Physics for Life Sciences Majors: Electricity, Magnetism, and Modern Physics
Description: Lecture, three hours; discussion, one hour; laboratory, two hours. Requisite: course 5A. Electrostatics in vacuum and in water. Electricity, circuits, magnetism, quantum, atomic and nuclear physics, radioactivity, with applications to biological and biochemical systems. P/NP or letter grading.
Units: 5.0
Units: 5.0
Most Helpful Review
Winter 2025 - Dr. Bauer is the PB&J of professors. Not particularly interesting or inventive, but very reliable. You know what you are going to get when taking this course, and you know what to expect on tests. If you want some stability in your life, even though you won't be particularly blown away by any lecture, Bauer is a safe bet. Not an interesting one, mind you, but definitely a safe one.
Winter 2025 - Dr. Bauer is the PB&J of professors. Not particularly interesting or inventive, but very reliable. You know what you are going to get when taking this course, and you know what to expect on tests. If you want some stability in your life, even though you won't be particularly blown away by any lecture, Bauer is a safe bet. Not an interesting one, mind you, but definitely a safe one.
Most Helpful Review
Winter 2022 - Just like for Physics 5B, Bauer was a very straightforward professor. The quizzes seemed a bit harder but maybe that's because he made them open note this quarter. He ended up giving us a free 100% on a quiz and also dropped our lowest quiz. The midterm, at least personally, I felt was a lot easier than the 5B midterm. The final was meh, definitely did not understand 2 of the 7 questions, but his generous partial credit pulled through and I still got an 85% on that final. Honestly, the class content is a lot easier than 5B and I think that reflects in his grades of this class as I put a lot less effort in this class. Bauer is a pretty decent professor and I don't have any big complaints on this class.
Winter 2022 - Just like for Physics 5B, Bauer was a very straightforward professor. The quizzes seemed a bit harder but maybe that's because he made them open note this quarter. He ended up giving us a free 100% on a quiz and also dropped our lowest quiz. The midterm, at least personally, I felt was a lot easier than the 5B midterm. The final was meh, definitely did not understand 2 of the 7 questions, but his generous partial credit pulled through and I still got an 85% on that final. Honestly, the class content is a lot easier than 5B and I think that reflects in his grades of this class as I put a lot less effort in this class. Bauer is a pretty decent professor and I don't have any big complaints on this class.
Most Helpful Review
Spring 2024 - Professor Bauer is the best! Nice guy, straightforward slides + examples lecturer, also has a cat. He listens to student feedback. My quarter, the final exam destroyed all of us, and he curved it up. He also adjusted the grading scheme in our favor because of the protests going on. He's nice in office hours. The subject was really tough, but I'm glad I took it with Bauer.
Spring 2024 - Professor Bauer is the best! Nice guy, straightforward slides + examples lecturer, also has a cat. He listens to student feedback. My quarter, the final exam destroyed all of us, and he curved it up. He also adjusted the grading scheme in our favor because of the protests going on. He's nice in office hours. The subject was really tough, but I'm glad I took it with Bauer.
Most Helpful Review
Spring 2022 - Dr. Bozovic is a super sweet professor who genuinely seemed to care about students learning. She's definitely approachable if you need help or need reassurance in your performance in the class. However, I'd say she's not the best teacher as her lectures were quite fast-paced and challenging to follow. On paper, her exams were honestly challenging––and I remember her telling a student that she designed the exams with the goal that we would get around 2/3 of it correct and mainly for us to have the learning experience. The problems were quite advanced and didn't completely reflect the homework problems at all. HOWEVER, she did employ a SUPER GENEROUS curve for exams where the average was set as an A- and the grade that was 20% lower than the average was a B+. The averages for the exams were always within the 50-56% mark, so the curve made sure that nobody had a failing grade. She allowed us to bring a cheat sheet with a front and back page of notes, and usually hosted a review session during class where she would basically tell us the types of problems we need to know for the exam (and occasionally basically gave the solution on how to approach it). A good portion of our grade was determined by the exams (three midterms, where your lowest grade was dropped) and the final. We also had Mastering Physics homework assignments which were pretty straightforward and do-able as well as the lab component counted for our grade. Overall, my time in this course was a bit of a rollercoaster but Dr. Bozovic is a really nice professor with challenging exams yet a generous curve that rewards students for putting in the effort.
Spring 2022 - Dr. Bozovic is a super sweet professor who genuinely seemed to care about students learning. She's definitely approachable if you need help or need reassurance in your performance in the class. However, I'd say she's not the best teacher as her lectures were quite fast-paced and challenging to follow. On paper, her exams were honestly challenging––and I remember her telling a student that she designed the exams with the goal that we would get around 2/3 of it correct and mainly for us to have the learning experience. The problems were quite advanced and didn't completely reflect the homework problems at all. HOWEVER, she did employ a SUPER GENEROUS curve for exams where the average was set as an A- and the grade that was 20% lower than the average was a B+. The averages for the exams were always within the 50-56% mark, so the curve made sure that nobody had a failing grade. She allowed us to bring a cheat sheet with a front and back page of notes, and usually hosted a review session during class where she would basically tell us the types of problems we need to know for the exam (and occasionally basically gave the solution on how to approach it). A good portion of our grade was determined by the exams (three midterms, where your lowest grade was dropped) and the final. We also had Mastering Physics homework assignments which were pretty straightforward and do-able as well as the lab component counted for our grade. Overall, my time in this course was a bit of a rollercoaster but Dr. Bozovic is a really nice professor with challenging exams yet a generous curve that rewards students for putting in the effort.
Most Helpful Review
Spring 2019 - I learned the most in this physics class than I did in 5A and 5B. The homework is worth 10% and she gives quite a bit of extra credit on it as well. Labs are worth 15% and they're really easy (its a worksheet). The two midterms are worth 40% and the final is worth 30%. She does prelecture questions on mastering which are worth 5%. Honestly, get a Chegg account and you'll get over a 100% on the assignments. The exams are extremely easy and the questions come directly from her slides. Do the quickcheck questions because she copies and pastes those on the mc of the exam. Overall a super sweet and easy professor!
Spring 2019 - I learned the most in this physics class than I did in 5A and 5B. The homework is worth 10% and she gives quite a bit of extra credit on it as well. Labs are worth 15% and they're really easy (its a worksheet). The two midterms are worth 40% and the final is worth 30%. She does prelecture questions on mastering which are worth 5%. Honestly, get a Chegg account and you'll get over a 100% on the assignments. The exams are extremely easy and the questions come directly from her slides. Do the quickcheck questions because she copies and pastes those on the mc of the exam. Overall a super sweet and easy professor!