Introduction to Programming

Description: Lecture, three hours; discussion, two hours; laboratory, eight hours. No prior programming experience assumed. Basic principles of programming, using C++; algorithmic, procedural problem solving; program design and development; basic data types, control structures and functions; functional arrays and pointers; introduction to classes for programmer-defined data types. P/NP or letter grading.

Units: 5.0
3 of 5
Overall Rating N/A
Easiness N/A/ 5
Clarity N/A/ 5
Workload N/A/ 5
Helpfulness N/A/ 5
Overall Rating 4.8
Easiness 4.8/ 5
Clarity 4.5/ 5
Workload 4.5/ 5
Helpfulness 5.0/ 5
Most Helpful Review
Winter 2021 - You can always trust professor Lin! He is one of the best professor I've ever met, with relatively quite light workload, very easy exams, proper way of grading, and very helpful lecture and slides. This is basically a tip for those who wish to take Alex Lin's class~ - EXAM: Two midterms and one final are all multiple choice, which are very very easy. In fact, you don't even have to go to the lecture. Studying for one day or two before the exam can make sure you get 90+. Midterms have about 40 questions each and Final has 80, all are very fundemantal question testing your knowledge about very very basic ideas of C++ programming. - GRADING: This is the best part. 8 Homework and 3 Exams weigh the same, contribute 12.5% each. Professor Lin will take the TOP 8 out of your 11 assignments. So you can even possibly skip the final, just like I did, or if you are very busy during a specific midterm week, you can skip that midterm without affecting your grade! Basically if you study for the material for a couple of hours every week, you can get 100 in every HW which means your final grade can even be 100, without taking any exams! - HOMEWORK: All 8 HWs are very easy to finish. If you spend a couple of hours every week, you can easily finish the HW within a short period of time and get 100 on that. For difficult HWs (1-2 out of all 8), Professor Lin will give hints which make the assignment much much easier. Generally, getting 100 on evey HW assignment is HIGHLY POSSIBLE for EVERYONE! - LECTURE: Professor Lin delivered the lecture very effectively and effciently, and you can definitely learn about C++ programming in his class. If you don't want to or cannot go to his class, his lecture slides can help you out as well! - DISCUSSION: No need to go. My TA is not that professional and cannot speak clearly, so I only went to the discussion for once. Not counted in final grade. - Overall, if you want an EASY A in this class, take professor Lin. Then you can spend the least time to get the best grade.
Overall Rating 2.0
Easiness 1.6/ 5
Clarity 2.3/ 5
Workload 1.6/ 5
Helpfulness 2.3/ 5
Most Helpful Review
Fall 2019 - Cannot stress this enough: READ THE ENTIRE REVIEW before you take this class. TLDR: DO NOT TAKE THIS CLASS. Pros: 1. Pic 10B will be easier for you 2. Helpful in office hours 3. TAs are helpful usually (Swati Sharma was good) Cons: 1. Almost everything 2. Curves according to his mood/preference. You have NO idea about your predicted grade till after the final. A 60% overall can get you an A- or a C+. Depends on him entirely. 3. (!!!) Grade bracket descriptions in his syllabus are COMPLETELY inaccurate (My percentages in HW and on the final were above the "usual" B+ grade bracket. He handed me a C with no explanation) 4. Weekly HWs are on steroids. Extremely challenging after week 3 and take 16h+ 5. Exams are on steroids AND crystal meth. Extremely unnecessarily challenging 6. He is an asshole about any ways to improve your grade 7. Class pace is insanely fast. Very difficult to cope for someone with no prior C++ experience. 8. Syllabus covers MULTIPLE topics from PIC 10B. Far too complex for an intro class. 9. VERY strict about any collaboration in HWs post week 3. Uses complex algorithms to analyze all HWs and identify similarities. If you copy even 50% he WILL KNOW. Gave a "Deferred Report" to 4 students and launched an plagiarism investigation through the Dean's Office 10. Does not give a fuck about you. I submitted a HW file named "query.cpp" and got a 0 on it because he wanted it named "Query.cpp" (YES the upper case Q) 11. If you have a macbook, coding on your laptop is a huge pain. Will need to go to the PIC lab to do all your HWs and it shuts by 6pm. 12. Does not give any practice midterms or finals, so you go into the exams with no clue about the style of questions (and then get fucked lmao) Please do yourself a favor, and do not take this class. There are hundreds of easier PIC 10a classes at UCLA. You might still end up with a A- or an A but I promise you, you will hate your life by the end of it.
Overall Rating N/A
Easiness N/A/ 5
Clarity N/A/ 5
Workload N/A/ 5
Helpfulness N/A/ 5
3 of 5

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