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Kevin Terraciano
Based on 148 Users
I recommend this class to any history majors or anyone looking for an interesting GE, the professor is great and gives very engaging lectures.
I am selling the blue and red course readers the red one has notes on it that can be useful. They are $15 for both. Please email me at ************* if interested or text me at **********.
I am also selling Children of God's Fire for $10 and Letters and People of the Spanish Indies for $5.
Hi! I'm selling the blue and red course reader for $10 each. They're in extremely good condition as I had to drop the class early in the quarter due to unexpected scheduling conflicts. Let me know if you're interested: *************
Professor Terraciano is one of the best professors I've had at UCLA. Taking his class as a first year was definitely a great experience. I was able to become accustomed to the UC system and his lectures were engaging. Overall his class wasn't the hardest but it is one you must use the readings a lot for. I definitely also very much enjoyed going to his office hours because he was very helpful for midterm and final reviews. Would definitely recommend this class to a friend.
If interested I'm selling Mesoamerican Voices, Children of God's Fire, Letters and People of the Spanish Indies, Prof Terraciano's Red &Blue Course Reader notes all for $50 or each for $15. Willing to compromise. My email is *************.
the class was a lot of review from AP Spanish 5. It was very interesting and simple. He just gives a heavy load of readings but I got by with just skimming them. I have 2 of the books he uses and I am selling them. contact me at ************* for purchase:
Mesoamerican voices
Letters and People of the Spanish Indies (16th century)
I'm selling Mesoamerican Voices, Children of God's Fire, Letters and People of the Spanish Indies, as well as the Red and Blue Course Reader, which are all the books required for History 8A. All for $60, and each one for $15. Contact me at **********.
Selling course material!
Children of God's Fire - $10
Red Reader - $20
White Reader - $20
Mesoamerican Voices - $10
Letters and People - $10
If you buy all of the books from me I will also throw in all of my class material (notes, papers, etc.)! It breaks down some of the subject material and gives you an idea of what is important to know.
LOVED THIS CLASS. Great professor and very engaging lectures. Incorporates photos from his own travels in his lectures. My TA was Karime - she was awesome, very fair grader and super helpful. Would 10/10 recommend. Wasn't even that interested in subject material but after the class I feel very enlightened on the topic and more interested in it. You don't have to attend lectures since the class is really large. He mentions on the first day that they aren't trying to grade people down, or do the whole 20% As, 20% Bs thing...they just want everyone to do their best and their grade will be representative of it. Very fair class overall.
I recommend this class to any history majors or anyone looking for an interesting GE, the professor is great and gives very engaging lectures.
I am selling the blue and red course readers the red one has notes on it that can be useful. They are $15 for both. Please email me at ************* if interested or text me at **********.
I am also selling Children of God's Fire for $10 and Letters and People of the Spanish Indies for $5.
Hi! I'm selling the blue and red course reader for $10 each. They're in extremely good condition as I had to drop the class early in the quarter due to unexpected scheduling conflicts. Let me know if you're interested: *************
Professor Terraciano is one of the best professors I've had at UCLA. Taking his class as a first year was definitely a great experience. I was able to become accustomed to the UC system and his lectures were engaging. Overall his class wasn't the hardest but it is one you must use the readings a lot for. I definitely also very much enjoyed going to his office hours because he was very helpful for midterm and final reviews. Would definitely recommend this class to a friend.
If interested I'm selling Mesoamerican Voices, Children of God's Fire, Letters and People of the Spanish Indies, Prof Terraciano's Red &Blue Course Reader notes all for $50 or each for $15. Willing to compromise. My email is *************.
the class was a lot of review from AP Spanish 5. It was very interesting and simple. He just gives a heavy load of readings but I got by with just skimming them. I have 2 of the books he uses and I am selling them. contact me at ************* for purchase:
Mesoamerican voices
Letters and People of the Spanish Indies (16th century)
I'm selling Mesoamerican Voices, Children of God's Fire, Letters and People of the Spanish Indies, as well as the Red and Blue Course Reader, which are all the books required for History 8A. All for $60, and each one for $15. Contact me at **********.
Selling course material!
Children of God's Fire - $10
Red Reader - $20
White Reader - $20
Mesoamerican Voices - $10
Letters and People - $10
If you buy all of the books from me I will also throw in all of my class material (notes, papers, etc.)! It breaks down some of the subject material and gives you an idea of what is important to know.
LOVED THIS CLASS. Great professor and very engaging lectures. Incorporates photos from his own travels in his lectures. My TA was Karime - she was awesome, very fair grader and super helpful. Would 10/10 recommend. Wasn't even that interested in subject material but after the class I feel very enlightened on the topic and more interested in it. You don't have to attend lectures since the class is really large. He mentions on the first day that they aren't trying to grade people down, or do the whole 20% As, 20% Bs thing...they just want everyone to do their best and their grade will be representative of it. Very fair class overall.