
Miles Chen

Overall Ratings
Based on 142 Users
Easiness 3.9 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 3.9 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.5 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.5 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (142)

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5 of 12
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July 29, 2016
Quarter: Summer 2016
Grade: A

Took his Stats 10 class over summer and it was literally the easiest class I have taken at UCLA thus far. Never touched the textbook or did any sample problems outside of the ones that we worked through together during lecture. Everyone gets points for doing homework and he never collects HW so you get fully credit whether you did it or not. Labs were very easy if you went to section for them. Quizzes were easy as long as you reviewed the notes the night before. I'm not sure how the workload is during the regular school year, but over summer there were only 3 labs, 3 quizzes, a midterm, and a final. Both the midterm and the final were multiple choice and none of the questions were tricky. Overall, I put in very little effort and got an A. If you go to class and take notes, go to lecture, and study the night before quizzes and exams, this class should be fairly easy. He's also a really nice guy.


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Aug. 30, 2016
Quarter: Summer 2016
Grade: B+

Homework 10% (EVERYONE GETS FULL CREDIT dont have to turn it in)
Midterm: 30% (all multiple choice)
Labs: 15% (annoying but recycled from other years and different professors)
Quiz: 15% (study and dont make dumb mistakes got a 78% first on and 100% last 2)
Final: 30% (harder than i thought)
I got a B+

Miles Chen is probably the best teacher not just in the Stats department but probably at UCLA. Everyone on here has good things to say about him and I honestly thought it was BS after first lecture because he was dry as hell and looked lame, but he is really good. YOU will understand the material he's very through.


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Nov. 2, 2016
Quarter: Summer 2016
Grade: A

Okay Miles Chen is by far the best and nicest professor that I have encountered at UCLA. The class is easy, but you actually learn at the same time. He is an amazing human being. It you already took AP Stats this class is a breeze. All you need to do is watch the lectures, which he also posts online. The book is not necessary if you don't need to do the homework.


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June 10, 2016
Quarter: Spring 2016
Grade: A+

Professor Miles Chen is one of the sweetest, most thoughtful and caring educators you will ever have the pleasure to work with at UCLA. He is overwhelmingly considerate of his students and mindful that they have their own lives with various hardships and commitments. Not only does Prof. Chen fully prepare his students for quizzes and exams by posting his lecture slides and videos on CCLE as well as fully engaging everyone with his clarity and cheerfulness, he is equally as attentive post-exam with his pep talks.

Miles Chen is one of the few professors who uses his personal college experiences to remind him that his students are all human and should be treated as such, not as numbers on a class attendance sheet. His quirkiness and thoughtfulness paired with his immense intellect make him comparable to Leonard Hofstadter from"The Big Bang Theory."

I almost wish the class was harder so I would have felt the need to go more often (but Chen's videos are actually amazing, such a great lecturer). If you just review his lecture videos and understand the quizzes, I honestly don't even think you'd need to do the homework! Although I skipped his lectures 40% of the time and never went to section unless it was the day of the quiz or the first day of a lab, I did attend the last lecture and wow. I have never heard a lecture hall give a louder applause for a professor at the end of the course, and I probably never will.

So stop looking at Bruinwalk reviews. Don't hesitate. Take Prof. Chen.


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Dec. 16, 2016
Quarter: Winter 2016
Grade: A+

Professor Chen is hands down the chillest professor you will find at UCLA. I ended up with an A+ and put in about 20 minutes of study per week. I'm not sure if his syllabus has changed, but when he taught it in Winter 2016, his grading was made up of 103%, so you could lose 10 percentage points and still have an A. If I remember correctly, there was a final (30%), two midterms (15% each), 4 quizzes (15% total), 4 lab reports (15% total), and homework (free 10% because he does not check)!

Take the class with Miles, you won't regret it, I promise! Easy A+, easy GPA booster, and you learn quite a lot about statistics!


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May 3, 2017
Quarter: Spring 2017
Grade: N/A

Great professor. Must take.


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June 9, 2017
Quarter: Spring 2017
Grade: A

Easy class with helpful professor. TAs are not so great, but that's luck of the draw.


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June 26, 2017
Quarter: Spring 2017
Grade: N/A

If you're gonna do Stats 10 do it with Miles. The labs are kind of annoying but if you have a cool TA they'll walk you through it.....the hardest part of this class is learning how to use Fathom. The quizzes that were given in section were really easy and the midterm/final weren't bad either. When Chen gives a practice quiz/test make sure you do it instead of the homework. The hw is only there to help you, it's never collected.


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June 28, 2017
Quarter: Summer 2016
Grade: A

Install the software on your own computer and you no longer need to go to lab. The course teaches you stuff that you can learn by yourself in five hours.


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June 30, 2017
Quarter: Spring 2017
Grade: A

I have nothing more to add here that hasn't already been said before, but basically STATS 10 with Chen is a great class and I'd definitely recommend it. Chen is a great professor and makes everything really clear. The format of the class also makes it easy to get an A. The only annoying part about it is that it meets every day, but discussions are optional and sometimes so are the labs, so in the end I didn't mind. Good luck getting this class with Chen, but if you do you'll love it!


