516 Glenrock Ave.

Overall Rating
Based on 124 Users
Noise Level 3.2 / 5 How noisy the apartment is with 1 being quiet 5 being very loud.
Upkeep and Cleanliness 3.1 / 5 How clean the apartment is with 1 being very dirty and 5 being very clean.
Landlord Communication 3.1 / 5 How responsive the landlord is with 1 being unresponsive and 5 being very responsive.
Spaciousness 3.8 / 5 How spacious the apartment is with 1 being very cramped and 5 being very spacious.


  • Water
  • Laundry
  • Parking
  • Furnishings
  • 5 min walk to campus
  • Trash



2 bed
2 bath

Monthly Rent: $900 - $900

Reviews (123)

11 of 13
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July 11, 2016

Super large bedrooms and living area, large complex with pool. cool management, no issues,. I recommend. Good taste with furnishings and upgraded our sports channels for free pretty sweet.


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July 11, 2016

This is the best place to live in the north village furnished, huge rooms, nice managers.

The space is huge. We had four living in a 2bdrm/2bath and never felt cramped. The place had a living room, dining room and kitchen that were all very spacious.

But the best part of living here was the manager she is the most dedicated, considerate landlord you could get in the north village. she fixed anything that broke immediately. During the two years I lived there, she installed upgrades, painted upon request and gifted my unit porch furniture. She always sends a friendly text reminder when rent is due so you'll never incur a late fee for forgetfulness.

All in all, I loved living here. 4/4 of my roommates would recommend it again this goes for the furnished management UCLAStudent Housing


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July 11, 2016

It's my understanding that the management did change hands this year and the
The bedrooms are huge-The kitchen is beautiful and our layout is really open. We have a balcony with room for a table and chairs, the bathroom has nice tiling in the shower, and the carpets and walls are in very good condition. There are office people who take packages for you, so your packages are never just sitting on the doorstep. The front door is locked when the office is closed, so it's very safe. Laundry rooms are available in the parking garage level. The pool area is really beautiful. The maintenance people are on site all the time, and are super responsive and always come within the day of calling or submitting the online request.
I would recommend living here with UCLA Student Housing


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July 11, 2016

So spacious!! I am a senior and just graduated so I was very impressed with the amount of space this apartment had compared to the past one I lived at before... look around and you will quickly find its one of the largest!! my apartment had stone floors which I love since most village apartments are carpet (gross and get dirty really fast !) My apartment was super clean but thats because I went and got a furnished one, they are way different then unfurnished (much nicer!) I looked at both before signing up.
Maintenance was addressed quickly never had many issues, I dont like that there was small dogs which was kinda annoying because they said dogs were not allowed but I guess the onsite manager who is no longer there allowed them anyways i am allergic so didnt like that considering the apartment has central AC. but im super sensative to that.
I was happy with my roommates they matched me with I met some really great people, everyone is super friendly who lives in the complex and nice, and my rep was really nice too Tasha! super accommodating and I felt really comfortable asking her for things when I needed. Laundry machines are coins.. annoying wish they had cards by now but yea everything else was great! and VERY close to campus and fair price.


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July 10, 2016

Wtf?! The price raise this year was RIDICULOUS. A couple things you should know. Eddie was not the best manager but he is gone. There are two company's diopharm and Ucla student housing who are managers they run things VERY differently then one another. Diopharm equals waiting years for things to get fixed and nothing is ready when you move in. While we watch Ucla student housing send maintenance everyday for issues? Wtf ? I'm going to start deducting my rent from Diopharm if they don't fix the leak in my ceiling the fourth floor leaks FYI.


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July 8, 2016

I lived here for the fall 2016 school year it was fine. Super close to campus which is great, yes it could be cleaner (my apartment was clean) the building was not but hey.. I have seen worse and lived in worse right across the street.
It was a little confusing because yea I guess they are switching management ? I didn't know who to send maintenance questions to so I waited like a month for a toilet clog but when I was finally told to submit it to Ucla student housing it got done asap. Eddie was the old onsite manager. Tasha, who is like a rep was cool she gave me an extra parking space. She doesn't like everyone though (don't rage if she is around) but she doesn't live onsite so you won't see her much except daytime super chill though. The building isn't really a party building it was a good balance and my program was pretty hectic so that worked out. No roaches bugs or anything like that. No issue with deposit. I DO feel the wifi could be a little bit faster.. I ookla'd it and it was like 50mbps which if you stream or game isn't all that great I paid for an upgrade which is some added option. Oh and don't live on the fourth floor my friend lived there and he had a leak from the roof which was pretty bad and never got fixed


