433 Midvale Ave.

Overall Rating
Based on 14 Users
Noise Level 1.9 / 5 How noisy the apartment is with 1 being quiet 5 being very loud.
Upkeep and Cleanliness 2.4 / 5 How clean the apartment is with 1 being very dirty and 5 being very clean.
Landlord Communication 1.7 / 5 How responsive the landlord is with 1 being unresponsive and 5 being very responsive.
Spaciousness 2.6 / 5 How spacious the apartment is with 1 being very cramped and 5 being very spacious.


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3 bed
3 bath

Monthly Rent: $1400 - $1400

Reviews (13)

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Lease Year: 2024
April 18, 2024




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Lease Year: 2021
June 10, 2021

I just find this place creepy now since the death. I mean its a party place but now its just like you wonder if you live in an apartment did the person who died live in it before you? I'm just not sure about the energy surrounding the place now.


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Lease Year: 2020
Oct. 1, 2020

If you want to be price scalped by incompetent apartment managers this is your place! The best part? They will treat you like you are stupid for asking for obviously unreasonable things, such as working AC and fixing the garage door so you do not miss work. They love to keep you on your toes by forgetting where they put your payment receipt, making you responsible for keeping track of the money that YOU already paid them! And you can bet they will treat you like a liar when you do not wanna pay twice for something that is already over priced. Now for the apartment. They are totally not cramped and for SURE do not feel like a solitary confinement cell. The white walls and grey furniture really bring life to this small space. This apartment works best for extroverts who do not value personal space at all, because trust me, you will have none. Hopefully everything is going well for you after 6pm though, because thats when the managers stop watching youtube videos and go home where they will not respond to you until 3 hours into the next work day. If you do not get it by now, this place is miserably mismanaged and out dated. If it were not for the kindest and hardest working maintenance man on Earth, looking at you Carlos, this place would fall apart.


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Lease Year: 2019
May 21, 2020

DO NOT LIVE HERE!! I wasted so much money on this place. They lie to you, overcharge you on rent and utilities , and bribes the residents for good yelp reviews. DO NOT LIVE HERE


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Lease Year: 2020
Jan. 16, 2020

This is the worst place I have ever lived. Management is a disaster. They have termites in the walls of the building that they're not dealing with. They offer different leases and prices to everyone and especially take advantage of international students by making you pay more rent and giving you a longer lease. The triples are only $100 cheaper than the doubles and the beds are very very close to each other which makes sleeping, studying or literally doing anything in the room impossible. Even though the apartments come furnished, the couches and the beds are very very uncomfortable, utility bills are a lot and management does not take care of anything at all. The apartments also get no light at all so it's always dark and depressing. They constantly enter your room without letting you know, touch and move your belongings around. I even once found maintenance doing my bed I had to wash all my sheets. Management is very disrespectful. Do not live here, all they do is scam you and take your money, there are much nicer and cheaper apartments than this horrible place in Westwood.


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Lease Year: 2018
Feb. 9, 2019

This is the worst place I have ever lived, and I cannot express how grateful I am not to live at 433 anymore. Management seems friendly, but if you have any issues beyond maintenance, you have to push the property managers to get anything done (and these issues were handled inadequately). Additionally, some units have balconies and more square footage and it is the same price as a unit w/ less space & no balcony. The majority of the units have no natural light & the furniture is sub-par at best. The security that they give you the number to does not actually respond to any noise complaints, so sleeping was difficult. If you are considering moving here, it is time to reevaluate.


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Lease Year: 2018
June 19, 2018

This place has undergone a change in management in the last 2 or 3 years, and the current management is OUTSTANDING. The leasing office is on the premises and open 9am-6pm nearly every day.

One thing to note: This place is lease by the bed only. Most apartments have 2, 3 or 4 bedrooms - and these and either doubles or triples. I think there are singles available but it's a small amount. The rent differs based on what type of bed you request - full-sized bed in a double room or a twin sized bed in a triple room. Current rates that my roommates and I pay are ~$1200 for a full-sized bed in a double and ~$1080 for a twin-sized bed in a triple. Rent is paid separately - about $20-30/person. On-site maintenance available 6 out of 7 days in the week.

Generally quiet. There are parties that go on around here, but the major noise makers are your roommates - so if you have quiet roommates, you will have quiet in the apartment.

Because the leases are by the bed, you are not responsible for finding other people to fill the other spots. The management does this and they try their absolute best to match similar minded people with similar lifestyles together (I can tell you that they did a fantastic job with me and my roommates!).


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June 10, 2013

This is the WORST place I have ever lived. Unless you party every single day/don't sleep then you will have a horrible experience. The management is completely useless and won't help with anything and if you decide you don't like it or need to sublease you have to pay ridiculous hidden fees like $300 just to sublease. It is insanely overpriced and not that I don't like waking up to throw-up and urine outside my door, it's key to remember it's better to go somewhere to party than have to come home to it every single day. DONT LIVE HERE


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Dec. 23, 2012

If you have a bunch of money, love being an obnoxious drunk, and dont care if you dont get the services you pay for, this place is for you! If you consider yourself a responsible adult and know when you are being taken advantage of, maybe you should reconsider this place. This is one of the more pricier places around campus and you dont get what you pay for. I find it funny that people have complained of being charged heavily for "repairs" when they move out, because when I moved in NOTHING was in good condition or had been repaired. Wonder where that money went to?.... Also, Internet is slow (it is not the T1 they advertise), definitely a party scene, and can have some sketchy characters wandering around in the wee hours of the night/morning. Repairs will almost never get done, and they seem to be having an issue keeping a coherent and dependable landlord. The only way you can get repairs done is if you come in habitually every day for weeks, and even then they do a less than acceptable job. It is also pretty darn dirty, especially after the weekend parties. It has the potential to be a magnificent apartment complex, but has been managed horribly. But hey, if money isn't an option, you haven't out grown those crazy college parties, and school isnt a priority (because you wont be sleeping too well), by all means join in on the fun! Think of it as an expensive/dirty dorms with no maintenance, reliability, regulation (other than paying your bills), or RA's. The no RA thing may sound fun for you youngins wanting to have a "college experience", but put a few hundred 18-20 years olds in an apartment fresh out of mom and dad's place for the first time with no restrictions and watch the fun... its a good idea to wear closed toed shoes for broken glass in the mornings. On a good note, it is pretty good walking distance to campus, pretty much the only perk to living here. My advice, there are plenty of other places to live in Westwood, choose your pick. Also, its far better to go to the parties than live at the parties, if you know what I mean.


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Oct. 16, 2011

This place will be a good apt if you don't care about your security deposit. The thing is that the managers or whoever are trying to take as much as they can from your deposit even though even thing is fine. It is reasonable if they charge me 200 bucks for cleaning. In fact they are gonna charge you more than 500 bucks for whatever reasons they could come up with. And the managers never fixed anything in our apt. Literally never!!!


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Overall Rating
Based on 14 Users
Noise Level 1.9 / 5 How noisy the apartment is with 1 being quiet 5 being very loud.
Upkeep and Cleanliness 2.4 / 5 How clean the apartment is with 1 being very dirty and 5 being very clean.
Landlord Communication 1.7 / 5 How responsive the landlord is with 1 being unresponsive and 5 being very responsive.
Spaciousness 2.6 / 5 How spacious the apartment is with 1 being very cramped and 5 being very spacious.


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