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Quarter: Summer 2016
Grade: A
July 29, 2016

Took his Stats 10 class over summer and it was literally the easiest class I have taken at UCLA thus far. Never touched the textbook or did any sample problems outside of the ones that we worked through together during lecture. Everyone gets points for doing homework and he never collects HW so you get fully credit whether you did it or not. Labs were very easy if you went to section for them. Quizzes were easy as long as you reviewed the notes the night before. I'm not sure how the workload is during the regular school year, but over summer there were only 3 labs, 3 quizzes, a midterm, and a final. Both the midterm and the final were multiple choice and none of the questions were tricky. Overall, I put in very little effort and got an A. If you go to class and take notes, go to lecture, and study the night before quizzes and exams, this class should be fairly easy. He's also a really nice guy.


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Quarter: Summer 2016
Grade: B+
Aug. 30, 2016

Homework 10% (EVERYONE GETS FULL CREDIT dont have to turn it in)
Midterm: 30% (all multiple choice)
Labs: 15% (annoying but recycled from other years and different professors)
Quiz: 15% (study and dont make dumb mistakes got a 78% first on and 100% last 2)
Final: 30% (harder than i thought)
I got a B+

Miles Chen is probably the best teacher not just in the Stats department but probably at UCLA. Everyone on here has good things to say about him and I honestly thought it was BS after first lecture because he was dry as hell and looked lame, but he is really good. YOU will understand the material he's very through.


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Quarter: Summer 2016
Grade: A
Nov. 2, 2016

Okay Miles Chen is by far the best and nicest professor that I have encountered at UCLA. The class is easy, but you actually learn at the same time. He is an amazing human being. It you already took AP Stats this class is a breeze. All you need to do is watch the lectures, which he also posts online. The book is not necessary if you don't need to do the homework.


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Quarter: Spring 2016
Grade: A+
June 10, 2016

Professor Miles Chen is one of the sweetest, most thoughtful and caring educators you will ever have the pleasure to work with at UCLA. He is overwhelmingly considerate of his students and mindful that they have their own lives with various hardships and commitments. Not only does Prof. Chen fully prepare his students for quizzes and exams by posting his lecture slides and videos on CCLE as well as fully engaging everyone with his clarity and cheerfulness, he is equally as attentive post-exam with his pep talks.

Miles Chen is one of the few professors who uses his personal college experiences to remind him that his students are all human and should be treated as such, not as numbers on a class attendance sheet. His quirkiness and thoughtfulness paired with his immense intellect make him comparable to Leonard Hofstadter from"The Big Bang Theory."

I almost wish the class was harder so I would have felt the need to go more often (but Chen's videos are actually amazing, such a great lecturer). If you just review his lecture videos and understand the quizzes, I honestly don't even think you'd need to do the homework! Although I skipped his lectures 40% of the time and never went to section unless it was the day of the quiz or the first day of a lab, I did attend the last lecture and wow. I have never heard a lecture hall give a louder applause for a professor at the end of the course, and I probably never will.

So stop looking at Bruinwalk reviews. Don't hesitate. Take Prof. Chen.


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Quarter: Winter 2016
Grade: A+
Dec. 16, 2016

Professor Chen is hands down the chillest professor you will find at UCLA. I ended up with an A+ and put in about 20 minutes of study per week. I'm not sure if his syllabus has changed, but when he taught it in Winter 2016, his grading was made up of 103%, so you could lose 10 percentage points and still have an A. If I remember correctly, there was a final (30%), two midterms (15% each), 4 quizzes (15% total), 4 lab reports (15% total), and homework (free 10% because he does not check)!

Take the class with Miles, you won't regret it, I promise! Easy A+, easy GPA booster, and you learn quite a lot about statistics!


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Quarter: Spring 2017
Grade: N/A
May 3, 2017

Great professor. Must take.


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Quarter: Spring 2017
Grade: A
June 9, 2017

Easy class with helpful professor. TAs are not so great, but that's luck of the draw.


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Quarter: Spring 2017
Grade: N/A
June 26, 2017

If you're gonna do Stats 10 do it with Miles. The labs are kind of annoying but if you have a cool TA they'll walk you through it.....the hardest part of this class is learning how to use Fathom. The quizzes that were given in section were really easy and the midterm/final weren't bad either. When Chen gives a practice quiz/test make sure you do it instead of the homework. The hw is only there to help you, it's never collected.


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Quarter: Summer 2016
Grade: A
June 28, 2017

Install the software on your own computer and you no longer need to go to lab. The course teaches you stuff that you can learn by yourself in five hours.


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Quarter: Spring 2017
Grade: A
June 30, 2017

I have nothing more to add here that hasn't already been said before, but basically STATS 10 with Chen is a great class and I'd definitely recommend it. Chen is a great professor and makes everything really clear. The format of the class also makes it easy to get an A. The only annoying part about it is that it meets every day, but discussions are optional and sometimes so are the labs, so in the end I didn't mind. Good luck getting this class with Chen, but if you do you'll love it!


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