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Jennifer Sumner
Based on 24 Users
I loved Professor Sumner! She was very accommodating given the circumstances and I really learned some interesting and valuable information. If you watch the lectures and take notes, you are almost guaranteed a good grade. She has almost weekly assignments due as well, but they are not hard to complete and usually about an interesting topic. Take this class if you can!
Really easy class. Professor gives great lectures. There were a few written assignments and 3 exams (lowest dropped) and a final paper (easy article review). SONA and course eval extra credit.
Honestly I felt like this class was so easy that I honestly didn't learn as much as I would have wanted to about this topic (but that's my fault since I was focused on other things, you def have the resources to if you are interested). However, I still got an A+ despite not learning much from the last third of the class since I dropped that exam.
This course was legit easier than many community college psych courses I've taken before (like literal tens of hours less work). You could totally take this as an easy upper div, I wouldn't plan it into your schedule as a hard psych upper div, like you would for most psych column A/B classes.
Professor Sumner could be one of the most prominent professors you would have in your time here at UCLA. Her lessons are very engaging and could apply to your everyday life. She offers a variety of extra credit options and always helped students with their questions. I thought her exams were pretty straightforward for an online formatted exam.
This class is by far the best class I have taken at UCLA! The content is interesting, the structure of the class is forgiving, and the professor is incredibly knowledgeable/kind. For reference, the class is structured as:
- Exams: 50% (best 2 out of 3 - lowest dropped)
- 25% per exam
- Journal Club Worksheets: 30%
- 3 worksheets (each worth 10%)
- Final Research Reflection Assignment: 20%
- Extra Credit: 3% offered
The exams were online, open-book, and were made available for a 24-hour window (meaning you could take the exam whenever you wanted within that time frame). This was such a relief seeing as I had exams that often fell on the same days. From my experience, if you attended lectures, did the readings, and took decent notes, you would do pretty well on the exams. They were very fair and were similar to the examples used during the lecture (which was recorded). Many questions were application-based. A good measure of how well you are understanding the content is how accurately you respond to the practice questions during the exam review sessions. These were usually recorded so there was no trouble if you couldn’t make one of the review sessions. The professor also posted practice questions that covered all of the major topics. The best bit about the exams was that the exam in which you got the lowest score got dropped. This also meant that if you did well on the first two exams, you did not have to take the third exam. This can be a huge relief during finals week and can allow you to focus more on your final research paper. Overall, the teaching team gave students all the tools they needed to be successful. This professor is not one that is out to trick you, she genuinely wants you to succeed and gain something from the class :)
The journal club worksheets were about 2 pages in length and were meant to help you reflect on one of the readings (usually a research article). It’s like a worksheet with printed questions that you write about 2-3 sentence responses for. There were three of these and they were not very tedious. They were not necessarily graded on correctness, they were more used to show that you interacted with the text and summarize parts of the study. The articles used for these assignments were usually pretty important for the exams (with a couple of questions asking about the findings).
The final research assignment is where students are asked to find a research paper related to a topic we covered in class and write a 3 paragraph paper about it and how you would expand it. This assignment is meant to show that you have learned something about how to identify empirical studies, how to interpret their conclusions and come up with ways you could take the research further. In my case, I received a lot of guidance on this (I met with TAs several times to verify if my article was acceptable and if my ideas fit the objectives of the assignment). Overall, this assignment was very fair and, again, was a measure of how well we interacted with the research material.
Overall, this class is absolutely incredible! This professor is incredibly knowledgeable and the lecture is very interactive. I usually walked away from lectures learning something new/interesting. The readings we had to do before every lecture were one to two pages long and generally covered interesting materials. It was easier for me to stay on top of my work because of this. TAKE THIS CLASS!!!
This class is great! It's interesting, relevant, and manageable. You won't be bored in this class, almost all of the material can be applied to one's own life! The class is recorded, with straightforward slides and the professor answers any questions you may have. This class was one of the most enjoyable classes I've had at UCLA. I would take a class with this professor again! She's amazing!
