
Leisy Abrego

Overall Ratings
Based on 16 Users
Easiness 4.4 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 3.9 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 3.7 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 3.4 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (16)

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Dec. 14, 2018
Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: N/A

This is my very first class with Professor Abrego and I have to say that it was an amazing experience. Abrego is very passionate and concerned about students opening up their scope to Central American history and current struggles. The class requires you to do weekly article readings along with three assigned books that you read throughout the quarter (when assigned). I missed a lot of her lectures due to a family emergency and she was very understanding and did not penalize me for class participation. The final is an 8pg research paper, and the midterm is the same. Super easy class. Def recommend.


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Jan. 2, 2024
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A-

Professor Abrego's class was very interesting and made me a lot more engaged in the topic of Central American culture and history. The class was manageable and well-structured, but the TAs themselves were not. Most would offer no help whatsoever and kind of just gave students whatever grade they felt like due to them also constantly cancelling class every week, which felt like I was not learning nothing after Week 4. The readings are actually useful and the class is graded on two open-note exams and an annotated bibliography. I would definitely take her again, just with different TAs if possible. She is very knowledgeable in the subject and her lectures were always super interesting.


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July 28, 2023
Quarter: Summer 2023
Grade: A

So for CCAS 10B I had Paula Ayala during the summer course. She's super nice and seems pretty lenient. Overall the class is boring but worth taking. It's an easy A since there are literally only 2 assignments which are two essays both 5 pages and they're based on a topic of your choice by using the readings she provides for you to create an argument and write about. The class is super easy. It's 10% participation and 10% attendance while the essays are worth both 40%. Seeing as I'm writing this while on week 5, I don't know exactly how she grades on the essays since she hasn't submitted any grades. But seeing as she also didn't provide much information or rubric on how to write the essays we should be fine. I also got by without readings some of the texts she provides since in class she talks about it but her lectures are kind of all over the place. Overall take the class for an easy A.


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April 17, 2023
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A

eye opening class, really easy, definitely take it if you get the chance. lots of guest speakers are brought in to talk about their experiences, which were touching, powerful, and inspiring. assigned readings each week are a bit long, but just try to get the main points out of it and you should be fine. sometimes we were put in groups to discuss the reading and share w the class, so make sure to skim them at the very least. profe also sometimes discussed them in class too. the readings are key to the three quizzes that are given throughout the quarter. don't worry about these too much, they're pretty easy. just make sure you know main points of readings. only about 5-7 questions, with a 2 hour time period and open note so you can even look at the readings during that time too. the questions are short answer, 2-3 sentences each, not bad at all. other than that, you also have to write three discussion board posts about 3 readings that you get to pick from the quarter. for our final, we had to do a creative project that related to any of the topics we learned in class, then write a one page paper about it. easy, enjoyable class that i recommend to everyone!!


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June 10, 2022
Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: A+

Dr. Abrego is AMAZING! She is super passionate about Central American studies, the culture, and the injustices in the region. Her class is very reassuring and covers complex issues. It recognizes LGBTQ+ movements, the battles for Indigenous and Afro-Indigenous people's rights, and the rich cultures with historical context. The class really calls out U.S. Imperialism and neoliberalism in the region. Everything you learn is applicable to the present and current issues around the world.

She lectures based on the main points of the readings she assigned for the day. We were assigned to post 4 summaries in total about 4 assigned readings of our choosing (on an online discussion board) which is helpful for everyone when you need to quickly look them over before class or an exam. There are a total of 3 quizzes which are divided into three sections of the course. Toward the second half of the class, she started including more engaging activities in lectures, for group discussions about readings and concepts. The final is a creative project of your choosing/format, with a brief reflection on its connection to the course. All in all, her class is amazing and really low stress. THE best course I've taken at UCLA so far.


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March 27, 2016
Quarter: Winter 2016
Grade: NR

I really hated this class. It's so boring and basically the same as 10A. Prof. Abrego is soooo boring, she's so full of herself and she low-key seems to have something against white people. The class is really easy with a creative project worth 10%, participation worth 25%, midterm essay worth 25% and a final paper worth 40%. I haven't gotten my grade back yet but I expect an A.


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March 29, 2016
Quarter: Winter 2016
Grade: B

Worst class I've taken at UCLA.

Teacher is boring, close minded, and classist.
My TA was bad, rude, racist, and unhelpful.

You can take this and get an easy A: copy other people's tweets, kiss ass and write what she wants to hear for the midterm, and use notes to kiss ass on the final.

However, each lecture is painfully boring and long. She has random assignments during lecture, so you have to ask kids in earlier classes if you have to go to lecture.

Overall, not worth it.
Don't take this class.

It wasn't worth the bullshit I sat through, I talked back to my TA, she graded accordingly and gave me a bad grade in the class.

Worst TA ever.


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March 29, 2016
Quarter: Winter 2016
Grade: A

Professor Abrego has a voice that will remind you of a mom and more than likely make you fall asleep. She's very kind and will reply quickly to student's emails. The class is huge so you can get away with missing class a lot and still getting an A in the class.

