
Ulrike Seibt

Overall Ratings
Based on 52 Users
Easiness 3.4 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 3.7 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 3.8 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 3.7 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (52)

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March 27, 2018
Quarter: Fall 2017
Grade: A+

This course helps you to reorganize your thoughts & recognition of Climate changes and environmental issues right around ourselves. You indeed need time to understand the class materials after class and search for related readings (since no textbooks are required-just recommended only) not just for finishing the group assignments to get a good grade.

Not curved.

Extra credits may be given through submitting "good-style" problems you make out.


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March 7, 2019
Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: N/A

AO SCI 1 is an extremely interesting class. Hell, if Ulli Seibt managed to make the class somewhat engaging then I think that means the content of this course is good. However, this class is extremely poorly structured and I would not recommend taking it with Ulli Seibt. For starters, she is extremely disorganized and has changed the syllabus multiple times throughout the quarter. Moreover, her lectures and slide deck are inaccurate to the content of the exam, and I now understand why there are so little people taking this class this quarter. The only positive thing I could say about this professor is that she gives extra credit for iClickers, other than that I would say to take AOS1, so long as it is not with Ulli Seibt.


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March 13, 2019
Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A

While the course material is very interesting, Seibt's lectures are not that interesting, because she isn't very engaging with her slides. I liked her assignments and her projects, and thought I learned a lot from those. She offers clicker points for extra credit (~5%). Her exams are all free response, and timing is never an issue on them. I believe she is a fair grader. I would take this class again because of a personal interest in climate change, but she is a bland lecturer -- I think the class has so much potential, but maybe take it with a more interesting instructor.


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March 26, 2019
Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A

If you need to take a lab solely to knock out that GE requirement, then I HIGHLY recommend this lab for you. It has a super light workload and is ridiculously easy. It's only one unit, but has no lecture/midterm/final. Only a few online assignments that allow you to work with a partner, further lessening your workload. You simply do some online research for these assignments.


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Jan. 12, 2013
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Firstly, I want to state that I liked the material. I took her course A&OSci 1 and it exposed me to things I didn't know before.

Secondly, I liked that she is friendly during office hours and that she wants her students to learn the concepts.

Overall one of the best courses I have had because it was enjoyable and because Professor Seibt taught it.


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Dec. 13, 2012
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

An average professor. Hard to not doze off in her lectures, so make sure you go to discussions. Final is a bit harder than the midterm, but still doable.


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June 24, 2015
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

I took AOS 1 with Professor Seibt in Spring 2015. I have several opinions regarding the class structure and the professor.

First, the class material was relatively easily. We studied things like the greenhouse effect, carbon cycle, atmospheric and ocean circulation, ice ages, the IPCC, and other typical environmental topics. I enjoyed the material but I have heard other students say that it was tedious and at times difficult to comprehend (such as the Coriolis effect). The only thing I really despised was that the material was never really set. The professor gave us a tentative syllabus at the beginning and we did not discuss half the topics listed on it.

Second, grading is pretty fair and yet confusing simultaneously. The structure was 30% midterm, 45% final, 25% homework. We used the infamous and costly iClicker 2. The iClicker questions are graded 50/50. 50% comes from answering 75% of the questions in class, whether you answer correctly or incorrectly. The other 50% of the clicker points comes from answering "quiz" questions. She said that iClicker could replace half of the midterm score, and I assumed she did so. However, there is no set grading scale so I do not know if the class was curved or not. I believe it was considering the averages on the exams, though.

Side note...
Averages for exams:
Midterm 83%
Final 62% (I have no idea why this was so low considering she gave us two days of review...)

Third, I think the biggest thing I realized disliked about Professor Seibt was how disorganized she was. The syllabus was not really clear in grading nor content and I feel like the homework assignments were drawn up last minute.

Also, I took the lab, and some of the assignments were just plain silly. The last lab was to write a review of the class. The labs were not hard, but just seemed like mundane assignments that didn't really teach me much. Another lab had us "google" what soil erosion was and write a half-page summary. I honestly wish the labs were thought of much better.

