
Miles Chen

Overall Ratings
Based on 139 Users
Easiness 3.9 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 3.8 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.5 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.5 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (139)

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4 of 11
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June 7, 2016
Quarter: Spring 2016
Grade: A

Miles is an amazing professor! Normally I don't review professors, but since he asked all the students for reviews/evals, I decided to write this one. I don't like statistics or probability in general, but Miles made the class very doable and engaging at times. The class material isn't difficult in itself as it only goes into introductory statistics with use of z and t tables. The class is graded on two midterms, one final, and four quizzes. All his exams are fair. The conceptual ones can be a little tricky given multiple choice. Homework is optional. His dedication to the students and class is phenomenal. He podcasts everything, posts both lecture videos and slides with his own notes, is handy with technology, and is super easy to approach. He moves at a steady pace and is as clear and direct as a professor can be. Honestly, he is such an endearing and loveable professor, and he clearly cares for his students' state of mind and well-being. I highly recommend to take him for stats or any other classes with him! Thank you Professor for making my spring quarter a bit brighter and bearable!


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June 8, 2016
Quarter: Spring 2016
Grade: A

Professor Chen is genuinely one of the genuinely nicest professors I've had in my 2 years at UCLA. He's really friendly, really sweet, and shows that he cares about every single student (beyond just our understanding of the class, but even our well-being). He makes the material really straightforward, and the material in itself isn't very difficult at all. His tests and grading are all very fair. We had 2 midterms and 1 final, all multiple choice, and there wasn't anything too tricky about them. If you know your stuff, you'll do well. He also records every lecture and writes everything out on screen. His level of dedication to the class and his genuine passion for statistics is amazing, and if you're taking stats 10 I can't think of a better professor than Professor Chen. Even though I've already learnt most of the material before (I took Econ 41 last year, and Stats 10 is significantly easier), he makes class worth coming to and actually still enjoyable! I would absolutely recommend anybody looking to take a stats class to take it with Professor Chen (:


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June 9, 2016
Quarter: Spring 2016
Grade: A

Professor Chen is an amazing professor. Lectures are taught at a digestable pace and exams are very fair. Although it is an easy class, you still want to put effort into understanding the material.


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June 11, 2016
Quarter: Spring 2016
Grade: A

Miles Chen is one of the best professors I have ever had at UCLA. He is funny, incredibly smart, very good at giving explanations, and just an all-around extremely nice man. He really cares about his students and makes that very clear. His class is also extremely easy. Even if you haven't taken statistics before, if you put the right amount of work into the class and understand the topics (which are all quite basic), you will definitely achieve a high grade.
There are two midterms, one Friday of 4th week and one Friday of 7th week, that overall are very straightforward with may be a couple of somewhat tricky questions thrown in. Review lecture notes and homework assignments and you will be fine! The textbook is helpful if there is anything you don't understand. Each midterm is 15% of your grade. The final is 30% of your grade, and I thought it was easier than both of the midterms.
There are 4 quizzes given in discussion section which each constitute 4% of your grade (so 16% altogether), and there are 4 lab assignments which also each constitute 4% of your grade (16% altogether). He gives everyone 100% for homework which composes 5% of the final grade, and then 5% of the final grade is based off of clicker questions.
Definitely take this class with him if you can. Thank you, Professor Chen, for being an outstanding professor and making my first experience taking statistics extremely enjoyable!


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June 18, 2016
Quarter: Spring 2016
Grade: C

Professor Chen is hands down the BEST professor I have ever had in my entire experience at UCLA. He is extremely helpful, nice, encouraging, and his teaching style is very clear and straightforward. His lectures, and lecture notes are fluid, and easily accessible. He is very caring and goes above and beyond for his students to grasp a clear understanding of the course material and to be successful in his class. Overall, professor Chen has been very inspiring to me and my experience as an undergraduate and I am very thankful that I was able to take stats with him!


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July 16, 2016
Quarter: Summer 2016
Grade: A+

If you are looking up professor Chen right now and are reading my review for him, just close your tab. Go to myucla and just enroll in his class. No other option. Negative regret guaranteed!


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July 28, 2016
Quarter: Summer 2016
Grade: A+

Probably one of the best professors I have ever taken at UCLA. He's really nice, funny, engaging in class, not to mention incredibly succinct in the way he teaches the material. He's an expert at linking the subject matter to the big idea, which is incredibly useful because now you don't just know how to crunch the numbers but understand what they mean. He always e-mails ahead of time and is very fair about posting assignments and grading. He posted some study guides and practise midterms/quizzes to help prepare, which shows how much time he puts into this class to make all this information just for the students.

