James Gelvin
Most Helpful Review
Fall 2023 - This class was very good as far as GEs go. Professor Gelvin is really knowledgeable and delivers the lectures in a very straightforward manner that I liked. He doesn't use slides so that might be difficult for people who are more visual learners (but he writes uncommon words on the board as he uses them). To succeed in this class, make sure to take very good notes, especially when he starts rattling off lists because it will be really helpful for the final. There a readings for each week, but they pretty much cover the same stuff as the lectures so I would say to do one or the other (I didn't do the readings but I went to almost every lecture and I was fine). But, attendance isn't mandatory so you can get by on not going and just doing the readings. The only assignments in the class are one-page (double spaced) critiques about a reading each week. You then talk about the readings in your discussion. You also have two papers due during each midterm session about a book. As long as you read the book in a timely manner, they aren't too bad. Lastly, the final is a hand-written, in-class essay, but you are given the prompts beforehand. Overall, I would definitely recommend this class as a GE because it isn't took bad, but be warned that it isn't super easy either. You still need to pay attention in class and do well on the papers and exam to get an A.
Fall 2023 - This class was very good as far as GEs go. Professor Gelvin is really knowledgeable and delivers the lectures in a very straightforward manner that I liked. He doesn't use slides so that might be difficult for people who are more visual learners (but he writes uncommon words on the board as he uses them). To succeed in this class, make sure to take very good notes, especially when he starts rattling off lists because it will be really helpful for the final. There a readings for each week, but they pretty much cover the same stuff as the lectures so I would say to do one or the other (I didn't do the readings but I went to almost every lecture and I was fine). But, attendance isn't mandatory so you can get by on not going and just doing the readings. The only assignments in the class are one-page (double spaced) critiques about a reading each week. You then talk about the readings in your discussion. You also have two papers due during each midterm session about a book. As long as you read the book in a timely manner, they aren't too bad. Lastly, the final is a hand-written, in-class essay, but you are given the prompts beforehand. Overall, I would definitely recommend this class as a GE because it isn't took bad, but be warned that it isn't super easy either. You still need to pay attention in class and do well on the papers and exam to get an A.
Most Helpful Review
Fall 2020 - Gelvin was great! The only work in this class was one reading per week which we'd discuss the next week in our seminar. I feel like I actually learned a lot about the new Middle East and Gelvin was really great at facilitating conversation. He was also pretty funny. Take this fiat lux!
Fall 2020 - Gelvin was great! The only work in this class was one reading per week which we'd discuss the next week in our seminar. I feel like I actually learned a lot about the new Middle East and Gelvin was really great at facilitating conversation. He was also pretty funny. Take this fiat lux!
Most Helpful Review
Apparently I'm cataloged in the minority group as well, but i just wanted to note to incoming Gelvinites that the work this man demands and the grades that he subsequently doles out are definitely not correlated. I am not contesting his value to the UCLA Hist. dept. as a knowledgeable professor in the affairs of the history of the middle east; he is a very intelligent individual. What was disappointing was his complete lack of care for students, as he does not allow protestation of test grades, as, in my case, the TA failed to add up the points correctly and subsequently i found myself in a genre of grade that has been unprecedented for me at UCLA. Guess there is a first time for everything, but he pissed me off enough to leave my first bruin-walk post. Between the combination of his TA's that can't count, his redundant lectures that all seem to focus on the ECONOMIC history of the middle east, and his overinflated ego that leaves the class in awkward silences forcing people he's looking at to laugh, it's a bit much..
Apparently I'm cataloged in the minority group as well, but i just wanted to note to incoming Gelvinites that the work this man demands and the grades that he subsequently doles out are definitely not correlated. I am not contesting his value to the UCLA Hist. dept. as a knowledgeable professor in the affairs of the history of the middle east; he is a very intelligent individual. What was disappointing was his complete lack of care for students, as he does not allow protestation of test grades, as, in my case, the TA failed to add up the points correctly and subsequently i found myself in a genre of grade that has been unprecedented for me at UCLA. Guess there is a first time for everything, but he pissed me off enough to leave my first bruin-walk post. Between the combination of his TA's that can't count, his redundant lectures that all seem to focus on the ECONOMIC history of the middle east, and his overinflated ego that leaves the class in awkward silences forcing people he's looking at to laugh, it's a bit much..
Most Helpful Review
Spring 2024 - This guy knows a lot of shit. Hes funny and sounds and looks like Bernie Sanders. I just adore this little guy. He is wicked smart and I learned a lot. If you have a hard time computing information audibly then you will definitely need otter ai because he doesn't use any slides he just talks for an hour. Interesting would take again
Spring 2024 - This guy knows a lot of shit. Hes funny and sounds and looks like Bernie Sanders. I just adore this little guy. He is wicked smart and I learned a lot. If you have a hard time computing information audibly then you will definitely need otter ai because he doesn't use any slides he just talks for an hour. Interesting would take again
Most Helpful Review
he is very self indulgent and in the three assignments, basically just wants you to repeat his point of view back to him. three five-six page papers and one ten page final or an in class final dependent on a class vote. the papers cover a lot of information and it was difficult to not exceed page limit but doable. I feel like I learned a lot in this class (history 109b) and really liked his lectures, but there were other people in the class who rolled their eyes every time he opened his mouth so it it subjective.
he is very self indulgent and in the three assignments, basically just wants you to repeat his point of view back to him. three five-six page papers and one ten page final or an in class final dependent on a class vote. the papers cover a lot of information and it was difficult to not exceed page limit but doable. I feel like I learned a lot in this class (history 109b) and really liked his lectures, but there were other people in the class who rolled their eyes every time he opened his mouth so it it subjective.
Most Helpful Review
Spring 2024 - Dr. Gelvin is one of my favorite professors at UCLA. His lectures are very clear, relevant, and detailed. He's an experienced writer and academic and is just an interesting guy all around. Definitely go to his office hours if you can. The lectures follow pretty closely to the chapters in his book he assigns.. So, if you ever don't want to go to lecture, you can just read the chapter assigned that week and get the gist of what was discussed. I took this class in what ended up being a very relevant quarter, with the encampment and the drama that ensued after. It is my opinion that Dr. Gelvin offered a very well-researched, clear, and accurate analysis of the Israel-Palestine conflict and ongoing war in Gaza, giving light to the various motivations and tactics of all parties involved. Regardless of where you stand on the issue, you should expect to have your beliefs or biases challenged and perspectives widened. In terms of coursework, there were readings for every class, a midterm paper and a take-home final exam consisting of 2 4-5 page papers. If I remember correctly, the final was supposed to be in-person but was made take-home due to the encampment and police presence on campus.
Spring 2024 - Dr. Gelvin is one of my favorite professors at UCLA. His lectures are very clear, relevant, and detailed. He's an experienced writer and academic and is just an interesting guy all around. Definitely go to his office hours if you can. The lectures follow pretty closely to the chapters in his book he assigns.. So, if you ever don't want to go to lecture, you can just read the chapter assigned that week and get the gist of what was discussed. I took this class in what ended up being a very relevant quarter, with the encampment and the drama that ensued after. It is my opinion that Dr. Gelvin offered a very well-researched, clear, and accurate analysis of the Israel-Palestine conflict and ongoing war in Gaza, giving light to the various motivations and tactics of all parties involved. Regardless of where you stand on the issue, you should expect to have your beliefs or biases challenged and perspectives widened. In terms of coursework, there were readings for every class, a midterm paper and a take-home final exam consisting of 2 4-5 page papers. If I remember correctly, the final was supposed to be in-person but was made take-home due to the encampment and police presence on campus.