Professor Sumner is such a good professor, so I highly recommend taking a course with her! Her lectures are very clear and engaging. You just need to answer a few questions embedded throughout the lecture video sections, which are divided into managebale watch times. This is when CCLE was used so it may look different on Canvas or "BruinLearn". These questions are based on the articles assigned for the lectures of that week; the articles are short and intriguing. The exams were online, there are no trick questions, and you have enough time to check your notes. You do have to pay for the "Packback" assignment system, which is a little inconvenient. This is basically an online discussion forum with "curiosity points" determined by AI. Getting the minimum points on the system isn't a challenge and you write a question and responses every week. They are basically graded for completion as long as you get the required curiosity points for coming up with a question based on the content for the week. Overall, prof Sumner is great so take her class!
I really really enjoyed this class!! Dr. Sumner is really nice and presents lectures in a clear manner. I personally think it's an easy A and the material is very interesting! You do need to have an iclicker since participation counts. Also, we were required to do 2 journal reviews (5 pts total) -- so it's helpful if you've taken 100B, especially for the final manuscript (worth 15 pts). Essentially you read a publication and answer questions about it -- like what was the IV, DV, etc. The lectures are straightforward, and I suggest focusing on the slides and the studies mentioned since they are on the test.
I would definitely take Dr. Sumner again!
Dr. Sumner was the absolute best. The material is interesting and will serve you in the ling run. She doesn't require you to read over a dense textbook but instead asks you to read timely articles that teach you relevant information. Her exams are doable and fair as long as you review the slides and read all the reading assignments. The two papers involve reading articles and answering some questions about the purpose, IVs, DVs and statistical analysis. As long as you write legitimate answers, you should be fine. For the peer review manuscript paper, you criticize an article and point out any limitations. Start the paper early and break down each part. She is reasonable and wants you to succeed. Participation matters so go to class and engage in the Campuswire discussions as earns you EC. The most amazing thing about this Dr. Sumner is how much compassion and support she offered as we were all facing the stress of COVID-19 pandemic. She allowed us to opt out of the final exam if we were happy with our current grade which relieved a great deal of stress. She made sure to give us daily updates and made herself available on Campuswire every single day. Take her if you want to learn useful information and feel respected and supported by your professor.
I loved Professor Sumner! She was very accommodating given the circumstances and I really learned some interesting and valuable information. If you watch the lectures and take notes, you are almost guaranteed a good grade. She has almost weekly assignments due as well, but they are not hard to complete and usually about an interesting topic. Take this class if you can!
Really easy class. Professor gives great lectures. There were a few written assignments and 3 exams (lowest dropped) and a final paper (easy article review). SONA and course eval extra credit.
Honestly I felt like this class was so easy that I honestly didn't learn as much as I would have wanted to about this topic (but that's my fault since I was focused on other things, you def have the resources to if you are interested). However, I still got an A+ despite not learning much from the last third of the class since I dropped that exam.
This course was legit easier than many community college psych courses I've taken before (like literal tens of hours less work). You could totally take this as an easy upper div, I wouldn't plan it into your schedule as a hard psych upper div, like you would for most psych column A/B classes.
Professor Sumner could be one of the most prominent professors you would have in your time here at UCLA. Her lessons are very engaging and could apply to your everyday life. She offers a variety of extra credit options and always helped students with their questions. I thought her exams were pretty straightforward for an online formatted exam.
This class is by far the best class I have taken at UCLA! The content is interesting, the structure of the class is forgiving, and the professor is incredibly knowledgeable/kind. For reference, the class is structured as:
- Exams: 50% (best 2 out of 3 - lowest dropped)
- 25% per exam
- Journal Club Worksheets: 30%
- 3 worksheets (each worth 10%)
- Final Research Reflection Assignment: 20%
- Extra Credit: 3% offered
The exams were online, open-book, and were made available for a 24-hour window (meaning you could take the exam whenever you wanted within that time frame). This was such a relief seeing as I had exams that often fell on the same days. From my experience, if you attended lectures, did the readings, and took decent notes, you would do pretty well on the exams. They were very fair and were similar to the examples used during the lecture (which was recorded). Many questions were application-based. A good measure of how well you are understanding the content is how accurately you respond to the practice questions during the exam review sessions. These were usually recorded so there was no trouble if you couldn’t make one of the review sessions. The professor also posted practice questions that covered all of the major topics. The best bit about the exams was that the exam in which you got the lowest score got dropped. This also meant that if you did well on the first two exams, you did not have to take the third exam. This can be a huge relief during finals week and can allow you to focus more on your final research paper. Overall, the teaching team gave students all the tools they needed to be successful. This professor is not one that is out to trick you, she genuinely wants you to succeed and gain something from the class :)
The journal club worksheets were about 2 pages in length and were meant to help you reflect on one of the readings (usually a research article). It’s like a worksheet with printed questions that you write about 2-3 sentence responses for. There were three of these and they were not very tedious. They were not necessarily graded on correctness, they were more used to show that you interacted with the text and summarize parts of the study. The articles used for these assignments were usually pretty important for the exams (with a couple of questions asking about the findings).
