
Johnny Pang

Overall Ratings
Based on 518 Users
Easiness 3.4 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 3.0 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.2 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.2 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (518)

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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
March 3, 2021
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A

Professor Pang made this course very accomodating for students everywhere. Asynchronous lectures, light workload, and 24 hour exams. The exams, as well as the homeworks and lab reports were light in terms of courseload. I would spend about 4 hours a week max working on homework and lab reports. His slides are concise and informative, and we breeze through a lot of content in such a short time. His lectures are done on PowerPoint though, so no 2x speed. He is available for many office hours, and labs were not very time consuming (we could leave early). He is also very responsive to emails, so don't be afraid to reach out if you need help.

Overall, Professor Pang has been one of my favorite instructors so far, and he has made this class very fun! I would take this class again with him in a heartbeat.


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May 19, 2020
Quarter: Summer 2019
Grade: A

This is my first ever bruinwalk review but I felt like I had to write one because the reviews on here doesn’t do Pang justice. He’s a very effective professor and gives little hints to help you memorize stuff while also being funny. Also he prints out the slides for the lectures which makes it easier to follow and take notes since you don’t have to worry about missing important info since most of it is already there (rip the trees tho lol). Pang also gives you a study guide for the midterm and final with solutions like what an angel. The study guide is harder than actual exams so you’ll do well if you just study off of it. The labs are time consuming but the manual gives you step to step directions. Some of the reviews blamed Pang for the structure of the class but it’s a freaking lab of course it’s going to have a heavy workload and every 14bl professor is required to assign those labs. Overall Pang is a real homie and I wish he taught the regular chem classes because I would’ve gotten way better grades with him as the professor


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May 27, 2016
Quarter: Spring 2016
Grade: A-

The lecture was pretty boring, almost all the material is a repeat of 14A and 14B. Pang as a professor was pretty awesome though. Nice, personable guy who would occasionally throw out jokes in lecture, but would come back to the point quickly. He prints out copies of his slides for everyone to write on during lecture, which is awesome. I really got the vibe that he cared about his students. During office hours he was pretty chill. Labs were fun if you like hands on stuff. Overall, ok class, good professor.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
March 4, 2021
Quarter: Spring 2021
Grade: A

Goated. Take this class.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
March 22, 2021
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A

***I took this class during the COVID-19 pandemic.
This class is amazing! Take this with 20B(H) as it really does go in parallel with many of the topics learned in class. AP Chemistry helps a lot with the topics, but it is by NO means needed at all. Pang's asynchronous lectures are extremely helpful, and are in PowerPoint format rather than a video. It's super intuitive to watch the slides and listen along, rather than trying to rewind a video.
The lab section with the TA is super chill as well. It never lasts longer than like 30 minutes, and after that, its an optional worksheet to complete. You can just use it as supplemental office hours or review, and you never have to stay past the initial TA lecture, which is graded for participation (usually a single clicker question via Zoom poll).
Homework is light compared to a normal class, but the class is only 3 units. There's typically one lab assignment and one homework assignment each week, and they are all very manageable. Some of the later labs get a bit longer, but they are never difficult, and the majority of the time is formatting tables in Excel. Speaking of Excel, some technological knowledge is helpful, but the tutorials provided on how to use Excel mean that even with no prior knowledge of spreadsheet programs, you will be absolutely fine. Just check your work with some people from the class, and you really can't go wrong in this class. There's also one random writing assignment during the quarter that you can think of as a homework assignment with less calculation and more writing. It's easy and you can get some free extra credit if you do well on it.
As for midterms and finals, they're called "quizzes," but its a just a really long comprehensive homework assignment. Again, nothing tricky at all, just a bit lengthy, but you get 24 hours for a 3 hour assignment. It's very doable in even just 3 hours (Math department has something to learn from this class), and you're allowed to review lecture slides and homework during the tests. There are no unfair questions and everything is made very easy and accommodating.
Since the majority of the class is asynchronous or via TA discussions, you don't actually see Pang all that often. Do yourself a favor and go to office hours, this man is so caring and accommodating. His lectures are super straightforward and to the point for people who just want to get through the material fast, but he will take the time to elaborate and help out if you ask him to. It's really the best of both worlds.
You're probably going to need to take this class anyway if you're looking at CHEM 20L reviews. Just do it with Pang and look forward to it. As long as you don't put all the work to the last day, this will be a very stress-free class.


