or B) were completely counterfactual to the evidence presented in the course material. Every time I went to his office hours I ended up leaving more confused than when I originally went in.

If you can, do whatever you can to stay away from this class. I promise it's not worth your time.


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Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A+
Nov. 10, 2023

This class gets bad reviews for no reason! Professor Roberts was awesome and I would 100% take this class again or one of his classes in the future. I actually did not know this was a programming class until the first day lol but it all worked out. It's a flipped classroom so you learn the concepts for homework using an interactive textbook embedded in BruinLearn (for free) and then in class Prof Roberts uses poli sci data sets so that we can apply the concepts. All of the quizzes/tests are open note and often offer extra credit questions. Also, if you go to the discussion section the TA does a "quiz review" that is legit the same questions as the quiz just with a different data set. It is 100% your fault if you do poorly on the quizzes because you can literally copy and paste the code from the review for every question. 10/10 take this class because it is a great way to learn R!!!


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Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A
June 28, 2023

This class is not as bad as most of the other reviews claim it is. Maybe the course has changed over some time? Or the people that took this class just had a difficult time managing the workload in conjunction with their other classes? Regardless, the workload is just quite a bit of reading + reading quizzes, research projects, and problem sets. There is also a midterm and a final, both of which you get a cheat sheet for. I think this class might be time-consuming, but the readings/podcasts are decently interesting and the reading quizzes are straightforward. Roberts is a funny guy (he is late pretty often though) and you can tell he is trying to teach. However, he will go through the powerpoints kind of quickly, and sometimes it's difficult for him to explain some concepts. Both the research projects and the problem sets are also pretty easy (he goes over them both in class and during lab time). Overall, if you have time in your week to do these kinds of long readings, I would take the class, but if you are time-pressed and have trouble understanding some concepts by yourself, I would maybe consider it for a different quarter. I had fun - I guess.


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Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: NR
June 9, 2023

Honestly, this class was definitely manageable and Prof Roberts did a great job of helping his students out. He has "labs" now, which are essentially office hours except he goes over practice problems and reviews material and any questions that students may have. Yes, he is a fast talker, but honestly it was better for me since I absolutely dislike when a professor has disengaging and slow lectures. His assignments consisted of bi-weekly problem sets and bi-weekly papers that are 2 pages (double spaced). I wouldn't call this class super easy, but definitely easy enough especially because he makes it interesting and relevant to today's economy. I enjoyed it, definitely a 10/10.


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Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A
May 24, 2023

Honestly, it makes me kind of sad that Tyson gets such poor reviews. YES he is an incredibly disorganized professor and really struggles with class structure, BUT he is a really genuine guy who does care about what he is teaching. I think his lack of organization makes approaching him seem really scary, but Tyson was really eager to help when I asked questions. NO ONE WENT TO HIS OFFICE HOURS

I will admit, the homework for this class was a lot. Required about 2 hours per night to get through the required textbook excersises. I did not really need to study for the quizzes or tests as I felt like we practiced the material a lot in class and in homework + ALL TESTS ARE OPEN NOTE.

Ultimately, this class did stress me out. But I feel like a lot of the moaning and groaning about roberts comes from freshmen who won't go to office hours and expect these entry level courses.

OVERALL - probably not the best professor for this class. but its doable


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4 of 5

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