She starts the class by showing some slides, and then she switches to showing films and having guest speakers. While she put some effort into picking the guest speakers, they did not help at all. They were just wasted time to fill in the time for the class. The lecture slides were also not very helpful, the only part you should pay attention to is when she talks about hegemony. The readings for the class are extremely important. Thankfully, she has most of them on reserve in Powell.

I got away with missing about 4 lectures and still managed to get an A. You just need to make sure you're caught up with readings and writing tweets. Yes, tweets. On Twitter. That's another part of the grade, where you summarize in a tweet the reading for that week. Its two tweets per reading assignment. I had a teririble TA that was lazy and always drank coffee in the morning and used fancy words to try to sound like he was making a point.

The lecture slides, guest speakers, and films were all mostly a waste of time.

You do have to write 1 paper for the midterm about your social location, however it is due through TurnItIn so its not that bad. There is also a creative project where you pick anything you want to talk about that was discussed throughout the course. And finally, there's a take-home final that consists of 3 sections of questions, also to be turned in on TurnItIn. It was a pretty long final but the questions are super easy.

Overall, the class was an easy A. I do wish Abrego wouldn't be as lazy with the way she teaches.


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March 31, 2016
Quarter: Winter 2016
Grade: C-

I started off really liking this class, and was excited to take a chicano class, but then around week 4 it seemed like a waste of time going, and I would regret it when I would be sitting in class. The lectures started to get boring , felt super long, and did not seem important. People would go and be doing any other thing than paying attention. I personally found the papers somewhat hard to due, but then again I never went to office hours. My TA Brenda though, was very nice and sweet. You could tell she liked talking about the material and would go over some important things that were mentioned during the lectures. The creative project was without doubt the easiest thing, as long as u get it done you'll be fine , in my case it wasn't even collected, so I would say don't try going all out. The tweets were interesting to do at first, but then it would just be a drag trying to get them done in time, so yeah for the tweets you have to do the readings unless you go off and copy someone else's tweets , which I feel they would notice. This class is iffy , I would recommend because its somewhat easy but theres big portions that just seem annoying.


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April 7, 2016
Quarter: Winter 2016
Grade: A+

I was not excited about this class at all before I started the quarter out. Wasn't optimistic after the first lecture with Abrego, and I was very close to dropping the class. I went to about 90% of lecture and attended all my discussion. My TA was amazing. Kaelyn Rodriguez was really the determining factor that kept me in the class. The guest speakers were also pretty great as well. I was generally a very big fan of Rios.


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Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: N/A
Dec. 14, 2018

This is my very first class with Professor Abrego and I have to say that it was an amazing experience. Abrego is very passionate and concerned about students opening up their scope to Central American history and current struggles. The class requires you to do weekly article readings along with three assigned books that you read throughout the quarter (when assigned). I missed a lot of her lectures due to a family emergency and she was very understanding and did not penalize me for class participation. The final is an 8pg research paper, and the midterm is the same. Super easy class. Def recommend.


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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A-
Jan. 2, 2024

Professor Abrego's class was very interesting and made me a lot more engaged in the topic of Central American culture and history. The class was manageable and well-structured, but the TAs themselves were not. Most would offer no help whatsoever and kind of just gave students whatever grade they felt like due to them also constantly cancelling class every week, which felt like I was not learning nothing after Week 4. The readings are actually useful and the class is graded on two open-note exams and an annotated bibliography. I would definitely take her again, just with different TAs if possible. She is very knowledgeable in the subject and her lectures were always super interesting.


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Quarter: Summer 2023
Grade: A
July 28, 2023

So for CCAS 10B I had Paula Ayala during the summer course. She's super nice and seems pretty lenient. Overall the class is boring but worth taking. It's an easy A since there are literally only 2 assignments which are two essays both 5 pages and they're based on a topic of your choice by using the readings she provides for you to create an argument and write about. The class is super easy. It's 10% participation and 10% attendance while the essays are worth both 40%. Seeing as I'm writing this while on week 5, I don't know exactly how she grades on the essays since she hasn't submitted any grades. But seeing as she also didn't provide much information or rubric on how to write the essays we should be fine. I also got by without readings some of the texts she provides since in class she talks about it but her lectures are kind of all over the place. Overall take the class for an easy A.


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Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A
April 17, 2023

eye opening class, really easy, definitely take it if you get the chance. lots of guest speakers are brought in to talk about their experiences, which were touching, powerful, and inspiring. assigned readings each week are a bit long, but just try to get the main points out of it and you should be fine. sometimes we were put in groups to discuss the reading and share w the class, so make sure to skim them at the very least. profe also sometimes discussed them in class too. the readings are key to the three quizzes that are given throughout the quarter. don't worry about these too much, they're pretty easy. just make sure you know main points of readings. only about 5-7 questions, with a 2 hour time period and open note so you can even look at the readings during that time too. the questions are short answer, 2-3 sentences each, not bad at all. other than that, you also have to write three discussion board posts about 3 readings that you get to pick from the quarter. for our final, we had to do a creative project that related to any of the topics we learned in class, then write a one page paper about it. easy, enjoyable class that i recommend to everyone!!