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Sept. 16, 2018
Quarter: Spring 2018
Grade: N/A

Dr. Pang was one of the clearest and most helpful professors I've ever had, especially in the Chem 14 series. Although the workload and number of hours is quite heavy per week, if you do the pre-lab assignments on time (before lab) and read through the procedure thoroughly, you should be able to finish each lab period at least an hour early. Pang provides plenty of review material before each midterm and the final with a very thorough review study guide and plenty of practice problems on lab assignments. Use the Free & For Sale page to purchase a lab manual, lab coat, and goggles! Also he gave out glowsticks after his last lecture to some of his classes


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Sept. 10, 2018
Quarter: Summer 2018
Grade: I

Professor Pang is a truly amazing professor. He has possibly been one of the best professors I have had the pleasure of being taught by. Pang is extremely caring and passionate about his students and their learning and understanding of course material. I always felt welcome asking the simplest of questions and Pang always took the time to explain his answers in depth, yet easy to understand. It is very rare to find a professor who genuinely cares about his students, especially in south campus courses. Pang is a rare exception as he effortlessly incorporates humor and life into a fast paced and naturally difficult class. He also makes communication a priority by continuously emailing students with regards to the labs and course material (even going so far as to email students who did not do so well on his exams). If you are forced to take 14Bl I definitely recommend taking Pang, the course won't be easy, but you'll at least have someone who cares about your success and understanding. Also go to his office hours, he's really nice!


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Dec. 12, 2021
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: A

Dr. Pang is awesome. After coming back from quarantine and getting throwing into 30AL after taking 20L virtually, the transition was made extremely comfortable thanks to the setup of this class. Dr. Pang's lectures are very clear and engaging, and are also podcasted online. The workload is very manageable and labs are structured quite well (and you can leave early if you finish—physics department has something to learn from this class). You spent most of this class in the lab (go figure) with the TA, but Dr. Pang always drops into the lab and looks around and is generally available for questions. He's also a total chad and will notice if you're doing something wrong with your sulfuric acid solution and step in and fix it without wearing gloves or goggles. He's never upset if you mess something up, and your grade won't suffer if your percent yield is low, as long as you can explain why (again, physics department, you really got to step it up). Tests are fair and not too hard as well, and this class is a great complement to CHEM 30B, which will take all your time anyway, so it's nice that this class is much easier.


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Nov. 11, 2019
Quarter: Spring 2019
Grade: A

Pang is so nice, engaging, and genuinely cares about student learning. He prints out all the lecture slides so if someone grabs you one you don't really need to go to lecture. Lab attendance and PPE is very strict though. Overall, I would say this class is easy it's just a lot of busy work. Tests are fair and simple if you've taken 14B recently and with a good professor.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
June 21, 2020
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A

Incredibly accommodating professor who genuinely cares about student success. The most time consuming things were the post and pre labs, but labs were all pre-recorded and posted (about 2-15 min).


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A
March 3, 2021

Professor Pang made this course very accomodating for students everywhere. Asynchronous lectures, light workload, and 24 hour exams. The exams, as well as the homeworks and lab reports were light in terms of courseload. I would spend about 4 hours a week max working on homework and lab reports. His slides are concise and informative, and we breeze through a lot of content in such a short time. His lectures are done on PowerPoint though, so no 2x speed. He is available for many office hours, and labs were not very time consuming (we could leave early). He is also very responsive to emails, so don't be afraid to reach out if you need help.

Overall, Professor Pang has been one of my favorite instructors so far, and he has made this class very fun! I would take this class again with him in a heartbeat.


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Quarter: Summer 2019
Grade: A
May 19, 2020

This is my first ever bruinwalk review but I felt like I had to write one because the reviews on here doesn’t do Pang justice. He’s a very effective professor and gives little hints to help you memorize stuff while also being funny. Also he prints out the slides for the lectures which makes it easier to follow and take notes since you don’t have to worry about missing important info since most of it is already there (rip the trees tho lol). Pang also gives you a study guide for the midterm and final with solutions like what an angel. The study guide is harder than actual exams so you’ll do well if you just study off of it. The labs are time consuming but the manual gives you step to step directions. Some of the reviews blamed Pang for the structure of the class but it’s a freaking lab of course it’s going to have a heavy workload and every 14bl professor is required to assign those labs. Overall Pang is a real homie and I wish he taught the regular chem classes because I would’ve gotten way better grades with him as the professor


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Quarter: Spring 2016
Grade: A-
May 27, 2016

The lecture was pretty boring, almost all the material is a repeat of 14A and 14B. Pang as a professor was pretty awesome though. Nice, personable guy who would occasionally throw out jokes in lecture, but would come back to the point quickly. He prints out copies of his slides for everyone to write on during lecture, which is awesome. I really got the vibe that he cared about his students. During office hours he was pretty chill. Labs were fun if you like hands on stuff. Overall, ok class, good professor.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2021
Grade: A
March 4, 2021

Goated. Take this class.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A
March 22, 2021