Most of all, he treats his students like human beings. It's unfortunately not always the case at UCLA where in class sometimes you're treated like a number. After the midterm he gave a short speech on how grades aren't everything and basically told us not to give up. How many professors do you know at UCLA will open up to you like that? Professor Chen is awesome! Don't hesitate to take his class.


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July 29, 2016
Quarter: Summer 2016
Grade: A

Took his Stats 10 class over summer and it was literally the easiest class I have taken at UCLA thus far. Never touched the textbook or did any sample problems outside of the ones that we worked through together during lecture. Everyone gets points for doing homework and he never collects HW so you get fully credit whether you did it or not. Labs were very easy if you went to section for them. Quizzes were easy as long as you reviewed the notes the night before. I'm not sure how the workload is during the regular school year, but over summer there were only 3 labs, 3 quizzes, a midterm, and a final. Both the midterm and the final were multiple choice and none of the questions were tricky. Overall, I put in very little effort and got an A. If you go to class and take notes, go to lecture, and study the night before quizzes and exams, this class should be fairly easy. He's also a really nice guy.


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Aug. 30, 2016
Quarter: Summer 2016
Grade: B+

Homework 10% (EVERYONE GETS FULL CREDIT dont have to turn it in)
Midterm: 30% (all multiple choice)
Labs: 15% (annoying but recycled from other years and different professors)
Quiz: 15% (study and dont make dumb mistakes got a 78% first on and 100% last 2)
Final: 30% (harder than i thought)
I got a B+

Miles Chen is probably the best teacher not just in the Stats department but probably at UCLA. Everyone on here has good things to say about him and I honestly thought it was BS after first lecture because he was dry as hell and looked lame, but he is really good. YOU will understand the material he's very through.


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Nov. 2, 2016
Quarter: Summer 2016
Grade: A

Okay Miles Chen is by far the best and nicest professor that I have encountered at UCLA. The class is easy, but you actually learn at the same time. He is an amazing human being. It you already took AP Stats this class is a breeze. All you need to do is watch the lectures, which he also posts online. The book is not necessary if you don't need to do the homework.


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Quarter: Spring 2016
Grade: A
June 7, 2016

Miles is an amazing professor! Normally I don't review professors, but since he asked all the students for reviews/evals, I decided to write this one. I don't like statistics or probability in general, but Miles made the class very doable and engaging at times. The class material isn't difficult in itself as it only goes into introductory statistics with use of z and t tables. The class is graded on two midterms, one final, and four quizzes. All his exams are fair. The conceptual ones can be a little tricky given multiple choice. Homework is optional. His dedication to the students and class is phenomenal. He podcasts everything, posts both lecture videos and slides with his own notes, is handy with technology, and is super easy to approach. He moves at a steady pace and is as clear and direct as a professor can be. Honestly, he is such an endearing and loveable professor, and he clearly cares for his students' state of mind and well-being. I highly recommend to take him for stats or any other classes with him! Thank you Professor for making my spring quarter a bit brighter and bearable!


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Quarter: Spring 2016
Grade: A
June 8, 2016

Professor Chen is genuinely one of the genuinely nicest professors I've had in my 2 years at UCLA. He's really friendly, really sweet, and shows that he cares about every single student (beyond just our understanding of the class, but even our well-being). He makes the material really straightforward, and the material in itself isn't very difficult at all. His tests and grading are all very fair. We had 2 midterms and 1 final, all multiple choice, and there wasn't anything too tricky about them. If you know your stuff, you'll do well. He also records every lecture and writes everything out on screen. His level of dedication to the class and his genuine passion for statistics is amazing, and if you're taking stats 10 I can't think of a better professor than Professor Chen. Even though I've already learnt most of the material before (I took Econ 41 last year, and Stats 10 is significantly easier), he makes class worth coming to and actually still enjoyable! I would absolutely recommend anybody looking to take a stats class to take it with Professor Chen (:


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Quarter: Spring 2016
Grade: A
June 9, 2016

Professor Chen is an amazing professor. Lectures are taught at a digestable pace and exams are very fair. Although it is an easy class, you still want to put effort into understanding the material.


