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Vassilis Angelopoulos
Based on 22 Users
Professor Angelopoulos is incredibly nice and passionate about what he is teaching. He is always willing to answer questions during lecture and is very helpful if you go to his office hours. Like the previous eval said, he drops a lot of assignment grades and also curves the final grade. I changed my grading type to P/NP after failing my midterm but regret it because I ended up getting a really good grade after all the worse assignment grades were dropped/he curved the class. He also offers 5% extra credit which is not very hard at all. You want to attend all lectures because sometimes he gives pop quizzes, but they're T/F and only 10 questions. Overall, he's a very good professor who is passionate about what he teaches and is very nice.
While the material in the class may not interest everyone (I found it somewhat interesting), Professor Angelopoulos is the nicest professor you will ever have. He is passionate about what he teaches, and it clearly shows. The grading of the class is very lenient, as he drops the lowest homework, quiz, and lab grade, so if you have a bad day or forget to do something, it may not impact your grade at all. This course does have a fair amount of work, but it is very much manageable. I would recommend taking this class, just because of how straightforward and flexible the class is, and especially how nice Professor Angelopoulos is.
DO NOT TAKE THIS CLASS. You've been warned. His lectures are SUPER DRY. You will fall asleep. If you are NOT in a math-oriented field DO NOT TAKE THIS CLASS UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. Despite being a GE, his homework involves basic/intermediate physics and a basic knowledge of chemicals, and it's worth 20% of your grade. Sure, you can go to office hours but it can only help so much if physics is not your cup of tea. His final and midterms, is doable if you study hard and even though he says he will test you on concepts, a couple questions on the exam will ask you for numbers such as the age and distance of a galaxy, etc.
I would only take this class if you are a morning/afternoon person who has no difficulty concentrating in the hours that he teaches the course, has a more advanced understand and/or affinity for physics and the ability to know every minute little detail.
This class was easy to pass if you read the assigned chapters he gives you. His lecture is dull but take a cup of coffee and stay awake and take good notes. He is a very nice man and will take his time during lecture to explain a point you dont understand. You actually have to read the book to get a good grade. His finals and midterms are fairly easy, just hope you get a good TA b/c mine was not the best!!
yes, I agree the class might be difficult, but if you go to his office hours, he is more than willing to help on ANYTHING in GREAT DETAIL!! plus, he drops a quiz, lab, and homework. and also curves the midterm and final, so don't think you will fail this class. at times the lectures might be boring, but he tries to make it fun and entertianing. he is a very nice professor and is very knowlegdeable so he can help you out in anything!
This is a TERRIBLE class! Not only is he incredibly boring and dry, but the class is actually very hard! If you are looking for an easy GE definitely avoid this class at all costs!
Although there is not too much work, the quizzes are impossible unless you have a photographic memory and the homework consist of intense math problems.
Angelopoulos means well, but more often than not his lectures make absolutely no sense. The material isn't too bad except for all of the proofs that the content requires. He gives mandatory quizzes in discussion sections, which seems annoying but helps you stay on track. Make sure you read the book and take notes from that when you inevitably stop going to lecture.
Yannis is honestly a great guy. He can get a bit sassy during lecture, but if you visit him during his office hours (which nobody goes to btw), he's extremely patient and helpful, and you can't ask for much more than that. He hosts his own 3-hour long review sessions before every test, and trust me, you don't want to miss those. He gets a lot of hate for being a very theoretical professor, but as a math major, you really need to appreciate that. As such, I strongly encourage any math major to take 33A with Yannis. It really sets you up well for Math 115A!
This professor was kind of a nightmare. He had insanely high standards for what the students had to know and he made the class primarily about proofs rather than actual calculations. Half the tests were classic 33A calculations that you can't afford to mess up on because the other half is straight up proofs. In fact, the TA's told us that if we had to take Math 115A to just do it next quarter because HE HAD BASICALLY TAUGHT THE EQUIVALENT OF THAT IN THE LOWER DIVISION.
I got by alright because I had an amazing TA (Jean-Michel Maldague!!!), went to every TA office hour and review session I could and did almost every conceptual problem out of the book chapters we covered.
A couple of saving graces: He had a review session before the test where he more or less told us what was gonna be on the test. I heard he also gives out extra credit now and he scales the class so that the average is a B so just look at the average on tests for how you're doing.