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Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: A+
June 10, 2022

Dr. Abrego is AMAZING! She is super passionate about Central American studies, the culture, and the injustices in the region. Her class is very reassuring and covers complex issues. It recognizes LGBTQ+ movements, the battles for Indigenous and Afro-Indigenous people's rights, and the rich cultures with historical context. The class really calls out U.S. Imperialism and neoliberalism in the region. Everything you learn is applicable to the present and current issues around the world.

She lectures based on the main points of the readings she assigned for the day. We were assigned to post 4 summaries in total about 4 assigned readings of our choosing (on an online discussion board) which is helpful for everyone when you need to quickly look them over before class or an exam. There are a total of 3 quizzes which are divided into three sections of the course. Toward the second half of the class, she started including more engaging activities in lectures, for group discussions about readings and concepts. The final is a creative project of your choosing/format, with a brief reflection on its connection to the course. All in all, her class is amazing and really low stress. THE best course I've taken at UCLA so far.


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Quarter: Winter 2016
Grade: NR
March 27, 2016

I really hated this class. It's so boring and basically the same as 10A. Prof. Abrego is soooo boring, she's so full of herself and she low-key seems to have something against white people. The class is really easy with a creative project worth 10%, participation worth 25%, midterm essay worth 25% and a final paper worth 40%. I haven't gotten my grade back yet but I expect an A.


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Quarter: Winter 2016
Grade: B
March 29, 2016

Worst class I've taken at UCLA.

Teacher is boring, close minded, and classist.
My TA was bad, rude, racist, and unhelpful.

You can take this and get an easy A: copy other people's tweets, kiss ass and write what she wants to hear for the midterm, and use notes to kiss ass on the final.

However, each lecture is painfully boring and long. She has random assignments during lecture, so you have to ask kids in earlier classes if you have to go to lecture.

Overall, not worth it.
Don't take this class.

It wasn't worth the bullshit I sat through, I talked back to my TA, she graded accordingly and gave me a bad grade in the class.

Worst TA ever.


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Quarter: Winter 2016
Grade: A
March 29, 2016

Professor Abrego has a voice that will remind you of a mom and more than likely make you fall asleep. She's very kind and will reply quickly to student's emails. The class is huge so you can get away with missing class a lot and still getting an A in the class.

She starts the class by showing some slides, and then she switches to showing films and having guest speakers. While she put some effort into picking the guest speakers, they did not help at all. They were just wasted time to fill in the time for the class. The lecture slides were also not very helpful, the only part you should pay attention to is when she talks about hegemony. The readings for the class are extremely important. Thankfully, she has most of them on reserve in Powell.

I got away with missing about 4 lectures and still managed to get an A. You just need to make sure you're caught up with readings and writing tweets. Yes, tweets. On Twitter. That's another part of the grade, where you summarize in a tweet the reading for that week. Its two tweets per reading assignment. I had a teririble TA that was lazy and always drank coffee in the morning and used fancy words to try to sound like he was making a point.

The lecture slides, guest speakers, and films were all mostly a waste of time.

You do have to write 1 paper for the midterm about your social location, however it is due through TurnItIn so its not that bad. There is also a creative project where you pick anything you want to talk about that was discussed throughout the course. And finally, there's a take-home final that consists of 3 sections of questions, also to be turned in on TurnItIn. It was a pretty long final but the questions are super easy.

Overall, the class was an easy A. I do wish Abrego wouldn't be as lazy with the way she teaches.


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Quarter: Winter 2016
Grade: C-
March 31, 2016

I started off really liking this class, and was excited to take a chicano class, but then around week 4 it seemed like a waste of time going, and I would regret it when I would be sitting in class. The lectures started to get boring , felt super long, and did not seem important. People would go and be doing any other thing than paying attention. I personally found the papers somewhat hard to due, but then again I never went to office hours. My TA Brenda though, was very nice and sweet. You could tell she liked talking about the material and would go over some important things that were mentioned during the lectures. The creative project was without doubt the easiest thing, as long as u get it done you'll be fine , in my case it wasn't even collected, so I would say don't try going all out. The tweets were interesting to do at first, but then it would just be a drag trying to get them done in time, so yeah for the tweets you have to do the readings unless you go off and copy someone else's tweets , which I feel they would notice. This class is iffy , I would recommend because its somewhat easy but theres big portions that just seem annoying.


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Quarter: Winter 2016
Grade: A+
April 7, 2016

I was not excited about this class at all before I started the quarter out. Wasn't optimistic after the first lecture with Abrego, and I was very close to dropping the class. I went to about 90% of lecture and attended all my discussion. My TA was amazing. Kaelyn Rodriguez was really the determining factor that kept me in the class. The guest speakers were also pretty great as well. I was generally a very big fan of Rios.


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