English Composition, Rhetoric, and Language
Description: Lecture, three hours. Enforced requisite: satisfaction of Entry-Level Writing requirement or course 2 or 2I (C or better). Not open for credit to students with credit for course 3D, 3DS, 3E, or 3SL. Rhetorical techniques and skillful argument. Analysis of varieties of academic prose and writing of minimum of 20 pages of revised text. Completion of course with grade of C or better satisfies Writing I requirement. Letter grading.
Units: 5.0
Units: 5.0
Most Helpful Review
Winter 2025 - Professor De is a great professor who does genuinely care about her students writing abilities. The topic for her class is on the gender stereotypes within media (examples like Disney movies, Beyonce music videos, K-Pop, etc) and she does a great job at appealing to a younger audience with relatable writing topics. The grading scheme is : Homework 10%, Class Participation 15%, Paper 1 15%, Paper 2 30%, Paper 3 30%. The content is very manageable with homework assignments typically being small readings or analyses of media examples. The papers vary in length, and Professor De's main grading component is how much you improve as a writer throughout the papers. She looks for a better analysis and argument in Paper 3 versus Paper 1. You can also revise a previous paper for a better grade at the end of the quarter, which is helpful if you do don't do so well on the first or second paper. Overall Professor De is a caring professor and is very lenient and willing to help you improve, I would definitely recommend her for English Comp 3.
Winter 2025 - Professor De is a great professor who does genuinely care about her students writing abilities. The topic for her class is on the gender stereotypes within media (examples like Disney movies, Beyonce music videos, K-Pop, etc) and she does a great job at appealing to a younger audience with relatable writing topics. The grading scheme is : Homework 10%, Class Participation 15%, Paper 1 15%, Paper 2 30%, Paper 3 30%. The content is very manageable with homework assignments typically being small readings or analyses of media examples. The papers vary in length, and Professor De's main grading component is how much you improve as a writer throughout the papers. She looks for a better analysis and argument in Paper 3 versus Paper 1. You can also revise a previous paper for a better grade at the end of the quarter, which is helpful if you do don't do so well on the first or second paper. Overall Professor De is a caring professor and is very lenient and willing to help you improve, I would definitely recommend her for English Comp 3.
Most Helpful Review
Fall 2020 - I would 100% recommend taking English Comp 3 with Nathan! He is such an engaging professor and your writing will definitely improve through this class. But with that being said, this class does have a pretty large workload (even online). In addition to a weekly mini-essay, reading journal, and peer feedback, there are two midterms (3/5 pages) and a final (10-12 pages). Even though we did do a lot of writing, no two essays were similar and none were overly daunting. We also had the opportunity to revise the midterms until the last day of class. Nathan does a great job of communicating deadlines and the workload should never be too overwhelming as long as you time manage well. Lectures are dedicated to either discussing the reading for that week or other students mini-essays. Even though Nathan did a great job of adapting the class to an online format, I do wish that I was able to take this class in person just because of how small it is and how personal many of the essays are. I hope I can take another one of his classes in the future!
Fall 2020 - I would 100% recommend taking English Comp 3 with Nathan! He is such an engaging professor and your writing will definitely improve through this class. But with that being said, this class does have a pretty large workload (even online). In addition to a weekly mini-essay, reading journal, and peer feedback, there are two midterms (3/5 pages) and a final (10-12 pages). Even though we did do a lot of writing, no two essays were similar and none were overly daunting. We also had the opportunity to revise the midterms until the last day of class. Nathan does a great job of communicating deadlines and the workload should never be too overwhelming as long as you time manage well. Lectures are dedicated to either discussing the reading for that week or other students mini-essays. Even though Nathan did a great job of adapting the class to an online format, I do wish that I was able to take this class in person just because of how small it is and how personal many of the essays are. I hope I can take another one of his classes in the future!
Most Helpful Review
Winter 2019 - Originally, as an international student, I am extremely afraid of writing. However, after this class, I love writing so much! He makes the class very interesting by introducing you interesting questions. There are three required essays, which are Black Mirror episode analysis, documentary analysis and Grammar B, which I like the most. He wrote his own book Own Your Perspectives and taught us how to incorporate our own perspectives into writing. And Grammar B is a truly free space for you to express your creativity. He always encourages students to write and to think. He likes to share his own lifestyle in class, which makes this class more interactive, and those life stories are also funny. The workload is doable. It is not that easy because you still need to revise again and again to improve your score. But he provides the one-on-one session as well as class publication in order to let you revise your essay from multiple angles. Go to the office hour earlier and begin revising earlier! He really opens up my mind and I would like to think more about the world around me!
Winter 2019 - Originally, as an international student, I am extremely afraid of writing. However, after this class, I love writing so much! He makes the class very interesting by introducing you interesting questions. There are three required essays, which are Black Mirror episode analysis, documentary analysis and Grammar B, which I like the most. He wrote his own book Own Your Perspectives and taught us how to incorporate our own perspectives into writing. And Grammar B is a truly free space for you to express your creativity. He always encourages students to write and to think. He likes to share his own lifestyle in class, which makes this class more interactive, and those life stories are also funny. The workload is doable. It is not that easy because you still need to revise again and again to improve your score. But he provides the one-on-one session as well as class publication in order to let you revise your essay from multiple angles. Go to the office hour earlier and begin revising earlier! He really opens up my mind and I would like to think more about the world around me!