Julienne Bower
Most Helpful Review
Class taken: PSYCHOLOGY 152 The material of the class is pretty interesting, and I enjoyed most of the readings. The grading is fair, although you do have to study to get an A. She didn't offer any extra credit for my quarter. Your grade is based on 10% attendance (via the iClicker questions), 25% papers (1 page response to an activity you do in class, really easy, you will do about 5 of these), and 65% tests (30% midterm and 35% final). I didn't really like Prof. Bower's lecturing style, but it is doable and the material is enjoyable.
Class taken: PSYCHOLOGY 152 The material of the class is pretty interesting, and I enjoyed most of the readings. The grading is fair, although you do have to study to get an A. She didn't offer any extra credit for my quarter. Your grade is based on 10% attendance (via the iClicker questions), 25% papers (1 page response to an activity you do in class, really easy, you will do about 5 of these), and 65% tests (30% midterm and 35% final). I didn't really like Prof. Bower's lecturing style, but it is doable and the material is enjoyable.