Overall, the class was not too hard. The professor is extremely friendly and approachable in office hours, but she is extremely disorganized. Professor Seibt will also try to make class fun and engage students which makes class better.

Final Grade: B+
Lab Grade: A


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March 22, 2018
Quarter: Fall 2017
Grade: A

I felt this class lacked structure and organization. The lectures were also very boring and she did not make her points clear; it was difficult to follow her throughout the slides. Your discussion and its helpfulness depends widely on your TA; mine unfortunately was also not a great teacher and I had to seek extra help and tutoring from another TA to finally feel like I was understanding the material. My original TA was so ineffective that I ultimately stopped showing up to discussion after week 4 (your attendance does not count towards your grade and is only useful for forming your initial homework groups). The homework assignments we did get were not helpful in reinforcing what we were learning in the class. I would not take another class with this professor.


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Sept. 11, 2019
Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A-

Professor Seibt was honestly a really funny professor and she must produce some amazing research because she really does not know how to run a class. During the first day of lecture she literally had nothing planned and was curious of the things we wanted to learn that quarter. I never even had a high school teacher that asked such questions. As much as she was funny, the class was very disorganized and the TA's reflected her disorganization. Luckily, the class was pretty easy and she gave us up to 5% extra credit, but the grading made absolutely no sense. Neither Professor Seibt or the TA's had a clear sense of what they wanted to see on the midterm or final. However, I would recommend this class for those who want to take a family easy GE while having a good laugh in lecture just due to her German bluntness with people.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
June 26, 2020
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A

I took this course spring quarter of 2020 online. Although I ended up with an A, I felt confused through the majority of the course. Professor Ulrike is clearly knowledgable on the content but I do feel like she has trouble explaining it in an easy way. I am not a science major so most of the material was new and confusing. Due to the online format, there were no midterms or finals which honestly saved my grade. The homeworks are pretty easy to get an A on and my TA was very helpful. I recommend taking the lab since the questions were very easy and short. If you are not a science major like me, make sure to go to discussion because they were more helpful than lecture to me!


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Quarter: Fall 2017
Grade: A+
March 27, 2018

This course helps you to reorganize your thoughts & recognition of Climate changes and environmental issues right around ourselves. You indeed need time to understand the class materials after class and search for related readings (since no textbooks are required-just recommended only) not just for finishing the group assignments to get a good grade.

Not curved.

Extra credits may be given through submitting "good-style" problems you make out.


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Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: N/A
March 7, 2019

AO SCI 1 is an extremely interesting class. Hell, if Ulli Seibt managed to make the class somewhat engaging then I think that means the content of this course is good. However, this class is extremely poorly structured and I would not recommend taking it with Ulli Seibt. For starters, she is extremely disorganized and has changed the syllabus multiple times throughout the quarter. Moreover, her lectures and slide deck are inaccurate to the content of the exam, and I now understand why there are so little people taking this class this quarter. The only positive thing I could say about this professor is that she gives extra credit for iClickers, other than that I would say to take AOS1, so long as it is not with Ulli Seibt.


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Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A
March 13, 2019

While the course material is very interesting, Seibt's lectures are not that interesting, because she isn't very engaging with her slides. I liked her assignments and her projects, and thought I learned a lot from those. She offers clicker points for extra credit (~5%). Her exams are all free response, and timing is never an issue on them. I believe she is a fair grader. I would take this class again because of a personal interest in climate change, but she is a bland lecturer -- I think the class has so much potential, but maybe take it with a more interesting instructor.


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Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A
March 26, 2019

If you need to take a lab solely to knock out that GE requirement, then I HIGHLY recommend this lab for you. It has a super light workload and is ridiculously easy. It's only one unit, but has no lecture/midterm/final. Only a few online assignments that allow you to work with a partner, further lessening your workload. You simply do some online research for these assignments.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Jan. 12, 2013

Firstly, I want to state that I liked the material. I took her course A&OSci 1 and it exposed me to things I didn't know before.