Final Grade: A-
Professor Angelopoulos is incredibly nice and passionate about what he is teaching. He is always willing to answer questions during lecture and is very helpful if you go to his office hours. Like the previous eval said, he drops a lot of assignment grades and also curves the final grade. I changed my grading type to P/NP after failing my midterm but regret it because I ended up getting a really good grade after all the worse assignment grades were dropped/he curved the class. He also offers 5% extra credit which is not very hard at all. You want to attend all lectures because sometimes he gives pop quizzes, but they're T/F and only 10 questions. Overall, he's a very good professor who is passionate about what he teaches and is very nice.
While the material in the class may not interest everyone (I found it somewhat interesting), Professor Angelopoulos is the nicest professor you will ever have. He is passionate about what he teaches, and it clearly shows. The grading of the class is very lenient, as he drops the lowest homework, quiz, and lab grade, so if you have a bad day or forget to do something, it may not impact your grade at all. This course does have a fair amount of work, but it is very much manageable. I would recommend taking this class, just because of how straightforward and flexible the class is, and especially how nice Professor Angelopoulos is.
DO NOT TAKE THIS CLASS. You've been warned. His lectures are SUPER DRY. You will fall asleep. If you are NOT in a math-oriented field DO NOT TAKE THIS CLASS UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. Despite being a GE, his homework involves basic/intermediate physics and a basic knowledge of chemicals, and it's worth 20% of your grade. Sure, you can go to office hours but it can only help so much if physics is not your cup of tea. His final and midterms, is doable if you study hard and even though he says he will test you on concepts, a couple questions on the exam will ask you for numbers such as the age and distance of a galaxy, etc.
I would only take this class if you are a morning/afternoon person who has no difficulty concentrating in the hours that he teaches the course, has a more advanced understand and/or affinity for physics and the ability to know every minute little detail.
This class was easy to pass if you read the assigned chapters he gives you. His lecture is dull but take a cup of coffee and stay awake and take good notes. He is a very nice man and will take his time during lecture to explain a point you dont understand. You actually have to read the book to get a good grade. His finals and midterms are fairly easy, just hope you get a good TA b/c mine was not the best!!
yes, I agree the class might be difficult, but if you go to his office hours, he is more than willing to help on ANYTHING in GREAT DETAIL!! plus, he drops a quiz, lab, and homework. and also curves the midterm and final, so don't think you will fail this class. at times the lectures might be boring, but he tries to make it fun and entertianing. he is a very nice professor and is very knowlegdeable so he can help you out in anything!
This is a TERRIBLE class! Not only is he incredibly boring and dry, but the class is actually very hard! If you are looking for an easy GE definitely avoid this class at all costs!
Although there is not too much work, the quizzes are impossible unless you have a photographic memory and the homework consist of intense math problems.
Angelopoulos means well, but more often than not his lectures make absolutely no sense. The material isn't too bad except for all of the proofs that the content requires. He gives mandatory quizzes in discussion sections, which seems annoying but helps you stay on track. Make sure you read the book and take notes from that when you inevitably stop going to lecture.
Yannis is honestly a great guy. He can get a bit sassy during lecture, but if you visit him during his office hours (which nobody goes to btw), he's extremely patient and helpful, and you can't ask for much more than that. He hosts his own 3-hour long review sessions before every test, and trust me, you don't want to miss those. He gets a lot of hate for being a very theoretical professor, but as a math major, you really need to appreciate that. As such, I strongly encourage any math major to take 33A with Yannis. It really sets you up well for Math 115A!
This professor was kind of a nightmare. He had insanely high standards for what the students had to know and he made the class primarily about proofs rather than actual calculations. Half the tests were classic 33A calculations that you can't afford to mess up on because the other half is straight up proofs. In fact, the TA's told us that if we had to take Math 115A to just do it next quarter because HE HAD BASICALLY TAUGHT THE EQUIVALENT OF THAT IN THE LOWER DIVISION.
I got by alright because I had an amazing TA (Jean-Michel Maldague!!!), went to every TA office hour and review session I could and did almost every conceptual problem out of the book chapters we covered.
A couple of saving graces: He had a review session before the test where he more or less told us what was gonna be on the test. I heard he also gives out extra credit now and he scales the class so that the average is a B so just look at the average on tests for how you're doing.
Final Grade: A-