
Michael Suman

Overall Ratings
Based on 428 Users
Easiness 2.2 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 2.4 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 3.5 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 3.2 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (428)

6 of 46
6 of 46
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Sept. 12, 2023
Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A-

This class is much easier than comm 10 and he is much nicer/ less of a jerk than in comm 10. If you come to class, take good notes and watch the movies for the midterm/final you should be fine and get an A. That said this class is really boring. I did not feel engaged in the subject matter at all. Suman doesn't use any tech in upper div class and the zero tech policy from comm 10 still stands in all his other courses. It's pretty straightforward to succeed in this class, but it is still Suman. If you can't be in class every day and take note of everything he says you won't do well. If you go to class, take notes and watch the material required you will be fine.


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Aug. 24, 2023
Quarter: Summer 2023
Grade: A-

I definitely wouldn't take this class if you are just considering comm or wanting to take it as a GE, but as a weeder class, it was not as bad as I expected. I did take it during the summer and it was my only class so this obviously heavily influences my experience, but if you can I would take this during the summer or during a quarter that is not as busy/hard. To succeed in this class, you need to really commit a lot of time to it. There were podcast lectures, 4 videos a week, 10 readings and about 10 chapters of a book to read before the midterm/final and given the 6 week schedule a lot does get compacted so I was doing work for this class every day. However, the tests were fair and the content was interesting. As per everyone's advice, office hours are helpful, so go to that and go to discussions! My TA rewarded the students who were at the last discussion session some hints/guidance towards the essay questions on the final so it does pay off to go! The tests are mostly about memorization and understanding the concepts, so flashcards were for me the best way to study. If you know everything, you can easily get through the first portion of the exams which is just defining terms and sometimes providing examples. The faster you go through that, the more time you have for the essay questions. For that, my TA said he isn't instructed to give full points to anyone, but he gave full points to whoever wrote a lot so I recommend studying a lot to be able to finish the short answer and be able to write a lot for the essay. As for the extra essay outside of the tests, they really do care you follow the rubric so make sure to follow the structure of: clear intro, argument + rebuttal (x3 or however many paragraphs you have). I got a lot of points knocked off for not giving a rebuttal to each argument so don't repeat my mistake! Overall class is not impossible and Professor Suman is a fair professor so just study as much as you can and do all the work.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Aug. 14, 2023
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: B

Took it online, literally don't think I would have done as well if it was in person. Just a miserable class to take and information is so hard to conceptualize because the lectures are so dense. If it wasn't a comm requirement I would stay far far away


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July 3, 2023
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: B+

Professor Suman makes a big deal about communications employing a factual scientific method at the start of his course and then neglects it throughout. He regularly teaches personal opinion as fact, almost entirely through anecdotes, many of which appear in poor taste. The grading on tests was largely arbitrary but the class is perhaps worth taking if you are interested in looking more critically at the world around you.


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July 1, 2023
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: D

NEVER TAKE THIS CLASS FOR A GE! there's only 3 grades. Midterm, Final, and and essay. If you fail on any one of them, you already failing the class. So don't take this class at all costs unless it's your major.


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June 26, 2023
Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: B+

To preface, comm 10 is designed to be a survey class that exposes you to the basics of interpersonal and mass communication. Though I expected a course whose content matched the introductory level name it bears, comm 10 was anything but that. There was an unreasonable amount of work assigned to the students including but not limited to 3 100+ page books, 200+ pages of combined extra pdf readings that were not covered in lecture nor discussion, and we were not given sufficient time or space to review the sheer amount of content that was crammed into the 10-week quarter.

For this class, your grade is based on three items: the midterm, the final, and a 7 page experiential analysis paper which is due week 7 (this paper isn't all that bad & the prompts are actually fun). How well you perform on these exams depends entirely upon how detailed your notes are on all the readings and lectures. While Professor Suman does supply us with a lecture outline, it is basically just a running list of the many concepts he wants us to needlessly memorize rather than actually learn and apply to real life. Overall, I would not take a class with this professor again. It was extremely stressful.


