516 Glenrock Ave.

Overall Rating
Based on 124 Users
Noise Level 3.2 / 5 How noisy the apartment is with 1 being quiet 5 being very loud.
Upkeep and Cleanliness 3.1 / 5 How clean the apartment is with 1 being very dirty and 5 being very clean.
Landlord Communication 3.1 / 5 How responsive the landlord is with 1 being unresponsive and 5 being very responsive.
Spaciousness 3.8 / 5 How spacious the apartment is with 1 being very cramped and 5 being very spacious.


  • Water
  • Laundry
  • Parking
  • Furnishings
  • 5 min walk to campus
  • Trash



2 bed
2 bath

Monthly Rent: $900 - $900

Reviews (123)

10 of 13
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Feb. 18, 2017

Furnished housing is great! I will never pay for furniture again until im settled after college and get my internship after graduation. Its been so easy, I wish I would have done this sooner! my apartment is super clean and nice, and maintenance is quick they usually come out within an hour for our needs since they have maintenance people on deck. The last manager on site was hell but my leasing coordinator and the onsite lady now is great, super nice women, care about issues when they come up but they are also kind of firm on a couple things (no motorcycle parking out of spots) other than that I absolutely love my housing!!!


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Feb. 17, 2017

No joke, this apartment has the largest rooms in Westwood! Good layout, never felt crammed with my roommates, the furniture was way nicer then I expected and I saw the model unit, I have an 80 inch tv.
My apartment was clean when I moved in. Plenty of parking and management has a maintenance team that is 24/7 which is great because they are easy to get ahold of no issues durring my stay what so ever.
I wish they had bigger laundry machines. Management is super nice and friendly easy to get along with.


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Feb. 4, 2017

I lived here for the past year, the good thing is the rooms are extremely large, much bigger then what you will usually find in Westwood. Apartment is clean. I got roommate matched it worked out well my roommate is super chill. Management is cool pretty hands on and usually available when we need something, pretty good people. Management is young and easy to talk to. Good price.


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Jan. 18, 2017

The apartment is definitely older and doesn't have a bunch of amenities but it has everything you need. You get two gates parking spots with your apartment. In terms of quality of apartment, I can only speak for ours which is very nice. Yes it's old but it's very spacious and we have an ocean view, no lie.

The new manager, Ruthie, is very helpful, kind and responsive. Ever since she has taken over, we have been much happier with the response time of getting apartment issues resolved.

Personally, I really love our apartment but I agree with other reviewers that upper floors are probably way nicer so I can't speak for lower floors.


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Jan. 15, 2017

This apartment recently went through a management change, and I hope that things will be much better. The new onsite manager is Ruthie, and she seems to be much more on top of things compared to the old manager, Allan. Top floors are better than lower floors. Gated garage, pool for use. No lost packages so far (fingers crossed). Two laundry machines have been broken since we moved in (September). $1.50 for washer, $1.25 for dryer. Balconies on all apartments is nice.

Basically, this apartment is just like any other apartment in Westwood. Getting a top floor apartment is best, but I think they cost more. What could make this apartment set apart from the others is if the new onsite management is really on top of the tenants concerns (repairs, etc.)


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Oct. 4, 2016

Come for the price, if anything, not the quality.

The price was great. In 2015-2016, anyway - I hear prices may have gone up a lot afterwards.
Was able to receive the entire security deposit back at the end of the lease fairly easily (don't ever take that for granted). Was asked to pay ridiculous cleaning fees at one point, but it was easy to talk them out of it.
Very dirty in the common areas, and smelly in some parts. My unit was also extremely dirty (including trash and nasty furniture) when I first moved in.
No pest problem, on the other hand. Before I leased here, I had heard rumors of cockroaches and rodents, but I never saw any.
Had some issues with lost packages and some laundry machines not working.
The management is bad, not in the sense of being evil soul-crushing fat cats, but yes in the sense of being disorganized and lazy. The former would be much worse - these guys you can deal with. So in reality the management is fine.


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Sept. 16, 2016

This is a pretty and spacious apartment complex, but run by irresponsible and abusive managers who openly admitted to us that they weren't interested in fixing things in the apartment when they broke (time and time again), and tried to evict us multiple times when they approached us on the spot with wholly unjustified rent increases. The apartment building is dirty, managed extremely poorly, and left open, often 24/7. Laundry machines break frequently and aren't repaired. The managers and landlord are unresponsive most of the time, and were often rude and inefficient when we asked them to fix certain things (a broken sink because the building's pipes were blocked, broken screens and drawers, cockroaches and mold in our friends' apartment nextdoor, etc.)
Rent, but beware. They overcharge and couldn't care less about their residents, and are happy to do blatantly illegal and abusive things to earn more money.


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Aug. 22, 2016

Apartment complex has cockroaches and is very unkempt. Owner of the building does anything he can to not give you your security deposit back. Internet is extremely slower than what you pay for due to horrible setup. Water pressure is almost non-existent. Elevator and washer/drier almost never work. Building has space but also has cockroaches in many of the units.


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July 12, 2016

Pretty chill. Good sized place, obviously ideal location doesn't get any better. Chill management. Handled things on time. Neighbors all go to Ucla. Complex has pool no fitness center but bruin center is nicer than any gym complex wise.
Roommates were chill I got matched by Ucla. I liked my friends layout a little better but I signed up too late. So check out all the layouts they can vary I think there is 2 total


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July 11, 2016

I loved it here! Huge pool, all students, my unit was really big and the company is super on top of things but in a good way not in an annoying way. They care about tenants and get maintenance done fast which is rarely needed. They listen and are super nice! (probably the youngest managers in westwood which is actually a good thing). I had a HUGE tv, nice bed, large balcony, AC in summer, all was good.. laundry machines kinda suck they are old. but yes my furnished unit was great!


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Overall Rating
Based on 124 Users
Noise Level 3.2 / 5 How noisy the apartment is with 1 being quiet 5 being very loud.
Upkeep and Cleanliness 3.1 / 5 How clean the apartment is with 1 being very dirty and 5 being very clean.
Landlord Communication 3.1 / 5 How responsive the landlord is with 1 being unresponsive and 5 being very responsive.
Spaciousness 3.8 / 5 How spacious the apartment is with 1 being very cramped and 5 being very spacious.


  • Water
  • Laundry
  • Parking
  • Furnishings
  • 5 min walk to campus
  • Trash

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