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July 8, 2016

First off this is not a luxury apartment but it works for what it is. I must say the UCLA student housing apartments within this complex are WAY nicer.. I signed up with Eddie to save $100 a month and not a good choice. My unit wasn't clean, he never fixed anything and my friend signed up with UCLA Student housing the furnished managers there and it was a completely different story.. 60 inch tvs cleaner then mine marble showers in some of the bathrooms 24/7 maintenance totally different story! Building was fine rooms are huge ! Not a lot of street noise, they are fair with deposits, i stayed for two years and now I'm ready for a non college vibe apt


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July 7, 2016

Notice to anyone potentially looking for places to live in Westwood please, PLEASE do yourselves a favor and STAY AWAY from 516 Glenrock Avenue, managed by UCLA Student Housing LLC (an independent company unaffiliated with UCLA the school itself.) My roommates and I have had to endure living there for three whole quarters and the management we've had to deal with was deceitful, unreliable, and extremely unprofessional and we are still in the middle of a debate and debacle with the management that is mostly carried out via email correspondence because when we said we wanted to meet in person with our usual representative to discuss the contract after consulting the UCLA Legal advising center for students, she went mysteriously AWOL without letting any of us know ahead of time.The move-in state of the apartment was filthy and not at all ready for new tenants, and throughout the year we have struggled with building management as regards to getting even basic repairs and replacements for the company-provided furnishings. As of now we have all officially moved out and the management has the audacity to claim that we are the ones responsible for the poor quality of the apartment and its current cockroach infestation, blaming us for being messy and unreasonable while we have 1) Tried very hard to clean and keep messes to minimum 2) Are extremely quiet tenants who hold no parties and due to class/work/extracurriculars are rarely on the premises during the day.

The company appears to not know the difference between "replacement tenant" and "subletter" and my roommates and I have had lots of trouble communicating with management over being able to sublet our spot for the summer, a trouble that we eventually gave up on and just decided to break our lease and move out at the end of the school year. Before that, I had advertised for summer subletters on various housing facebook pages including this one, and while I was initially successful at finding some, they were driven away by the harsh demands that the UCLA Housing LLC and left us in a very tough position. The housing management has asked us to sign vague and suspicious documents (which we refused) and after moving out and receiving our Security Deposit Accounting statement (which just came in the mail today) they are still trying to hold us accountable for damages that we were not responsible for, or were deceived into thinking we were not responsible for. It is extremely frustrating and disheartening and I admit that I felt terribly, terribly guilty while advertising for subletters for this former apartment, trying to smile and show off its perceived benefits, trying to take photos of the place in good lighting while knowing all too well how incredibly poor the quality of this place is, and what I've mentioned above just barely scratches the surface of what we've had to put up with.

As this apartment was the first my roommates and I had ever rented, we went in extremely naïve, without consulting previous reviews, whether here, on Bruinwalk, or Yelp, or basically anywhere else, and yet everything I've read via online reviews since about this place only confirms that our experience is NOT isolated and this is genuinely somewhere that should be avoided. We put up with a lot of things we should have reported sooner, and were taken advantage of because of that.

It seems that the strategy of UCLA Housing LLC was to just wait for us to finally pick up and move out, so we could forget about them as soon as we moved to a better place, but since they are apparently still contacting and badgering us about expenses despite no longer being on their lease, I think it's timely to put this up. To new renters: Please don't be afraid to ask questions and clarify information about the places where you will be living!! If you have suspicions about various aspects of a place don't be afraid to voice them or seek out other opinions other than that of your housing representative, online or otherwise!!! If not you may be stuck in a crappy place with holes in the walls lazily covered with tape, where the management tries to sneakily switch off your wi-fi during spring break, takes forever to fix a broken toilet, charges you extra for utilities you didn't even use, and a variety of other frustrations that you assume is "normal" for a first time apartment even when it isn't!
Please, please. You all deserve better.

