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Linzi Juliano
Based on 37 Users
Grading Breakdown:
- One-Sheets: 10%
- SWOT (group): 15%
- Participation: 20%
- Op-Ed (individual): 20%
- Business Plan (group): 35%
Juliano is a great professor and person. Her lectures are engaging and she focuses on the areas of business writing that are often overlooked, which was helpful. Her syllabus/instructions are often unclear, but she’ll clarify if you ask her.
The main focus of the class was the business plan, which we worked on for the entirety of the course. The first half of the quarter unfolds very slowly, then the second half rapidly snowballs with all of the assignments and projects due in the last two weeks of class. Presentations for the business plan, op-ed, and SWOT analysis are done consecutively, so there isn’t a lot of time to focus on your op-ed and SWOT analysis.
I’d suggest that you do the one-sheets right away (minimum is 5, so you’d be done by week 3) and think about your op-ed ahead of time. The business plan is time-consuming and the SWOT analysis is based on another group’s business plan, so there’s nothing you can do about those beforehand. She also chooses the business plan groups on the first day, so hope that you’re with people you can stand because you’re stuck with them for 2.5 months.
The professor is not easy on you, but for good reason. After taking this course, I feel as though my writing and understanding of how to write has greatly improved. It feels discouraging in the beginning, as the rough draft is graded (though not inputted into the grade book) to show if you are on track with the first essay assignment. Most everyone would do poorly. Just make sure you do the (usually) bi-weekly reading logs to the best of your ability (hopefully scoring extra credit points as you do so), engage in class, and be willing to accept and ask for criticism. It was rough, no doubt. At the same time, I could not have asked for a better professor.
Professor Juliano assigns everything at the beginning of the quarter and makes them due on week 10. That includes 2 essays and a debate. The essays were fine on topic but they grade fairly harsh. You also MUST do well on the warm up questions submitted every morning; if you do not get 5 checks, you will receive maximum a C which is stupid when it’s an 8am. If you procrastinate DO NOT TAKE this class.
This is the perfect english class for incoming first years. The material is very similar to AP Language in HS. Homework consists of watching videos or small readings (which are very interesting) then just spending the class discussing the material. Participation definitely matters so if you do not like discussing in a class of 20 then that might be your only issue. You only have two large Essays but it is nothing crazy. Professor Juliano is very engaging as well and enjoyable.
This class, although quite a bit of work, is very rewarding. I learned more about writing than I ever will. There a lots of documentaries to watch and few readings then daily response logs and goal setting sheets (easy enough). Only hard parts are the 2 essays and debates. Both essays are about 7 pages each and are due the last day of class so you have a while to work on them but don't (please) leave it for last minute you will regret it. Take this class if you want to be a better writer. ALSO SELLING ONLY REQUIRED TEXT FOR THIS CLASS "A WRITERS REFERENCE 8TH ED" TEXT ********** IF INTERESTED
Selling the required book:
A Rulebook for Arguments, Anthony Weston - $5
She grades essays very strictly.
We have to reach class almost 7-8 mins early as she has "Journal" quizzes on readings. In our 2nd essay, 4 people got an F and 1 person a D.
She is a funny, cheerful person and you will learn from her class but her grading is not at all satisfactory.
She's a hard professor but she really makes you learn and improve your writing skills. Her class is about film, structure of film, ideology, genre study. No textbooks required, you are given the reading through a pdf file. There are in class journals every class day except when a rough draft of a paper is due. You can get extra credit by writing good journals or peer editing another person's paper well.
English Composition 3 is a general education requirement. It should not be treated as an upper division english class. Unfortunately, this is exactly how Linzi treated it. Long story short, if you care about your GPA, avoid at all costs.
Our first paper's rough draft average grade was a 42%, which was the highest average of any of her classes. I consider myself a good writer. However, on my first paper, I received a 60%. I thought the paper was excellent, and so did other english professors. She never gave me a clear reason as to why I failed. I feel as if it had something to do with the political views I took in the paper.
She is a very nice person; she cracks jokes and is very engaging with the students. Her issue lies in her grading. She was a very harsh grader, especially for a class that should teach you how to write. I did not learn ANYTHING on how to write better, except for to not go against your professor's political views.
From what I hear from other EC3 classes, it is supposed to be an easy class. This was one of the most stressful classes I have ever taken. I do not recommend.
