520 Kelton Ave.

Overall Rating
Based on 20 Users
Noise Level 2.5 / 5 How noisy the apartment is with 1 being quiet 5 being very loud.
Upkeep and Cleanliness 2.5 / 5 How clean the apartment is with 1 being very dirty and 5 being very clean.
Landlord Communication 2.1 / 5 How responsive the landlord is with 1 being unresponsive and 5 being very responsive.
Spaciousness 3.0 / 5 How spacious the apartment is with 1 being very cramped and 5 being very spacious.


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Reviews (19)

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Feb. 7, 2014

The manager is absolutely horrible. I'm usually a very tolerant person but I can't stand this guy. He has insulted me on three separate occasions and it's only halfway through the least. Not only that but he's extremely condescending and doesn't care about your well-being, but more about his. The building is old and falling apart, everything is always broken, the garage reeks of garbage cause he has the dumpster in there with no ventilation, the pipes in the garage leak brown fluid on cars, there's flies everywhere, and after sharing stories with other tenants, i'm pretty sure this place is haunted. I can't wait to move out. WORST APARTMENT EVER.


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Sept. 1, 2013

I lived here for nine months and never really had any major problems. Everyone here is complaining about the manager, but I personally never had a problem with him. I was always nice to him and he was nice to me & my roommate. During our move-in, he helped us move some furniture up & even gave us 2 free Ikea coffee tables (new ones). One time it was taking forever to have our balcony door fixed & he personally came & apologized & took $75 dollars off our next month's rent. Once a car was parked in my spot in the garage, so I called him up & he promptly took care of it. As far as the apartment itself goes, it's not the nicest looking thing, but everything runs smoothly. Nothing ever broke down or stopped working. Only the bathroom sink would get clogged with hair, which my roommate & I took care of ourselves. Throughout out the entire 9 months, we only saw maybe 3 bugs, but never any ants or roaches. Generally quiet building unless you're stuck with noisy neighbors, but the manager had no problem telling our next door neighbors to keep it down when we complained to him about them. Relatively safe neighborhood as well. Overall very satisfied with my stay. One of the cheapest apartments in Westwood--not the nicest, but it's a temporary stay so it's worth it. I would recommend living at 520 Kelton.


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July 11, 2013

AVOID!! AVOID!! AVOID!! I could have not said it better than the previous person. The landlord is a two face or a hypocrite once you sign the lease. He was anal about doing his job, threatened us to sue, and insulted my roommate. We payed rent in time, were clean, did not throw parties nor complained when others did. Honestly, the cheap price is not worth the bullshit you go through as having him as a landlord.


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June 6, 2011

I agree with all the negative comments made about the manager. He is very nice at first and as time goes by reveals his true colors. He lied to us about our lease, took months to fix problems, and was very rude when we confronted him about a problem. He tries treating you as a child just because he is older and we are young students. Don't be fooled! As I said, he is nice at first but turns into an ogre once you have signed the lease. I really really really don't recommend this place to live. Although the apartment was in okay conditions, it is very old and the hallways always smell bad due to lack of ventilation. If I had read these reviews before I would have never leased an apartment from him.


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June 1, 2011

Like others said, the manager is terrible. He treats his tenants as if they are incompetent and is always forgetful. He tried to charge us for every little thing he could find fault with and is very sneaky about it. When we try to explain our side of the situation he goes berserk and always yells "I've been doing this for a very long time. I know what I'm doing."
F U. How bout you shove it!


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May 19, 2011

I don't find the manager to be as disagreeable as the other reviewers claim, but he is incredibly slow to fix problems, even when they're something of an emergency like leaking pipes (took almost a month to fix this, and the maintenance people left a mess). The apartments themselves are kept up pretty well and full of light, but the entryway and hallways are pretty bleak and smelly, so just don't plan on spending time out there. Parking spots are tandem, so if you want a spot and you won't be sharing it with your roommate, it can be very difficult to coordinate, and the manager is no help. Make sure you pay your rent by the 1st, because the manager will charge a large late fee with no warning (despite accepting rent a few days late with no issue in previous months). Most importantly, avoid the top (5th) floor, because water doesn't get past lukewarm (and takes about 10-15 minutes to get past cold), and despite the manager's promises all year to fix that, he hasn't, and it's very uncomfortable in the winter. The location is great in terms of walking to campus and Westwood, and I've had no serious issues.


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April 23, 2011

The reviews below me are right. Manager is THE WORST. He is never there even though he lives in the building and yells at you for calling him because he is "busy". He tried to charge us because our kitchen sink was broken. When we called the actual landlord and argued that we were never warned about maintenance charges, he told us to take it to the small claims courts. WTF.
Also, the building has asbestos and everything falls apart. I have never had to deal with such an ahole of a manager and we can't wait to leave this place.
Do NOT sign the lease here.


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Sept. 16, 2010

The guy manager is the epitome of douchbaggery who doesn't know how to handle running the apartment. Don't live here.


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March 16, 2009

Negatives: The landlord is never around so when you need something fixed it takes a while.
This building has asbestos; not really a problem for me but some may find this unappealing.
The rooms are medium sized- none of the apartments really have new appliances but they all work well.

It's quiet, the landlord is never around, but when he is, he's a fair guy... and parking, water and recycling is included.

My apartment is a 2bed/2bath w/ 2 parking spaces; I pay $2423.


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Overall Rating
Based on 20 Users
Noise Level 2.5 / 5 How noisy the apartment is with 1 being quiet 5 being very loud.
Upkeep and Cleanliness 2.5 / 5 How clean the apartment is with 1 being very dirty and 5 being very clean.
Landlord Communication 2.1 / 5 How responsive the landlord is with 1 being unresponsive and 5 being very responsive.
Spaciousness 3.0 / 5 How spacious the apartment is with 1 being very cramped and 5 being very spacious.


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