
David Clewett

Overall Ratings
Based on 19 Users
Easiness 4.1 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 4.4 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.9 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.8 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (19)

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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Nov. 23, 2021
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: A

This class was fascinating, and I enjoyed Prof Clewett's engaging lecture style. He gave many in-class demos to demonstrate various theories and paradigms used in memory research. The work outside of lectures included: weekly quizzes (takes <15min), 2 blogposts (3pg casual scientific articles which you get to pick the topic for), and 1 final research paper. The research paper is probably the only rather difficult part of this class since it is an 7-8 pg paper and you have to pick your own topic, think of your own research study, and write a proposal on it. I found this challenging since you kind of have to start from scratch and research until you have a general understanding of where the field is at before you even pick what your study will test, so it was very time consuming. BUT having no midterms/final makes up for it. Overall, I would recommend taking this class: enjoyed lectures, work wasn't too bad, learned a lot.


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Aug. 5, 2024
Quarter: Summer 2024
Grade: A

This has got to be one of the best choices I've made for taking a class over the summer. There were no assignments due throughout the quarter, just a few experiment simulations due at the end of the term, which were fairly easy to complete. Most of the grade is dependent on your midterm and final, which is on lockdown browser but is open note (printed). Attendance is required on Zoom for both lecture and disc but cameras aren't required. As long as you have good notes, I'd say the class is a fairly easy A.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Dec. 7, 2021
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: A

Psych 124C with Professor Clewett as a great experience. He puts a lot of emphasis on learning the material instead of just learning it for exams (which there are 0 of) and that's something not many professors do.

You take a quiz once a week and they are solely based on that weeks material. There's 2 blog assignments which were easy and one final essay which was a little time consuming but very rewarding and fun if you're into research. There are 0 exams.

Professor Clewett makes the class engaging (in-person) and really makes you excited about memory. Thanks for making one of my last psych classes so enjoyable professor!

Rating: 5/5

Easiness: 4/5
Workload: 5/5
Clarity: 5/5
Helpfulness: 5/5


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July 19, 2024
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A+

I LOVED this class and Dr. Clewett! He's definitely the kindest and most empathetic professor I've encountered at UCLA in my three years on campus. Dr. Clewett genuinely cares about the material he is teaching and incorporates interesting videos and activities into his lectures to make them more engaging. He is also extremely accommodating and made sure that students felt supported during the political protests on campus in the spring. Overall, I would definitely recommend this course or any other course that Dr. Clewett teaches!


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July 14, 2024
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A+

TAKE THIS CLASS! I came into this class extremely nervous considering most people I talked to warned me that most Category A psych courses are really difficult. I expected this class to take up a lot of my time and be really difficult to study for. However, Dr. Clewett made the information incredibly clear and digestible. The lectures were incredibly interactive and helped me stay focused for the entire hour and 15 minutes (e.g. audience participation, guest lecturers, videos, etc.). In the beginning, I heard some complaints about the textbook and mandatory ZAPS, however, that ended up not being so bad. I ended up opting out of the textbook and just paid for the individual ZAPS instead (when buying the ZAPS, make sure to use the exact email listed on your BruinLearn account or else you may experience some access issues). Some people bought the Inquizatives too but I really don’t think they are necessary to be successful in the class. The ZAPS activities themselves were not very demanding at all and I would often be able to finish them during discussion sections. Discussion sections are mandatory but you are able to get 2 excused absences in case anything comes up. I found the discussion sections a great way to reinforce what we learned in class. He also offered extra credit in the form of completing SONA studies. The structure of the class changed throughout the quarter considering all the protests and police activity on campus but it was clear that he made every effort to make sure we felt as much at ease as we possibly could. I really appreciated his efforts and believe him to be one of the most compassionate teachers I had during this quarter. Lastly, I believe the exams were extremely fair. Our midterm was moved online but its structure was very similar to the final exam. They were comprised of multiple choice, true/false, fill-in-the-blank, and labeling questions (labeling parts of the brain, labeling stages of a diagram, etc). Some of the questions were tricky, so it was really important to pay close attention to the wording of the questions. I will say that he allowed us to have an 8x11 page (front and back) of notes for the exam and that also proved to be really helpful. I didn’t really end up using the cheat sheet that much but it definitely put my nerves at ease to have something to reference just in case. Overall, loved the class, and would definitely take another class with Clewett if the opportunity presented itself.

P.S. I had a PLF for this class and that really helped to reinforce the topics we covered in class. 10/10 would recommend!


