
Will Conley

Overall Ratings
Based on 286 Users
Easiness 3.6 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 3.5 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.6 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.7 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (286)

5 of 18
5 of 18
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Nov. 19, 2012
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Let me start off by saying I entirely adore his teaching style, his approach to the subject material and his overall swag. Take me serious now, I have never in my life taken high school calculus, and I now consider myself fully mastering the material. He cares so much, its ridiculous. He is what a teacher should be. Even though, he knows, almost every student has taken some form of calculus, he teaches the material as if you are just learning it. I wish he was teaching math 3b, matter of fact, can he head the math department? Look, all jokes aside, he is an amazing instructor, he is caring and his office hours are flexible. Take him or face the wrath of terrible math teachers. Your Welcome. Watch This....bye


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Jan. 26, 2016
Quarter: Winter 2013
Grade: A

Conley is probably one of the best professors I've had to date. He cares a lot about his students and wants to make sure that they understand the material he is teaching. His review sessions don't really have an end time, he always stays until all of the questions are answered. He is very clear in lectures and his tests don't throw curveballs or ridiculously tricky questions in your direction.

I would definitely take all math classes with him if he taught them.


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March 31, 2013
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Conley is a really good teacher. Answering math questions via e-mail is not the easiest task, yet he responded to my math questions (and those of my friends) with really detailed explanations. He also spend about 3 hours at each exam review going over what would be on the mid-terms and final. The guy wants the students to do well in the class.
You still have to know the material, though. The class covers a lot of material and much of it builds upon the last concept, so my advice would be to do all the HW assignments and make sure you really know the material before Conley introduces a new concept in the next lecture.
His office hours were pretty crowded, but he's very willing to make one-on-one appointments if you need help.
His grading is fair; he's willing to throw out the worst of your two midterms and uses a generous curve. I did pretty poorly on the mid-terms, but got a 89% on the final and earned a B+ in the class.
Conley's good.


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March 29, 2013
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

TAKE HIM !! : )


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April 26, 2015
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

I've never seen a professor try to help everyone in the class understand the material more than Conley. He has 4 and a half hour review sessions for midterms and finals. Had him for 33a and taking him for 33b. I got a B in 33A but I made errors on the final. If I didn't screw up I could have gotten an A-. And his lectures are always recorded. Take him as much as possible.


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Oct. 6, 2013
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Take him!


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Dec. 17, 2014
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

teaches things to make you understand... can be repetitive at times
he will go out of his way to help you


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Dec. 16, 2013
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Conley is hands down the best lecturer I've had here at UCLA. although he is a bit slow he teaches the content in a way that is clear and coherent. If you still don't understand or have additional question he is almost always available by appointment or in office hours which he normally extends until all questions are answered. I've taken him for 2 quarters consecutively now (33b and 115a) and I'm certain that if there's any abstract math topic out there, Conley is the best one to explain it.


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Nov. 13, 2014
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

I have professor Conley right now and he's soooo good. The way he lectures allows me to absorb all the knowledge, and the fact that he checks whether everyone understands the concepts or not is soooo helpful. You need to take LS30A with him, you just HAVE to. I'm starting off my career at UCLA with a huge smile.


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Jan. 26, 2016
Quarter: Fall 2015
Grade: B

Conley rocks and is probably the best professor in the Math department. Most people hate 32B and think it is the worst class within the lower division classes. I loved it and it was 100% because of the professor. The material is tough, yes, but Conley's lectures are very easy to understand. He explains concepts very well both in office hours and in lecture. Study very hard for the first midterm. Don't expect the final to be easy, it will not be. Conley also holds review sessions before all of his exams. He is a very dedicated professor. Once, the review session started at 6:00 PM and ended at 12:00 AM. You cannot get much better than that. He is awesome.

Also, his lectures are podcasted and he's taught every lower-division Math course (31A -33B), so if you ever need extra help you can watch his lectures.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Nov. 19, 2012

Let me start off by saying I entirely adore his teaching style, his approach to the subject material and his overall swag. Take me serious now, I have never in my life taken high school calculus, and I now consider myself fully mastering the material. He cares so much, its ridiculous. He is what a teacher should be. Even though, he knows, almost every student has taken some form of calculus, he teaches the material as if you are just learning it. I wish he was teaching math 3b, matter of fact, can he head the math department? Look, all jokes aside, he is an amazing instructor, he is caring and his office hours are flexible. Take him or face the wrath of terrible math teachers. Your Welcome. Watch This....bye


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Quarter: Winter 2013
Grade: A
Jan. 26, 2016

Conley is probably one of the best professors I've had to date. He cares a lot about his students and wants to make sure that they understand the material he is teaching. His review sessions don't really have an end time, he always stays until all of the questions are answered. He is very clear in lectures and his tests don't throw curveballs or ridiculously tricky questions in your direction.

I would definitely take all math classes with him if he taught them.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
March 31, 2013

Conley is a really good teacher. Answering math questions via e-mail is not the easiest task, yet he responded to my math questions (and those of my friends) with really detailed explanations. He also spend about 3 hours at each exam review going over what would be on the mid-terms and final. The guy wants the students to do well in the class.
You still have to know the material, though. The class covers a lot of material and much of it builds upon the last concept, so my advice would be to do all the HW assignments and make sure you really know the material before Conley introduces a new concept in the next lecture.
His office hours were pretty crowded, but he's very willing to make one-on-one appointments if you need help.
His grading is fair; he's willing to throw out the worst of your two midterms and uses a generous curve. I did pretty poorly on the mid-terms, but got a 89% on the final and earned a B+ in the class.
Conley's good.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
March 29, 2013

TAKE HIM !! : )


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
April 26, 2015

I've never seen a professor try to help everyone in the class understand the material more than Conley. He has 4 and a half hour review sessions for midterms and finals. Had him for 33a and taking him for 33b. I got a B in 33A but I made errors on the final. If I didn't screw up I could have gotten an A-. And his lectures are always recorded. Take him as much as possible.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Oct. 6, 2013

Take him!


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Dec. 17, 2014

teaches things to make you understand... can be repetitive at times
he will go out of his way to help you


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Dec. 16, 2013

Conley is hands down the best lecturer I've had here at UCLA. although he is a bit slow he teaches the content in a way that is clear and coherent. If you still don't understand or have additional question he is almost always available by appointment or in office hours which he normally extends until all questions are answered. I've taken him for 2 quarters consecutively now (33b and 115a) and I'm certain that if there's any abstract math topic out there, Conley is the best one to explain it.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Nov. 13, 2014

I have professor Conley right now and he's soooo good. The way he lectures allows me to absorb all the knowledge, and the fact that he checks whether everyone understands the concepts or not is soooo helpful. You need to take LS30A with him, you just HAVE to. I'm starting off my career at UCLA with a huge smile.


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Quarter: Fall 2015
Grade: B
Jan. 26, 2016

Conley rocks and is probably the best professor in the Math department. Most people hate 32B and think it is the worst class within the lower division classes. I loved it and it was 100% because of the professor. The material is tough, yes, but Conley's lectures are very easy to understand. He explains concepts very well both in office hours and in lecture. Study very hard for the first midterm. Don't expect the final to be easy, it will not be. Conley also holds review sessions before all of his exams. He is a very dedicated professor. Once, the review session started at 6:00 PM and ended at 12:00 AM. You cannot get much better than that. He is awesome.

Also, his lectures are podcasted and he's taught every lower-division Math course (31A -33B), so if you ever need extra help you can watch his lectures.


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5 of 18

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