
Daniel Sussman

Overall Ratings
Based on 25 Users
Easiness 4.0 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 3.7 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.0 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.2 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (25)

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Dec. 21, 2019
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A

The class is about A.I., Genetic engineering, Singularity and other topics like that which I personally found very interesting. We had to write summaries for readings every week which is manageable if you do not procrastinate.
40% of your grade is participation and homework, 25% is the first paper and the other 25% is the second paper.
Another thing Professor Sussman does is that he makes you submit a first draft for your papers and gives you helpful feedback on it.


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Jan. 29, 2020
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A

Great professor. Covers a lot of interesting material relating such as AI and singularity.


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March 15, 2024
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A

Professor Sussman is super sweet and makes the class really interesting! There are 2 major papers, and he gives you enough feedback on the first draft so that you can improve the second time. I genuinely enjoyed his class and I think he curved it to make my grade go from an A- to an A! :)


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Feb. 28, 2024
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A

Sussman is a fantastic lecturer. He centered our class around the ethics and philosophy behind machine consciousness, selecting some pretty amazing readings about the subject. They weren't long, but it was paramount to read over them carefully, else you'd be lost in class. He's a hard essay grader, so be prepared to do multiple drafts of each essay, a process he actively helps with.


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Jan. 30, 2024
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A-

Overall was a solid class. It seems like each engcomp3 professor structures their class and its content in their own way. Sussman's focus seemed to be AI and the Singularity (human's merge with their technology). During class, he would talk a bit around readings, and also about recent events regarding the development of AI, and would show us parts of movies like Pulp Fiction and 2001 A Space Odyssey. There was a very manageable amount of writing, we only had 2 essays, which both had a first draft and final draft. Unfortunately he graded them slightly harsh in my opinion. I got a B on the first essay, and an A on the second.


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Jan. 2, 2024
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A

I absolutely loved this class. There are some participation marks, attendance points, and reading summaries graded, but the grade mostly consists of 2 essays with a first draft that he comments on thoroughly but does not count in your grade. The workload is super manageable, and I found the material thought-provoking. We learned about AI and the Singularity, and he would sometimes change a class plan to discuss real-world news. I believe I became a better writer from this class, and I would definitely take it again. Some of my classmates found class boring, but I loved it. You will learn a lot about the Internet and human nature- take this class if you can! Great professor.


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Nov. 16, 2016
Quarter: Fall 2016
Grade: N/A

I am almost done taking his class and he is awesome! I'm currently a Freshman and I've got to say that he is an amazing Professor! I really like the topics we talk about in class such as artificial intelligence, the internet, post humanity, ethics, morals, and etc. He is very engaging and very helpful! I wish there were more English teachers like him! He provides you with the reading so no textbooks needed! We watch videos that are very interesting and movies as well! Obviously to watch at home and discuss it in class. He provides the movies and videos as well! Best teacher I've had!


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Nov. 22, 2016
Quarter: Fall 2015
Grade: B+

This class was not hard, I just was not interested in the topic at all. We got to watch a movie for hw and the readings weren't difficult so if you're interested in the topic I would suggest taking this class


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June 28, 2017
Quarter: Fall 2016
Grade: A

When I took this class with him in the Fall of 2016, of my freshman year, the overarching topic of this course was Posthumanism and Artificial Intelligence, which I thought were very interesting. There were only 2 papers 5 pages each and the first one was our response to AI in the movie Ex Machina, which I enjoyed watching and writing about. The second was about how technology was paving a way to an era of posthumanism.
PLOT TWIST: Althought I enjoyed the topics of the class, Sussman himself was unpredictable and often unclear. He is a nice person, don't get me wrong. What I didn't like about this class in particular was that we had to write so many one-pagers about articles we were assigned to read. He then told us to print 3-4 copies of those so that we would be all paired up in groups and revise each other's papers. At most, I only ever had to use 2 copies, which led me to waste paper and money to print them. He doesn't even collect them and a grade wasn't really given for them. He collected it the first few times, then he just stopped. Those were the daily assignments: 1 page response to the article he would assign that night. Not too bad.
The class was roughly 10% homework (pretty sure he gave everyone full credit regardless of how well you did the one pagers, or if you did it at all), 35% first paper, 35% second paper, and 20% participation. I'm going off of memory so don't take those numbers with much (idk the word). No midterm or final exams.
But anyways, for participation, all you needed to do was write any thoughts or ideas you had about/ during the class or about any topics covered in class onto a piece of paper called "the basket of ideas". By the end of the quarter, you would turn that in and that was your participation grade. Easy peasy tbh.
Now for the papers... this is where I got heated during the quarter. After turning in your paper where you argued advocating something, he would give you a grade and he would allow you to revise it for a better grade (kinda like a first draft final draft situation). Now when he said this, I thought I would just be able to fix up some stuff he marked me down for, such as grammar, clarity on topics, etc. But no. Once he gave you back your paper, he would then say "Now you have to write about the opposite view point." That took everyone by surprise. So what he's saying is that you have to argue against your viewpoint... which is basically writing a whole new f*cking paper. So even though the class is only 2 papers, in actuality, it felt like 4 papers. Every time you would turn in the initial paper, his idea of "revising a paper and turning it into a better grade" is writing a complete new paper advocating for a stance opposite of what you first argued for.
TBH idk how I got an A but I'm glad. This class gave me the impression of something you can BS your way through and still pull off a B+ or higher. I've had multiple friends in different English Comp 3 classes who had it way worse tbh. Even though this class made me flip my sh*t every time I had to change the topics of my papers, it was relatively easy.


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Jan. 3, 2018
Quarter: Fall 2017
Grade: A

Interesting topics. Homework was pretty time consuming as readings could be lengthy. He gives a lot of feedback which is helpful with essay editing etc.