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June 17, 2024
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A

If you can take this class with anyone take it with Prof Clewett. He's not only a great lecturer but also hilarious and compassionate. His tests were extremely straightforward and he allows a 8x11 cheat sheet front and back - super helpful. There are opportunities that cushion your grade. LOVED how digestible he made this class


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: A
Nov. 23, 2021

This class was fascinating, and I enjoyed Prof Clewett's engaging lecture style. He gave many in-class demos to demonstrate various theories and paradigms used in memory research. The work outside of lectures included: weekly quizzes (takes <15min), 2 blogposts (3pg casual scientific articles which you get to pick the topic for), and 1 final research paper. The research paper is probably the only rather difficult part of this class since it is an 7-8 pg paper and you have to pick your own topic, think of your own research study, and write a proposal on it. I found this challenging since you kind of have to start from scratch and research until you have a general understanding of where the field is at before you even pick what your study will test, so it was very time consuming. BUT having no midterms/final makes up for it. Overall, I would recommend taking this class: enjoyed lectures, work wasn't too bad, learned a lot.


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Quarter: Summer 2024
Grade: A
Aug. 5, 2024

This has got to be one of the best choices I've made for taking a class over the summer. There were no assignments due throughout the quarter, just a few experiment simulations due at the end of the term, which were fairly easy to complete. Most of the grade is dependent on your midterm and final, which is on lockdown browser but is open note (printed). Attendance is required on Zoom for both lecture and disc but cameras aren't required. As long as you have good notes, I'd say the class is a fairly easy A.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: A
Dec. 7, 2021

Psych 124C with Professor Clewett as a great experience. He puts a lot of emphasis on learning the material instead of just learning it for exams (which there are 0 of) and that's something not many professors do.

You take a quiz once a week and they are solely based on that weeks material. There's 2 blog assignments which were easy and one final essay which was a little time consuming but very rewarding and fun if you're into research. There are 0 exams.

Professor Clewett makes the class engaging (in-person) and really makes you excited about memory. Thanks for making one of my last psych classes so enjoyable professor!

Rating: 5/5

Easiness: 4/5
Workload: 5/5
Clarity: 5/5
Helpfulness: 5/5


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Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A+
July 19, 2024

I LOVED this class and Dr. Clewett! He's definitely the kindest and most empathetic professor I've encountered at UCLA in my three years on campus. Dr. Clewett genuinely cares about the material he is teaching and incorporates interesting videos and activities into his lectures to make them more engaging. He is also extremely accommodating and made sure that students felt supported during the political protests on campus in the spring. Overall, I would definitely recommend this course or any other course that Dr. Clewett teaches!


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Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A+
July 14, 2024

TAKE THIS CLASS! I came into this class extremely nervous considering most people I talked to warned me that most Category A psych courses are really difficult. I expected this class to take up a lot of my time and be really difficult to study for. However, Dr. Clewett made the information incredibly clear and digestible. The lectures were incredibly interactive and helped me stay focused for the entire hour and 15 minutes (e.g. audience participation, guest lecturers, videos, etc.). In the beginning, I heard some complaints about the textbook and mandatory ZAPS, however, that ended up not being so bad. I ended up opting out of the textbook and just paid for the individual ZAPS instead (when buying the ZAPS, make sure to use the exact email listed on your BruinLearn account or else you may experience some access issues). Some people bought the Inquizatives too but I really don’t think they are necessary to be successful in the class. The ZAPS activities themselves were not very demanding at all and I would often be able to finish them during discussion sections. Discussion sections are mandatory but you are able to get 2 excused absences in case anything comes up. I found the discussion sections a great way to reinforce what we learned in class. He also offered extra credit in the form of completing SONA studies. The structure of the class changed throughout the quarter considering all the protests and police activity on campus but it was clear that he made every effort to make sure we felt as much at ease as we possibly could. I really appreciated his efforts and believe him to be one of the most compassionate teachers I had during this quarter. Lastly, I believe the exams were extremely fair. Our midterm was moved online but its structure was very similar to the final exam. They were comprised of multiple choice, true/false, fill-in-the-blank, and labeling questions (labeling parts of the brain, labeling stages of a diagram, etc). Some of the questions were tricky, so it was really important to pay close attention to the wording of the questions. I will say that he allowed us to have an 8x11 page (front and back) of notes for the exam and that also proved to be really helpful. I didn’t really end up using the cheat sheet that much but it definitely put my nerves at ease to have something to reference just in case. Overall, loved the class, and would definitely take another class with Clewett if the opportunity presented itself.

P.S. I had a PLF for this class and that really helped to reinforce the topics we covered in class. 10/10 would recommend!


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Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A
June 17, 2024

If you can take this class with anyone take it with Prof Clewett. He's not only a great lecturer but also hilarious and compassionate. His tests were extremely straightforward and he allows a 8x11 cheat sheet front and back - super helpful. There are opportunities that cushion your grade. LOVED how digestible he made this class


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