
Uhls Yalda

Overall Ratings
Based on 3 Users
Easiness 4.3 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 3.7 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 2.3 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 2.3 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (3)

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March 20, 2023
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A+

Here's the thing, you'll probably end with an A in this class, but you'll be irritated and bored the whole time. If you're looking for an elective credit, the psych department has was better classes (that are also easy) but are less frustrating! From start to finish, this class was disorganized. We'd go to the lecture hall only for the professor to be on zoom, we'd be on zoom for the professor to be in-person. Communication was poor! The readings were weak, it felt like we were given the first thing off of Google. The group project sucked and had no real direction! The lectures felt lazily put together. I just don't get how this is a class at UCLA, felt like a complete waste of time and I was frustrated for most of the lecture hour. The exam is open book, which is honestly nice given we didn't learn anything. I wish I took a class of greater value.


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March 28, 2023
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A

The class itself was fine it's definitely an easy A but the professor is awful. She's so rude to her students and the TA and she's terrible at communication. She would ask the TA to give her input during lectures but then cut her off ten seconds later. And for our group project she gave virtually no instructions but then criticized almost all the presentations. Even if you did something she asked, she would change her mind as soon as you did it. For example, she said during an earlier presentation that she wanted example videos so my group used a few and she said it was a waste of presentation time??? And she skipped a lot of lecture slides and said we didn't have time to cover it so it wouldn't be on the final but sure enough it was in fact on the final.
The biggest annoyance for me was that at the end of the quarter (the day she published final grades to be exact) she changed the grading scale in the syllabus. Before, it was a pretty standard scale of an A- being 900-929, an A being 930-969, and an A+ being anything over 970 points. But she ended up changing it to an A being anything between 930-999 and an A+ being 1000+ plus.

Here's the grading breakdown:
- Lectures = 100 Points
Attendance is mandatory but it's just a link they share at the beginning of class so you could just fill it out then leave. And on Thursdays you have to take an in-class quiz which doesn't count for points, just completion. Attending lectures is a huge waste of time in my opinion because she put no effort into them and would just read off her slides in the most monotone voice. And she barely even lectured at all, because we spent more than half of each lecture on the group presentation and either taking the quiz or going over the last one. We also had way more guest lecturers than any other class I've taken here, but those were the days that were actually interesting. Just would've been nice if Yalda actually did her job.

- Test Your Learning = 150 points
You have to turn in two multiple choice quiz questions based off the material each week.

- Group Project = 150 points
You and 7 other people sign up to do a 15 minute presentation about a specific age group and their relationship to media. The first group to sign up got 5 extra credit points.

- Interview Essay = 300 points
You have to interview someone under the age of 18 and write a narrative essay about their use of media. 3 pages.

- Final = 300 points
90 questions in 90 minutes. Online and open book, but the class average was still about a B because a lot of the questions were things she just never covered. The exam wasn't curved either.

- Extra Credit = 50 points
You can earn 25 points from doing an hour of SONA experiments and another 25 points publishing a photo or video of the minor you interviewed on Yalda's blog (and the interview).

Even though this class was an easy A I would not recommend taking it because Yalda was such a nasty woman I would rather get a B in a different class than have to sit through another one of her lectures. And I'm usually the type of person who loves easy A classes no matter how boring they are. This class was a huge disappointment and she's an embarrassment of a UCLA professor.


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March 22, 2023
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A+

This class is super easy! We really only were graded on one assignment (the interview assignment), and I got an A doing it two days before. There was no midterm and we had a final that was open book and online. Dr. Uhls is an approachable and friendly teacher and would often bring in cool presenters like the past CEO of Disney into class. I got a B on the final by studying the day before and attending class, so it should be easy to get an A if you're a good student. The content of the class is super interesting and she has internships available to students looking to get into the entertainment industry of digital media and human development-related fields. Take this class!!


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Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A+
March 20, 2023

Here's the thing, you'll probably end with an A in this class, but you'll be irritated and bored the whole time. If you're looking for an elective credit, the psych department has was better classes (that are also easy) but are less frustrating! From start to finish, this class was disorganized. We'd go to the lecture hall only for the professor to be on zoom, we'd be on zoom for the professor to be in-person. Communication was poor! The readings were weak, it felt like we were given the first thing off of Google. The group project sucked and had no real direction! The lectures felt lazily put together. I just don't get how this is a class at UCLA, felt like a complete waste of time and I was frustrated for most of the lecture hour. The exam is open book, which is honestly nice given we didn't learn anything. I wish I took a class of greater value.


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Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A
March 28, 2023

The class itself was fine it's definitely an easy A but the professor is awful. She's so rude to her students and the TA and she's terrible at communication. She would ask the TA to give her input during lectures but then cut her off ten seconds later. And for our group project she gave virtually no instructions but then criticized almost all the presentations. Even if you did something she asked, she would change her mind as soon as you did it. For example, she said during an earlier presentation that she wanted example videos so my group used a few and she said it was a waste of presentation time??? And she skipped a lot of lecture slides and said we didn't have time to cover it so it wouldn't be on the final but sure enough it was in fact on the final.
The biggest annoyance for me was that at the end of the quarter (the day she published final grades to be exact) she changed the grading scale in the syllabus. Before, it was a pretty standard scale of an A- being 900-929, an A being 930-969, and an A+ being anything over 970 points. But she ended up changing it to an A being anything between 930-999 and an A+ being 1000+ plus.

Here's the grading breakdown:
- Lectures = 100 Points
Attendance is mandatory but it's just a link they share at the beginning of class so you could just fill it out then leave. And on Thursdays you have to take an in-class quiz which doesn't count for points, just completion. Attending lectures is a huge waste of time in my opinion because she put no effort into them and would just read off her slides in the most monotone voice. And she barely even lectured at all, because we spent more than half of each lecture on the group presentation and either taking the quiz or going over the last one. We also had way more guest lecturers than any other class I've taken here, but those were the days that were actually interesting. Just would've been nice if Yalda actually did her job.

- Test Your Learning = 150 points
You have to turn in two multiple choice quiz questions based off the material each week.

- Group Project = 150 points
You and 7 other people sign up to do a 15 minute presentation about a specific age group and their relationship to media. The first group to sign up got 5 extra credit points.

- Interview Essay = 300 points
You have to interview someone under the age of 18 and write a narrative essay about their use of media. 3 pages.

- Final = 300 points
90 questions in 90 minutes. Online and open book, but the class average was still about a B because a lot of the questions were things she just never covered. The exam wasn't curved either.

- Extra Credit = 50 points
You can earn 25 points from doing an hour of SONA experiments and another 25 points publishing a photo or video of the minor you interviewed on Yalda's blog (and the interview).

Even though this class was an easy A I would not recommend taking it because Yalda was such a nasty woman I would rather get a B in a different class than have to sit through another one of her lectures. And I'm usually the type of person who loves easy A classes no matter how boring they are. This class was a huge disappointment and she's an embarrassment of a UCLA professor.


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Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A+
March 22, 2023

This class is super easy! We really only were graded on one assignment (the interview assignment), and I got an A doing it two days before. There was no midterm and we had a final that was open book and online. Dr. Uhls is an approachable and friendly teacher and would often bring in cool presenters like the past CEO of Disney into class. I got a B on the final by studying the day before and attending class, so it should be easy to get an A if you're a good student. The content of the class is super interesting and she has internships available to students looking to get into the entertainment industry of digital media and human development-related fields. Take this class!!


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