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Quarter: Spring 2016
Grade: A
June 11, 2016

Miles Chen is one of the best professors I have ever had at UCLA. He is funny, incredibly smart, very good at giving explanations, and just an all-around extremely nice man. He really cares about his students and makes that very clear. His class is also extremely easy. Even if you haven't taken statistics before, if you put the right amount of work into the class and understand the topics (which are all quite basic), you will definitely achieve a high grade.
There are two midterms, one Friday of 4th week and one Friday of 7th week, that overall are very straightforward with may be a couple of somewhat tricky questions thrown in. Review lecture notes and homework assignments and you will be fine! The textbook is helpful if there is anything you don't understand. Each midterm is 15% of your grade. The final is 30% of your grade, and I thought it was easier than both of the midterms.
There are 4 quizzes given in discussion section which each constitute 4% of your grade (so 16% altogether), and there are 4 lab assignments which also each constitute 4% of your grade (16% altogether). He gives everyone 100% for homework which composes 5% of the final grade, and then 5% of the final grade is based off of clicker questions.
Definitely take this class with him if you can. Thank you, Professor Chen, for being an outstanding professor and making my first experience taking statistics extremely enjoyable!


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Quarter: Spring 2016
Grade: C
June 18, 2016

Professor Chen is hands down the BEST professor I have ever had in my entire experience at UCLA. He is extremely helpful, nice, encouraging, and his teaching style is very clear and straightforward. His lectures, and lecture notes are fluid, and easily accessible. He is very caring and goes above and beyond for his students to grasp a clear understanding of the course material and to be successful in his class. Overall, professor Chen has been very inspiring to me and my experience as an undergraduate and I am very thankful that I was able to take stats with him!


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Quarter: Summer 2016
Grade: A+
July 16, 2016

If you are looking up professor Chen right now and are reading my review for him, just close your tab. Go to myucla and just enroll in his class. No other option. Negative regret guaranteed!


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Quarter: Summer 2016
Grade: A+
July 28, 2016

Probably one of the best professors I have ever taken at UCLA. He's really nice, funny, engaging in class, not to mention incredibly succinct in the way he teaches the material. He's an expert at linking the subject matter to the big idea, which is incredibly useful because now you don't just know how to crunch the numbers but understand what they mean. He always e-mails ahead of time and is very fair about posting assignments and grading. He posted some study guides and practise midterms/quizzes to help prepare, which shows how much time he puts into this class to make all this information just for the students.

Most of all, he treats his students like human beings. It's unfortunately not always the case at UCLA where in class sometimes you're treated like a number. After the midterm he gave a short speech on how grades aren't everything and basically told us not to give up. How many professors do you know at UCLA will open up to you like that? Professor Chen is awesome! Don't hesitate to take his class.


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Quarter: Summer 2016
Grade: A
July 29, 2016

Took his Stats 10 class over summer and it was literally the easiest class I have taken at UCLA thus far. Never touched the textbook or did any sample problems outside of the ones that we worked through together during lecture. Everyone gets points for doing homework and he never collects HW so you get fully credit whether you did it or not. Labs were very easy if you went to section for them. Quizzes were easy as long as you reviewed the notes the night before. I'm not sure how the workload is during the regular school year, but over summer there were only 3 labs, 3 quizzes, a midterm, and a final. Both the midterm and the final were multiple choice and none of the questions were tricky. Overall, I put in very little effort and got an A. If you go to class and take notes, go to lecture, and study the night before quizzes and exams, this class should be fairly easy. He's also a really nice guy.


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Quarter: Summer 2016
Grade: B+
Aug. 30, 2016

Homework 10% (EVERYONE GETS FULL CREDIT dont have to turn it in)
Midterm: 30% (all multiple choice)
Labs: 15% (annoying but recycled from other years and different professors)
Quiz: 15% (study and dont make dumb mistakes got a 78% first on and 100% last 2)
Final: 30% (harder than i thought)
I got a B+

Miles Chen is probably the best teacher not just in the Stats department but probably at UCLA. Everyone on here has good things to say about him and I honestly thought it was BS after first lecture because he was dry as hell and looked lame, but he is really good. YOU will understand the material he's very through.


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Quarter: Summer 2016
Grade: A
Nov. 2, 2016

Okay Miles Chen is by far the best and nicest professor that I have encountered at UCLA. The class is easy, but you actually learn at the same time. He is an amazing human being. It you already took AP Stats this class is a breeze. All you need to do is watch the lectures, which he also posts online. The book is not necessary if you don't need to do the homework.


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