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June 7, 2023
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A

I personally love Suman, and I've taken three classes with him. This one is the easiest one. The readings are less intense, and the classes cover much less material than the others (because you watch TV during half of them). If you can tolerate his difficulty, I would recommend COMM 145.


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June 2, 2023
Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: B

This class is very interesting. I payed attention every lecture, read the books cover to cover, as well as the readings. I actually learned a lot. HOWEVER. This class makes you hate learning because there is so much memorization. No slides, no recordings, you have to know everything he says. Plus, he grades harshly. So pros and cons for sure.


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April 20, 2023
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: B+

To start, do not take this class unless you are taking it as a prerequisite. There is no sugarcoating it: this class is difficult and it took me weeks of studying and concentration to get a B+. GO TO THE LECTURES!! It can be difficult to pay full attention because it is usually a two-hour class, notes are to be taken in a notebook only, and phones are not tolerated whatsoever. I recommend investing in a fidget toy so you don't fall asleep :). Make a friend or at least grab someone's number to get the notes because the lectures are not recorded and he does not use slides. As long as you work hard and plan ahead, a B or an A is 100% possible. Plan to take this class alongside easier classes so you have time to study!


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April 3, 2023
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: C

This is the toughest GE I have ever taken, and I don't feel like I learned much. Attendance is not taken in lecture nor discussion, but lectures are not recorded. Lecture outlines and Quizlet materials help if absent. The pace of the lecture is slow, and electronic devices are not allowed. There is a ten minute break in the middle of lectures. The professor says that there are no "magic words to memorize," but all tests are 100% free response. The entire grade is made up of 3 assignments: the midterm, one essay, and the final. Midterm grades were made available late in the quarter, and the professor gives the TAs as much time as they needed to release essay grades. I did not know if I passed the class until spring break was halfway over. There are no opportunities for extra credit.

Only take this class if you have the time and energy to fully to apply yourself to the material, and you are willing to endure the rules and conditions listed above.


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COMM 140
Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A-
Sept. 12, 2023

This class is much easier than comm 10 and he is much nicer/ less of a jerk than in comm 10. If you come to class, take good notes and watch the movies for the midterm/final you should be fine and get an A. That said this class is really boring. I did not feel engaged in the subject matter at all. Suman doesn't use any tech in upper div class and the zero tech policy from comm 10 still stands in all his other courses. It's pretty straightforward to succeed in this class, but it is still Suman. If you can't be in class every day and take note of everything he says you won't do well. If you go to class, take notes and watch the material required you will be fine.


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Quarter: Summer 2023
Grade: A-
Aug. 24, 2023

I definitely wouldn't take this class if you are just considering comm or wanting to take it as a GE, but as a weeder class, it was not as bad as I expected. I did take it during the summer and it was my only class so this obviously heavily influences my experience, but if you can I would take this during the summer or during a quarter that is not as busy/hard. To succeed in this class, you need to really commit a lot of time to it. There were podcast lectures, 4 videos a week, 10 readings and about 10 chapters of a book to read before the midterm/final and given the 6 week schedule a lot does get compacted so I was doing work for this class every day. However, the tests were fair and the content was interesting. As per everyone's advice, office hours are helpful, so go to that and go to discussions! My TA rewarded the students who were at the last discussion session some hints/guidance towards the essay questions on the final so it does pay off to go! The tests are mostly about memorization and understanding the concepts, so flashcards were for me the best way to study. If you know everything, you can easily get through the first portion of the exams which is just defining terms and sometimes providing examples. The faster you go through that, the more time you have for the essay questions. For that, my TA said he isn't instructed to give full points to anyone, but he gave full points to whoever wrote a lot so I recommend studying a lot to be able to finish the short answer and be able to write a lot for the essay. As for the extra essay outside of the tests, they really do care you follow the rubric so make sure to follow the structure of: clear intro, argument + rebuttal (x3 or however many paragraphs you have). I got a lot of points knocked off for not giving a rebuttal to each argument so don't repeat my mistake! Overall class is not impossible and Professor Suman is a fair professor so just study as much as you can and do all the work.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: B
Aug. 14, 2023