***I took this class during the COVID-19 pandemic.
This class is amazing! Take this with 20B(H) as it really does go in parallel with many of the topics learned in class. AP Chemistry helps a lot with the topics, but it is by NO means needed at all. Pang's asynchronous lectures are extremely helpful, and are in PowerPoint format rather than a video. It's super intuitive to watch the slides and listen along, rather than trying to rewind a video.
The lab section with the TA is super chill as well. It never lasts longer than like 30 minutes, and after that, its an optional worksheet to complete. You can just use it as supplemental office hours or review, and you never have to stay past the initial TA lecture, which is graded for participation (usually a single clicker question via Zoom poll).
Homework is light compared to a normal class, but the class is only 3 units. There's typically one lab assignment and one homework assignment each week, and they are all very manageable. Some of the later labs get a bit longer, but they are never difficult, and the majority of the time is formatting tables in Excel. Speaking of Excel, some technological knowledge is helpful, but the tutorials provided on how to use Excel mean that even with no prior knowledge of spreadsheet programs, you will be absolutely fine. Just check your work with some people from the class, and you really can't go wrong in this class. There's also one random writing assignment during the quarter that you can think of as a homework assignment with less calculation and more writing. It's easy and you can get some free extra credit if you do well on it.
As for midterms and finals, they're called "quizzes," but its a just a really long comprehensive homework assignment. Again, nothing tricky at all, just a bit lengthy, but you get 24 hours for a 3 hour assignment. It's very doable in even just 3 hours (Math department has something to learn from this class), and you're allowed to review lecture slides and homework during the tests. There are no unfair questions and everything is made very easy and accommodating.
Since the majority of the class is asynchronous or via TA discussions, you don't actually see Pang all that often. Do yourself a favor and go to office hours, this man is so caring and accommodating. His lectures are super straightforward and to the point for people who just want to get through the material fast, but he will take the time to elaborate and help out if you ask him to. It's really the best of both worlds.
You're probably going to need to take this class anyway if you're looking at CHEM 20L reviews. Just do it with Pang and look forward to it. As long as you don't put all the work to the last day, this will be a very stress-free class.


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Quarter: Spring 2018
Grade: N/A
Sept. 16, 2018

Dr. Pang was one of the clearest and most helpful professors I've ever had, especially in the Chem 14 series. Although the workload and number of hours is quite heavy per week, if you do the pre-lab assignments on time (before lab) and read through the procedure thoroughly, you should be able to finish each lab period at least an hour early. Pang provides plenty of review material before each midterm and the final with a very thorough review study guide and plenty of practice problems on lab assignments. Use the Free & For Sale page to purchase a lab manual, lab coat, and goggles! Also he gave out glowsticks after his last lecture to some of his classes


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Quarter: Summer 2018
Grade: I
Sept. 10, 2018

Professor Pang is a truly amazing professor. He has possibly been one of the best professors I have had the pleasure of being taught by. Pang is extremely caring and passionate about his students and their learning and understanding of course material. I always felt welcome asking the simplest of questions and Pang always took the time to explain his answers in depth, yet easy to understand. It is very rare to find a professor who genuinely cares about his students, especially in south campus courses. Pang is a rare exception as he effortlessly incorporates humor and life into a fast paced and naturally difficult class. He also makes communication a priority by continuously emailing students with regards to the labs and course material (even going so far as to email students who did not do so well on his exams). If you are forced to take 14Bl I definitely recommend taking Pang, the course won't be easy, but you'll at least have someone who cares about your success and understanding. Also go to his office hours, he's really nice!


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: A
Dec. 12, 2021

Dr. Pang is awesome. After coming back from quarantine and getting throwing into 30AL after taking 20L virtually, the transition was made extremely comfortable thanks to the setup of this class. Dr. Pang's lectures are very clear and engaging, and are also podcasted online. The workload is very manageable and labs are structured quite well (and you can leave early if you finish—physics department has something to learn from this class). You spent most of this class in the lab (go figure) with the TA, but Dr. Pang always drops into the lab and looks around and is generally available for questions. He's also a total chad and will notice if you're doing something wrong with your sulfuric acid solution and step in and fix it without wearing gloves or goggles. He's never upset if you mess something up, and your grade won't suffer if your percent yield is low, as long as you can explain why (again, physics department, you really got to step it up). Tests are fair and not too hard as well, and this class is a great complement to CHEM 30B, which will take all your time anyway, so it's nice that this class is much easier.


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Quarter: Spring 2019
Grade: A
Nov. 11, 2019

Pang is so nice, engaging, and genuinely cares about student learning. He prints out all the lecture slides so if someone grabs you one you don't really need to go to lecture. Lab attendance and PPE is very strict though. Overall, I would say this class is easy it's just a lot of busy work. Tests are fair and simple if you've taken 14B recently and with a good professor.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A
June 21, 2020

Incredibly accommodating professor who genuinely cares about student success. The most time consuming things were the post and pre labs, but labs were all pre-recorded and posted (about 2-15 min).


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