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Goodwin-White Jamie
Based on 6 Users
literally the worst professor. i was debating emailing her and letting her know how awful her class was. i watched the lectures i recorded and transcribed before our final exam and absolutely half of the questions werent in the lectures. i wanted to cry when i handed in the exam and she asked me if i was okay. the class avg was 60% . this class should not be harvard course level. what is wrong with her i don’t even know how i passed somehow but ruined my 3.5 gpa
this class suffered greatly from a lack of cohesion. if your course isn’t going to be assigning weekly work, you need to be excessively clear about what you’re trying to teach. this professor was the opposite. while goodwin-white appears to care about student outcomes, she chooses to simply bombard students with questions - “where, why, how, who, for what reason” - without ever providing an answer for these things. while i understand that she wants students to think critically about these topics, often it feels like she’s just spouting nonsense to fill lecture time. the textbook was alright, but she focused heavily on outside academic articles, which often had little defining connection between them. we spent far too much time going over little things and far to little time going over big things, which sucks because social geography is a big topic. this class could be great if given a unifying theme and better lectures. the exams and assignments were fair, but overall i’ll be leaving this class less interested in the topic than before.
Many people in the class seemed to have found this prof difficult and disorganized. But I didn’t think so. Some people are just lazy and like to complain. It was hilarious when some people tried to organize in the group chat and send mass emails to the prof asking for an extension for an easy assignment’s deadline. They said the prof was being unfair by setting different deadlines for different people (which she obviously didn’t do).
I though this class was an easy A and learned a lot
literally the worst professor. i was debating emailing her and letting her know how awful her class was. i watched the lectures i recorded and transcribed before our final exam and absolutely half of the questions werent in the lectures. i wanted to cry when i handed in the exam and she asked me if i was okay. the class avg was 60% . this class should not be harvard course level. what is wrong with her i don’t even know how i passed somehow but ruined my 3.5 gpa
this class suffered greatly from a lack of cohesion. if your course isn’t going to be assigning weekly work, you need to be excessively clear about what you’re trying to teach. this professor was the opposite. while goodwin-white appears to care about student outcomes, she chooses to simply bombard students with questions - “where, why, how, who, for what reason” - without ever providing an answer for these things. while i understand that she wants students to think critically about these topics, often it feels like she’s just spouting nonsense to fill lecture time. the textbook was alright, but she focused heavily on outside academic articles, which often had little defining connection between them. we spent far too much time going over little things and far to little time going over big things, which sucks because social geography is a big topic. this class could be great if given a unifying theme and better lectures. the exams and assignments were fair, but overall i’ll be leaving this class less interested in the topic than before.
Many people in the class seemed to have found this prof difficult and disorganized. But I didn’t think so. Some people are just lazy and like to complain. It was hilarious when some people tried to organize in the group chat and send mass emails to the prof asking for an extension for an easy assignment’s deadline. They said the prof was being unfair by setting different deadlines for different people (which she obviously didn’t do).
I though this class was an easy A and learned a lot