Secondly, I liked that she is friendly during office hours and that she wants her students to learn the concepts.

Overall one of the best courses I have had because it was enjoyable and because Professor Seibt taught it.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Dec. 13, 2012

An average professor. Hard to not doze off in her lectures, so make sure you go to discussions. Final is a bit harder than the midterm, but still doable.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
June 24, 2015

I took AOS 1 with Professor Seibt in Spring 2015. I have several opinions regarding the class structure and the professor.

First, the class material was relatively easily. We studied things like the greenhouse effect, carbon cycle, atmospheric and ocean circulation, ice ages, the IPCC, and other typical environmental topics. I enjoyed the material but I have heard other students say that it was tedious and at times difficult to comprehend (such as the Coriolis effect). The only thing I really despised was that the material was never really set. The professor gave us a tentative syllabus at the beginning and we did not discuss half the topics listed on it.

Second, grading is pretty fair and yet confusing simultaneously. The structure was 30% midterm, 45% final, 25% homework. We used the infamous and costly iClicker 2. The iClicker questions are graded 50/50. 50% comes from answering 75% of the questions in class, whether you answer correctly or incorrectly. The other 50% of the clicker points comes from answering "quiz" questions. She said that iClicker could replace half of the midterm score, and I assumed she did so. However, there is no set grading scale so I do not know if the class was curved or not. I believe it was considering the averages on the exams, though.

Side note...
Averages for exams:
Midterm 83%
Final 62% (I have no idea why this was so low considering she gave us two days of review...)

Third, I think the biggest thing I realized disliked about Professor Seibt was how disorganized she was. The syllabus was not really clear in grading nor content and I feel like the homework assignments were drawn up last minute.

Also, I took the lab, and some of the assignments were just plain silly. The last lab was to write a review of the class. The labs were not hard, but just seemed like mundane assignments that didn't really teach me much. Another lab had us "google" what soil erosion was and write a half-page summary. I honestly wish the labs were thought of much better.

Overall, the class was not too hard. The professor is extremely friendly and approachable in office hours, but she is extremely disorganized. Professor Seibt will also try to make class fun and engage students which makes class better.

Final Grade: B+
Lab Grade: A


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Quarter: Fall 2017
Grade: A
March 22, 2018

I felt this class lacked structure and organization. The lectures were also very boring and she did not make her points clear; it was difficult to follow her throughout the slides. Your discussion and its helpfulness depends widely on your TA; mine unfortunately was also not a great teacher and I had to seek extra help and tutoring from another TA to finally feel like I was understanding the material. My original TA was so ineffective that I ultimately stopped showing up to discussion after week 4 (your attendance does not count towards your grade and is only useful for forming your initial homework groups). The homework assignments we did get were not helpful in reinforcing what we were learning in the class. I would not take another class with this professor.


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Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A-
Sept. 11, 2019

Professor Seibt was honestly a really funny professor and she must produce some amazing research because she really does not know how to run a class. During the first day of lecture she literally had nothing planned and was curious of the things we wanted to learn that quarter. I never even had a high school teacher that asked such questions. As much as she was funny, the class was very disorganized and the TA's reflected her disorganization. Luckily, the class was pretty easy and she gave us up to 5% extra credit, but the grading made absolutely no sense. Neither Professor Seibt or the TA's had a clear sense of what they wanted to see on the midterm or final. However, I would recommend this class for those who want to take a family easy GE while having a good laugh in lecture just due to her German bluntness with people.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A
June 26, 2020

I took this course spring quarter of 2020 online. Although I ended up with an A, I felt confused through the majority of the course. Professor Ulrike is clearly knowledgable on the content but I do feel like she has trouble explaining it in an easy way. I am not a science major so most of the material was new and confusing. Due to the online format, there were no midterms or finals which honestly saved my grade. The homeworks are pretty easy to get an A on and my TA was very helpful. I recommend taking the lab since the questions were very easy and short. If you are not a science major like me, make sure to go to discussion because they were more helpful than lecture to me!


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