The final research assignment is where students are asked to find a research paper related to a topic we covered in class and write a 3 paragraph paper about it and how you would expand it. This assignment is meant to show that you have learned something about how to identify empirical studies, how to interpret their conclusions and come up with ways you could take the research further. In my case, I received a lot of guidance on this (I met with TAs several times to verify if my article was acceptable and if my ideas fit the objectives of the assignment). Overall, this assignment was very fair and, again, was a measure of how well we interacted with the research material.
Overall, this class is absolutely incredible! This professor is incredibly knowledgeable and the lecture is very interactive. I usually walked away from lectures learning something new/interesting. The readings we had to do before every lecture were one to two pages long and generally covered interesting materials. It was easier for me to stay on top of my work because of this. TAKE THIS CLASS!!!
This class is great! It's interesting, relevant, and manageable. You won't be bored in this class, almost all of the material can be applied to one's own life! The class is recorded, with straightforward slides and the professor answers any questions you may have. This class was one of the most enjoyable classes I've had at UCLA. I would take a class with this professor again! She's amazing!
Professor Sumner is such a good professor, so I highly recommend taking a course with her! Her lectures are very clear and engaging. You just need to answer a few questions embedded throughout the lecture video sections, which are divided into managebale watch times. This is when CCLE was used so it may look different on Canvas or "BruinLearn". These questions are based on the articles assigned for the lectures of that week; the articles are short and intriguing. The exams were online, there are no trick questions, and you have enough time to check your notes. You do have to pay for the "Packback" assignment system, which is a little inconvenient. This is basically an online discussion forum with "curiosity points" determined by AI. Getting the minimum points on the system isn't a challenge and you write a question and responses every week. They are basically graded for completion as long as you get the required curiosity points for coming up with a question based on the content for the week. Overall, prof Sumner is great so take her class!
I really really enjoyed this class!! Dr. Sumner is really nice and presents lectures in a clear manner. I personally think it's an easy A and the material is very interesting! You do need to have an iclicker since participation counts. Also, we were required to do 2 journal reviews (5 pts total) -- so it's helpful if you've taken 100B, especially for the final manuscript (worth 15 pts). Essentially you read a publication and answer questions about it -- like what was the IV, DV, etc. The lectures are straightforward, and I suggest focusing on the slides and the studies mentioned since they are on the test.
I would definitely take Dr. Sumner again!
Dr. Sumner was the absolute best. The material is interesting and will serve you in the ling run. She doesn't require you to read over a dense textbook but instead asks you to read timely articles that teach you relevant information. Her exams are doable and fair as long as you review the slides and read all the reading assignments. The two papers involve reading articles and answering some questions about the purpose, IVs, DVs and statistical analysis. As long as you write legitimate answers, you should be fine. For the peer review manuscript paper, you criticize an article and point out any limitations. Start the paper early and break down each part. She is reasonable and wants you to succeed. Participation matters so go to class and engage in the Campuswire discussions as earns you EC. The most amazing thing about this Dr. Sumner is how much compassion and support she offered as we were all facing the stress of COVID-19 pandemic. She allowed us to opt out of the final exam if we were happy with our current grade which relieved a great deal of stress. She made sure to give us daily updates and made herself available on Campuswire every single day. Take her if you want to learn useful information and feel respected and supported by your professor.