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A
Dec. 21, 2019

The class is about A.I., Genetic engineering, Singularity and other topics like that which I personally found very interesting. We had to write summaries for readings every week which is manageable if you do not procrastinate.
40% of your grade is participation and homework, 25% is the first paper and the other 25% is the second paper.
Another thing Professor Sussman does is that he makes you submit a first draft for your papers and gives you helpful feedback on it.


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A
Jan. 29, 2020

Great professor. Covers a lot of interesting material relating such as AI and singularity.


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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A
March 15, 2024

Professor Sussman is super sweet and makes the class really interesting! There are 2 major papers, and he gives you enough feedback on the first draft so that you can improve the second time. I genuinely enjoyed his class and I think he curved it to make my grade go from an A- to an A! :)


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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A
Feb. 28, 2024

Sussman is a fantastic lecturer. He centered our class around the ethics and philosophy behind machine consciousness, selecting some pretty amazing readings about the subject. They weren't long, but it was paramount to read over them carefully, else you'd be lost in class. He's a hard essay grader, so be prepared to do multiple drafts of each essay, a process he actively helps with.


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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A-
Jan. 30, 2024

Overall was a solid class. It seems like each engcomp3 professor structures their class and its content in their own way. Sussman's focus seemed to be AI and the Singularity (human's merge with their technology). During class, he would talk a bit around readings, and also about recent events regarding the development of AI, and would show us parts of movies like Pulp Fiction and 2001 A Space Odyssey. There was a very manageable amount of writing, we only had 2 essays, which both had a first draft and final draft. Unfortunately he graded them slightly harsh in my opinion. I got a B on the first essay, and an A on the second.


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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A
Jan. 2, 2024

I absolutely loved this class. There are some participation marks, attendance points, and reading summaries graded, but the grade mostly consists of 2 essays with a first draft that he comments on thoroughly but does not count in your grade. The workload is super manageable, and I found the material thought-provoking. We learned about AI and the Singularity, and he would sometimes change a class plan to discuss real-world news. I believe I became a better writer from this class, and I would definitely take it again. Some of my classmates found class boring, but I loved it. You will learn a lot about the Internet and human nature- take this class if you can! Great professor.


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Quarter: Fall 2016
Grade: N/A
Nov. 16, 2016

I am almost done taking his class and he is awesome! I'm currently a Freshman and I've got to say that he is an amazing Professor! I really like the topics we talk about in class such as artificial intelligence, the internet, post humanity, ethics, morals, and etc. He is very engaging and very helpful! I wish there were more English teachers like him! He provides you with the reading so no textbooks needed! We watch videos that are very interesting and movies as well! Obviously to watch at home and discuss it in class. He provides the movies and videos as well! Best teacher I've had!


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Quarter: Fall 2015
Grade: B+
Nov. 22, 2016

This class was not hard, I just was not interested in the topic at all. We got to watch a movie for hw and the readings weren't difficult so if you're interested in the topic I would suggest taking this class


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Quarter: Fall 2016
Grade: A
June 28, 2017

When I took this class with him in the Fall of 2016, of my freshman year, the overarching topic of this course was Posthumanism and Artificial Intelligence, which I thought were very interesting. There were only 2 papers 5 pages each and the first one was our response to AI in the movie Ex Machina, which I enjoyed watching and writing about. The second was about how technology was paving a way to an era of posthumanism.
PLOT TWIST: Althought I enjoyed the topics of the class, Sussman himself was unpredictable and often unclear. He is a nice person, don't get me wrong. What I didn't like about this class in particular was that we had to write so many one-pagers about articles we were assigned to read. He then told us to print 3-4 copies of those so that we would be all paired up in groups and revise each other's papers. At most, I only ever had to use 2 copies, which led me to waste paper and money to print them. He doesn't even collect them and a grade wasn't really given for them. He collected it the first few times, then he just stopped. Those were the daily assignments: 1 page response to the article he would assign that night. Not too bad.
The class was roughly 10% homework (pretty sure he gave everyone full credit regardless of how well you did the one pagers, or if you did it at all), 35% first paper, 35% second paper, and 20% participation. I'm going off of memory so don't take those numbers with much (idk the word). No midterm or final exams.
But anyways, for participation, all you needed to do was write any thoughts or ideas you had about/ during the class or about any topics covered in class onto a piece of paper called "the basket of ideas". By the end of the quarter, you would turn that in and that was your participation grade. Easy peasy tbh.
Now for the papers... this is where I got heated during the quarter. After turning in your paper where you argued advocating something, he would give you a grade and he would allow you to revise it for a better grade (kinda like a first draft final draft situation). Now when he said this, I thought I would just be able to fix up some stuff he marked me down for, such as grammar, clarity on topics, etc. But no. Once he gave you back your paper, he would then say "Now you have to write about the opposite view point." That took everyone by surprise. So what he's saying is that you have to argue against your viewpoint... which is basically writing a whole new f*cking paper. So even though the class is only 2 papers, in actuality, it felt like 4 papers. Every time you would turn in the initial paper, his idea of "revising a paper and turning it into a better grade" is writing a complete new paper advocating for a stance opposite of what you first argued for.
TBH idk how I got an A but I'm glad. This class gave me the impression of something you can BS your way through and still pull off a B+ or higher. I've had multiple friends in different English Comp 3 classes who had it way worse tbh. Even though this class made me flip my sh*t every time I had to change the topics of my papers, it was relatively easy.


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Quarter: Fall 2017
Grade: A
Jan. 3, 2018

Interesting topics. Homework was pretty time consuming as readings could be lengthy. He gives a lot of feedback which is helpful with essay editing etc.


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