Grading Breakdown:
- One-Sheets: 10%
- SWOT (group): 15%
- Participation: 20%
- Op-Ed (individual): 20%
- Business Plan (group): 35%
Juliano is a great professor and person. Her lectures are engaging and she focuses on the areas of business writing that are often overlooked, which was helpful. Her syllabus/instructions are often unclear, but she’ll clarify if you ask her.
The main focus of the class was the business plan, which we worked on for the entirety of the course. The first half of the quarter unfolds very slowly, then the second half rapidly snowballs with all of the assignments and projects due in the last two weeks of class. Presentations for the business plan, op-ed, and SWOT analysis are done consecutively, so there isn’t a lot of time to focus on your op-ed and SWOT analysis.
I’d suggest that you do the one-sheets right away (minimum is 5, so you’d be done by week 3) and think about your op-ed ahead of time. The business plan is time-consuming and the SWOT analysis is based on another group’s business plan, so there’s nothing you can do about those beforehand. She also chooses the business plan groups on the first day, so hope that you’re with people you can stand because you’re stuck with them for 2.5 months.
The professor is not easy on you, but for good reason. After taking this course, I feel as though my writing and understanding of how to write has greatly improved. It feels discouraging in the beginning, as the rough draft is graded (though not inputted into the grade book) to show if you are on track with the first essay assignment. Most everyone would do poorly. Just make sure you do the (usually) bi-weekly reading logs to the best of your ability (hopefully scoring extra credit points as you do so), engage in class, and be willing to accept and ask for criticism. It was rough, no doubt. At the same time, I could not have asked for a better professor.
Professor Juliano assigns everything at the beginning of the quarter and makes them due on week 10. That includes 2 essays and a debate. The essays were fine on topic but they grade fairly harsh. You also MUST do well on the warm up questions submitted every morning; if you do not get 5 checks, you will receive maximum a C which is stupid when it’s an 8am. If you procrastinate DO NOT TAKE this class.
This is the perfect english class for incoming first years. The material is very similar to AP Language in HS. Homework consists of watching videos or small readings (which are very interesting) then just spending the class discussing the material. Participation definitely matters so if you do not like discussing in a class of 20 then that might be your only issue. You only have two large Essays but it is nothing crazy. Professor Juliano is very engaging as well and enjoyable.
This class, although quite a bit of work, is very rewarding. I learned more about writing than I ever will. There a lots of documentaries to watch and few readings then daily response logs and goal setting sheets (easy enough). Only hard parts are the 2 essays and debates. Both essays are about 7 pages each and are due the last day of class so you have a while to work on them but don't (please) leave it for last minute you will regret it. Take this class if you want to be a better writer. ALSO SELLING ONLY REQUIRED TEXT FOR THIS CLASS "A WRITERS REFERENCE 8TH ED" TEXT ********** IF INTERESTED
She grades essays very strictly.
We have to reach class almost 7-8 mins early as she has "Journal" quizzes on readings. In our 2nd essay, 4 people got an F and 1 person a D.
She is a funny, cheerful person and you will learn from her class but her grading is not at all satisfactory.
She's a hard professor but she really makes you learn and improve your writing skills. Her class is about film, structure of film, ideology, genre study. No textbooks required, you are given the reading through a pdf file. There are in class journals every class day except when a rough draft of a paper is due. You can get extra credit by writing good journals or peer editing another person's paper well.
English Composition 3 is a general education requirement. It should not be treated as an upper division english class. Unfortunately, this is exactly how Linzi treated it. Long story short, if you care about your GPA, avoid at all costs.
Our first paper's rough draft average grade was a 42%, which was the highest average of any of her classes. I consider myself a good writer. However, on my first paper, I received a 60%. I thought the paper was excellent, and so did other english professors. She never gave me a clear reason as to why I failed. I feel as if it had something to do with the political views I took in the paper.
She is a very nice person; she cracks jokes and is very engaging with the students. Her issue lies in her grading. She was a very harsh grader, especially for a class that should teach you how to write. I did not learn ANYTHING on how to write better, except for to not go against your professor's political views.
From what I hear from other EC3 classes, it is supposed to be an easy class. This was one of the most stressful classes I have ever taken. I do not recommend.