Took it online, literally don't think I would have done as well if it was in person. Just a miserable class to take and information is so hard to conceptualize because the lectures are so dense. If it wasn't a comm requirement I would stay far far away


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Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: B+
July 3, 2023

Professor Suman makes a big deal about communications employing a factual scientific method at the start of his course and then neglects it throughout. He regularly teaches personal opinion as fact, almost entirely through anecdotes, many of which appear in poor taste. The grading on tests was largely arbitrary but the class is perhaps worth taking if you are interested in looking more critically at the world around you.


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Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: D
July 1, 2023

NEVER TAKE THIS CLASS FOR A GE! there's only 3 grades. Midterm, Final, and and essay. If you fail on any one of them, you already failing the class. So don't take this class at all costs unless it's your major.


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Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: B+
June 26, 2023

To preface, comm 10 is designed to be a survey class that exposes you to the basics of interpersonal and mass communication. Though I expected a course whose content matched the introductory level name it bears, comm 10 was anything but that. There was an unreasonable amount of work assigned to the students including but not limited to 3 100+ page books, 200+ pages of combined extra pdf readings that were not covered in lecture nor discussion, and we were not given sufficient time or space to review the sheer amount of content that was crammed into the 10-week quarter.

For this class, your grade is based on three items: the midterm, the final, and a 7 page experiential analysis paper which is due week 7 (this paper isn't all that bad & the prompts are actually fun). How well you perform on these exams depends entirely upon how detailed your notes are on all the readings and lectures. While Professor Suman does supply us with a lecture outline, it is basically just a running list of the many concepts he wants us to needlessly memorize rather than actually learn and apply to real life. Overall, I would not take a class with this professor again. It was extremely stressful.


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COMM 145
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A
June 7, 2023

I personally love Suman, and I've taken three classes with him. This one is the easiest one. The readings are less intense, and the classes cover much less material than the others (because you watch TV during half of them). If you can tolerate his difficulty, I would recommend COMM 145.


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Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: B
June 2, 2023

This class is very interesting. I payed attention every lecture, read the books cover to cover, as well as the readings. I actually learned a lot. HOWEVER. This class makes you hate learning because there is so much memorization. No slides, no recordings, you have to know everything he says. Plus, he grades harshly. So pros and cons for sure.


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Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: B+
April 20, 2023

To start, do not take this class unless you are taking it as a prerequisite. There is no sugarcoating it: this class is difficult and it took me weeks of studying and concentration to get a B+. GO TO THE LECTURES!! It can be difficult to pay full attention because it is usually a two-hour class, notes are to be taken in a notebook only, and phones are not tolerated whatsoever. I recommend investing in a fidget toy so you don't fall asleep :). Make a friend or at least grab someone's number to get the notes because the lectures are not recorded and he does not use slides. As long as you work hard and plan ahead, a B or an A is 100% possible. Plan to take this class alongside easier classes so you have time to study!


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Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: C
April 3, 2023

This is the toughest GE I have ever taken, and I don't feel like I learned much. Attendance is not taken in lecture nor discussion, but lectures are not recorded. Lecture outlines and Quizlet materials help if absent. The pace of the lecture is slow, and electronic devices are not allowed. There is a ten minute break in the middle of lectures. The professor says that there are no "magic words to memorize," but all tests are 100% free response. The entire grade is made up of 3 assignments: the midterm, one essay, and the final. Midterm grades were made available late in the quarter, and the professor gives the TAs as much time as they needed to release essay grades. I did not know if I passed the class until spring break was halfway over. There are no opportunities for extra credit.

Only take this class if you have the time and energy to fully to apply yourself to the material, and you are willing to endure the rules and conditions listed above.


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6 of 46

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