More notes: (for things that didn't fit in the above description)

-In the official statements given to us by the company, the apartment has had "no history of roach infestation" which, according to multiple previous reviews listed from years past here on Bruinwalk and in other places, is a big flat-out lie.
-Anyway, the roaches were TERRIBLE. It wasn't bad in the fall, but in the middle of winter and ESPECIALLY during spring they all came out of the woodwork and no amount of cleaning, spraying, etc, could keep them at bay (and WE got blamed for it.) there was a time, i hate to admit, that I didn't shower for about a week because I was scared to go in the bathroom.
-Did i mention that they charged us for overusing utilities we barely used? My roommates and I showered sparsely, hardly ever turned on the air-con or left the lights on for extended periods of time, yet we were charged extra more than once, and given stern reprimands that "this was the only time in the history of the apartment that anyone has ever gone over in their utilities" which...okay...sounds SUPER fake. There are several rooms in this apartment, and it's been renting out for years, there is no way we were the first tenants EVER to go over even if we did.
-Tasha, our housing representative, was confusing and the statements that she gave us contrasted sharply with the official statements we got from the company–as I was cleaning up and moving out of the apartment (which we took GREAT PAINS to clean out as THOROUGHLY as we could with our limited equipment) she told me that it looked "very clean", and she was impressed, probably that it wasn't like, littered with beer bottles or something. Fast forward to today, where my Security Deposit Accounting statement moans and complains about how much of a slob me and my roommates were and how we left the place in a dirty state despite "multiple warnings." WTF.
-Useful to add that near the end of Spring quarter Eddie, the previous Apartment manager, was just suddenly gone and had to be replaced by a new manager who we didn't get to see. Shortly before he was gone he tried to make us sign a really suspicious document which had only one grammatically incorrect sentence that vaguely said something like, "Eddie is a good manager he does everything right" or something like that. Weird. We never turned it in.
-According to my roommate, who remained in the apartment over spring break, they tried to turn off the wi-fi, assuming that no one was living there and she had to deal with that.
-Speaking of wi-fi, it started off being pretty fast and good quality, near the end of Spring quarter it got really, really slow and crappy.


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July 7, 2016

Ok so the plus is this place is HUGE compared to other apartments. The bedrooms are WAY bigger in size. I lived here for two years and well here are the pro's and cons:


Ever since "Eddie" left the old onsite manager things have been way calmer.. lets just say he was awful, ghetto, and unprofessional but he got fired so now the new people in place, UCLA Student Housing are great! They handle maintenance request one day or within a day or two. Eddie would take months-no joke. which made a 2 bath become a one bath over night-awful!!!!
I think alot of people cofuse the old management with the new and it was ridiculous during the transition they had both the new management UCLA Student Housing and Eddie still in place- just downright confusing! but yea the new guys are great.

As far as cleanliness its not like the most amazing place but for the price its good. My unit was cleaned when I moved in and I had no issues except a non working dishwasher but whatever I use it as a drying rack!

The pool is a nice addition and there is plenty of parking.

No bug issues what so ever or anything else either just that Eddie was annoying because he was overly flirtatious and never got maintenance done and was shady but he is gone-good choice.

Wifi was fine cable was basic. My apartment had a 60 inch tv-nice addition.
Oh. and I got my deposit back minus small cleaning amount (but we cleaned it and kept it in same condition didnt party!!!!! This building does not like partiers and isnt 420 friendly FYI maybe thats what happened to the last people.. Smoking is kinda strict.


Maintenance should continue to be addressed quickly and please dont fall back into the Eddie ways!
Dont favor tenants just because they are quiet because my neighbors didnt get along with the landlord (but yes they did indeed party ).


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Feb. 14, 2016

Ok So the rooms are big, which is a major plus if your coming from the dorms. I have been here almost a year now have had no issues with the whole bug, rat, roach thing and neither has anyone in the building that I know so with that said the place is pretty good.
What I can say is there is one issue here-the onsite dude. He is not a cool guy. He doesnt bother you while you live there but he pre-leased to me last year gave me a price, and when I moved in he changes it! You can not trust this shady character. He will tell you one thing just to accept your money (give me $200 up front) and before you know it you will be paying more deposit, then the first month rent that your roommates paid, more rent, and everything will be a lie!!!! oh I even signed the lease but he still made me change it and had me almost thrown out physically. Eddie can not be trusted. My roommates had paid him already!


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Overall Rating
Based on 124 Users
Noise Level 3.2 / 5 How noisy the apartment is with 1 being quiet 5 being very loud.
Upkeep and Cleanliness 3.1 / 5 How clean the apartment is with 1 being very dirty and 5 being very clean.
Landlord Communication 3.1 / 5 How responsive the landlord is with 1 being unresponsive and 5 being very responsive.
Spaciousness 3.8 / 5 How spacious the apartment is with 1 being very cramped and 5 being very spacious.


  • Water
  • Laundry
  • Parking
  • Furnishings
  • 5 min walk to campus
  • Trash

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